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1、班主任工作总结与反思 鲁迅先生曾经说过“教育根植于爱”,一位著名的外国教育家更是一针见血地指出“没有了爱就没有教育”说法,班主任必须懂得“欲致鱼者先通水,欲致鸟者先树木“的道理;同时班主任是班级管理工作的直接参与者,是学生在学习生活、心理健康、人生态度和价值观念的引导者,是帮助学校开展各项工作的协调者,所以,在实际的工作中班主任这一角色至关重要,这也决定了班主任工作的千头万绪,班主任必须要有为才有位。在过去一个学期的班主任班级管理工作中,我主要从下面几方面来着手: 一、工作篇 (一)、在班级管理上: 建设一个和谐上进的班级,需要全班学生的共同参与,其中,班干部的选拔尤为重要。俗话说:火车跑得快

2、,全靠车头带。班干部正式这种角色的最好演绎,因此,建设一支高素质的班级领导核心也尤为重要。因此在班干部的培养上,我主要采取以下措施: 1、军训期间,多与学生交流,了解学生的兴趣爱好。在与新生的日常交往中,分析和了解他们的性格特征,对他们的沟通能力、办事效率等各个方面作出一个整体的评价,对积极认真、埋头肯干、热情奔放并具有一定组织能力、威信度高的学生给予充分的重视,通过确立班级负责人的形式,把他们锻炼为首届的班委成员。在坚持民主推选与自荐的原则之下,挑选出一批积极上进,具有班级管理能力的班干队伍; 2、在开展班级管理工作时候,对班干部,班主任要采取“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”的方法。在实际的操作中,

3、要理清“具体的指导和放手工作”的关系,在班级管理和班委成员共同分析和讨论班上的具体情况下,鼓励他们发挥创造性,放手在他们独立开展工作,把为同学们服务的理念植入他们的工作中。从取的效果来看,一支团结的班干队伍,在协助班主任开展日常的工作,促进良好的班风建设方面,其作用是很大的。同时,对班干部进行责任心的教育,班干队伍要树立起表率的先锋带头作用教育等问题上,也是紧抓不放。 (二)、在学风建设上: 一个优秀的班集体,在学风建设上,也必须具有学习氛围浓厚,在成绩上有你追我赶的学习劲头,因此在学风建设上,主要从以下方面来加强: 1、积极配合学校,在班集体上大力开展信心教育活动,根据本班的具体实际,制定班

4、级信心誓词,充分用课堂、班会和与学生谈心的时间,向学生进行信心教育的渗透,对学生进行赏识教育,多给学生鼓舞,多给学生自信,多给学生支持; 2、与各学科老师沟通联系和交流,了解学生的学习成绩,分析学生的各科存在的问题;加强对学生进行法上的指导,进行有针对性的辅导, 3、发动学生成立各科学习兴趣小组,实行互助式的学习。 (三)、在心理辅导上: 一个健康的学生,除了在生理上的成熟结合健康外,心理素质的好坏也同样重要。对于有心理问题障碍的学生,心理辅导尤为需要。高中一年级,在面对一个全新的学习、生活环境,容易产生不适应的反抗心理,缺乏自信心、也回产生忧郁、甚至自卑,所以根据学生成长的过程,在心理辅导上

5、主要从以下方面着手: 1、深入学生宿舍,多与学生交流,了解学生近期在学习、生活、心理上存在的问题;抓好生活习惯,培养学生自理能力、自立能力和高贵的修养。在三个月内,全面掌握学生的性格特点和个性,并争取与他们每一位学生都谈过心; 2、加强与心理学老师的沟通,及时发现问题学生,以防范于未然; 3、在家校方面,多与学生家长沟通,全面了解学生的成长经历; 4、开展形式多样的主题班会,教育学生学会感恩、惜时、养成良好的习惯和生活作风。 二、成绩与问题篇 以上就是我在前一个阶段在教学管理工作的一些做法。在上述做法的指导下,高一(8)班在班风建设和学风氛围上,都表现出一种积极上进的苗头: 学风建设上:在信心

6、教育的影响下,我们班上的学生改变了自卑的学习心理,信心宣誓精神饱满、热情高涨;在两次段考里面,学生所取得的进步也是比较明显的,如何劲坡、李晓梅两位同学,在两次段考里面都取得90名以下的进步;在这两次段考中,共有64人次取得了不同程度的进步;数学、语文、生物、历史等科目的总体平均分有了进一步的提高;在课堂自习和晚修上,绝大部分学生能够做到勤于学问,告别三闲,有一股“静、净、竞”的学习氛围。 班级管理上:班干队伍素质加强,责任心意识浓厚,班级体荣誉感强,团结作风好。特别是班长文启彬,陈佩琪等,他们在班级管理意识上十分负责,班上的黎远康、焦天志、陈志浩、黄燕秋等同学都到级组参加学生的管理工作;学生在

