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1、Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather 知识点总结知识点总结(仁爱七下仁爱七下)Unit 8 The Seasns and the eathertpi1 hats the eather lie tda?一、重点词语:1 季节词汇:四季名词springsuerAutun/fallinter四季特征arhtlld四季色彩greenbrightellhite四季活动hiesilib untainsae snen2 天气词汇:天气名词rainindludsnsunfg对应形容词rainindludsnsunnFgg3 in spring/suer/fall/inter 在

2、春天;夏天;秋天;冬天4 g libing untains/shpping/siing quite=ver 很,相当6 e ba t life 复苏,复活7 名词转化为形容词:hpe hpeful are areful 8 fr Deeber t Februar 从十二月到二月9 fall ff 落下;掉落10 eather reprt 天气预报11 a hpeful seasn 一个充满希望的季节 the harvest seasn 丰收的季节12 e after 紧跟其后13 get arer and arer 变得越越暖和14 ae dinner 做饭 ae tea 泡茶 ae faes

3、 做鬼脸 ae friends 交朋友ae ishes 许愿 ae a istae 犯错误 ae a nise 制作噪音 ae a sentene 造句 ae sure 确信 ae duplings 包饺子二、重点句型:1 hats the eather lie tda?=H is the eather tda?今天天气怎么样?It ls lie rain=It ls lie raining 看起好像要下雨。2 hih seasn is the arest/httest/lest/ldest in the ear?一年里哪个季节最暖和;最热;最凉快;最冷?3 Seties it rains q

4、uite heavil/hard 有时候雨下得很大。4 Its a gd tie t si 它是游泳的好时节。Its a gd seasn fr hiing 它是去远足的好季节。Its a gd tie/seasn t d sething 它是做某事的好时间;好季节。D u lie suer?es,but I lie inter better 你喜欢夏天吗?是的,但是我更喜欢冬天。hih d u lie best,spring,suer,fall r inter?I lie suer best你最喜欢哪个,春,夏,秋,还是冬?我最喜欢夏。Liebetter 更喜欢 liebest 最喜欢6 I

5、 lie spring best=favrite(seasn)is spring 我最喜欢的季节是春天。7 hats the eather lie tda?H as the eather esterda?hat ill the eather be lie trr?今天天气怎么样?昨天天气怎么样?明天天气怎么样?8 Its nie and ar 今天挺暖和的。Nie and;gd and 可用加强语气,意为“很,挺”。如:nie and ld 很冷 nie and far 很远9 Its better tda than esterda 今天的天气比昨天更好。10 The eather gets

6、arer and arer 天气变得越越暖和。get 变得。如:get ld 变冷;get thin 变瘦比较级 and 比较级意为“越越”,如:taller and taller,越越高;heavier and heavier,越越重11 The ld eather is ing 寒冷的天气马上就要了。12 It lasts fr Deeber t Februar 它从十二月持续到二月。13 The nespaper sas itll be sunn trr 据报纸报道明天将会是晴天。14 The farers are bus harvesting 农民们忙着收割庄稼。be bus ding

7、 sething=be bus ith sething 忙着做某事 I a bus ding b=I a bus ith b 我忙着我的工作。三、语法学习:1 形容词的最高级:单音节词和少数双音节词:(1)一般情况下加-est,如:ldest,tallest(2)以“e”结尾的词,加-st,如:niest,finest(3)以辅音字母结尾的词,先变为 i,再加-est,如:busiest,heaviest(4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写末尾辅音字母,再加-est,如:biggest,httest多音节词在前面加 st,如:st beautiful,st dangerus四、交际用语:

8、学习描述和谈论四季和不同时间下的天气状况hats the eather lie in suer?It ften rains Seties it rains quite heavilH is the eather in inter?Its better than esterdahih seasn d u lie best,spring,suer,fall,r inter?hih seasn is the ldest in a ear?hat d u thin f the eather tda?hats the teperature?Its 3 Tpi2 The suer hlidas are i

9、ng一、重点词语:1 the suer/inter hlida 暑假;寒假2 tal abut 谈论到,谈及3 hlida plans 假日计划4 ant t g 想去ant t d sething=uld lie t d sething 想做某事hpe t d sething 希望做某事 plan t d sething 计划做某事 arund the untr 环绕国家6 tae pitures/phts f 给照相7 the lal peple/fd 当地人;当地食物8 plaes f interest 名胜古迹9 elebrate sething ith sebd 和某人一起庆祝某事1

10、0 get tgether ith sebd 和某人聚会在一起11 g n a trip 去旅游 ae nes trip 旅行 ae a hlida 度假 g fr a hlida 去度假be n hlida=g n hlida 在度假 tae a hlida=have a hlida 休假 12 have a gd tie=have a great tie=have a nderful tie=have a nie tie=have fun 玩得很高兴13 n the beah 在海滩上14 tell sebd sething abut sething 告诉某人一些事情关于某个事物1 the

