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1、著作权转让合同范本四篇文章一:著作权转让合同范本中文版:著作权转让合同甲方:(转让方)_(姓名/名称)_身份证号码/统一社会信用代码:_地址:_电话:_邮箱:_乙方:(受让方)_(姓名/名称)_身份证号码/统一社会信用代码:_地址:_电话:_邮箱:_鉴于甲方是具有独立著作权的创作者,有权处分相关著作权;乙方愿意受让甲方的作品并支付相应的转让费用,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:第一条 转让内容甲方将其创作的作品_(作品名称)_的著作权无偿/有偿转让给乙方。第二条 特许使用权甲方同意乙方在著作权转让后对作品进行使用、修改、发布等行为,但不影响甲方享有的署名权和修改权。第三条 转让方式甲方将作品的著作

2、权转让给乙方的方式为_(如独家转让、非独家转让等)_。第四条 保证和承诺1. 甲方保证其是作品的合法作者,享有对作品的著作权处分权。2. 甲方保证作品没有侵犯他人的著作权、商标权等合法权益。3. 甲方保证作品没有被其他单位或个人独占或独家合作使用。第五条 不可撤销甲方确认,一旦签署本协议,即表示甲方将其对作品著作权的处分权不可撤销地转让给乙方。第六条 法律适用本协议的签署、生效、履行和解决争议适用中华人民共和国法律。(以下无正文)英文版:Copyright Transfer AgreementParty A: (Transferor) _ID Number/Unified Social Cre

3、dit Code: _Address: _Phone: _Email: _Party B: (Transferee) _ID Number/Unified Social Credit Code: _Address: _Phone: _Email: _Whereas Party A is the independent creator with the copyright of the work and has the right to dispose of the related copyrights; Party B is willing to acquire the work from P

4、arty A and pay the corresponding transfer fee. The two parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:Article I Transfer of ContentParty A transfers the copyright of the work _ created by Party A to Party B for free/fee.Article II LicenseParty A agrees that Party B can use

5、, modify, and publish the work after the copyright transfer, without affecting Party As right to attribution and modification.Article III Mode of TransferThe method of transferring the copyright of the work from Party A to Party B is _ (e.g., exclusive transfer, non-exclusive transfer).Article IV Wa

6、rranty and Undertaking1. Party A warrants that he/she is the legal author of the work and has the right to dispose of the copyrights.2. Party A guarantees that the work does not infringe on the legitimate rights of others, such as copyright, trademark, etc.3. Party A guarantees that the work has not

7、 been exclusively used by other entities or individuals.Article V IrrevocabilityParty A confirms that once this agreement is signed, Party As right to dispose of the copyright of the work is irrevocably transferred to Party B.Article VI Applicable LawThe signing, effectiveness, performance, and reso

8、lution of disputes of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.(End of Text)文章二:著作权转让合同示范中文版:著作权转让合同一、转让方转让人身份证号码/单位统一社会信用代码:_住所地:_联系电话:_电子邮箱:_二、受让方受让人身份证号码/单位统一社会信用代码:_住所地:_联系电话:_电子邮箱:_三、转让内容1. 转让方同意将其创作的作品_(作品名称)_的著作权转让给受让方。2. 转让范围包括但不限于对作品的复制权、发行权、展览权等相关权利。四、转

9、让方式本合同为全权转让/独家转让/非独家转让(请选择一种)。五、转让费用受让方同意向转让方支付_(金额)_作为著作权转让费用。六、保证和承诺1. 转让方保证其为作品的合法作者,享有作品的完整著作权。2. 转让方保证其没有将作品的著作权分别转让给其他单位或个人。3. 转让方同意受让方在作品中保留转让方的署名权。七、附则1. 本合同自受让方付清著作权转让费用之日起生效。2. 本合同一式两份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。以上内容属实,双方签字盖章即生效。转让方(盖章/签字):_ 受让方(盖章/签字):_日期:_年_月_日英文版:Copyright Transfer AgreementTransf

10、erorID Number/Unified Social Credit Code of the Transferor: _Address: _Contact Phone: _Email: _TransfereeID Number/Unified Social Credit Code of the Transferee: _Address: _Contact Phone: _Email: _Transfer Content1. The Transferor agrees to transfer the copyright of the work _(Title of the Work)_ cre

11、ated by the Transferor to the Transferee.2. The transfer scope includes, but is not limited to, the rights of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, etc., related to the work.Mode of TransferThis contract is for the exclusive/non-exclusive transfer of the copyright.Transfer FeeThe Transferee agrees

12、 to pay _(Amount)_ to the Transferor as the copyright transfer fee.Guarantee and Commitment1. The Transferor warrants that he/she is the legal author of the work and has the complete copyright of the work.2. The Transferor guarantees that he/she has not separately transferred the copyright of the wo

13、rk to other entities or individuals.3. The Transferor agrees that the Transferee shall retain the right to attribution in the work.Miscellaneous1. This contract shall take effect from the date when the Transferee pays the copyright transfer fee in full.2. This contract is made in duplicate, with eac