7、军训期间、心理剧表演上,显示出团结意识,在学习上的互助意识强,如梁钻珊帮助学生莫文敬,使得他在第二次段考中前进了400多名,进入级组600名;在为患疾学生捐款时,我们班的爱心意识强,捐款数额为高中部班级前列。 在宿舍管理:d601和d602宿舍取得了星级宿舍,在宿舍学生基本形成了一种兄弟姐妹的和谐。学生独立生活和自主解决的问题有了很大的进步,如朱婉婷、周永浩在宿舍内务,在老师的教育和同学的帮助下,有了很大的改善等。 虽然在班级管理上,取得一些成绩,但是仍然还有很多不足:如学生自主学习的气氛还不足;优秀班没有突破;学生在惜时教育上缺乏,迟到现象会时有发生,目标意识也不强等问题依然存在;在管理方面

8、,还欠缺更加科学、民主;学生的知识能力层次不一,落后面大,在处理问题时还有一些急躁,对于学生的部分心理,还不能更好的掌握,关心、爱护学生还不能够全面到位等等。 三、反思篇 正所谓付出不一定有收获,但不付出就一定没有收获。尽管在这一阶段制定了详细的工作计划,但是在具体的班级管理过程中,在吸取班主任对班级管理的经验和教训上,也有一些方法和管理的漏洞有待改善和加强,甚至是值得反思的。 (一)、班主任班级管理工作有待加强。 作为一个新班主任,在班级管理工作上,由于缺乏经验,在实际的管理过程中出现了各种不太适合新时期班主任对班级管理的一些方法和原则,因此班主任的管理工作在以下方面,是需要进一步完善: 1

9、、班主任批评的艺术性。 2、管理工作的跟踪、反馈的及时性。 3、班级管理精致化水平有待加强。对宿舍管理上出现的问题就是上述原因所导致; 4、学生心理辅导的持久性。还没有真正做到与他们每一位学生都谈过心或者建立学生心理档案,做好个案的详细记录等等,这些都是在班级管理工作中的漏洞和不足。 (二)、班主任工作的反思 1、管理上的原则性 2、管理过程中的民主性 3、注重班主任的工作和心得交流。著名的作曲家肖伯纳曾经说过“假如你手中有一只苹果,我的手中也有一只苹果,大家彼此交换,你我的手头上依然只有一个苹果;但是倘若你有一种思想,我有一种思想,大家彼此交换这种思想,那么每个人就有两种思想”。因此班主任队

10、伍要从实现管理的优化,通过班主任工作心得的交流是必要的,这样可以做到举一反三,触类旁通,在解决同一问题的时候,集思广益,寻找问题的最好的解决方法和途径。 四、方向篇 为了更好提高自己的业务水平和班级管理艺术,进一步完善自我,在以后的工作过程中,我认为有以下几点是我应该要努力的方向。 1、树立正确的教育教学理念,平等对待每一位学生。在班主任工作当中,始终坚持养成教育、惜时教育、信心教育、感恩教育为主题的系列培养学生的做法;同时多向有经验的教师请教教学上的问题和班主任管理工作具体操作流程,向优秀班级学习管理经验。 2、加强本学科的知识水平,扩大视野,在具体的教学过程中,努力做好“读好一本书、写好一

11、笔字、说好一口话”。加强对中学生心理知识的学习力度,提高分析学生学习心理,人际交往心理等方面的能力。 3、向学生学习。做一个老师是要有耐心的,班级管理工作也要需要持久的付出,在班主任工作黔驴技穷的时候,学生的所提出的民主化管理的方法,是非常值得借鉴的,如果班主任工作能够吸取和采纳部分有建设性的建议,学生与班主任的距离将进一步拉近,学生敢于也乐于和班主任接近。 学高为师,德高为范,作为一名班主任,在日常行为应该以身作则,言传身教,这样学生才能亲其师,信其道,这也是新时期班主任的工作要求。在过去一个阶段的班主任工作中,由于管理知识水平的缺乏,经验生疏,在具体处理学生问题上有些不恰当的做法,因此在以