11、 best tie 最佳时间16 enter senes he 进入某人家里17 tae ff ur shes 脱鞋子18 g ut 出去 g ba 回去19 pint t 指着20 eat ith ur left hand 用左手吃东西21 uslin untries 穆斯林国家22 tuh sebd n seplae 触摸某人的某个部位23 ae the sign 做个好了的手势24 arrive n tie 按时到达2 a little later 晚一点26 pass sething t sebd 传递某物给某人二、重点句型:1 The suer hlidas are ing 暑假要了

12、。2 I hpe t get tgether ith ld friends 我希望和我的老朋友在一起。3 Eah f us has a gd plan fr the hlidas 我们每个人都有一个很好的假期计划。4 Befre u g n a trip,hat ill u pa fr it?你去度假以前,要打包准备些什么?It sunds reall interesting and exiting 它听起相当有趣和令人激动。6 Different untries have different usts 不同的国家有不同的风俗。7 u shuldnt eat ith ur left hand

13、你不能用左手吃东西。8 u ustnt pint t anthing ith ur ft 你千万不要用脚指东西。9 Guess hat I bught fr u!猜猜我为你买了什么!三、语法学习:1 一般过去时的特殊疑问句:H as u trip?It as nderfulH did u ae ur trip?B planehat plaes did u visit?e visited se faus tepleshen did u e ba?I ae ba esterdahere did u g n a trip?T Australiah did u ath TV?Beause I ante

14、d t ath tennis gaesh did u live ith?parents2 情态动词 shuld 和 shuldnt 的用法:hat plaes shuld I visit in unnan?u shuld visit Dali and Liiang and u shuldnt iss Xishuangbanna hen u enter senes he,u shuld tae ff ur shes 四、交际用语:谈论旅游和风俗。here d u ant t g fr u hlida?I ging t travel arund the untr and tae pitures f

15、 the lal peple hen u travel in ther untries,ud better n the usts f the untrH as ur trip?It as nderfulH did u g t Tibet?B planeH lng ere u there?I as there fr five dashen did u e here?I ae ba esterdahats the best tie t g there?Tpi3 Lets elebrate!一、重点词语:1 节日名称:The Spring FestivalNe ears EveLantern DaT

16、bseeping Festival春节除夕元宵节清明节Dragn Bat Festivalid-autun FestivalDuble Ninth Festival端午节中秋节重阳节Teahers Dathers Dahildrens DaNatinal Da教师节母亲节儿童节国庆节ens DaArs DaParts Birthdauth Da妇女节建军节党的生日青年节April Fls DahristasThans-giving DaHalleen愚人节圣诞节感恩节复活节2 ae duplings 包饺子3 perfr lin and dragn danes 表演舞狮子和舞龙4 give e

17、ah ther presents 互赠礼物 dress up 盛装打扮,乔装打扮6 the st iprtant 最重要7 sta up 熬夜8 gaze at 观看9 get dar 变黑10 have a fail get-tgether 举行家庭聚会11 prepare fr 为做准备12 g tri-r-treating 去玩“是恶作剧还是请客”13 n n 敲打14 pla tris n sebd 捉弄某人1 en ding sething 享受做某事16 be in bed 入睡17 sendt 把送到;寄18 lred lights/andles 彩灯;彩烛19 n hrista

18、s Eve 在圣诞节前夜20 lunar a th 农历五月五21 hld dragn bat raes 举行龙舟赛22 eat rie duplings 吃粽子23 the birthda f hina 中国的生日24 the apital it f hina 中国的首都城市2 Tiananen Square 天安门广场26 ath the natinal flag g up 观看升国旗27 a seven-da hlida 七天的假期二、重点句型:1 Peple in an untries elebrate hristas and give eah ther presents 很多国家的人

19、庆祝圣诞节和互赠礼物。2 hat ther speial festivals d e have?我们有别的什么特殊的节日吗?3 n this da peple eat naes and en gazing at the full n 在这一天人们吃月饼赏月。hat d u ean b tri-r-treat?你所说的“tri-r-treat”是什么意思?It the neighbrs dnt give the andies the ill pla tris n the 如果邻居不给他们糖果,他们将会捉弄他们。Everne is all siles 大家都笑容满面。The ust be fr S

20、anta laus!他们一定自圣诞老人。Befre hristas,I sent an hristas ards t friends 圣诞节之前,我给朋友们寄了很多圣诞节贺卡。三、语法学习:由 hen,befre,after 引导的时间状语从句。hen it sns,the grund is hite ith sn and I an ae snen hen u travel in ther untries,u shuld n the usts f the untrBefre the hinese Ne ear,an hinese failies burn the pitures f ithen gd,Za Shen,t bring gd luParents als en eating their hildrens tri-r-treat andies after the hildren are in bed 四、交际用语:学习中外节日。hildren dress up in strange lthes and pla trisn Spring Festival,hinese peple elebrate and perfr lin and dragn danes Than u fr ur hristas ards!

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