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2、卡单擎活,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。一、语法选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Since my mother moved to live with us in the city, she had been much heavier than before. As time went by, her health got_1_. So I had to take her to see adoctor. My mother _2_ to lose wei

3、ght by doing exercise every day. She had no choice but to follow_3_the doctor said. I told her that I _4_ with her every morning. On the first morning, she got up very earlyandran with me in_5_ neighborhood. I tried to run slowly _6_ she could follow me. Afterruuningfor_7_ minutes, I told her proper

4、 ways of exercise and the importance of eating healthy food. She listened to me carefully. It made me_8_that she told me everything very patiently when I was a kid. _9_ the second morning, I praised her for keeping _10_ with me. But after two weeks, she wanted to_11_running because she thought the t

5、wo-week exercise didnt work at all. To encourage her, I taught her _12_ to use the facilities (设施) for exercise in the gym_13_is not far away. She began to exercise again. With my help, it_14_her one month to develop a good habit of daily exercise. “ Thank you, my dear daughter. Exercise brings heal

6、th and happiness to me. I willneverworry about my health.” Her words touched my heart _15_. I felt happy to make a big difference to my mothers life.( )1.A.betterB.worstC.worseD.well( )2.A.tellB.tellingC.had told D.was told( )3.A.theB.aC.oneD./( )4.A.would exerciseB.did exercise C.will exerciseD.had

7、 exercised ( )5.A.weB.usC.ourD.ours( )6.A.but B.so thatC.thatD.so( )7.A.fewB.someC.anyD.little( )8.A.to rememberB.rememberedC.rememberD.remembering( )9.A.InB.OnC.WithD.For( )10.A.runB.to runC.runningD.ran( )11.A.give up B.keep onC.set upD.take up( )12.A.whereB.whenC.whatD.how( )13.A.whoseB.whereC.wh

8、oD.which( )14.A.has takenB.takingC.tookD.takes( )15.A.deeperB.deepC.deepestD.deeply二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1625各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My friends and I joined a two-day survival training course in the mountains. The first day was really _16_there was so much to do! Arri

9、ving at the campsite, we were divided into groups and given a tent, some food, a _17_and a compass(指南针). Standing next to a small river, Fanny _18_ camping in the grassy area nearby. However, our instructor, Mr. Lee, pointed out that it might flood if it rained. In the end, we found a _19_ area. Put

10、ting up the tent was very hard. _20_, Mr. Lee helped us a lot.By the time we had put up the tent, _21_ was really hungry. We wouldnt have got this hungry if we had brought some snacks. Peter said. We all told him to_22_complaining and help us start a fire to cook our food instead. Realizing we were

11、having trouble making the fire, he finally helped out.The next day started early. Woken by a strange _23_. Peter went to see what was happening. Some cows have eaten our breakfast! he shouted. Thats all because you didnt _24_ the food properly last night. said Mr. Lee.Worried that Mr. Lee was angry

12、with us, we tried very hard on our next _25_ -using the map and compass to find a secret location. We made it to the location before the other group did. We all felt very proud of ourselves.The survival training course was a great. Now I feel I could survive anywhere!16.A. disappointing B. difficult

13、 C. different D. boring17.A. map B. book C. light D. knife18.A. suggested B. finished C. imagined D. enjoyed19.A. nearer B. lower C. bigger D. higher20.A. Surprisingly B. Suddenly C. Luckily D. Usually21.A.hungry B. tired C. thirsty D. excited22.A. start B. mind C. stop D. continue23.A.music B. nois

14、e C. woman D. bird24. A. throw off B. put away C. eat up D. sell out25. A. plan B. lesson C. problem D. task三、阅读(满分45分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(A)Ive been skiing since I was eight or nine years old. Ive been on expeditions (探险in many places like China, Pak

15、istan and so on. But it was in my home country, the USA, that I came closest to death.It was April, 2011. I was skiing in the Tetons with my friends Jeremy and Xavier. They were both excellent snowboarders. That day, I was the last person to ski. They were watching me from a safe area. Suddenly, I h

