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1、成人本科学士学位英语识别错误题识别错误题1、 I didnt (mind) their (coming) late to the lecture, but I (objected) their making (so much) noise. A. mind B. coming C. objected D. so much2、 Everyone (who) takes the examination (will) receive (their) score reports (in) six weeks. A. who B. will C. their D. in3、 On her (way to

2、) the supermarket yesterday morning, Mary (met) an old friend and stopped talking with him (for) quite a while. A. way to B. met C. stopped talking D. for4、 (It is) extremely important (for) an engineer (to know) (to use a computer). A. It is B. for C. to know D. to use a computer5、 Jane said she (h

3、eard) someone (in) the classroom, (but) when we looked we didnt find someone. A. heard B. in C. but D. someone6、 Paul (doesnt) want to (attend) the meeting (and) Sam doesnt, (too). A. doesnt B. attend C. and D. too7、 I (didnt) enjoy (him) singing so (softly), though I generally enjoy (quiet) songs.

4、A. didnt B. him C. softly D. quiet8、 Yellowstone National Park is (one of) the (older parks) in the United States. It was (established) by Congress (in) 1872. A. one of B. older parks C. established D. in9、 The examiner (did not) know (whether) to report the student (for) cheating or (warning) him f

5、irst. A. did not B. whether C. for D. warning10、 One of (the things) she wrote about (were) life (on) a small farm (at the beginning of) the century. A. the things B. were C. on D. at the beginning of11、 He (went) to the library (and spent) the whole afternoon there (to look for) material for an art

6、icle (on) Shakespeare. A. went B. and spent C. to look for D. on12、 Hard (as) he worked, (but) Mr. Brown (couldnt) keep the shop (properly). A. as B. but C. couldnt D. properly13、 (What) he does, he always does (it) well, (though) he has (some difficulties). A. What B. it C. though D. some difficult

7、ies14、 As (quiet) as possible he (unfastened) the door (and) went out into (the frosty) December night. A. quiet B. unfastened C. and D. the frosty15、 (The) rooms were then (empty) and (most of) them (have been) shut up. A. The B. empty C. most of D. have been16、 I (enjoy) eating (in) good restauran

8、ts (and) (to go to) the theater afterwards. A. enjoy B. in C. and D. to go to17、 (As) no one (in) the small village knew (nothing) about medicine, Mrs. Smith, a former nurse, had to (work as) a doctor. A. As B. in C. nothing D. work as18、 There (are) two kinds of (computers) in this country, both of

9、 (them) are widely (used) today. A. are B. computers C. them D. used19、 (Many) unexpected problems (have been arisen) in the course (of) the reconstruction (of) the city. A. Many B. have been arisen C. of D. of20、 (When) he found he (hadnt) enough money (to pay for) the meal, he was very much (embar

10、rassing). A. When B. hadnt C. to pay for D. embarrassing21、 During (the) discussion, Mr. Sam (remained) silent (when) a (sking his opinion). A. the B. remained C. when D. sking his opinion22、 It usually (takes) much (less) time (to fly) from one country to another than (traveling) by train. A. takes

11、 B. less C. to fly D. traveling23、 Mr. King often (wore) a heavy coat (because) he was not used (to live) in such a cold (climate). A. wore B. because C. to live D. climate24、 If you (read) the book (a second) time, (and) you will probably have quite a different understanding of the events (describe

12、d in it). A. read B. a second C. and D. described in it25、 It was (through) his uncles influence (which) Philip (obtained) his position (with) the biggest oil company in the country. A. through B. which C. obtained D. with26、 Youve to (hurry up) if you want to buy (something) because (theres) hardly

13、 (something) left. A. hurry up B. something C. theres D. something27、 When we (walked) past the theater, there (were) a lot of people (waited) in a long line (outside) the box office. A. walked B. were C. waited D. outside28、 The (principal) reason for the great (number of) smoke is (that) there are

14、 (too many) factories in this area. A. principal B. number of C. that D. too many29、 (Although) I expected (something) different, I was still (surprised) by (which) he said. A. Although B. something C. surprised D. which30、 You must (follow) the directions (exactly), and if you become (confusing), y

15、ou must take the time (to go) back and read them over. A. follow B. exactly C. confusing D. to go31、 He (doesnt) say (in) his letter (that) hes going to (be back) or not. A. doesnt B. in C. that D. be back32、 When he (saw) me (to pass) by, he (stopped to talk) (with) me. A. saw B. to pass C. stopped

16、 to talk D. with33、 (Be sure to) turn (off) the light (before) you leave. Yes, Ill (turn off it). A. Be sure to B. off C. before D. turn off it34、 Many people (live in) Tokyo think that (life) in a large city (offers) special (advantages). A. live in B. life C. offers D. advantages35、 (Under no) cir

17、cumstances (we shall) stop (the) research (weve begun). A. Under no B. we shall C. the D. weve begun36、 Two days (past) (before) he (realized) that the task was (beyond his capacity). A. past B. before C. realized D. beyond his capacity37、 (You dont) have to (worry about) making yourself (understand

18、) as many people here know (a bit) of English. A. You dont B. worry about C. understand D. a bit38、 The book was so (bored) that I (returned) it (to the library) without (finishing) it. A. bored B. returned C. to the library D. finishing39、 It (turned out) (why) the tiger (got out) of the cage becau

19、se the man in charge had forgot (to lock) it. A. turned out B. why C. got out D. to lock40、 John said his mother (would buy) him a (five-speeds) racing bicycle (for) his (sixteenth) birthday. A. would buy B. five-speeds C. for D. sixteenth41、 His parents are (worried) (because) they havent heard (of

20、) their son (in) more than two months. A. worried B. because C. of D. in42、 The doctor (told) him that he (should take) this medicine (one) pill at (one) time. A. told B. should take C. one D. one43、 The unit of (measurement) known as foot (has) originally based on the average (size) of the human (f

21、oot). A. measurement B. has C. size D. foot44、 The reason (why) Jack (failed) to (attend) the lecture is (because) he had a bad cold. A. why B. failed C. attend D. because45、 It is on (each) individual effort (which) the safety and happiness of (the whole) (depend). A. each B. which C. the whole D.

