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1、Congratulation Letters&CardsUnit 4 Social LettersContentsIntroductionProcessCongratulation LettersCongratulation CardsIntroduction 按西方国家的习俗,亲友之间在重大节按西方国家的习俗,亲友之间在重大节日要写祝贺信或赠礼物,如圣诞节、新年、婚日要写祝贺信或赠礼物,如圣诞节、新年、婚礼、生日等等。当亲友晋升、考试成功、毕业、礼、生日等等。当亲友晋升、考试成功、毕业、乔迁新居、获得工作、新业开张以及获奖等等,乔迁新居、获得工作、新业开张以及获奖等等,也要写祝贺信。也要写祝

2、贺信。祝贺信要写的及时,得到喜讯后应立即祝贺信要写的及时,得到喜讯后应立即动笔。信中要提到具体的喜事,表达出写信人动笔。信中要提到具体的喜事,表达出写信人的喜悦心情,并致以衷心的祝贺。总的来说,的喜悦心情,并致以衷心的祝贺。总的来说,这类书信只需寥寥数语,但用词必须亲切有礼,这类书信只需寥寥数语,但用词必须亲切有礼,表达出真诚的喜悦。表达出真诚的喜悦。Process1.Use the word congratulations early in your letter.2.Mention the reason why you congratulate someone,such as gradua

3、tion,promotion,honor,baby.3.Tell how happy,pleased,proud or impressed you are and why.4.If necessary,tell how you learned about the good news.If you read it the newspaper,enclose the clipping or photocopy of it.5.Close your letter with wishes for the person or expressions of your confidence:wish the

4、 person continued success and happiness;express your confidence in a bright future;assure the person of your love,affection,admiration,warmth,interest,delight,pleasure or continued business support.Summary Style:personalandformalContents:cause;whatandwhen;bestwishes.Samples Sample2:恭喜订婚(恭喜订婚(Congrat

5、ulationsonEngagement)DearRobert,Goodnewstravelsfast.IampleasedtohearthatyouandJoan became engaged last week.Congratulations!Youtwoareindeedaperfectmatch.Best wishes from me on your engagement.Someday IhopetomeetJoan.Pleaseremembermetoherandtellhermybestwishesforherhappiness.YoursverysincerelyDonSamp


7、rtfellow.MaytheyearsaheadbefilledwithgoodhealthandgoodfortuneforyouandStevenandyourlittlewhats-his-name.Bestwishestoallofyou!Verysincerelyyours,JoanSample4:答复祝贺(答复祝贺(ReplytoCongratulationsonNewbornBaby)DearJerry,Ithankyouforyourcongratulationsonthebirthofourboy.In matters of this kind,hopeful husban

8、ds are oftendoomed to disappointment.I have noticed frequently thatanxietyforasongenerallyresultsinadaughter.Wearelucky.NeedIsaythattheboyisafineboy?Didyoueverknowababyofeithersexthatwasnot“fine”?MotherandchildHeavenblessthemboth!aredoingwell,andthefatherisdelightedtobeabletomakesuchagoodreportofthe

9、m.Thelatter,proudofhisnewacquisition,remainsnow,asever,Sincerelyyours,J.B.WIGGINS.Practice(1)贵公司新店开张,谨致贺意。贵公司新店开张,谨致贺意。(2)这是你应得的奖赏,我们真为你感到自豪。)这是你应得的奖赏,我们真为你感到自豪。(3)我祝你们俩万事如意。)我祝你们俩万事如意。(4)这是你们一生中的大喜事,请接受我的衷)这是你们一生中的大喜事,请接受我的衷心祝贺。心祝贺。Patterns p.120(1)贵公司新店开张,谨致贺意。)贵公司新店开张,谨致贺意。Pleaseacceptourwarmestc


11、entofyourlife.Congratulation CardsNew Year Cards and Christmas CardsOn this special day I send you On this special day I send you New Years greetings New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we and hope that some day soon we shall be together.shall be together.New Year Cards and Christmas Car

12、dsMay peace and lovebe your gift atChristmasandalways!New Year Cards and Christmas CardsOn the occasion of the New Year,may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings,wishing you a happy New Year,your career greater success and your family happiness.Birthday CardsI know I keep you b

13、usy,but you keep me busy,too.While youre busy taking care of me,Im busy loving you.Have a wonderful birthday!Happy birthday to the best mom a son has ever had!Birthday Cards Year by year,Father,you mean more and more to those who love you.Valentines Day Thinking of you still makes Thinking of you st

14、ill makes my heart beat faster.my heart beat faster.I love you,and dont care who knows it!and dont care who knows it!Sample1:AGreetingCardDearLarry:Christmastimeishereoncemore,soonitwillbetimeagaintobringinthenewyear.WewishthemerriestofChristmastoyouandallyourlovedones.Wed also like to take the oppo

15、rtunity togive our sincere thanks to you for all the helpyouvegivenusinourEnglishstudy.Intheyearahead,wewishyouhappinessandsuccess.Welltoast to you on this special white Christmas inChina.Yourssincerely,FangSample2:AgiftcardDearJoyce,Therosesarefromourowngarden.Wesendthemtoyouwithlove.Hopeyouenjoyth


17、lofyou.Thankyoueversomuch.Mostappreciatively,JoyceLamb1.Ready-Made Letters Letter 1Dear _,One day means very special to me,that is _(month)the _(date),your birthday.With my best wishes for many happy returns of your birthday.Yours,Ready-Made LettersLetter 2 Dear_,Whatapleasantsurprisetohearthenewsof