16、eard someone cry loudly. I turned around and saw the whole mountain start to move behind me. It was a massive avalanche (大雪崩). The kind of avalanche that destroys trees, cars, buses, even houses! Tens of thousands of tons of snow was coming straight down the mountain behind me. I felt the snow push

17、me forward, hundreds of metres, and then cover me. It was so heavy that I couldnt breathe. And then it pushed me forward again and up. I looked around, and for a few seconds, I actually stopped being frightened. I had a moment to stop and to look at the power of the avalanche. I looked down into the

18、 bottom of the valley (峡谷). I could see trees that were 30m tall because I was so far away, and they looked tiny to me. OK, Im going all the way to the bottom! I thought. Then the snow pushed me again down the mountain another 450m. I thought the force of the snow would destroy me; it was powerful.

19、But in the end. I felt the valance slow down and I just fell heavily over the snow at the bottom of the valley. It took Jeremy and Xavier about 20 minutes to reach me. There was a pile of debris ( 碎雪) across the bottom of the mountain 300m wide. They couldnt believe it when the saw me. I was so luck

20、y. Has the experience changed me? Do I think about life differently? I dont know, maybe. But I do know that its important to live your life with meaning. Life is a gift, so be grateful to God.26. From the passage, its true that_.A. the writer came closest to death when he skied in PakistanB. the ava

21、lanche pushed the writer down about 300m awayC. the writers friends came to learn skiing with the writerD. the writer couldnt breathe because of the weight of the snow27. Which word can best describe the writers feeling towards the avalanche?A. Excited B. Scared C. Happy D. Patient28. The underlined

22、 word they in Paragraph 3 refers to_.A. the mountainsB. the treesC, Jeremy and XavierD. the valleys29. In what order did the following events take place in the story?a. The snow pushed me hard down into the bottom of the valleyb. Jeremy and Xavier were seeing me in a safe placec. I stopped for a whi

23、le to see the avalanche.d My friends came to my side.e. I heard a loud voice and saw a huge avalanche coming behind meA. b-e-c-a-d B. b-e-a-c-d C. d-c-a-b-e D. d-e-c-a-b30. According to the writer, _A. his experience and his friends have changed himB. its impossible to know the force of the snowC. o

24、ne should not live a meaningless lifeD. he doesnt mind the matter of life or death(B)Languages changes all the time. New words and phrases appear and grow. The wordsand pronunciations used by young people in the UK can be very different from those usedby adults Living in a multi (多元的)-cultural socie

25、ty has an effect on language, especiallyon young people, whose friends are often from a mix of backgrounds. TV and music alsoinfluence the language of the young.Young British people use lots of language that you usually cant find in most dictionaries. These very informal(不正规的) words and expressions

26、are known as“slang”. It is not possible to make a complete list of modern British slang. By the time the list was finished, it would be out of date! However, here are a few examples:“Safe”,“ sorted”;“ sound”,“cool” and “wicked” all mean “That s good or “I understand”.“Whatever ”means “I dont care”.(

27、e.g. A: But the teacher says we cant leave untilweve finished. B: Whatever. Im going)“Hes fine. And “Hes fit ” both mean “Hes good-looking”. Fine and fit can describe a boy or a girl.Not everybody uses slang and not everybody likes it. A school in Sheffield, has recently required its pupils to stop

28、using slang words such as hiya (hello), cheers and ta(both mean “thank you ). The head teacher says that If young people learn to speak“correctly”, this will help them get a place at university and a good job。So, how important is it to learn these slang words and expressions? If you watch films or T

29、V in English, read magazines in English, chat online in English or are interested in English song lyrics, then understanding slang can be very useful. You probably wont see much slang in your English exam, though.31. Which is the best word to complete the blank? Peter: Ive just passed my exam!Jenny:

30、_ ! Well done!A. Cheers B. Whatever C. Hiya D. Cool32. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Modern slang changes very quicklyB. Young people use the same slang as their parentsC.Fit is only used to describe boysD. Its a must to learn some British slang33. The example of the school in Sheffie

