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1、室内设计合同范本七篇Task: Seven Sample Interior Design ContractsSample Interior Design Contract 1中文:双方当事人根据合同法的规定,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方为其进行室内设计项目,并确定以下条款:一、服务内容:乙方将根据甲方的需求、要求和预算,进行室内设计方案的制定,包括平面布局、色彩搭配、家具选购等服务。二、工作时间:本项目的工作时间为从合同签订之日起至设计方案最终通过阶段结束。三、费用及支付方式:甲方应向乙方支付设计费用,具体金额及付款方式另行约定。四、知识产权及保密:设计方案的知识产权归属乙方,设计方案及相关信息

2、应当保密,未经双方同意不得向第三方透露。五、违约及解除:一方违约,应支付违约金;严重违约可以解除合同。六、其他约定:双方共同遵守其他约定事项。Sample Interior Design Contract 1English:According to the provisions of the Contract Law, the parties have conducted friendly negotiations and agreed to the following terms regarding the interior design project commissioned by Pa

3、rty A to Party B:1. Service Content: Party B will develop interior design schemes based on the requirements, needs, and budget of Party A, including layout planning, color coordination, and furniture procurement services.2. Work Time: The work period for this project is from the date of contract sig

4、ning to the completion of the final design scheme approval stage.3. Fees and Payment Terms: Party A shall pay the design fees to Party B, with the specific amount and payment method to be mutually agreed upon.4. Intellectual Property Rights and Confidentiality: The intellectual property rights of th

5、e design scheme belong to Party B, and the design scheme and related information should be kept confidential and not disclosed to third parties without the consent of both parties.5. Breach and Termination: In case of breach by either party, a penalty should be paid; in the event of a serious breach

6、, the contract can be terminated.6. Other Agreements: Both parties shall abide by other agreed terms and conditions.Sample Interior Design Contract 2中文:本合同有效期自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至设计方案最终通过审核之日止。乙方应根据本合同约定的服务内容及工作时间,按时保质保量完成工作,保证设计方案符合甲方的要求。甲方应按本合同规定的方式及时支付设计费用,如有合理延迟须提前告知乙方。双方如有争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,向有管辖权的人民法院提起

7、诉讼解决。本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。Sample Interior Design Contract 2English:This contract shall be valid from the date of signatures and seals by both parties until the final approval of the design scheme.Party B shall complete the work on time and ensure the design scheme meets the requirements of Par

8、ty A in accordance with the service content and work time specified in this contract.Party A shall make timely payments for the design fees as stipulated in this contract, with prior notice to Party B in case of reasonable delays.In the event of a dispute, the parties shall seek an amicable resoluti

9、on through negotiation; if negotiation fails, the dispute shall be resolved by the competent Peoples Court.This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one, and has equal legal effect for both parties.Sample Interior Design Contract 3中文:室内设计方案应符合国家相关规定,不得违反相关法律法规;如设计方案引发的纠纷,由乙方承担相应法律责

10、任。乙方需保障设计方案的独立性和原创性,不得抄袭或盗用他人设计作品。甲方有权对设计方案提出修改意见,乙方应根据合理的意见进行调整;多次修改需额外支付费用。设计方案的实施应遵循设计方案的要求和乙方的指导,如有变动需及时告知乙方。任何合同解释权均归双方当事人所有。Sample Interior Design Contract 3English:The interior design scheme must comply with relevant national regulations and not violate the law; in case of disputes arising fr

11、om the design scheme, Party B shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.Party B must ensure the independence and originality of the design scheme, and may not plagiarize or use others design works.Party A has the right to propose modifications to the design scheme, and Party B shall adjust the

12、 scheme according to reasonable suggestions; additional fees may apply for multiple modifications.The implementation of the design scheme should follow the requirements of the design scheme and the guidance of Party B, with any changes promptly communicated to Party B.The interpretation of this cont

13、ract is the responsibility of both parties.Sample Interior Design Contract 4中文:本合同的解释权归双方所有,任何未尽事宜双方协商解决。甲方需提供详尽的设计需求和相关信息,以便乙方进行设计方案的制定。乙方不得擅自泄漏设计方案的内容给第三方,应承担保密义务。如遇不可抗力事件或其他意外情况,应及时通知对方,并协商解决措施。本合同自双方签字盖章生效,至设计方案实施完成终止。Sample Interior Design Contract 4English:The interpretation of this contract b

