1、英文Java面试题Question: What is transient variable?Answer: Transient variable cant be serialize. For example if a variable is declared as transient in a Serializable class and the class is written to an ObjectStream, the value of the variable cant be written to the stream instead when the class is retrie
2、ved from the ObjectStream the value of the variable becomes null.Question: Name the containers which uses Border Layout as their default layout?Answer: Containers which uses Border Layout as their default are: window, Frame and Dialog classes. Question: What do you understand by Synchronization?Answ
3、er: Synchronization is a process of controlling the access of shared resources by the multiple threads in such a manner that only one thread can access one resource at a time. In non synchronized multithreaded application, it is possible for one thread to modify a shared object while another thread
4、is in the process of using or updating the objects value. Synchronization prevents such type of data corruption.E.g. Synchronizing a function:public synchronized void Method1 () / Appropriate method-related code. E.g. Synchronizing a block of code inside a function:public myFunction () synchronized
5、(this) / Synchronized code here. Question: What is Collection API?Answer: The Collection API is a set of classes and interfaces that support operation on collections of objects. These classes and interfaces are more flexible, more powerful, and more regular than the vectors, arrays, and hashtables i
6、f effectively replaces. Example of classes: HashSet, HashMap, ArrayList, LinkedList, TreeSet and TreeMap.Example of interfaces: Collection, Set, List and Map.Question: Is Iterator a Class or Interface? What is its use?Answer: Iterator is an interface which is used to step through the elements of a C
7、ollection. Question: What is similarities/difference between an Abstract class and Interface?Answer: Differences are as follows: Interfaces provide a form of multiple inheritance. A class can extend only one other class. Interfaces are limited to public methods and constants with no implementation.
8、Abstract classes can have a partial implementation, protected parts, static methods, etc. A Class may implement several interfaces. But in case of abstract class, a class may extend only one abstract class. Interfaces are slow as it requires extra indirection to find corresponding method in the actu
9、al class. Abstract classes are fast. Similarities: Neither Abstract classes or Interface can be instantiated. Question: How to define an Abstract class?Answer: A class containing abstract method is called Abstract class. An Abstract class cant be instantiated. Example of Abstract class:abstract clas
10、s testAbstractClass protected String myString; public String getMyString() return myString; public abstract string anyAbstractFunction(); Question: How to define an Interface?Answer: In Java Interface defines the methods but does not implement them. Interface can include constants. A class that impl
11、ements the interfaces is bound to implement all the methods defined in Interface.Emaple of Interface:public interface sampleInterface public void functionOne(); public long CONSTANT_ONE = 1000; Question: Explain the user defined Exceptions?Answer: User defined Exceptions are the separate Exception c
12、lasses defined by the user for specific purposed. An user defined can created by simply sub-classing it to the Exception class. This allows custom exceptions to be generated (using throw) and caught in the same way as normal exceptions. Example:class myCustomException extends Exception / The class s
13、imply has to exist to be an exception Question: Explain the new Features of JDBC 2.0 Core API?Answer: The JDBC 2.0 API includes the complete JDBC API, which includes both core and Optional Package API, and provides inductrial-strength database computing capabilities. New Features in JDBC 2.0 Core AP
14、I:Scrollable result sets- using new methods in the ResultSet interface allows programmatically move the to particular row or to a position relative to its current position JDBC 2.0 Core API provides the Batch Updates functionality to the java applications. Java applications can now use the ResultSet
15、.updateXXX methods. New data types - interfaces mapping the SQL3 data types Custom mapping of user-defined types (UTDs) Miscellaneous features, including performance hints, the use of character streams, full precision for java.math.BigDecimal values, additional security, and support for time zones i
16、n date, time, and timestamp values. Question: Explain garbage collection?Answer: Garbage collection is one of the most important feature of Java. Garbage collection is also called automatic memory management as JVM automatically removes the unused variables/objects (value is null) from the memory. U
17、ser program cannt directly free the object from memory, instead it is the job of the garbage collector to automatically free the objects that are no longer referenced by a program. Every class inherits finalize() method from java.lang.Object, the finalize() method is called by garbage collector when
18、 it determines no more references to the object exists. In Java, it is good idea to explicitly assign null into a variable when no more in use. I Java on calling System.gc() and Runtime.gc(), JVM tries to recycle the unused objects, but there is no guarantee when all the objects will garbage collect
19、ed. Question: How you can force the garbage collection?Answer: Garbage collection automatic process and cant be forced. Question: What is OOPS?Answer: OOP is the common abbreviation for Object-Oriented Programming. Question: Describe the principles of OOPS.Answer: There are three main principals of
20、oops which are called Polymorphism, Inheritance and Encapsulation. Question: Explain the Encapsulation principle.Answer: Encapsulation is a process of binding or wrapping the data and the codes that operates on the data into a single entity. This keeps the data safe from outside interface and misuse
21、. One way to think about encapsulation is as a protective wrapper that prevents code and data from being arbitrarily accessed by other code defined outside the wrapper. Question: Explain the Inheritance principle.Answer: Inheritance is the process by which one object acquires the properties of anoth
22、er object. Question: Explain the Polymorphism principle.Answer: The meaning of Polymorphism is something like one name many forms. Polymorphism enables one entity to be used as as general category for different types of actions. The specific action is determined by the exact nature of the situation.