12、后的工作实践中还需要不断探索和完善。短暂的从教经历让我真正体会到了为人师之苦,为人师之累,为人师之难,为人师之乐,它也让我对教师这一行业有了更新的认识和体会。 本文为Word版资料,可以任意修改编辑。如果你看到我上传的资料这个后缀,请删除后使用。高效学习方法和技巧学习需要方法,找到适合自己的方法,学习才能事半功倍。接下来,我结合我自己的学习情况,给大家总结的高效学习五部曲一、预习是学习的重要环节上课前充分预习,考试前充分地复习,与“打有准备之仗”有同曲之道。预习效果好,听课才能有针对性;听课有针对性,复习才能顺利进行;复习深刻,作业、考试才能得心应手。所以说预习是学生学习过程中一个必不可少的环



15、不忘,所以需要重复、增强记忆。同时,复习的进展也有利于学习效率的提高。四、做作业的科学方法这里有七种做作业的技巧:1、先复习后做作业。复习是做好作业的关键,只有复习得好,作业才能做得好。做作业前先把老师这一节课所讲的内容认真地看一看,弄清楚基本原理和概念后再去做作业,作业才能做得既快又好。2、认真审题。 做作业最关键的步就是审题,连题都判断错了,作业内容就全错了。首先第步要弄清楚题目的内容,所给的条件,什么要求,需要联系哪些知识等等;其次是考虑好解题思路、方法、步骤,要善于把道题分成几部分,化大为小、化难为易、分清其中的已知和未知,弄清各部分的联系,设计好整个解题步骤,定要让自己做到不明白题意

16、不做题,不清楚方法步骤不下笔。3、细心的做题。 做题是表达思路的全过程,这个过程要求既动脑、又动手。做题的关键是要保证“规范”、“准确”。要做到这两点就要求学生认真的抄好题,书写格式必须正确、规范,严格按照各类题的解题要求,仔细演算解题的每步,得出正确的结果。只有平时做题认真细致,步骤完整,思路正确,表达严密,准确无误,考试时才能按照这种良好的习惯进行五、重视错题积累在学习的过程中,同学们可能遇到过一错再错的现象究其原因,多数是由于在学习中不求甚解,不注意总结积累所致。那么,该怎么办呢?实践证明,自编一本“易错题集”是避免做题一错再错的最好办法。错题本的复习方法:1、每周把该周错题本中记录的题

17、目快速浏览一遍;2、每月把该月错题本中记录的题目再快速浏览一遍;3、每个季度把错题本中三个月记录的题目再快速浏览一遍;4、大考前把该错题本中的所有题目认真复习一遍,确保题不二错¥精编资料 欢迎下载There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to b

18、e,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,enough trials to make you strong,enough sorrow to keep you human,enough hope to make you happy? Always put yourself in othersshoes.If you feel that it hurts you,it prob

19、ably hurts the other person, too.The happiest of people dont necessarily have the best of everything;they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.Happiness lies for those who cry,those who hurt, those who have searched,and those who have tried,for only they can appreciate the imp

20、ortance of peoplewho have touched their lives.Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you cant go on well in lifeuntil you let go of your past failures and heartaches.When you were born,you were crying and everyon

21、e around you was smiling.Live your life so that when you die,youre the one who is smiling and everyone around you is cryig.Please send this message to those people who mean something to you,to those who have touched your life in one way or another,to those who make you smile when you really need it,

22、to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down,to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship.And if you dont, dont worry,nothing bad will happen to you,you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someones day with this message.

23、Since we went to school, we have access to English all the time, because it is one of the necessary subjects. Before we attend college, we keep our attention on the grammar, but now college means the new stage and we should pay attention to practical English. Here are some suggestions.First, it is i

24、mportant to speak out loudly. The purpose of learning English is to communicate with foreigners, so as to get to know more about the world. Grammar is not the only thing we care about. What we should do is to open our mouths and improve our ability to use spoken English. It begins with reading textb

25、ooks. When we listen to the tapes and repeat many times, then our d.President Trump, as he often does, had a few things to sayAfter admitting that he had been lonely over the holidays, Trump took advantage of his first public appearance of the new year Wednesday to air lingering grievances, make mul

26、tiple false claims and reinforce recent decisions that have rattled financial markets and his partys leaders.As he held forth for more than 90 minutes before a small pool of reporters and photographers, members of his Cabinet, ostensibly called to the White House for a meeting, sat quietly around a

27、long conference table.Trump defended his decision last month to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and sharply cut the deployment to Afghanistan, moves that disturbed Republican allies in Congress and prompted the resignation of Defense Secretary James N. Mattis. In doing so, he contradicted his own re