18、yourcoming marriage to Mr./Miss_.Congratulations!He/Sheissucha(n)_gentleman/girlandwearesureyouhavemadeanexcellentchoicewhichwillbringyoualifetimeofhappiness.We beg your acceptance of theenclosedgiftasatokenofourbestwishes.Our best regards and devoirs to yourbridegroom/bride.Yours,Letter 3 Dear_,I a

19、m happy to learn the good news of yourgraduation from _ with honors.Youcertainlyhavedoneaverygoodjobinthepastfouryearsofyourstudies._isoneofthebestuniversitiesin_andIamsurethecampus achievements will lead you to a greatfuture of your career.Please accept my sincerecongratulationsandbestwishesforyour

20、futuresuccess.Yourssincerely,Letter 4 Dear_,Itwasapleasuretohearthatyouarepromotedtothe position of _ in _.Myheartiestcongratulations!Ireallythinkyoudeservethepositionafteryearsof service and experience you have had in_.Youhavemybestwishesforyourgreatersuccessinallthatyouundertake.Sincerelyyours,Pra

21、cticeCompletethefollowinglettersaccordingtotheinformationgiven.We take this opportunity at the end of the year to _谨向您致以最良好的祝愿 for 2007.We hope that the New Year _ _使我们两国之间的贸易有进一步的增加 and we look forward to continued _ 友好贸易关系 with you.sendourgreetingsandbestwisheswillbringafurtherincreaseintradebetwe

22、enourtwocountriesfriendlybusinessrelationsDear Mr.Ali,It was with great pleasure that my colleagues had heard of your appointment as _亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会主席主席.We should like to offer you our hearty congratulations.May we add that in our opinion_再也没再也没有更适合接受这一荣誉有更适合接受这一荣誉 than yourself.With war

23、mest good wishes for the future,Yours sincerely,ChairmanofEconomicSocialCommissionforAsiaandthePacificnoonemoredeservesthehonorWrite Write an an informal informal letter letter of of congratulation congratulation to to a a friend friend of of yours yours based based on on the the following following

24、 notes.notes.1)Congratulations on your friends appointment to the General Manger of this company.2)The promotion is due to his hard work.3)You are going to New York very soon.You promise to call him after you come back.4)Express your best wishes for the future.Dear Charles,I am very glad to hear tha

25、t you have been appointed General Manager of your company.I know how hard you have worked,and you certainly deserve it.It is a great pity we cant get together soon.Im going to New York for two weeks but Ill give you a ring when I get back.Meanwhile,all the very best wishes for the future.Yours since

26、relyStephen Translate the following letters into English.1)彭先生:彭先生:欢乐的节日又来到了,我祝您新年快乐,贸易兴隆。欢乐的节日又来到了,我祝您新年快乐,贸易兴隆。我希望在我希望在2007年中我们与贵国之间的贸易将不断增加。年中我们与贵国之间的贸易将不断增加。顺致问候。顺致问候。2)罗宾逊先生:罗宾逊先生:欣悉您已被任命为英格索欣悉您已被任命为英格索兰德公司董事会的董兰德公司董事会的董事。虽然这个职务对您来说并不过高,但已经是一个了事。虽然这个职务对您来说并不过高,但已经是一个了不起的成就。请接受我最衷心的祝贺和最良好的祝愿。不起的


28、我对此非常感激,并将铭记在心。Translate the following letters into English.Dear Mr.Peng,The festive season is with us once again,and I would like to wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year.I hope that during 2007 we shall have increased trade with your country.With kind regards,Yours sincerely,1)Dear Mr.Robi

29、nson,I was delighted to hear that you were appointed to Board of Ingersoll-Rand Company.This is a marvelous achievement,though no more than you deserve.Please accept my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for the future.Yours sincerely,2)Dear Mr.Zhang,I am delighted to hear of your new appoint

30、ment as a vice minister of foreign trade.I am very happy to see your work for your country recognized in this way.I take this opportunity of sending you my very best wishes for the future.With kindest regards,Yours sincerely,3)Dear Mr.Jackson,I hope you will accept this gift as a small token of my e

31、steem for you,and of my gratitude for the services you have rendered me.I know you make light of them,but I am very grateful and shall always remember them.Yours very sincerely,4)Key to exercise 3I.1.congratulations2.elected3.appointment4.in view of 5.deserve6.promote7.assistance8.termII.1.欣悉贵公司的销售额

32、在市场的销售中名列第一。欣悉贵公司的销售额在市场的销售中名列第一。2.值此大喜之际,请接受我最热烈的祝贺。值此大喜之际,请接受我最热烈的祝贺。3.祝贺贵公司祝贺贵公司50周年纪念。周年纪念。4.祝您在今后五年里飞黄腾达。祝您在今后五年里飞黄腾达。5.祝贺你!我们都为你所取得的巨大成就感到骄祝贺你!我们都为你所取得的巨大成就感到骄傲。傲。III.1.Wish you every success in the future.2.Congratulations on your promotion.3.Please accept our warmest congratulations on the o

33、pening of your new branch.4.It is an award that you richly deserve.We are really proud of you.5.All of us at the office send you our heartiest congratulations.IV.Dear Mr.Clark,Please accept our warmest congratulations on the opening of your London branch.We wish you every success in your increased involvement in the competitive market.Should there be any way in which we can be of assistance,please do not hesitate to contact me personally.Yours sincerely,(Signature)Mike Tang

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