22、depend46、 I feel like (to take) a long (walk). (Would) you like (to go) with me? A. to take B. walk C. Would D. to go47、 This morning I (got up) (late), (so) I came to school ten minutes (later). A. got up B. late C. so D. later48、 A good artist (like) a good engineer (learns) as (many) from his mis

23、takes as from (success). A. like B. learns C. many D. success49、 (This) is the sportsman (whom) everyone says (will win) the first prize (at) the Winter Olympic Games. A. This B. whom C. will win D. at50、 (Unlike) Americans who seem (to prefer) coffee, the English (drinks) (a great deal) of tea. A.

24、Unlike B. to prefer C. drinks D. a great deal51、 (Convincing) that they were trying (to poison) him, he refused (to eat) (anything). A. Convincing B. to poison C. to eat D. anything52、 (Would) you mind (waiting) for me a moment? My work (will be) finished (at no time). A. Would B. waiting C. will be

25、 D. at no time53、 He (will) not (borrow) you the money (even) if you (ask). A. will B. borrow C. even D. ask54、 (It is important) (that) she (goes) to see the doctor (immediately). A. It is important B. that C. goes D. immediately55、 (Walking) in the street, the cars and buses (are running) (like) (

26、streams). A. Walking B. are running C. like D. streams56、 If you (happen) to (come across) Jack, please tell him (to come) and see me when he (will be) free. A. happen B. come across C. to come D. will be57、 The United States (is composed of) fifty states, (two of those) are (separated) from the (ot

27、hers) by land or water. A. is composed of B. two of those C. separated D. others58、 The news (coming) from (different parts) of the world (are) often extremely (discouraging) these days. A. coming B. different parts C. are D. discouraging59、 We (had lived) in this house for three years (while) my fa

28、ther decided (to have) us (move) to a new neighborhood. A. had lived B. while C. to have D. move60、 I (dont think) I can (understand) this book because the subject (it) deals with is not familiar (with) me. A. dont think B. understand C. it D. with61、 Nancy had (a great deal of) trouble (to concentr

29、ate on) her work (because of) the noise (in) the next room. A. a great deal of B. to concentrate on C. because of D. in62、 The meeting was (interesting) (to) some people, (and) to me it was (boring). A. interesting B. to C. and D. boring63、 (Ever since) the world (began), nations (have difficulty) (

30、in keeping) peace with their neighbors. A. Ever since B. began C. have difficulty D. in keeping64、 I (was just) falling (sleep) last night (when) I heard a knock (at) the door. A. was just B. sleep C. when D. at65、 She was (angry), went (out), and (slamming) the door (behind) her. A. angry B. out C.

31、 slamming D. behind66、 Bats (are able) to (guide them) by producing sound waves (too high) for us (to hear). A. are able B. guide them C. too high D. to hear67、 The boy denied (to have seen) (anyone) in the building when (being questioned) by the teacher (shortly after) the incident. A. to have seen

32、 B. anyone C. being questioned D. shortly after68、 The salesman told me (that) a good pair of glasses (were) supposed (to last) (at least) 3 to 4 years. A. that B. were C. to last D. at least69、 You (had better) (return to) your dormitory and (to enjoy) the company of your roommates instead of (wast

33、ing) time with me. A. had better B. return to C. to enjoy D. wasting70、 A student is (allowed) to (enter into) this room (only if) a teacher (has given) permission. A. allowed B. enter into C. only if D. has given71、 He (jumped) (over) the fence, ran (across) the field, and (disappearing) into the w

34、oods. A. jumped B. over C. across D. disappearing72、 (Find answers) (to) these questions (is) something (like) a detective story. A. Find answers B. to C. is D. like73、 (Even though) Sandra (has been studying) English for three years (before) she came to the United States, it is difficult for her (t

35、o express herself). A. Even though B. has been studying C. before D. to express herself74、 (A number of) foreign visitors (were taken) to the industrial exhibition (which) they (saw) many new products. A. A number of B. were taken C. which D. saw75、 It is (driving) (on the left) (what) causes visito

36、rs to Britain (the most) trouble. A. driving B. on the left C. what D. the most76、 When she (came) back from Hollywood, she wanted (to tell) everybody (about) all the stars and exciting people (who) she had seen. A. came B. to tell C. about D. who77、 (Many) of the societys wealth (is controlled) by

37、large (corporations) and government (agencies). A. Many B. is controlled C. corporations D. agencies78、 (The simplest) kind of plant, (alike) the simplest kind of animal, (consists of) (only one) cell. A. The simplest B. alike C. consists of D. only one79、 (Despite) they are (small), the horses are (strong) and (have) great energy. A. Despite B. small C. strong D. have80、 We (strongly) suggest (that) Smith (is told) about (his) physical condition as soon as possible. A. strongly B. that C. is told D. his81、 Nearly

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