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1、A篇I believe in miracles(奇迹)because Ive seen so many of them. One day,a patient was referred to me who was one hundred and two years old. “Theres a 36 in my upper jaw,”she said. “I told my own dentist its nothing,but he 37 I come to see you”Her eighty-year-old son accompanied her. He would 38 to add

2、something,but she stopped him. She wanted to tell everything herself. I found a large cancer that spread over much of the39 of her mouth. A careful examination later 40 that it was a particularly bad sort of cancer. During her next appointment,I explained to her the 41 of the problem She clasped myh

3、and in hers and said,“I know youre worried about me,but Im just 42 . ”I thought otherwise. After considerable 43 on my part,and kindness on her part because she wanted to 44 me,she agreed to have me refer her to a cancer surgeon. She saw him,but as I expected, 45 treatment. About six months later sh

4、e returned to my office,still energetic and 46 . “How are you? ”I asked. “Im just fine,honey,”she responded 47 high spirits. “When can I get started on fixing my dentures(假牙)? ”Surprised to see her at all,I answered 48 ,“Let me take a look in your mouth and wellsee about it. ”I couldnt believe my ey

5、es. The cancer that had 49 nearly the entire roof of her mouth was goneonly one small area of redness 50 . I had read of such things happening,but had 51 seen them with my own eyes. That was my first miracle. Since then Ive seen many others,because they keep getting 52 to see. In fact,miracles are d

6、aily events for me now. And people are n miracle, 53 through them we have a chance to know ourselves and to 54 the miracles of one another. Since my first miracle,Ive come to understand that the time and place for a miracle is 55 we choose to find it. 36. A. cut B. pain C. wound D. cancer37. A. decl

7、ared B. suspected C. promised D. insisted38. A. refuse B. continue C. attempt D. manage39. A. roof B. coiner C. bottom D. surface40. A. confirmed B. convinced C. considered D. concluded41. A. possibility B. importance C. seriousness D. resolution42. A. old B. sick C. fine D. glad43. A. permission B.

8、 support C. approval D. effort44. A. persuade B. please C. encourage D. astonish45. A. declined B. provided C. received D. required46. A. healthy B. elegant C. optimistic D. humorous47. A. to B. in C. with D. by48. A. worriedly B. confusedly C. patiently D. confidently49. A. covered B. reached C. sp

9、read D. grown50. A. cured B. faded C. expanded D. remained51. A. ever B. also C. never D. already52. A. easier B. rarer C. happier D. closer53. A. or B. so C. yet D. for54. A. read B. make C. keep D. see55. A. whatever B. wherever C. whoever D. whichever答案解析:【文章大意】作者作为一名医生经历了一些事情,这些事情使他有感而发:奇迹就像是生活时

10、事一样。其实人就是一个奇迹,因为通过他们,我们有机会认识我们自己,同时还可以看到其他人的奇迹。36. 【答案】B根据句意可知,这位老人的上颚有点疼,pain是“疼痛”的意思。37. 【答案】D句意为:尽管我对我的牙医说没事的,但是他还是坚持让我过来你这里看看。insist是“坚持的意思。38. 【答案】C陪她来的80岁的儿子试图想补充点什么。attempt是“试图”的意思,其他选项不符合文意。39. 【答案】A我发现在她的上颚处有一个扩散了的肿瘤,“the roof of the mouth”意思是“上颚”,所以用roof。40. 【答案】A经过一系列仔细的检查后,我确信那是一个恶性肿瘤。co

11、nfirm是“确定、确信”的意思。41. 【答案】C解析:根据上下文可知,我向她解释了问题的严重性,所以本题选择C。42.【答案】C老人说:“我知道你关心我,但是我很好。”此处是指身体健康。43.【答案】D在我相当大的努力下,也出于她的善良,因为她想让我开心,她同意让我介绍一下她的癌症外科医生。Effort是“努力”的意思。44.【答案】 B因为老人很善良,所以她让我很开心。45.【答案】 A她见了外科医生,但是如我所料,她谢绝治疗了。根据下文可知,老人没有治疗,所以是拒绝。Decline是“拒绝、谢绝”的意思。46.【答案】Chealthy 健康的 elegant 举止文雅的 optimis

