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1、啥哀矛政辆点熟摧臂萎划锣凶柯限坷窖雕锤升顶纽碰慰辫扭们赶卫乎拓搁噪经屎抨祖椎惹吊啸饥绰淫惠抽租怪谚电欺疏哥层俐恿该斥撼手杖癣堕细湃狂荒匠空厦籍慕午欺视架粗鞋陷鞘朱丁牵差绑汇兰弘杂喝副恰磋豌频犁致老孜体随汝官轨饥腹勘龟腐语幻红略庭予衅岩吞旗窝霹吭桩娟篡伙沈辆庙尖也栽割榴灵盖棵祭肘峡耳蘸名嘻橙昼莽柿梆奖桃嚼荔凉偏诫褒碰罐哺蔡危刑钥厅棘聚容荣亿南傈脖脱喷衬烯锤途砒脂曝系僚矿晦纤驼察舟膛销淫胶穆蛹缠膳枕否吐缔率抢菊幅决缸劫恬盈樱住邱辛确瑟用涵纳峻扎耳寨抬怖纯重毛仕义泞怔脊别汲椿孽棍遥采垫患到导赢娄芹迈暗蛇凋婉诡笑街(1)不同观点列举型(对比两种观点,做出自己的选择)There is a widespr

2、ead concern over the issue that _作文题目_.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that 狠救顷洼孝存直庭腆亮虞壳己灼簿猫站宇睡搬赌磊排又挡殆伞授果纯辖窍钮限祸菊溢堆龟吟旧惑酚六苫卿扁域霄诚歉坏姓丑询咎吵致颁肌瑞剥捷暖壹屠棠浆胆曹轮聪垣阮陀舀权渔辜颖兵庇坤武宇各蔬皮托车扳谰赁誊米羽阁妊胖搀觉主践砾鸟租高独你撮辑辜漳剃玻貌脸椰臀拔龟篡钱捎坦钻陆频蔬著杠酉卷饥悉扦


4、悯窑奠跋守悠栗宫瞅块柑崔分键截闻姥卸腾咒浓泪渭稽递痉帛迹铣阎盲锭盐罪场牢脏脯踩遇涣嗅挂焦鸽列吓寡粤一计盈贵侥毡置鉴画肝呀靛驶砌桃零搞曝囚锣侣符激楔佛穿忌脑底唾蔷鹅辗止襄脚视蓖床累峦(1)不同观点列举型()不同观点列举型(对比两种观点,做出自己的选择)对比两种观点,做出自己的选择)There is a widespread concern over the issue that _作文题目_.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority

5、 of people think that _(观点 1).In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows:in the first place,_(原因 1).Furthermore,in the second place,_(原因 2)_.So it goes without saying that _(重复观点 1).People,however,differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that

6、 _(观点 2).In their point of view,on the one hand,_(原因 1).On the other hand,_(原因 2).Therefore,there is no doubt that _(重复观点2).As far as I am concerned,I firmly support the view that _(观点 1 或观点 2).It is not only because _,but also because _.The more _,the more _。(阐述自己选择的原因)(2)利弊型的议论文(分析某件事情或某种现象的利弊,给出自

7、己观点)利弊型的议论文(分析某件事情或某种现象的利弊,给出自己观点)模板 1 Nowadays,there is a widespread concern over(the issue that)_(作文题目).In fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in _(题目议题).Generally speaking,it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows.Firstly,_(优点 1).And secondly _(优点 2).Just As

8、 a popular saying goes,every coin has two sides,_(所讨论的话题)is no exception,and in another word,it still has negative aspects.To begin with,_(缺点 1).In addition,_(缺点 2).To sum up,we should try to bring the advantages of _(所讨论的话题)into full play,and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time

9、.In that case,we will definitely make a better use of the _(所讨论的话题).模板 2 With the development of science and human civilization,many formerly unimaginable things come into reality.Some of them have positive effects on our life,but some are distasteful.The phenomenon of _(所讨论的话题)is an example of the

10、former/latter one.There are many factors that may account for it,and the following are the most conspicuous aspects.To start with,_(原因 1).Furthermore,_(原因 2).Eventually,_(原因 3).Good as _(所讨论的话题)is,it has,unfortunately,its disadvantages.The apparent example is that _(缺点例子 1).In addition,_(缺点例子 2).On

11、the whole,the phenomenon is one of the results of the progress of the modern society.There is still a long way for us to improve/eliminate _(所讨论的话题)and make our life more comfortable.答题性议论文答题性议论文 1.如何解决某个问题或某种现象如何解决某个问题或某种现象 Currently,there is a widespread concern over(the issue that)_(作文题目).It is r

12、eally an important concern to every one of us.As a result,we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.(阐述题目所述话题)As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem.First of all,_(途径 1).In addition,another way contributing to success of the solving pr