14、h party holding one copy, both copies having equal legal effect.The above content is true and valid, and the agreement becomes effective upon the signatures and seals of both parties.Transferor (Seal/Signature): _ Transferee (Seal/Signature): _Date: Year_ Month_ Day_(End of Text)文章三:著作权转让合同表格中文版:著作权

15、转让合同转让方名称(盖章):_法定代表人/授权代表(签字):_联系地址:_联系电话:_电子邮箱:_受让方名称(盖章):_法定代表人/授权代表(签字):_联系地址:_联系电话:_电子邮箱:_作品名称:_作品类别:_作品著作权使用范围:_一、转让内容1. 转让方同意将作品_的著作权全部/部分无偿/有偿转让给受让方。2. 转让范围包括但不限于复制权、发行权、展览权、表演权等著作权及相关权利。二、受让费用受让方同意向转让方支付_(金额)_作为著作权转让费用。三、保证和承诺1. 转让方保证其为作品的合法作者,享有作品的完整著作权。2. 转让方保证转让的作品未侵犯任何第三方的合法权益。3. 受让方保证使用

16、作品时尊重转让方的署名权及其他相关权益。四、其他事项1. 本合同一式两份,自双方签字或盖章之日起生效。2. 本合同未尽事宜双方协商解决,争议解决地为_(地点)_。签约日期:_年_月_日英文版:Copyright Transfer AgreementTransferor Name (Seal): _Legal Representative/Authorized Representative (Signature): _Contact Address: _Contact Phone: _Email: _Transferee Name (Seal): _Legal Representative/Au

17、thorized Representative (Signature): _Contact Address: _Contact Phone: _Email: _Title of the Work: _Type of Work: _Scope of Use of the Copyright of the Work: _Transfer Content1. The Transferor agrees to transfer the copyright of the work _ to the Transferee for free/paid, in whole/part.2. The transf

18、er scope includes, but is not limited to, the rights of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, performance, and other copyright and related rights.Transfer FeeThe Transferee agrees to pay _(Amount)_ to the Transferor as the copyright transfer fee.Guarantee and Commitment1. The Transferor warrants t

19、hat he/she is the legal author of the work and has the complete copyright of the work.2. The Transferor guarantees that the transferred work does not infringe on the legitimate rights of any third party.3. The Transferee undertakes to respect the attribution right and other related rights of the Tra

20、nsferor when using the work.Other Matters1. This contract is made in duplicate and takes effect from the date of signature or seal by both parties.2. Any matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved through consultation between both parties, with the dispute resolution location being _(Pla

21、ce)_.Date of Signing: Year_ Month_ Day_(End of Text)文章四:著作权转让合同范本样本中文版:著作权转让合同甲方(转让方):_身份证号码/单位统一社会信用代码:_地址:_联系电话:_邮箱:_乙方(受让方):_身份证号码/单位统一社会信用代码:_地址:_联系电话:_邮箱:_鉴于甲方拥有作品_的著作权,甲方同意将该作品的全部/部分著作权转让给乙方,双方在友好协商的基础上,达成以下协议:一、转让内容1. 甲方同意将作品_的著作权全部/部分转让给乙方,转让范围包括但不限于复制权、发行权、展览权等相关权利。2. 乙方须尊重甲方的署名权,不得对作品进行滥用、

22、变造或侵犯。二、转让方式本合同为全权转让/独家转让/非独家转让(请在选择后划掉其他选项)。三、转让费用乙方同意向甲方支付_(金额)_为著作权转让费用,在双方签署本合同后七日内支付完成。四、保密条款双方同意对协议内容予以保密,未经双方书面同意,不得向第三方透露。五、法律适用和争议解决本合同的签署、生效和履行适用中华人民共和国法律,并由双方友好协商解决争议。以上确认无误后,请双方签字盖章。甲方(盖章/签字):_ 乙方(盖章/签字):_日期:_年_月_日英文版:Copyright Transfer AgreementParty A (Transferor): _ID Number/Unified S

23、ocial Credit Code of the Transferor: _Address: _Contact Phone: _Email: _Party B (Transferee): _ID Number/Unified Social Credit Code of the Transferee: _Address: _Contact Phone: _Email: _Whereas Party A owns the copyright of the work _, Party A agrees to transfer all/part of the copyright of the work

24、 to Party B. Based on friendly negotiation, the two parties have reached the following agreement:I. Transfer Content1. Party A agrees to transfer all/part of the copyright of the work _, including but not limited to the rights of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, and other related rights, to P

25、arty B.2. Party B must respect Party As right to attribution and shall not abuse, distort, or infringe upon the work.II. Mode of TransferThis contract is for the exclusive/non-exclusive transfer of the copyright (Please choose one and strike out the other options).III. Transfer FeeParty B agrees to pay _(Amount)_ to Party A as the copyright transfer fee, to be paid within seven days after the signing of this contract.IV. Confidentiality ClauseBoth parties

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