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1、万圣节英语手抄报资料(精选10篇)1.万圣节英语手抄报资料 篇一Halloween has some other significance for our homeroom teacher because it is his long-awaited birthday. Its also a day when the whole class has been preparing for a long time.A few weeks ago, the class monitor invited the teacher to the classroom lounge with a “class

2、meeting”, intending to surprise the teacher. At the class meeting, the monitor asked everyone what game they would like to play? Do you want to buy a cake or pizza? And send out a questionnaire to see what can be provided? Everyone thought they were all ready, but the monitor forgot to remind everyo

3、ne not to go too far!On the morning of my birthday, the teacher unexpectedly didnt come into the classroom, so someone was busy decorating the classroom; Someone is loading a water ball and wants to throw it at the teacher; Someone is still guarding outside the door to see when the homeroom teacher

4、will come. Its really lively! The third class is the class teachers class, so some people are holding buckets filled with water, some are holding water balloons, and some are holding water guns, waiting for the class teacher to come back.The homeroom teacher is here! The class leader gave an order,

5、and dozens of water balls, water columns, and buckets of water were thrown at the class teacher. The class teacher also picked up the water ball and threw it back. Suddenly, the classroom was filled with water. When the water ran out, The teacher, who was wet all over, said angrily, “Who lost my gla

6、sses?” Everyone said, “Its not me!” At this moment, the wealthy person in our class, Red Hair City, said, “I can use my phone to record it. Let me take a look.” “Oh! Its Joe Joe who lost it!” Finally, the truth came to light.Fortunately, in the afternoon, the whole class invited the teacher to eat c

7、ake, pizza, and snacks, and the class teacher happily invited the whole class to drink a Qilixiang drink, which almost made the class teacher have a happy birthday and Halloween.Because the class monitor forgot to say that if we play too high, the class teacher may get angry, which also teaches us a

8、 lesson.2.万圣节英语手抄报资料 篇二Yesterday, I celebrated Halloween at the place where I studied English. On Halloween, there are many pumpkins. The teacher prepared many pumpkins and asked us to throw balls into their mouths. But I didnt throw it in three times, I dont know why. I aimed at it every time, but

9、still couldnt throw it in.Everyone throws pumpkins with their backs towards them, so its difficult to throw them in. Just aim when you need to prepare before starting firing, otherwise you wont be able to throw it properly. I just cant throw it in like this, Ive tried many ways but it still doesnt w

10、ork.I tried four times and didnt have a chance. Then we started to appreciate the things in the classroom. Later, we used our own prepared oranges to make pumpkin lanterns. Use black paper to make the glasses, hat, and mouth of a pumpkin lantern. Later, my mother picked me up and went to bite the ca

11、ndy. Bite one and it belongs to you. I only received one candy for the first time playing, and two for the second time, totaling three.Later, I played with the English teacher for a while and then went home.3.万圣节英语手抄报资料 篇三The long awaited Halloween in our hearts has finally arrived. On that day, the

12、 school organized each class to make a pumpkin lantern. My classs pumpkin lantern looked small and exquisite, but it also carried some eerie elements. Its eyes are strangely shaped, and its mouth is wide open, as if it is about to eat us. In a blink of an eye, night fell and we placed the sparkling

13、pumpkin lanterns in the center to illuminate us. (The lights were not turned on at the time)Then we launched a thrilling “Ghost Catch” game. I put on the bloody mask and started screaming like a ghost. I was ambushed behind a girl with a native potato person, and I patted her on the shoulder, while

14、the native potato person learned to sneer like a ghost. The girl turned around trembling and we all screamed together. The girl turned pale with fear, and with a “ah” sound, she covered her face and flew away. However, we happily chuckled in the cold, grateful that we had successfully scared away a

15、girl. On the other hand, Teacher Yang is wearing a cloak, and whenever a classmate comes up, she will cover their head. Once someone is caught, other ghosts will also come to help the “big demon” throw the unfortunate guy out of the door together, and send two “devil guards” to guard the “prison” an

16、d prevent him from entering again.Playing and playing, a “sugar team” appeared from somewhere, specifically asking for candy from teachers or classmates, and the lineup became larger and larger, circulating in the primary school department. I asked my classmates to join this group and said they woul

