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1、机密)2018年6月17日前 重庆市2018年初中毕业暨高中招生考试英语试卷B卷)全卷共九个大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟)注意事项:1.试卷的答案书写在答题卡卷)上,不得在试卷上直接作答。2.作答前认真阅读答题卡卷)上的注意事项。 3.考试结束,有监考人员将试卷和答题卡卷)一并收回 。第I卷共100分)I. 听力测试听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应该题目的答案标号涂黑。b5E2RGbCAP( 1. A. Thank you.B. Im fine. C. Well done.( 2. A. It doesnt matter.B. No

2、thing much.C. Yes, please. p1EanqFDPw( 3. A. Hes twelve.B. Hes busy.C. Hes strong.DXDiTa9E3d( 4. A. Have a good time! B. Help yourself! C. What a pity!RTCrpUDGiT( 5. A. Best wishes.B. Good idea.C. The same to you. .5PCzVD7HxA( 6. A. Bye-bye.B. I hope so.C. Youre welcome.jLBHrnAILg第二节:对话理解。7. A. By b

3、us. B. By bike C. On foot.( 8. A. Tea.B. OrangeC. Milk.( 9. A. On the desk.B. At the door.C. In the box.LDAYtRyKfE( 10. A. Linda.B. Susan.C. Nobody.( 11. A. The white one.B. The blue one.C. The black one.Zzz6ZB2Ltk( 12. A. At 6:00.B. At 5:40 .C. At 5:20第三节:短文理解。13. Lin Tao wants to talk about his fi

4、rst _ teacher. rqyn14ZNXIA. English B. Chinese C. history.( 14. Mr. Wang often _ with his students after school.EmxvxOtOcoA. watched gamesB. played footballC. sang and dancedSixE2yXPq5( 15. When Mr. Wang phoned Lin Taos parents, they were _ .6ewMyirQFLA. at homeB. in the factoryC. out of business( 1

5、6.Mr.Wang took Lin Tao to _ when he suddenly fell ill.kavU42VRUsA. his homeB. the hospitalC. his parents.B( 17. John worked with _ every day.A. dogsB. sheepC. horses( 18. John always wore a black hat when he _.y6v3ALoS89A. had dinnerB. worked outside C. did the cleaningM2ub6vSTnP( 19. Johns wife ask

6、ed him not to_ because she was worried about his hair.0YujCfmUCwA. wear a hatB. work with horsesC. stay at home( 20. The horses were very _ to see John without his hat.eUts8ZQVRdA. happy B. surprisedC. angryII. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( 21. My daughter is a grea

7、t fan of Justin. _ has most of Justins CDs.sQsAEJkW5TA. She B. HerC. He D. His ( 22. Walk along the street, and youll see the hospital _ your left.GMsIasNXkAA. inB. pastC. onD. over( 23. Its Fathers Day. Ill get _ tie for my father.TIrRGchYzgA. anB. aC. theD. /( 24. Is this your_ visit to Chongqing,

8、 Nina? 7EqZcWLZNXNo, Ive been here three times.A. one B. first C. threeD. third( 25. Miss Zhou _ rides a bike to work. Riding keeps her thin and fit.lzq7IGf02EA. never B. ever. C. usuallyD. hardly( 26. Could you tell me what _ it is today?zvpgeqJ1hkA. timeB. yearC. mouthD. day( 27.Oh, look at the ba

9、ll its_ to hold hundreds of people.NrpoJac3v1A. tall enoughB. big enough C. too tallD. too big 1nowfTG4KI( 28.You _ drive on when the traffic light is red.fjnFLDa5ZoA. mustntB. canC. needntD. should( 29.Oh, Nancy! Do you live here?No. This house is _. Im here to see his baby.tfnNhnE6e5A. my sonB. my

10、 sons C. the baby D. the babysHbmVN777sL( 30. When the child saw his uncle, he ran up _ hello to him. V7l4jRB8HsA. sayB. saidC. says D. to say( 31. Excuse me, where is Mr. Browns office?Sorry, Ive _here for only a few days.A. worksB. workedC. have workedD. will work83lcPA59W9( 32. Look, everyone in

11、the group _ talking actively about their ideals.mZkklkzaaPA. is B. are C. has D. have( 33. Who is the little girl in the picture?Its me. The picture _ 10 years ago.A. tookB. is taken C. has taken D. was taken ( 34. These yellow dresses are very nice. I hope to have _.AVktR43bpwA. littleB. fewC. one