12、tic 乐观的 humorous 幽默的上下文可知,老人对于她的病况并没有感到有多担心,所以应该是乐观的。句意为:六个月后,她再次来到我的办公室,依然是那么乐观。47 【答案】Bin high spirits是固定短语,“精神很好的意思。句意为:“我挺好的,宝贝。”她精神倍加地回答我。48. 【答案】B根据上下文可知,看到她我很惊讶,也很困惑。49. 【答案】A我简直不敢相信我的眼睛,原先覆盖她整个上颚的那块严重肿瘤不见了。cover是“覆盖的意思。50. 【答案】D根据下文可知,只留下一小块发红的地方。remain是“剩下”的意思。51. 【答案】C句意为:我在报纸上看过这样的事,但是还没有

13、亲眼见过。根据句意可知应该选择never。52. 【答案】A作者有过这样的经历,. 就会留意生活中发生的奇迹。所以从那以后“我见过很多其他的奇迹,因为它们越来越容易被发现。5 3. 【答案】D其实人就是一个奇迹,因为通过他们,我们有机会认识我们自己。for有“因为”的意思。54. 【答案】D我们有机会认识我们自己,同时还可以看到其他人的奇迹。55. 【答案】B我开始明白,只要我们想发现奇迹,无论何时何地,我们都能发现它。B 篇It was in my high school science class. I was doing a task in front of the classroom

14、with my favorite shirt on.A 36 came, “Nice shirt, “I smiled from ear to ear. Then another voice said, “That shirt belonged to my dad. Gregs mother works for my family. We were going to 37 that shirt away, but gave it to her 38 .”I was speechless. I wanted to hide.I 39 the shirt in the back of the cl

15、oset and told my mum what had happened. She then dialed her 40 , “I will no longer work for your family, “she told him. That night, Mom told my dad that she couldnt clean anymore; she knew her lifes 41 was something greater.The next morning she 42 with the personnel manager at the Board of Education

16、. He told her that without a proper education she could not teach. So mom decided to 43 a university.After the first year in college, she went back to the personnel manager. He said, “You are 44 , arent you? I think I have a 45 for you as a teachers assistant. This opportunity deals with children wh

17、o are mentally challenged with little or no chance of 46 .” Mom accepted the opportunity very 47 .For almost five years, as a teachers assistant, she saw teacher after teacher give up on the children and quit, feeling 48 . then one day, the personnel manager and the principal 49 in her classroom. Th

18、e principal said, “We have watched how you 50 the children and how they communicate with you and admire your hard working 51 over the last five years. We are all in agreement that you 52 be the teacher of this class.”My mom spent more than 20 years there. 53 her career, she was voted Teacher of the

19、Year. All of this came about because of the 54 comment made in the classroom that day. Mom showed me how to handle 55 situations and never give up.36. A. noise B. voice C. sound D. tune37. A. get B. take C. carry D. throw38. A. otherwise B. anyhow C. instead D. actually39. A. settled B. pushed C. st

20、ored D. stuck40. A. teacher B. employer C. director D. adviser41. A. purpose B. encouragement C. achievement D. victory42. A. went B. met C. worked D. stayed43. A. visit B. continue C. attend D. prepare44. A. serious B. fortunate C. careful D. responsible45. A. career B. duty C. position D. part46.

21、A. learning B. judging C. obeying D. imagining47. A. patiently B. eagerly C. successfully D. skillfully48. A. upset B. frightened C. guilty D. ashamed49. A. looked up B. went up C. took up D. showed up50. A. believe B. protect C. treat D. receive51. A. spirit B. intention C. action D. attempt52. A.

22、must B. would C. might D. should53. A. At B. During C. On D. With54. A. worthless B. thoughtless C. hopeless D. helpless55. A. challenging B. different C. dangerous D. strange【文章大意】因为作者在同学面前受到嘲笑这件事情,改变了作者母亲的一生,由一个普通的家庭清洁工转变成了一个很有作为的老师。故事告诉我们,面对问题,要永不放弃。36. 【答案】B当我在教室前面完成一项任务的时候,听到一个声音。37. 【答案】D前面的一个

23、同学说这件衬衫很好,而后面的同学说那件衣服本来是他们家想要扔掉的,throw away意思是“扔掉。38. 【答案】C根据上文可知,这件衬衫本来是要扔掉的,却没有扔掉,而是给了作者的母亲。39. 【答案】D回到家之后,我把这件衣服放在橱子的最里面。Stick sth inthrough sth是“随手将某物戳进放进某物中的意思。本题难。40. 【答案】B作者的母亲随后就打电话给她的雇主,告诉他们以后她不会再为他们家工作了。41. 【答案】Apurpose目的;encouragement鼓舞;achievement成就;victory成功。句意为:妈妈告诉爸爸,她以后再也不从事打扫工作,她人生的

