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1、感恩教师节的英语作文【10篇】1.感恩教师节的英语作文Today is September 10, the annual teachers day, and this is also the last teachers day in my primary school.On this special teachers day, I sincerely say to all teachers, “teacher, thank you for your hard work!” Although in this sentence, there are no flowers and applause.

2、 However, this sentence is full of my infinite gratitude to you. In this primary school time, you have paid a lot for me. In class, you let me grow with words full of knowledge, so that we can get the most valuable thing in the world - knowledge, so that we can grow.In every class, you use precious

3、words to make us thrive and let us roam in the ocean of knowledge. You are like a hard gardener, watering us with a kettle full of knowledge water. You are always unknown. When watering us, you dont ask for anything in return, but only wholeheartedly help us grow. Sometimes, you may feel uncomfortab

4、le, but you still insist on giving us a lecture without any complaints. Sometimes, when we study, we will suddenly fall into a trough, and you see this, you will stretch out your hands to pull us. You on the podium, although your appearance is ordinary, in my heart, it is better than all the appeara

5、nces in the world.I dont know how much you have worked for our study. Every day, when we have a break and play, you are always preparing lessons for us in the office. Every night, when we are asleep, maybe you are still correcting our homework under the lamp. Therefore, I thank you again for your ef

6、forts for our growth. Although we are not related by blood and are not relatives, your efforts for us are better than your relatives. You are like my parents. We work hard every day.Teacher, everything you have paid for us is like a stone, but it forms a magnificent mountain; Like a star, it forms t

7、he vast Milky way; Like a drop of water, it forms a running river. How great your efforts are. So, teacher, you have worked hard! I wish teachers all over the world a happy Teachers Day!2.感恩教师节的英语作文Some people say that teachers are candles that burn themselves and illuminate others. I want to say th

8、at teachers are towering trees that protect us from the wind and rain and protect our growth. From kindergarten to now, there are many teachers who have taught me, but the teacher I most admire and appreciate is our current head teacher, Miss Huang.Miss Huang took over our class only last year. When

9、 she first came to our class, everyone saw that Miss Huang was not tall and thin, thinking: can she teach us well? Some of the students showed disappointment. Teacher Huang seemed to see our thoughts, but she didnt care about our psychology at all, but gave us a lively and interesting lesson with co

10、nfidence. I remember what teacher Huang gave us at that time was “stealing reading notes”. In class, the teacher read so eloquently and affectionately that I seemed to see the little girl reading happily hidden behind the adults, and I seemed to feel her happy and afraid taste of stealing reading. T

11、he students listened so carefully that even the students who used to make trouble in the classroom learned so carefully. The teachers class made me forget the boring of Chinese and let me follow Mr. Huang into the kingdom of Chinese. I felt the charm of language for the first time. Every time I fini

12、sh class, I always have a question: how can the teacher speak so fluently, clearly and thoroughly when she sometimes doesnt even read books in class? Once, I accidentally saw that the teachers Chinese book was heavily approved. In some places, the original text could not be seen clearly, and my ques

13、tion finally had an answer. “Three minutes on stage, ten years off stage” how much effort did the teacher spend after class in order to give us a good lesson!I remember Miss Huang took us not long ago. She found that our composition was not well written, so she asked us to keep a diary every day. At

14、 first, some students didnt pay attention to keeping diaries and regarded daily diaries as a burden; When writing, he pieced things together to deal with errands. The teacher looked at it and said angrily, “Im looking forward to opening your diary. Do you have the heart to treat the teacher like thi

15、s?” The students were very ashamed after hearing this. When it was found that some students could not write diaries, and some students were afraid that the teacher would let them read diaries in front of the students rather than write the truth, the teacher assured the students that they would never

16、 be allowed to read diaries in class, and guided us to write diaries in what ways and how.For our diary, the teacher always takes time to review it and writes some comments at the back of the diary. Gradually, I formed the good habit of keeping a diary. Every time I send my diary, I cant wait to rea

17、d the comments written by my teacher. Reading the teachers comments, I feel that sometimes the teacher is like my close partner, sharing my happiness and bearing my sorrow: sometimes he is like my bosom sister, enlightening and comforting me; sometimes he is also like a psychologist, treating me wit