12、D. it( 35. Its not polite to speak loudly _ you are having a meal.ORjBnOwcEdA. whileB. afterC. untilD. since ( 36.Can I take a seat here, Sir?_My cousins will be back soon.A. Nothing serious.B. Whats up?C. How are you?D. Im afraid not.( 37. Be sure to _ your names before you hand in your papers.2MiJ

13、Ty0dTTA. write down B. look upC. turn downD. send upgIiSpiue7A( 38. Hi, Betty. Do you know_ from our school to the shopping center?uEh0U1YfmhA. how long is itB. how far is itC. how long it isD. how far it is( 39. Ive got quite a few dictionaries. Among them, this English dictionary is _.IAg9qLsgBXA.

14、 much usefulB. more useful.C. the most useful D. a little usefulWwghWvVhPE( 40.Youve given us a wonderful dinner, Mrs. Li. Thank you!asfpsfpi4kA. I didnt cook well. B.Im glad you enjoyed itooeyYZTjj1C. I dont think you like it D.Im sorry to hear thatBkeGuInkxIIII. 完型填空。.”Then she took out some 46 an

15、d gave it to him. To her surprise, the boy asked her to take the money back. He explained that he wasnt making money by playing the violin. He just wanted to 47 others. He hoped that the wonderful music could make people relaxed and happy. Thats why he played it by the road.What a 48 boy he was. The

16、n Alice told him about her trouble.h8c52WOngMHe said, “You should learn to smile even if you are in difficulty. Listening to music is helpful. So why not listen to music as 49 as possible? Never lose heart! Believe in your friend! She has her reason. Believe in 50 ! Everything will go well!v4bdyGiou

17、sHearing these words, Alice went home with a smile. She believed she could make it.J0bm4qMpJ9( 41. A. ChineseB. maths C. science D. physicsXVauA9grYP( 42. A. whyB. how C. whenD. where( 43. A. carrying B. sellingC. buyingD. playingbR9C6TJscw( 44. A. BecauseB. WhenC. Though D. Whether( 45. A. forB. wi

18、thC. fromD. except( 46. A. musicB. moneyC. foodD. work( 47. A. haveB. leaveC. giveD. help( 48. A. tallB. richC. kindD. safe( 49. A. oftenB. quicklyC. soonD. loudly( 50. A. myselfB. herselfC. yourself D. himselfpN9LBDdtrdIV.阅读理解。 to get three new words. Of course, the bombs are not free. You need to

19、buy them with the coins.QF81D7bvUAThis game can help you remember English words and practice drawing pictures. But youd better not spend too much time on it. It will be bad for your eyes.4B7a9QFw9h ( 51. The computer game Draw Somethingneeds _ players to work together.ix6iFA8xoXA. twoB. threeC. four

20、 D. five( 52. The game gives you three _ each time and you can choose one to draw.wt6qbkCyDEA. picturesB. coinsC. English wordsD. bombs( 53. The computer gamecan help the players_.Kp5zH46zRkA. guess the number of coins B. rememberEnglish wordsYl4HdOAA61C. practice talking about pictures D. spend two

21、 much time on itch4PJx4BlIBYesterday afternoon, it was very hot. Mr. Green, with his family, decided to go swimming. There was a new and large swimming pool near their house. It was free for the first week. So they wanted to have a try there. When they got to the swimming pool, they were told to rea

22、d the notice first.qd3YfhxCzoSwimming Pool Rules ®ulation*The swimming pool is open from 8:00 till 22:00.*Wear a swimming suit before using the pool.*Take a shower before entering the pool.*Dont smoke in the whole area.*Watch your children all the time while swimming.*Dont move the sun chairs or

23、umbrella without permission(允许.*Diving(跳水 into the pool is not allowed.*Stay away from the deep area if your swimming skills are not so good.*People who have drunk, caught colds or who have shin diseases(疾病 cant enter the pool.E836L11DO5After reading the notice, the Greens were all very clear about

24、what they should do and how they could keep themselves safe in the swimming pool. They enjoyed themselves there all the afternoon. S42ehLvE3M( 54. The greens were told to _ first when they got to the pool.501nNvZFisA. go swimmingB. read the noticeC. fill in the fromD.buy the tickets( 55. According t

25、o the rules, Mr. Greens should _ before entering the pool.jW1viftGw9A. take a showerB. move to the sun chairsC. smoke a lotD. send the children back( 56. The rules tell the Greens NOT to _ when they swim in the pool.xS0DOYWHLPA. watch the children all the timeB. wear a swimming suitLOZMkIqI0wC. carr