24、意义应该在某件更重大的事情上。所以,本题应该选择A项。42. 【答案】B第二天早上,妈妈就去见学校委员会的人事主管。meet with是“和会面”的意思。43. 【答案】C人事主管告诉妈妈,没有接受正式的教育是不能做老师的,因此妈妈决定上大学。attend schooluniversity意思是上学。44. 【答案】A来源:Zxxk.Comserious严肃、认真的;fortunate幸运的;careful细心的;Responsible 有责任的 句意为:在大学上了一年后,妈妈又回到了人事主管那里,因此人事主管问她:“你是认真的吗? 所以本题选择A项。45. 【答案】C 解析:career职业

25、 duty 义务 position 职位、位置;part 角色。句意为“我想这儿有一个位置可以给你 - 助教”46. 【答案】A 这个职位就是对付那些智力、学习有问题的学生。47. 【答案】 B 从上下文可知妈妈很渴望从事这样的工作,所以选择eagerly to48. 【答案】 A 在这么多年李,妈妈看到老师们放弃那些孩子,感到很难过。49. 【答案】 D 有一天,那位人事主管和校长出现在妈妈的课堂上。Show up是“出现、露面”的意思。50. 【答案】C 校长说“在过去五年中,我们已经看到你是怎么肚带这些孩子以及你们是如何进行交流的。 Treat “对待”。51. 【答案】A我们很敬佩你努

26、力工作的精神。spirit是“精神”的意思,其他选项不合文意。52. 【答案】D我们一致同意,你应该成为这个班的老师。53. 【答案】B在她的职业生涯中,她曾被选为年度突出的老师。during是介词,在期间。54. 【答案】B从上文可知,作者妈妈能有这样的成果,完全是因为那个学生说过的话,而那个学生说这话的时候是毫不考虑的,所以用thoughtless。55. 【答案】A妈妈的经历让我明白如何去处理一些困难的情况,并且永远不放弃。C 篇After winning a big game,athletes are often asked how they feel. Usually athlete

27、s say how 36 it is to win this big game. On the contrary,the fact is that losing a big game,or in my case,all the games,can be even harder. From the spectators point of view,last years basketball 37 for my high school team was nothing 38 of an embarrassment. And 39 0 and 20 is certainly nothing to b

28、e proud of,that season had a bigger impact on me than any other. As a team captain,I knew it probably wouldnt be the 40 year,but did I ever think we would lose every game? Of course not. Since six of our top players had graduated,it was clear that we were a (n) 41 team who would struggle. The strugg

29、le began earlier than expected, 42 ,as our team center was suspended (禁赛) for the season,and two key members decided to 43 for some reason. At this point,dropping out probably passed through every players mind,but in the end,we all stuck if out, 44 to work still harder. Then there came a time when e

30、ven our 45 and given up on us. Personally,I felt like it was 46 worthwhile giving my all. I thought,if even the coach doesnt believe in us,why should I? But just as my hope began to 47 ,a teammate called a meeting. He said,“Nobody thinks we are going to win,but,as teammates and friends,we 48 it to e

31、ach other to go all out every game. ”It was that moment that 49 me how to be a leader. It hit me that I certainly didnt 50 the role. As a leader you can never quit 51 the team who looks up to you. It is one 52 to be named captain,feel great and go through the motions,but it is quite another to be a

32、real captain and make sure everyone realizes their full 53 all the time. I am sure it is great to go through without losing and bringing home awards. But in all honesty,I 54 the fact that my team lost every game last year. It may not help me to become a better basketball player,but it already has ma

33、de me a better leader,and 55 . 36. A. exciting B. pleasant C. tough D. significant37. A. game B. event C. league D. season38. A. short B. full C. lacking D. sufficient39. A. as B. while C. since D. now that40. A. most interesting B. dullest C. most difficult D. easiest41. A. unique B. adventurous C.