28、cent claim that the U.S. had achieved its objectives of total victory over Islamic State militants in Syria.“Look, we dont want Syria,” he continued. “Were talking about sand and death. Thats what were talking about. Were not talking about vast wealth. Were talking about sand and death,” he said, se

29、emingly contrasting the war-wracked country with Iraq and its vast oil reserves.Iran “can do what they want there, frankly,” he added, a comment likely to unnerve officials in Israel, who have worried that a U.S. withdrawal from its positions in eastern Syria would allow Iran to expand its influence

30、 there.“Its not my fault,” he said. “I didnt put us there.”Trump offered little further clarity on the U.S. withdrawal from Syria, which he initially said would take place in 30 days, saying now that the pullout will “take place over a period of time.”Later, in a long riff about Afghanistan, Trump s

31、eemed to endorse Moscows 1979 invasion of the country an act that the U.S. viewed as an attempt to spread communism and waged a long, covert operation to combat during the Carter and Reagan administrations.“The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia,” Trump sa

32、id, making a case to leave the policing of hot spots in the Mideast and Central Asia to countries in the region. “They were right to be there. The problem is it was a tough fight.”The Soviet Union eventually was bankrupted by its Afghan war, Trump added. “Russia used to be the Soviet Union. Afghanis

33、tan made it Russia, because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan.”Historians generally agree that the Russian invasion and subsequent occupation of much of Afghanistan was one of several factors that contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union, although the country never went bankrupt.For

34、years, Republicans have credited President Reagan with bringing an end to the Soviet Union by his aggressive increase in U.S. military spending.Trumps comments stood in stark contrast to the view Mattis espoused in the resignation letter he presented last month after failing to convince the presiden

35、t to hold off on withdrawing from Syria.“We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances,” Mattis wrote.Mattis comments clearly stung Trump, who r

36、esponded last month with criticism of his former Pentagon chief. On Wednesday, he stepped that up, claiming that he fired Mattis.“Whats he done for me? How had he done in Afghanistan? Not too good,” Trump said. “As you know, President Obama fired him, and essentially so did I.”Obama did not fire Mat

37、tis, although the general did retire several months early in 2013 from his position as the head of the militarys Central Command after dissenting from Obama administration policy decisions.Tuesday was Mattis final day at the Pentagon. Trump, in a fit of pique after the resignation letter became publ

38、ic, had moved up Mattis termination dateIn addition to his foreign policy comments, Trump also downplayed Decembers stock market losses, which erased all positive gains for the year, as “a little glitch” and asserted wrongly that there are “probably 30-35 million” immigrants in the U.S. illegally. T

39、he nonpartisan Pew Research Center estimates that as of 2016, there were 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants living in the country, a number that has declined in recent years.Trump repeated his call for Democrats to agree to $5.6 billion in funding for a border wall, and expressed surprise not to h

40、ave received overtures from them over the holidays to negotiate an end to the government shutdown.“I was in the White House all by myself for six or seven days,” he said. “It was very lonely. My family was down in Florida. I said, Stay there and enjoy yourself. I felt I should be here just in case p

41、eople wanted to come and negotiate the border security.”Trump, who met later in the day with congressional leaders away from TV cameras, has already dismissed a funding proposal from House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi that includes $1.3 billion in border security funding.While leaving the door ope

42、n to a compromise, Trump continued to argue for the importance of a wall, pointing to other examples of barriers. He incorrectly asserted that Obamas Washington residence is surrounded by a 10-foot wall and cited the Vatican, which he said “has the biggest wall of them all.”“When they say the wall i

43、s immoral, then you better do something about the Vatican,” he said. “Walls work.”As Trump spoke, a “Game of Thrones”-style movie poster teasing Iran sanctions “SANCTIONS ARE COMING,” it read lay unfurled across the table directly in front of him. But he made no remarks on the subject.He did, howeve

44、r, comment on Sen.-elect Mitt Romney of Utah, who wrote in the Washington Post on Tuesday that he was troubled by Trumps “deep descent in December” and that his deficit in “presidential leadership in qualities of character has been most glaring.”“I wish Mitt could be more of a team player,” Trump sa

45、id. “And if hes not, thats OK too.”Seeming to warn Romney about the fate that lies ahead for Republican lawmakers who vocally criticize him and his presidency, Trump boasted that he “got rid of” former Sens. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Bob Corker of Tennessee, both of whom opted not to seek new terms

46、last year.Accusing both men of seeking publicity in taking stands against him, Trump suggested that Flakewould be seeking a job as a paid cable news contributor or perhaps in another profession that Trump himself once plied.“Jeff Flake is now selling real estate or whatever hes doing,” he said dismissively.There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for re

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