14、elongs to both parties, and any unresolved matters should be settled through negotiation.Party A must provide detailed design requirements and relevant information to enable Party B to develop the design scheme.Party B may not disclose the content of the design scheme to third parties without author

15、ization, and should uphold confidentiality obligations.In case of force majeure events or other unexpected circumstances, the parties should promptly notify each other and negotiate solutions.This contract shall be valid from the date of signatures and seals by both parties until the completion of t

16、he design scheme implementation.Sample Interior Design Contract 5中文:甲方应向乙方提供足够的设计交底说明,明确设计的主题、风格、用途等要素。乙方应及时完成设计任务,并在规定的时间内提交设计方案,甲方应在规定时间内审核并提出修改意见。设计方案经过甲方审核并确认后,即视为通过,乙方将按照设计方案进行实施,甲方应全程配合,并按时支付费用。如设计方案需要进一步修改,双方应友好协商解决,并确定修改方案和额外费用。合同解释权归双方,合同有效期自签署之日起生效,至设计方案实施完毕终止。Sample Interior Design Contra

17、ct 5English:Party A shall provide sufficient design briefing to Party B, specifying the theme, style, and purpose of the design.Party B should promptly complete the design task and submit the design scheme within the specified time, with Party A required to review and provide feedback within the spe

18、cified time.Once the design scheme is reviewed and confirmed by Party A, it is considered approved, and Party B will proceed with the implementation as per the design scheme, with Party As full cooperation and timely payment.If further modifications are required to the design scheme, the parties sho

19、uld seek an amicable resolution and agree on the revised scheme and additional fees.The interpretation of the contract belongs to both parties, and the contract shall be valid from the date of signing until the completion of the design scheme implementation.Sample Interior Design Contract 6中文:甲方委托乙方

20、进行室内设计项目,乙方应根据甲方的需求和预算,制定符合甲方要求的设计方案。乙方应保证设计方案的合理性和实施性,确保施工过程中的安全,并提供必要的现场指导。甲方支付设计费用后,乙方应按时提交设计方案,协助甲方办理相关审批手续并参与后续工程。如果设计方案有任何争议或纠纷,双方应友好协商解决,如协商无果,可请求有关部门协调处理。双方行使合同权利和承担义务,负有相应的合同履行和保密责任。Sample Interior Design Contract 6English:Party A commissions Party B for an interior design project, and Part

21、y B should develop a design scheme that meets the requirements of Party A within the specified budget.Party B must ensure the rationality and feasibility of the design scheme, guarantee safety during the construction process, and provide necessary on-site guidance.After Party A pays the design fees,

22、 Party B should submit the design scheme on time, assist Party A in obtaining relevant approvals, and participate in the subsequent construction.In case of any disputes or controversies regarding the design scheme, the parties should seek an amicable resolution through negotiation. If negotiation fa

23、ils, relevant authorities can be requested to mediate.Both parties have rights and obligations under the contract, and are responsible for fulfilling the contract and maintaining confidentiality.Sample Interior Design Contract 7中文:甲方和乙方根据双方的意愿,达成以下室内设计合同:一、乙方应完成室内设计方案的制定,包括设计方案的平面布局、色彩搭配、软装设计等。二、甲方需

24、及时提供设计所需的相关材料、资料,保证设计方案的实施条件。三、乙方应履行保密义务,不得将设计方案泄露给第三方。四、设计方案涉及版权、知识产权等法律问题,由乙方负责处理。五、合同解释权归双方,如有争议,应友好协商解决。六、本合同自双方签字生效,至设计方案实施完成终止。Sample Interior Design Contract 7English:Party A and Party B have reached the following interior design contract based on mutual agreement:1. Party B shall develop the

25、 interior design scheme, including the layout planning, color coordination, and soft furnishing design.2. Party A must provide relevant materials and information required for the design in a timely manner, ensuring the implementation conditions of the design scheme.3. Party B shall fulfill confident

26、iality obligations and may not disclose the design scheme to third parties.4. Legal issues relating to copyright, intellectual property rights, etc., concerning the design scheme are the responsibility of Party B.5. The interpretation of the contract belongs to both parties, and in case of disputes,

27、 an amicable resolution should be sought through negotiation.6. This contract shall be effective from the date of signatures by both parties until the completion of the design scheme implementation.以上是七篇不同类型的室内设计合同范本,供您参考。希望对您有所帮助!The above are seven sample interior design contracts of different types for your reference. Hope it is helpful to you!

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