17、d try to beg for candy from others. The “leading demons” of this team led our group of “little demons” mercilessly into a classroom. The “leading demons” shouted loudly, “Slogan!” The “little demons” shouted together, “Give me sugar! Give me sugar! Give.” This scene was truly spectacular: the teache

18、r threw a handful of candy in the middle of the classroom, and all the “little demons” rushed forward, squeezing, pushing, and grabbing. In the end, I grabbed a milk candy, and those who didnt have it had to leave in a disheveled manner. Returning to class, I counted my gains tonight and, um, it was

19、 very good. I got a total of fifteen candies.Unfortunately, happy times are always so short, and the happy Halloween has come to an end.4.万圣节英语手抄报资料 篇四One day, I woke up vaguely and had breakfast.When I walked to the hallway of the school classroom, I saw a group of people chasing after someone. I w

20、alked into the classroom with this question. I asked my desk mate. Originally, they were grabbing candy. Why grab candy? Oh, today is Halloween! Do you want to know why? One day, someone happened to buy a bag of candy and was confiscated by the teacher. Then, the teacher saw that we were doing well

21、and sent us the confiscated candy. Someone said, “Isnt this the candy he gave us? Its still like this every year: those who buy candy should give candy.” This is second grade. Sure enough, a few people distribute sugar, while the majority are responsible for picking it up. Hee hee, I also found five

22、 candies: the first one was given to me by my desk mate; Secondly, there happened to be someone next to me, and I picked it up with lightning speed. There are two more, and the latter one was rewarded by the teacher.My heart is as sweet as honey.5.万圣节英语手抄报资料 篇五Today, Palm Island held a Halloween eve

23、nt, and many people in our school participated, including me.Arriving at the entrance of the clubhouse, we were waiting to enter. Suddenly, a cold object touched me, without looking or knowing. As soon as we saw the next jump, a zombie stood next to me, looking at its face, and then at its hands cov

24、ered in blood. We couldnt help but scream, which scared me to the point where my soul was almost gone. As soon as I entered, I started eating the buffet. Jing Longhao showed me something that made me feel nauseous. It was bloody fingers, and I didnt know if I could eat it. Even if I could, I wouldnt

25、 dare to eat it.After a while, it was time for us to perform. I was very nervous and trembling from beginning to end. Finally, the performance was over, and the few of us went to finish catching people. They always go to places with water, but I dare not go there.Coincidentally, the fierce parents c

26、ame and we went home. It was a really happy day.6.万圣节英语手抄报资料 篇六Tonight, we are going to the “Wizards Castle” in third grade to see if there are really ghosts inside?We tightly grasped the rope one by one, and came to the “Wizards Castle” with a look of fear of ghosts. As soon as we entered, we saw a

27、 funny person: wearing white clothes, holding a giant toothbrush in our hands, and the clothes even had the words “Christmas Day” written on them! It made us burst into laughter. We walked and walked outside a room, and all the girls in our class said, “Im so scared.We walked out of the room and con

28、tinued our exploration. As we reached the depths, several more little ghosts suddenly appeared, stomping their feet at us. Teacher Song had an idea - to say happy happy, and we all said it before the ghosts left one by one. After walking out of the Wizards Castle, we returned to the classroom. Teach

29、er Song said that Class 39 was coming and quickly hid to scare them. We immediately hid. As soon as the students of Class 39 came in, we all jumped out of the corner with a whoopClass 39 came to the podium and sang two songs before asking for candy from us. After they leave, we will also visit Class

30、 39. Arriving at Class 39, they also came to scare us, we are not afraid! After we finished singing and asked for candy, we returned to the classroom.What a meaningful and unforgettable Halloween!7.万圣节英语手抄报资料 篇七Today is Halloween, and we had a lively little party at school. Wearing masks, we asked f

31、or a lot of candy and snacks. As soon as I got home, I saw a pumpkin lantern placed in front of Duo Duos house. Duo Duo said, Come with us tonight and ask for candy. I was happy to accept the invitation.At six oclock, I arrived at Duoduos house on time, and the pumpkin lamp at the door was lit. Some

32、 children had already gathered here, many of them foreign children. They were dressed strangely, wearing hats or masks, holding small bags in their hands, ready to put sugar. My brother and I followed a large team of people to start asking for candy one by one. On Halloween, various pumpkin lanterns