18、h jealousy and selfishness, so that I can grow up healthily and happily.3.感恩教师节的英语作文Teacher, you are the blue sky, and I am a bird. No matter how high and how far I fly, I have your company.Teacher, I want to say thank you. In the past two years, you have not only taught me a lot of knowledge, but a

19、lso taught me the truth of life. Under your guidance, my composition has also made great progress, making my grades gradually improve. In this regard, I thank you very much.Teacher, only under the nurturing of the sun can roses be bright, and only under the moistening of rain and dew can grass grow

20、like grass. We got sunshine and rain.Teacher, the good mother in my heart, she will distribute love equally to each of her children. Teacher, you are the sea, I am a small fish, playing in your chest.The good teacher in my heart, she should have a broad love. Teacher, you are like manna, gently spri

21、nkled on the robust seedlings.Teacher, I want to say to you: you are so great. You are like a spring silkworm, quietly weaving our ideal silk thread. Teacher, you are the sea, I am a boat, floating in your arms. Teacher, you are a gardener. I seem to grow stronger under your hard care. I love you! “

22、These may be the words of a child you have spoiled who is not willful.Teacher, from the day I went to school, it was you who stood on the podium and lectured, and I sat down to listen. Today, we change our seats. Please sit down and listen to me.Teacher, I want to say to you: you worked hard! You ar

23、e like a candle, constantly burning and consuming yourself, illuminating our beautiful future and warming our young hearts; You are like a hardworking gardener, watering and fertilizing our seedlings, so that we can thrive. I often think like this: are the silver wires on your temples dyed with chal

24、k grey? Did we draw the fine wrinkles on the corners of your eyes one by one?Teacher, I want to say to you: Thank you! It is you who make the friendship between me and my classmates stronger. When I was about to leave the school of the 167th regiment, you and your classmates were so reluctant to par

25、t. You sacrificed your break time to take a group photo with my classmates. The precious lens will always be cherished in my heart. You also organized a farewell party for me. At the farewell party, the students expressed their farewell feelings to me and gave me gifts. You are even more exhorting a

26、nd instructing, as if you are sending your children out of the door. Dear teacher, its you again. Let me quickly integrate into the new group of 165th regiment school. I remember the first time I walked into this school, my heart was so nervous and hesitant: strange classmates, strange teachers, wil

27、l they welcome me? At this time, you came to me with a smile, led me to the classroom, and kindly asked me: dare you introduce yourself to the students? I saw encouragement in your eyes. When I introduced myself, the students accepted me with applause and a smile. I study and live in a harmonious at

28、mosphere again.Teacher, I have too many words to say to you, but the most important one is: teacher, I love you!4.感恩教师节的英语作文Whenever I harvest, I cant help thinking of the cultivator who sows hard - Mr. Gu.Yes! It is you who led me into the door of knowledge and taught me rich knowledge; Its you who

29、 taught me to be a naughty person who can be considerate and help others; You also trained me into a mature teenager! On this beautiful teachers day, I want to say to you, “Mr. Gu, you have worked hard, and I will repay you for nurturing me with excellent results!” I remember that I was honored to b

30、e elected as the representative of Chinese class by you. Later, I helped you send and receive books more seriously, but after a semester, I was no longer as active as before. Once, you saw me jumping rubber bands outside for fun. You gave me a hard look and said to me, “why dont you get the book?” M

31、y eyes fell on your hand, and I saw the large stack of books shaking on your hand, as if they were about to fall off. At that time, you didnt know how ashamed I was. I thought, “you work so hard every day, how can you collect books for me?” So I hurried into the classroom and put away my book. Now t

32、hinking of this, I seem to see your angry face and your tired figure that day!Miss Gu, do you know how much I envy you when I just entered the classroom! Seeing your writing on the blackboard, I thought I must be a teacher when I grow up, but now I realize the hard work of being a teacher. In the fu

33、ture, I will study harder and complete the task you gave me seriously. I believe I will not let you down!5.感恩教师节的英语作文Flowers are grateful to rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The goshawk is grateful to the sky, because the sky makes it fly; The mountain is grateful to the earth,