26、y umbrellas with them D. dive into the pool( 57. From the passage, we know that _.A. the swimming pool is open from 7:00 to 20:00B. people can stay in the deep sea area if they cant swimZKZUQsUJedC. people who have skin diseases can enter the pooldGY2mcoKtTD. the Greens family spent the whole aftern

27、oon in the poolrCYbSWRLIACI still remember the true story that happened to me many years ago. It started while my family were on vacation. Vacations should be relaxing, but I needed to do some studying. I carefully put all my important papers and books in a large bag, and put it in the car.FyXjoFlMW

28、hAfter a long drive to Los Angeles, we found a motel, place for travelers and their cars, with a really good price. So we decided to stay for a week. On the second day, after visiting some interesting places and having a big dinner, we returned to the mote. It was about ten oclock in the evening, an

29、d I started working. However, I couldnt find my paper bag everywhere. I was quite sure that I had put it in the room. Suddenly, I realized the cleaner had taken it out with the rubbish.TuWrUpPObXI ran over to the main office, and asked if I could talk to the cleaner on duty that day. They told me al

30、l the cleaners had left for the day. They showed me where the rubbish buns(箱 were instead of offering me any help. I walked out of the motel with a flashlight(电筒. I saw three large rubbish bins standing in the dark. I had to look for my bag very carefully. But I didnt have any luck. I almost wanted

31、to give up. When I took another look into the last bin, I saw my bag right on its top! I was never so happy to see such a dirty old bag in my life!7qWAq9jPqE( 58.Before leaving for the Los Angeles, the writer put his important papers and books _.llVIWTNQFkA. 豪华餐厅 B. 私人别墅C. 汽车旅馆D. 路边商店( 59. The Chine

32、se meaning of the word “motel” in this passage is probably “_”.yhUQsDgRT1A. on the side of the roadB. popular and heavyMdUZYnKS8IC. all over the countryD. cheap and easy( 60. They decided to stay at the motel for a week because _.09T7t6eTnoA. the writer must do some studying there B. the price of th

33、e motel was really goode5TfZQIUB5C. they could visit interesting places easily D. it offered good dinnerss1SovAcVQM( 61. Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?GXRw1kFW5sA. The cleaner took the writers paper bag home.B. The writer found his paper bag by himself.C. The writer worked

34、all day in the motel.D. the people in the motel returned the writers bag.UTREx49Xj9DEarth Day is on April 22nd. People say thanks to the Earth and learn ways to keep the Earth safe and clean. But saying the Earth is not just for grow-ups. Kids are also taking an active part in it.8PQN3NDYyPThe Ameri

35、can writer and filmmaker Lynne made a film called Young Voices for the Planet.It lists a lot of stories about different kids who help to keep our environment clean.mLPVzx7ZNwTeam Marine, US A group of students an Santa Monica High School started an organization called Team Marine. They tell people w

36、hy plastic bags are bad for sea animals and environment. In 2018, they successfully made lawmakers(立法者 in their city stop people using plastic bags.AHP35hB02dFelix, 15 GermanyIn 2007, a 9-year-old boy, Felix, started a club. Plant for the Planet. It encourages children around the world to plant tree

37、s in their own countries. Felix helped plant 25 million trees in Germany and 120 million trees worldwide.NDOcB141gTAlec, 17, us When he was 12, Alec set up Kids VS Global(全球的 Warming. It teaches kid about weather change and ways to stop the world getting warmer and warmer. Alec travels widely to enc

38、ourage people to help stop global warming. He has given more than 70 talks across the country.1zOk7Ly2vAOlivia, 13, US When Olivia was 11, she heard about the 2017 oil spill(漏油 in gulf of Mexico. She painted 500 pictures of birds to raise money for the clean-up. She raised more than $200,000 to prot

39、ect(保护 birds and other wild animals.fuNsDv23Kh( 62. Young Voices for the Planet made by Lynne is _.tqMB9ew4YXA. a book B. a TV play C. a filmD. a clubHmMJFY05dE( 63. According to the passage, we know _ doesnt agree to use plastic bags.ViLRaIt6skA. Team Marine B. Felix C. Alec D. Olivia9eK0GsX7H1( 64. Alec travels widely to encourage people to _.naK8ccr8VIA. raise money B. plant treesC. protect wild animals D. help stop global warmingB6JgIVV9ao( 65. The passage is mainly talk about how _.P2IpeFpap5A. kids are saving the EarthB.

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