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1、Unit11. A: Can you play the guitar?B: Yes, I can. No, I cant, but I can play the piano.2. He can sing and dance.Can you sing or dance? He doesnt sing or dance.3. A: What can he do? B: He can play chess. A: What can these people do?B: They can play the drums and play the violin.4. CLUBS : a swimming

2、club a dancing club an art club the music club a running clubYou can join the story telling club.5. A: What club do you want to join? B: I want to join the chess club.6. What sports can you play?7. be good at sth./doing Im very good at telling stories.8. I like to tell stories, but he likes writing

3、stories.I like to talk and play with people.I like talking and playing with people.9. We want students for the school show(名). Come and show(动) us.10. Please talk to Mr.Zhang after school.11. We need you to help with sports for English-speaking students.12. Do you have time on the weekend?13. The sc

4、hool needs help to teach music.14. We need help at the Old Peoples Home and Students Sports Center.15. Are you good with old people?16. I can speak English and I can also play soccer.17. Musicians Wanted for School Music Festival.18. Then you can be in our school music festival.19. I want to make fr

5、iends with all the new students.Unit21. get up, get dressed, brush (ones) teeth, eat/have breakfast,take/have a shower, do (ones) homework, take/have a walk, clean (ones) room, go home, go to bed, go to work 2. How many (修饰可数名词)showers do you have?How much (修饰不可数名词)water do you have?How much (询问价格)i

6、s the sweater?3. My brother Bob takes a shower first at five thirty.4. He works at a radio station.5. What time is your radio show (名词)? Come and show(动词) us.6. From twelve at night(=in the evening) to six in the morning. 7. Thats a funny time for breakfast!8. I usually exercise at about (= around)

7、ten twenty. 9. be late for Im never late (adj.) for work. Hes also never late.In our group, Tom usually gets up late (adv.) on weekends. He goes to bed early (adv.). He eats quickly (adv.). He plays basketball well (adv.). 10. He always/usually/often/never/sometimes goes to work at 11:00.11. What ti

8、me do you get up on school days?12. What time does your best friend go to school? (good-better-best)13. Tony and Mary are brother and sister. 14. They have healthy and unhealthy habits. health (n.) 15. I dont have much time for breakfast.I have a lot of homework to do. But I dont have lots of money.

9、 16. He sometimes exercises for half an hour. 17. I either watch TV or play computer games. I neither watch TV nor play computer games.18. She knows it is not good for her, but it tastes good!It tastes good! = It is good! 感官动词作系动词,如:It looks beautiful. That sounds great. The flowers smell wonderful.

10、19. He does his homework and usually swims or takes a walk. She doesnt do her homework. Does she do her homework? 20. I have a very healthy life.(n. 生活,生命) We have healthy lives(life的复数), too.He lives (live动词,意思是居住)in Beijing. 21. Ice-cream usually tastes good so students like to eat it after school

11、.22. You need to brush your teeth after eating to have good teeth.23. I dont have time to clean my room from Monday to Friday. So I clean it on weekends.24. Because she always makes breakfast for me.25. He has a good job. He works in a hospital.26. 6:30am half past six in the morning3:15pm a quarter

12、 past three in the afternoon 6:45pm a quarter to seven in the afternoon 9:45pm a quarter to ten in the eveningUnit31. take the/a train, take the/a subway, take the/a bus, take the/a boatride the/a/my/his/her bikes, walk.by train, by subway, by bus, by bike, by boat, by air, on foot.2. A: How do you

13、get to school?B: I take the train to school. / I get to school by train.A: How long does it take to go to school?B: It usually takes me about 15 minutes to go to school. (It takes sb. some time to do sth.)A: How far is it from your home to school?B: Im not sure. Its about 2 kilometers.3. I walk to s

14、chool. Its good exercise(n.).He exercises (v.) every day.4. A: Does he go to work on foot?B: No, he doesnt. He goes by bike.5. Mary wants to know where Bob lives. Where does Bob live? Mary wants to know how far he lives from his grandparents home. How far does he live from his grandparents home? Mar

15、y wants to know what he thinks of the trip. What does he think of the trip? Mary wants to know what his job is. What is his job?6. Crossing the river to school(动名词作主语) is difficult.7. An eleven-year-old boy (, Liangliang,) goes on a ropeway to cross the river to school every school day. an eleven-ye