34、 because the earth makes it towering; And I, I am grateful to my teacher.Yes, teaching is a sacred profession; Teachers are the enlighteners of the pillars of the motherland; Without teachers, how can the creators have the prosperity of the motherland today? Teachers are like Yuanding, who works har

35、d to cultivate the flowers of the motherland. Although teachers are not our relatives, they are our relatives! Teachers are the eternal fire, which ignites the ideals and hopes of students. The star kindles the prairie fire, which gives students optimism in life, enthusiasm in learning and passion i

36、n work. The existence of fire, gives people infinite teacher, you are a clear spring, flowing through dense forests and mountains, flowing through deep ditches and shoals, never dry up. The mountains cant stop your streams, and the rainstorm will only strengthen your torso. “Teachers are engineers o

37、f the human mind!” Whenever I think of this sentence, I think of my teacher, and my heart surges with a warm feeling!Teacher, you devoted everything to education and gave us your deepest love, leaving yourself with dry hands, hoarse throats, cervical and lumbar problems. Now we understand the teache

38、rs hard work, we will grow up, sorry, my good teacher!Thank the teacher for his care for us, for leading us forward, for imparting our knowledge, and for teaching us the truth of being a man. Teacher, all my thanks are not enough to express my gratitude to you. I will keep in mind your teachings to

39、me, and be a useful person to the society when I grow up, and live up to the expectations of the teacher!6.感恩教师节的英语作文In our life, there are too many people we need to thank. Parents. friend. Relatives. I miss that unknown teacher.The word teacher, without any modification, is already the most beauti

40、ful word in the world. I think our beloved teacher Zhang is the most beautiful person in the world. I remember it was a scorching noon. We were after school and everyone went back to their homes. And Im still waiting for my mother at the school gate who doesnt know when she will appear. Looking at t

41、he distant figures of my classmates, my heart felt inexplicably sour. Suddenly, a familiar voice came to my ear. “Xiao Hong! Xiao Hong!” oh It was Miss Zhang who called me. I hurried over. The teacher asked strangely, “Why are you still standing at the school gate so late?” I bowed my head and answe

42、red, “because my mother hasnt come yet!” The teacher asked, “then, do you want me to call your mother?” I looked up and nodded. He said his mothers phone number. It turned out that moms car ran out of electricity, so she had to walk over, so it was relatively slow. I thought the teacher would leave

43、and let me wait alone. However, the teacher not only accompanied me, but also kept asking me if I was hungry. My heart was turbulent and there was a strong feeling.Another time, my mother was too busy to leave in the morning. I dont remember that I havent eaten yet. My stomach growled with hunger. I

44、 really couldnt support it, but there was nothing I could do. I let my stomach ache to death. At this time, the teacher asked me with concern, “are you hungry!” I was embarrassed and said, “yes!” The teacher said, “what do you eat in the morning?” My face flushed all at once. The teacher smiled, “ne

45、edless to say, your mother told me!” “Go ahead! What do you want to eat?” I laughed and said loudly, “black rice soymilk and steamed bun with vegetables.” The teacher said, “no problem!” Later, I wanted to return the money to the teacher, but the teacher refused to accept the money.Teacher, this wor

46、d, without any modification, is the most beautiful word in the world. Teacher Zhang, without makeup, is already the most beautiful person in the world.7.感恩教师节的英语作文”Grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, which makes me have the courage to be myself. Grateful heart, thank fate, flowe

47、rs bloom and fall, I will also cherish.” whenever this refreshing song rings, I cant help thinking of my teachers, who are on the podium and beside the desk, coming and going, spring, summer, autumn and winter, leaving aside their hard work, hard, teachers, I sincerely thank the teachers for their e

48、arnest teaching over the years, and wish them happiness, health and happiness in the days to come!Teaching is a sacred profession under the sun. People say that teachers are like candles, burning themselves and illuminating others. Indeed, for our growth, teachers are the disseminators of culture, l

49、eading us to roam in the ocean of knowledge; () teachers are the guides of our growth, teaching us how to behave and do things; Teachers are our friends, respect, understand and care about our growth; Teachers are our role models. Teaching by example and words will benefit us all our livesTeachers love cant be seen or touched. Like many parents, they have the h

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