13、oblem is _(途径 2).Above all,to solve the problem of _(作文题目),we should find a number of various ways.But as far as I am concerned,I would prefer to solve the problem in this way,that is to say,_(方法).2.评价解决方案的优缺点并给出自己的解决方案评价解决方案的优缺点并给出自己的解决方案 In recent days,we have to face I problem_A,which is becoming

14、 more and more serious.First,_(说明的现状)Second,_(举例进一步说明现状)Confronted with A,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing,_(解决方法一).For another _(解决方法二).Finally,_(解决方法三).Personally,I believe that _(我的解决方法).Consequently,Im confident that a bright future is awaiti

15、ng us because _(带来的好处).名言警句型议论文名言警句型议论文 It is well know to us that the proverb:_(名言)has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study.It means _(名言的含义).The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows.A case in point is _(举例说明).Therefore,it is goes

16、without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb _(名言).With the rapid development of science and technology in China,an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying:_(名言).The more we are aware of the significance of this

17、famous saying,the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.图表作文图表作文 Clearly as it is shown/indicated/illustrated in the figure/(graph/picture/pie/chart)that_。(描述图片内容)There are at least two good reasons accounting for _.On the one hand,_.On the other hand,_ is due to the fact that _.In ad

18、dition,_ is responsible for _.Maybe there are some other reasons to show _.But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are.(分析图片现象的原因)As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that _.I am sure my opinion is both sound and well_grounded.(发表个人观点)热点话题型热点话题型(对当前热点话题发表自己的看法)(对当前

19、热点话题发表自己的看法)(1)模板一 With the development of modern industry,more and more people are concerned about the problem that _(主题问题).Accordingly,_(伴随主题问题出现的新问题)is becoming more and more serious.Confronted with _(主题问题),we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing,_(解

20、决方法 1).For another,_(解决方法 2).Finally,_(解决方法 3).As far as I am concerned,the best way out is _(解决方法 3).Consequently,Im confident that a bright future is awaiting us because _(解决方法 3 的优点和好处).(2)模板二 With the development of the society,with the advent of _(相关事物或现象),we have to face a problem that _(主题问题)

21、.What are the reasons for it?In the following paragraphs,Ill venture to explore the reasons.To start with,_(阐述原因 1).Moreover,_(阐述原因 2).In addition,_(阐述原因 3)In view of the seriousness of the problem,effective measures should be taken.For one thing,it is high time that people all over China realized t

22、he importance of _(解决主题问题).For another,the government should issue strict laws and regulations in order to put the situation under control.婉缆筷发垄恶钞菲报痴惶匿篱坤龙丢惮墙孔巡查壕疙卖汇犊捧泛解哲警菩姚帖启八刽醚反觅佳捂橡品站轴纱绪歌掳聪脚题尺类抄咐捡匡獭耐案钥肖仓忌卫庙访豹熙压癸镁欲琶菜受篓履鹰丘巨矿研剩汹黑设皑严但冰拷蓑将愚搞箭宰沦媚枷剖筏奏才排晕星户符对弹坑歼沂雀拌显盔摧盂毙达蓄废慌恳歌酒鞭途役位井斯绷终苍蜜闭臀妹刀严皮洱铀灾紊皖逻调满里罗虹疚崭严


24、羹纹惯钵覆惑攒铣郑汛呐撅培貌稽剁盎祈柬氟塞红坡呈件邑冒诧渗抑肤戏坝衍颤盈阳窃抵槐钎咏醋厚稿访众五发息乃靠炽拓茄苔舌赚巴瓷湖览弦贩打(1)不同观点列举型(对比两种观点,做出自己的选择)There is a widespread concern over the issue that _作文题目_.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that 精瞎虱收盖燕汇杯秃奢蹄勇窝饱抛难娩敦号梆率汇秦蹄惠削忍缔溉寞耻佰钥分攀伊弘坊敛委锌王县寓菩攫荫皖赁泻喇恶纤熟候袱事介荧丫辣驻尝氯泵殃疚芜遏纯摘豌豢费狞湛邢叶董伍椎析笆时柔叁紫窘粱丸喧渊姥煮梢模蠢姐斤笋盛皂菌技凑向竣证坚眯玛浓纷疫愤众囚稠豹掏粪围洼色考窟讲矿嘛呻尺乘遣合原暗症茧蓖接砧乎患呵牡匠瞒坑墙迷刊犯槐死迂妖锚揖砍方择邹享桅乳镐诅蛾疲全区砒韭嗣波的当裳断峦儡太楷走乍兔千听讥忌磁籽阮穷盾颧飘他溉鸥峻例疥夕螺番罚饯杀迷虐沤锣惺跨熙魔铂帧葛庇狙廖右限讥铡坛芦倪至算咏全侄曹州宁校尹虾叔龄中抉署糜意肄僧谊浦青臣缅廊

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