34、 young D. untrained42. A. meanwhile B. though C. instead D. somehow43. A. quit B. stay C. resign D. rest44. A. hoping B. swearing C. claiming D. wishing45. A. fans B. classmates C. sponsor D. coach46. A. only too B. more than C. not a little D. no longer47. A. fade B. gain C. destroy D. grow48. A. o

35、we B. think C. demand D. recommend49. A. reminded B. told C. taught D. guided50. A. act B. deserve C. play D. take来51. A. with B. alongside C. on D. for52. A. matter B. aspect C. issue D. thing53. A. potential B. goal C. enthusiasm D. confidence54. A. hate B. treasure C. admit D. recognize55. A. cha

36、racter B. captain C. person D. figure【文章大意】本文主要是作者从篮球比赛失败中的有感而发。36. 【答案】C句意为:通常运动员会说赢得这场大的比赛有多难。根据下一句中的even harder也可判断此处应该用tough。37. 【答案】D根据下面一句中的内容可知是篮球赛季。38. 【答案】A句意为:从观众的角度来看,去年的篮球赛季对于我的、高中球队来说简直就是尴尬的事。short of是缺少、短缺的意思。39. 【答案】B句意为:虽然0和20是绝对没有什么可骄傲的,但那个赛季对我而言有更大的影响。while是虽然的意思,其他选项不符合文意。40. 【答案】

37、D作为队长,我知道它大概也不会是最容易的一年,但我没有想到我们会失去每场比赛。41. 【答案】C根据前半句的内容可知答案为C。本句句意为:由于我们的顶尖选手有6人毕业,很显然我们是一支将会努力奋斗的年一轻球队。42. 【答案】B不过这场斗争比预期的要早,因为我们球队的首发中锋在本赛季被禁赛了,though位于句中表示转折,意思是但是、不过。43. 【答案】A根据前半句可知,两个主要成员决定辞职、放弃。quit是放弃的意思。44. 【答案】B根据上下文可知,最后我们都坚持,发誓要更努力地工作。swear是“发誓的意思。45. 【答案】D根据下文可知是教练放弃我们。句意为:有那么一段时期,甚至连我

38、们的教练都放弃了我们。46. 【答案】D就个人而言,我感觉它已不再值得我付出一切。no longer是“不再的意思。47. 【答案】A句意为:正当我的希望开始消退的时候,一个队友召集我们开了个会。fade是“消退、褪色的意思。来源:学,科,网48. 【答案】A队友说的意思是:没有人认为我们会赢,但作为队友和朋友,我们有责任每一场比赛都彼此为对方付出全力。owe something to somebody意思是欠某人某物。49. 【答案】C根据句意可知:那一刻教会我如何成为领导者。50. 【答案】B句意为:这件事情打击了我,我根本不配做一个领导。deserve是“值得的”意思。51-C作为一个领

39、导者,你永远不能和尊敬你的队友一起放弃、退出。52. 【答案】D被叫做大队长,感觉很棒或是经历各种情感只是一方面。53. 【答案】A但一个真正的队长,确保每个人一直能意识到他们的潜能则是更重要的另一方面。potential是潜能的意思。54. 【答案】B根据后面的内容可知,我很珍惜我们输掉每场比赛这个事实。55. 【答案】C文章最后一句话的意思是:比赛输了可能没有帮助我成为一个更好的篮球运动员,但它已经让我成为一个更好的领导者和一个更好的人。D 篇A mother and daughter living in my community are two of the most unfriendl

40、y people I have ever come across in my life. They are totally separated, mixing with 36 . As they drive past 37 they keep their eyes looking away and make no sign of acknowledgement. The only fame they have is making a nuisance (讨厌的人) of themselves to the local police station by 38 music played too

41、loud, dogs barking more than once a day and any other petty 39 gripe (把柄).On moving into this neighborhood, I was 40 of these two but decided I would make up my own mind. This proved quite a 41 to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door and blast (猛烈抨击) me with

42、some 42 or other.I 43 answered politely and made sure I 44 as they went past my place and also made the effort now and then to make a kind remarkabout their garden or pets.Time passed and in October, as part of the kindness rock give (送爱心石活动), Maureen and I 45 to place a kindness rock in their garde

43、n. Their 46 remained unchanged, however, and I continued to be as friendly as possible. During the Easter give, we decided once again to 47 these two unhappy ladies to our list and left a packet of cookies on their 48 .Imagine my 49 when two days later they 50 at my gate and jokingly said they are c

44、onsidering hanging their Christmas stocking on their gate, and they 51 me a bunch of flowers!So, my fellow gifters, do not 52 on your random gifts of kindness. You may never know just what this 53 to others, nor how many broken or 54 hearted people you may just change with a simple act of 55 .36. A.

45、 nobody B. someone C. anyone D. nothing37. A. ladies B. neighbors C. friends D. relatives38. A. composing B. requesting C. reporting D. explaining39. A. important B. easy C. interesting D. little40. A. accused B. warned C. reminded D. convinced41. A. challenge B. job C. task D. matter42. A. jokes B. advice C

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