23、 The concept of polymorphism can be explained as one interface, multiple methods. Question: Explain the different forms of Polymorphism.Answer: From a practical programming viewpoint, polymorphism exists in three distinct forms in Java: Method overloading Method overriding through inheritance Method
24、 overriding through the Java interface Question: What are Access Specifiers available in Java?Answer: Access specifiers are keywords that determines the type of access to the member of a class. These are: Public Protected Private Defaults Question: Describe the wrapper classes in Java.Answer: Wrappe
25、r class is wrapper around a primitive data type. An instance of a wrapper class contains, or wraps, a primitive value of the corresponding type.Following table lists the primitive types and the corresponding wrapper classes:Primitive Wrapper boolean java.lang.Boolean byte java.lang.Byte char java.la
26、ng.Character double java.lang.Double float java.lang.Float int java.lang.Integer long java.lang.Long short java.lang.Short void java.lang.Void Question: Read the following program:public class test public static void main(String args) int x = 3; int y = 1; if (x = y) System.out.println(Not equal); e
27、lse System.out.println(Equal); What is the result? A. The output is equal?br B. The output in not Equal?br C. An error at if (x = y) causes compilation to fall. D. The program executes but no output is show on console.Answer: CQuestion: what is the class variables ?Answer: When we create a number of
28、 objects of the same class, then each object will share a common copy of variables. That means that there is only one copy per class, no matter how many objects are created from it. Class variables or static variables are declared with the static keyword in a class, but mind it that it should be dec
29、lared outside outside a class. These variables are stored in static memory. Class variables are mostly used for constants, variable that never change its initial value. Static variables are always called by the class name. This variable is created when the program starts i.e. it is created before th
30、e instance is created of class by using new operator and gets destroyed when the programs stops. The scope of the class variable is same a instance variable. The class variable can be defined anywhere at class level with the keyword static. It initial value is same as instance variable. When the cla
31、ss variable is defined as int then its initial value is by default zero, when declared boolean its default value is false and null for object references. Class variables are associated with the class, rather than with any object. Question: What is the difference between the instanceof and getclass,
32、these two are same or not ?Answer: instanceof is a operator, not a function while getClass is a method of java.lang.Object class. Consider a condition where we use if(o.getClass().getName().equals(java.lang.Math) This method only checks if the classname we have passed is equal to java.lang.Math. The
33、 class java.lang.Math is loaded by the bootstrap ClassLoader. This class is an abstract class.This class loader is responsible for loading classes. Every Class object contains a reference to the ClassLoader that defines. getClass() method returns the runtime class of an object. It fetches the java i
34、nstance of the given fully qualified type name. The code we have written is not necessary, because we should not compare getClass.getName(). The reason behind it is that if the two different class loaders load the same class but for the JVM, it will consider both classes as different classes so, we
35、cant compare their names. It can only gives the implementing class but cant compare a interface, but instanceof operator can. The instanceof operator compares an object to a specified type. We can use it to test if an object is an instance of a class, an instance of a subclass, or an instance of a c
36、lass that implements a particular interface. We should try to use instanceof operator in place of getClass() method. Remember instanceof opeator and getClass are not same. Try this example, it will help you to better understand the difference between the two. Interface oneClass Two implements one Cl
37、ass Three implements one public class Test public static void main(String args) one test1 = new Two();one test2 = new Three();System.out.println(test1 instanceof one); /trueSystem.out.println(test2 instanceof one); /trueSystem.out.println(Test.getClass().equals(test2.getClass(); /false* Q1. How coul
38、d Java classes direct program messages to the system console, but error messages, say to a file?. The class System has a variable out that represents the standard output, and the variable err that represents the standard error device. By default, they both point at the system console. This how the s
39、tandard output could be re-directed:Stream st = new Stream(new FileOutputStream(output.txt); System.setErr(st); System.setOut(st); * Q2. Whats the difference between an interface and an abstract class?A. An abstract class may contain code in method bodies, which is not allowed in an interface. With
40、abstract classes, you have to inherit your class from it and Java does not allow multiple inheritance. On the other hand, you can implement multiple interfaces in your class.* Q3. Why would you use a synchronized block vs. synchronized method?A. Synchronized blocks place locks for shorter periods th
41、an synchronized methods.* Q4. Explain the usage of the keyword transient?A. This keyword indicates that the value of this member variable does not have to be serialized with the object. When the class will be de-serialized, this variable will be initialized with a default value of its data type (i.e
42、. zero for integers).* Q5. How can you force garbage collection?A. You cant force GC, but could request it by calling System.gc(). JVM does not guarantee that GC will be started immediately.* Q6. How do you know if an explicit object casting is needed?A. If you assign a superclass object to a variab
43、le of a subclasss data type, you need to do explicit casting. For example:Object a; Customer b; b = (Customer) a;When you assign a subclass to a variable having a supeclass type, the casting is performed automatically. * Q7. Whats the difference between the methods sleep() and wait()A. The code slee
44、p(1000); puts thread aside for exactly one second. The code wait(1000), causes a wait of up to one second. A thread could stop waiting earlier if it receives the notify() or notifyAll() call. The method wait() is defined in the class Object and the method sleep() is defined in the class Thread.* Q8.
45、 Can you write a Java class that could be used both as an applet as well as an application?A. Yes. Add a main() method to the applet.* Q9. Whats the difference between constructors and other methods?A. Constructors must have the same name as the class and can not return a value. They are only called
46、 once while regular methods could be called many times.* Q10. Can you call one constructor from another if a class has multiple constructorsA. Yes. Use this() syntax.* Q11. Explain the usage of Java packages.A. This is a way to organize files when a project consists of multiple modules. It also help
47、s resolve naming conflicts when different packages have classes with the same names. Packages access level also allows you to protect data from being used by the non-authorized classes.* Q12. If a class is located in a package, what do you need to change in the OS environment to be able to use it?A. You need to add a directory or a jar file that contains the package directories to the CLASSPATH environment variable. Lets say a class E