31、ld shows that_.A. many British schools encourage the use of slangB. speaking slang helps young people to get better jobsC. children from different cultures feel respectedD slang is not considered as proper English in schools34. Understanding slang might not be useful when you_.A .watch films and TV

32、in EnglishB. read magazines in EnglishC .do English exam papersD. talk to your British net-pal35. The authors main purpose is to_A. A discuss that slang should be stopped B explain the best way to learn slangC. tell readers about British slangD. interest readers with slang words (C)Summer is a great

33、 time to improve your childs reading! Reading over the summer canhelp your child keep up his reading gains during the past school year and also help preparehim for the next year!How to sign up:We are inviting you to sign up for free to help your child be an active reader this summer*Go to www.readfu

34、n.org* Select“ Parent”(NOT“ Teacher”)* Click on the blue“ Sign Up”What we provide:We provide you with thousands of free, high-quality articles with questions and activitiesTo make summer reading easy, we have chosen interesting and knowledge-filled articlesof different levels. You can go towww.readf

35、un.org/summer-reading to download and printthe articles for free.How to use:TIP l: Articles for summer reading should be accessible, so be sure to choose articles atyour childs reading level. Dont be afraid to start with articles of lower grade levels. Theimportant thing is that he reads, reads, rea

36、ds!TIP 2: Its also important to help your kid develop good reading habits. Help him keep agood record of his summer reading. Besides, encourage him to discuss what he has readwith family members. That way, you will all have a good time.We wish you and your family a great summer!36. The first two sen

37、tences of the text above are about_A. different types of booksB. the coming school yearC. the importance of summer readingD. good places for summer reading37.One of the steps for parents to sign up on www.readfun.org is to_-A. select“ ParentB. finish a testC. choose a tipD. print an article38.What d

38、oes www.readfun.org provide?A. Online teachers.B. Pen friends informationC. Interesting videosD. Articles of different levels9)The underlined word accessible in the text means easy toA. write B. discuss C. understand D. compare40. The text above is written to_-A .introduce a reading programmeB. sell

39、 books to school kidsC. encourage parents to read moreD. share reading experience(D)Do you know what youd like to be when you grow up? It takes most people many years to find out. For the young artist Alexandra Nechita, it never really seemed to be a question. From the day she began drawing at the a

40、ge of two, she was an artist. Alexandra Nechita was born in Romania in 1985 and moved to California when shewas still a baby. As a little child, she loved coloring in her coloring books. Her parentshoped she could spend more time playing with other children, so they took away her coloring books. Ale

41、xandra began drawing her own pictures and coloring them in.By the time Alexandra was seven years old, she had begun painting with oil paints.When Alexandra took a local art class, her teacher was amazed at the young artists unusual style of painting. Alexandras work was similar in some ways to the p

42、aintings by famous artists like Picasso. These artists did not use a realistic style of painting. They allowed their imaginations to play an important part in their work. The interesting thing was that little Alexandra had never seen the work of these artists. People called her Little Picasso. This

43、was a great honor, but Alexandras style of painting was all her own.Alexandras first public show was held at a Los Angeles public library when she wasonly eight years old. People were amazed at how young Alexandra was, but mostly theyloved her imaginative artwork. It did not take long for Alexandra

44、and her work to becomefamous. She appeared on television programs and in newspapers and magazines all overthe world. The sale of a single-piece can earn the young artist thousands of dollars. Butthat is not why Alexandra creates artwork. She just cannot imagine doing anything elsethat would bring he

45、r such joy and satisfaction.Today, Alexandra is a full-time artist. She also works to help support the arts inschools. Alexandra is a strong believer in the power of art as a tool of communication anda bridge to build peace throughout the world.41. When did Alexandra begin drawing pictures?A. At the age of eightB. At the age of sevenC. In the year of 1987D. In the year of 198542. Alexandra was called Little Picasso? because_A. she learned to paint from PicassoB. her style of painting was much like PicassosC. she was one of Picassos big fansD. her style of painting was unus

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