33、 were lit at the doorstep of each house. We said trick or treat, and the owner would dress up as a monster and open the door to send us candy, and then say Happy Halloween to each other!After buying a few houses, I became bolder and would take the initiative to go to the front of the queue to ask fo

34、r sugar. As I walked, I found a very special pumpkin lantern on the roadside, squinting and grinning with a beautiful light. I couldnt help but walk forward, and suddenly the door opened. A big monster flew out of it, frightening me to scream. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be played by a

35、person wearing a black cloak with a ghost face painted on it, After everyone laughed, I thought it was quite funny, haha.We also went to a haunted house set up by a family tent, where only one person could enter at a time. I was a bit scared when I entered, and there was a flickering ghost fire insi

36、de. There were candies at the exit, and when I was holding them, my arm was suddenly grabbed, which scared me so much that I almost dropped the candy.In short, this is really a happy holiday. When I came home, my bag was filled with candy, and my brother said it was the day of the year when tooth de

37、cay was severe!8.万圣节英语手抄报资料 篇八Today is the terrible Halloween. I am still dreaming in the middle of the night. My father next to me is sleeping like a delicious Roasted sucking pig or Roasted baby pig. The more I think about it, the more hungry I become. So I hit my head hard - dont think about it!

38、Dont think about it! Hurry up and find Duke Zhou to play chess, otherwise he will be late for class tomorrow.I tried my best to close my eyelids, but my father and brothers deafening snoring drove away my drowsiness. At this moment, I was like a fish my mother was frying in a pot, flipping over and

39、over, almost ripe. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, which scared me to jump. It turned out that my younger brother had rolled over and rolled into the bed; What makes people even more angry is that he crawled onto the bed as if nothing had happened, like a sleepy koala, continuing to snore, which re

40、ally makes me envy and envy!Oh dear! My alarm clock, Mr. Xiaodingdang, please dont keep ticking! Ticking! I listen to your answers, and my spirit has come to me. Every morning when I need you to speak loudly, you laze and dont work seriously. Unfortunately, at this time, you work hard with all your

41、might, and I cant help it. Forget it, I wont argue with you. Ill learn to be smarter and go to bed quickly. Otherwise, Ill have to listen to my mothers recitation early tomorrow morning, and I dont want to get my ears calluses.The night became darker and quieter, and the cries became louder and loud

42、er. However, the person I was eagerly waiting for - Duke Zhou - did not show up. I dont think he will come tonight. Its pointless to wait any longer. Why dont you sit up and pick up your book and continue reading seriously! I dont know how long it took, but when I woke up, the door rang and my mothe

43、r came to wake me up. It turned out to be dawn, but Duke Zhou still didnt come. I had to brace myself with a tired body and prepare for todays challenge.9.万圣节英语手抄报资料 篇九Today is Halloween, and I have to attend an interest class today. My mother asked me not to attend, and she also sent a text message

44、 to Teacher Wu of the interest class: “Li Yuchen wont attend the interest class today.” When school was over, I walked out of the classroom, carrying a backpack and a rice bag.As soon as my parents entered the door, I first saw my father come to pick me up. Later, my mother also came. We walked to a

45、 place, and I forgot which place it was. Next, we rode a bike to Datang West Market and saw several statues, all of which were very scary! After reading it, lets go eat some rice noodles first. The rice noodles here are quite delicious, but I havent finished them yet, theres a bit left.Afterwards, w

46、e went to an ice cream shop, finished our homework there, and then returned to the frequently visited shopping center in Datang West Market. At the entrance of RT-Mart Supermarket, there is a small table where we will participate in the Ghost Face Competition. At first, a few children came, but late

47、r everyone came. Only one Gu Jiayu didnt come. I dont know who Gu Jiayu is, but I know there is also a little girl named Gu Jiayu in our kindergarten class. I dont know if she is from our class or another person with the same name and surname. The competition has started, and the staff here have sen

48、t us each a mask, asking us to draw whatever we want on the mask, which can be scary anyway. Im really scared of what Im drawing, with colorful colors, sharp teeth, and a black beard! After drying the mask for a while, we started to participate in grimaces_ Activities.My mother had just put on the mask for me when suddenly the light went out. I dont know if it was a power outage or if it was turned off. My uncles gave us candy, and I ran around and then ran to my mother. When she saw me, she was startled_ Its over, my mother took off the

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