1、LOGO热/烈/庆/祝/中/华/人/民/共/和/国/成/立/71/周/年The Mid-Autumn Festival moon is round, the moon is round and people round; the National Day is happy and connected,and the love is connected; text messages send wishes, and the country is safe; the fun is in the meantime, you pass me on.Mid-Autumn Festival full mo
2、on night, when the National Day is happy, all things are peaceful season, every year and peace, long live China!Mid-autumn moon, tasting wine,中秋国庆放假通知根据国务院办公厅通知精神,现将20xx年国庆节放假调休安排通知如下:20xx年国庆节假期安排为:10月1日至7日(1日,国庆节)放假调休,共78天。节假日期间,请各单位、各部门妥善安排好值班和安全、保卫等工作,遇有重大突发事件,要按规定及时报告并妥善处置,确保社会稳定和人民群众平安度过节日假期。预祝大家国庆节快乐!特此通知。xxx行政部2019年9月25日公司将于20xx年10月1日至8日放假调休,共8天。20xx年10月9日正式上班。