16、ar-old boy = an 11 years old boy8. For many (adj.)students, it is easy to get to school. = It is easy for many students to get to school.9. Many(pron.)of the students and villagers never leave (离开)the village.Dont leave (留下,落下)the money on the desk.10. There is no bridge between their school and the

17、 village.11. The river runs too quickly for boats. 12. It is their dream to have a bridge.To have/Having a bridge is their dream.13. A: Can their dream come true? B: Yes, it can.14. He is like(prep.像)a father to me. be like, look likeHe likes(v.喜欢)his father.15. come here go there get home, go home

18、Unit41. Dont arrive late for class. = You cant be late for class.2. Dont run in the hallways.3. Dont eat in the classroom.4. Dont listen to music in class or hallways.5. Dont fight with classmates.6. You must be on time.7. You must eat in the dining hall.8. You can/cant eat outside.9. A: Can we wear

19、 jeans(牛仔裤) at school? B: No, you cant. You have to wear uniforms. A: What do you have to do?B: We have to be quiet in the library. And we cant take photos/pictures.A: What are some of the rules?B: We cant bring music players to school.10. At my dream school, we dont have to come to school every day

20、.11. Can I go out on school nights? Can you see friends on school days? I practice the guitar every Saturday. I practice playing basketball after dinner. He does his homework before watching TV. She helps her mother (to) make breakfast.12. There are too many (修饰可数名词复数)rules. There is too much (修饰不可数

21、名词)water.13. Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.14. We have more rules - dont be noisy, dont eat in class 15. He can relax after dinner, too. (肯定句中的“也”) He cant relax after dinner, either. (否定句中的“也”) He also relaxes after dinner. (行为动词之前)Its also relaxing. (be动词之后)16. I know how you feel. (H

22、ow do you feel?)He knows how he feels. (How does he feel?)17. But think about it.18. They make rules to help us.19. He must do his homework first when he gets home.20. I have to keep my hair short.21. I cant relax on weekends either because I must learn to play the piano.22. I think its best to foll

23、ow the rules.23. What other rules do you have? What else (别的,其他的)do you have?24. You do (表强调,无实际意义)have a lot of rules. 25. Our English teacher is strict with us.Unit5animals: tiger(s), elephant(s), koala(s), lion(s), giraffe(s), panda(s), cat(s)description words: cute, beautiful, smart, lazy, frien

24、dly, scary, shy1. A: What(kind of)animals do you like? kind在这里的意思是种类B: I like elephants.A: Why do(/dont不喜欢) you like them? B: Because they are smart.A: Where are they from? (=Where do they come from?)B: They are from South Africa. (They come from South Africa.)2. He can walk on two legs. 3. Does you

25、r family have a pet dog?4. She sleeps all day.5. Thats a good name for her/him.6. They are also kind of scary. (kind of = a little稍微,有几分,有点儿)7. They are over there(在那儿), not far from (离远)the koalas.8. The website articleHello. We are students from Thailand, and we want to save (保护,营救,储存)the elephant

26、s. The elephant is one of Thailands symbols(one of+可数名词复数,表达:之一). Our first flag had (have的过去式)a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck. Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that “an elephant never forgets”. Elephants can w

27、alk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. (有水和食物的地方,with表附带关系,可以翻译成“有”。例如a house with a garden附带有花园的房子) This helps them to live.But elephants are in great danger(be in danger处于危险之中 ). People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes(lose

28、lu(:)z 遗失,失去;错过). People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today there are only about 3,000 (three thousand auznd) elephants (over 100,000 before). We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.9. The book is made of paper. (be made of 能看出原

29、材料)The paper is made from wood. (be made from 不能看出原材料)The wood is made in Australia. (be made in 产地是哪里) 10. Youre right. 你是对的。 Your book is on your right hand. 你的书在你的右手上。Unit61. 现在进行时的句子结构: 主语+ be + v-ing2. A: What are you doing?B: Not much. Im cleaning my house.A: What is she doing?B: She is washin

30、g her clothes.A: What are your parents doing?B They are talking on the phone.3. A: Are you reading a newspaper? B: Yes, I am. Is your brother doing his homework? A: No, he isnt. He is using the computer.4.注意区分现在进行时和一般现在时的区别和标志。Look! /Listen! She is exercising (now).She exercises on Mondays/every nig

31、ht/in the morning.5. I m just washing the dishes.6. A: Do you want to join me for dinner? (join sb. For sth.)B: Yes, Id love to.7. A: Do you want to go to the movies now?B: Sure. Lets meet at my home first. Come at half past six.A: See you then. / See you tomorrow evening.8. My parents arent at home

