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1、5篇押题作文押题一:国民网上阅读率Recent National Readership on the Internet 出现这种现象旳原因。 这种现象也许产生旳影响。 优秀范文 National Readership on the InternetRecently it has been reported that national readership on the Internet had changed greatly. As is indicated on the media coverage, the percentage of Internet readership grew sh

2、arply in the past decade.Two reasons can account for this phenomenon. For a start, the individuals have convenient access to the Internet and the richness of Internet resources. With the rapid development of technology, people nowadays have access to the “enormous database” almost anytime and anywhe

3、re for their free choice. More significantly, reading on the Internet is more cost-effective compared with traditional reading in that most of the electronic books are free or very cheap. On the contrary, the price of paper/print books remains relatively higher.In general, such a change will have an

4、 impact on people. For one thing, as more and more people read on the Internet for entertainment or amusement, their imagination and creativity may be dampened/weakened/devitalized in the long run since/as the online reading is a kind of superficial reading. For another, because some information on

5、the Internet is unhealthy or untrue full of violence, pornography and prejudice, some readers, especially the teenagers, may be misled as the very victims worryingly. 押题二:我们个体怎样为实现中国梦做奉献?+行动胜于空谈“Action is the real measure of intelligence.” Action speaks louder than words. Individual contributions ma

6、de to the fulfillment/achievement of the Chinese Dream 优秀范文 Actions Speak Louder than Words for the Chinese Dreamassume that most of us are familiar with Napoleon Hills remark: “Action is the real measure of intelligence.” Obviously, what we can make of this quotation is the significance of taking a

7、ction, which must be much more significant than words or any empty talk in achieving the Chinese Dream.Each of us has a dream and deserves an opportunity to realize our own dreams, most significantly when we participate in the great enterprise of the Chinese Dream as individuals. However, whether ou

8、r individual and national dreams can come true virtually/substantially depends on whether we take actions or not. Its a common problem for some men and women that they talk about their dreams, but never put them into action. It should be stressed that what we dream of will not come to us merely by w

9、ords and slogans. It is tangible actions and down-to-earth efforts that make a difference. The more action we take, the more likely we are to accumulate experiences, master skills and thus get closer to the dream destination.Above all, at no time should we ignore the value of action when we strive t

10、o accomplish the ambitious Chinese Dream, because action gets us everywhere we wish to go while words bring us nowhere. Accordingly, not only should we possess a great dream, but we also should take fruitful actions to make it come true. 押题三:老式文化、东方自己旳老式节日、人文教育课程等旳意义 个人层面自我知识与精神旳铸造 培养社会意识、公民意识、团体合作、

11、关爱互助等 教育年轻一代,民族文化传承,包括intangible cultural heritage 彰显国家民族特色和立国之本,走向世界,国家文化交流 优秀范文 弘扬东方旳节日和老式文化【将所有festival旳词汇换为traditional culture即可】With the advent of globalization Western holidays like St. Valentines Day and Christmas have penetrated into China, thus leading to heated controversy. For advocates,

12、Western festivals can go beyond national and cultural barriers/boundaries for Chinese people to enjoy life and relax themselves. By following a trend of festival changes and cultural exchanges, such celebrations can further compensate/provide a stronger absence of traditional festive air in todays C

13、hina. In contrast, opponents generally prioritize preserving traditional rituals and customs. They assert the pernicious pervasion of Westernized holidays as incurring civic spiritual corruption in morality and conduct. Challengers in China show great concerns over the Western cultural invasion base

14、d upon widespread consumerism propagated by merchants. In my view, despite the good reasons by the advocates defenses, opponents caveat deserve better claims by highlighting the Western threatening impacts upon Eastern individual everyday life and national cultural independence.At first sight, among

15、 other merits, the larger variety of enriched personal happiness and interpersonal communication do arise from practicing Western festive celebrations. For instance, a day of expressing love and care for St. Vs day or a day of conveying best wishes for friends and relatives on Christmas eve should b

16、e heart-warming to each other. By so doing, people can relax and enjoy via amusement, gatherings, and greetings for one another in the wake of one exhausting workweek after another. Be that as it may, on second thoughts, a wider range of defects from such a popular fashion of Western festivals can b

17、e discovered/analyzed. For example, it must be acknowledged for them to deal a fatal blow on traditional Chinese culture and the sense of communal identity by reshaping the younger generations national and cultural identity. Next, celebrating Western holidays will give rise to more lax standards of

18、moral and lifestyle as sex and drinking might not be rare due to breaking down Confucian ethical norms. It is the foreign festivals that are exerting religious invasion by encroaching on and corrupting local/ indigenous beliefs and habits, such as filial piety and collective values. In addition, the

19、y can represent Western expansion of culture and soft power or even cultural hegemony, thus producing/providing the complicity of commercialization and consumerism by satiating ones desires.To crown it all/Based on the above analyses/evaluation, it is quite reasonable to justify such a phenomenon wh

20、en people gain more chances of interpersonal communication. Yet, more significantly, that celebrating foreign festivals is more and more popular seems to pose greater danger to Chinese traditional culture and belief as the inevitable negative effects upon individual and national character must be co

21、nsidered. Therefore, the best way might be, as the government has been adopted, the reestablishment of the traditional festive system by reclaiming the red dates of traditional Chinese holidays on each citizens calendar. 押题四:大学生应当持有信用卡吗?Should College Students Have Credit Cards (be entitled for)? 有旳

22、人认为大学生应当使用信用卡 有旳人则认为大学生使用信用卡会带来负面影响 优秀范文 Should College Students Have Credit Cards?As regards whether the college students should own credit cards, there has been a heated discussion among people most recently.Those who admit its necessity think that owning credit cards can help students for an emer

23、gency, and also it is a good way for college students to learn how to manage their money and how to show self-restraint. However, some people are against the use of credit cards. First and foremost, some college students may squander their money once having credit cards, with which they may purchase

24、 something unnecessary such as luxurious clothes or expensive mobile phones. More significantly, they will increase the financial burdens of their families and relatives. Concerning a latest survey issued by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, a high proportion of 45% of college students admit

25、that they have credit card debts, which even have aroused violence and frauds on college campuses and incurred great damage upon youths physically and mentally. Ultimately, it is parents who have to repay the debts if their children can not afford them by themselves.As for me, the point is not wheth

26、er we should have credit cards or not, but that as college students, we should maintain the traditional virtue of frugality and learn to spend our money in a wise way/manner. 押题五:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “There is nothing noble

27、in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 优秀范文 On Self- ImprovementErnest Hemingway once said, “There is nothing noble in being superior t

28、o your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” His remark is thought provoking because more often than not, some people use others life as a yardstick against which to measure their own success.This mode of life will certainly do more harm than good. To begin with, if one k

29、eeps comparing his life with others life, he may end up pursuing superiority over his peers rather than living his own life to the fullest. Furthermore, if one devotes himself to this fanatical pursuit, he will be unable to spare a moment to reflect on his own experience. Consequently, his personal

30、failings will always be overlooked, not to mention their corrections. In the end, he may be content with himself for having surpassed many of his peers, but he remains to be the person with those same failures, same weaknesses, and more importantly, same ignorance.Hence, all in all, one should focus on himself to make self improvement. In other words, his own life should be used as the most important yardstick, or else there would be no improvement at all.

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