32、. Lets eat out. 不在家里吃,下馆子。Dont eat in the classroom. You can eat outside. (不在一定范围内,如教室)去范围之外吃。9. A: Is the man swimming in the river?B: No, he isnt. He is swimming in a pool.9. She is shopping in the supermarket and his son is playing soccer on the playground.10. He is now studying in the United Sta

33、tes. (the US= USA=America)11. Hes living with an American family.12. Zhu Huis family are at home.13. Is Zhu Hui also watching the boat races and eating zongzi?14. Its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.15. The mother is reading a story to her young children.16. She misses her famil

34、y and wishes to have her mothers delicious food.17. He likes his host family a lot / very much, but theres still “no place like home”. 18. A: This is Tom. Is Lucy there?B: No. She is in the library.19. invite sb. to do sth.He invites me to have dinner.Unit71. It is a heavy rain.一场大雨 rain在这里做名词It rai

35、ns heavily. 倾盆大雨 rain在这里做动词It is rainy / raining. 雨天 rainy / raining 形容词2. -Hows the weather? = Whats the weather like?-Its windy/ cloudy/ sunny/ snowy.3. 电话用语: -May I speak to Tom? / Is that Tom (speaking)?-Tom speaking. / This is Tom. / Its Tom (speaking).4. A: Hows it going? / How is your summer

36、vacation going?B: Great! / Not bad. / Terrible!5. Sounds like you are having a great time.6. Can I take/leave a message for him?7. tell sb. (not) to do call sb. backCould you just tell her to call me back?8. No problem.9. have a good time = have fun = 玩得开心 = enjoy oneselfhave fun doing = have a grea

37、t time doingIm having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.Are you studying hard, or are you having fun? (现在进行时)Do you study hard, or do you have fun? (一般现在时)10. Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.11. My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains.12. I want to call you, but my

38、phone isnt working.My watch is broken (坏掉了) . It doesnt work.13. 附加疑问句Its hot in your country, isnt it?You dont go skating, do you?14. The weather here is cool and cloudy, just right for walking.15. Friends are buying Russian bread to take home.16. One girl is taking a photo of a snowman. 17. spring

39、 summer autumn winter cool hot warm coldIts fall in Europe.Unit81. Ask for directions-Is there a bank near here/around here/ around me/ in the neighborhood?-Yes, there is. No, there isnt. Excuse me. Where is the pay phone? Excuse me. How can I get to the hospital? Excuse me. Can you tell me how to g

40、et to the library?Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the police station?2. Give directionsThe police station is between the restaurant and the hospital.The park is across from the bank.The hospital is on Bridge Street.The pay phone is next to the post office. The restaurant is in front of the pos

41、t office. The hotel is behind the police station. Go along /Walk along/ Go down North road Green Street and turn left when you see the library.Turn right at the second crossing and the restaurant is on your left, across from the pay phone.To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Str

42、eet.I often go shopping at a shop near my house. My son shops there, too.Go straight down/along Bridge Street and turn right at Center Street.3. How can I help you?4. Im new in town.5. Its not too far from here. 6. I can walk with you.7. I like spend time there on weekends. I spend a lot of time (in

43、) doing my homework every night. Cindy spent (spend的过去式) ten dollars on the sweater. She likes to spent time with her grandparents on Sundays.8. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around (到处爬). I see many children skating in the snow.9. The monkeys sometimes fight. They look like my friends and me

44、 when we fight.10. I exercise at the park because I love the clean air and warm sunshine. 11. The best things in life are free. Do you have free time?12. You can get to the library easily.13. When I read books, time goes quickly.14. I enjoy reading, but Dave enjoys climbing the mountains.15. You jus

45、t have to cross/ go across Center Street. CBA16. A is in front of C.B is in the front of C. Unit91. long hair, short hair, straight hair, curly hairblonde hair, black hair, brown hair, white hairtall, short, heavy, thin(be) of medium build, (be) of medium height2. A: What does he look like?B: He has

46、 a round face, two small eyes, a big nose and a small mouth.3. Tom often wears funny glasses. Tom always has funny glasses.The man with funny glasses is Tom.4. A: Is he tall or short?B: He is of medium height.A: Does Sally have long hair or short hair?B: She has long hair. And her hair is blond. A: Are the twins heavy or thin? B: They are of medium build.4. Please descri

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