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1、露天广告合同范本五篇文章标题:露天广告合同范本-*合同范本一:露天广告租赁合同*中文*甲方:【广告商名称】乙方:【露天广告商名称】鉴于甲方拥有某一具体场地作为露天广告位置,并愿意将其出租给乙方进行广告展示。为明确双方权利义务,经双方友好协商,特订立本合同如下:第一条 租赁内容甲方将拥有的【具体场地位置描述】出租给乙方作为露天广告展示之用,租赁期限为从【起始日期】至【终止日期】止。乙方有权利在租赁期间安置相关广告牌、标识等广告宣传材料。第二条 租金支付乙方应于签订本合同后【付款方式及时间】向甲方支付广告租金【具体金额】。租金支付方式为【支付方式】。第三条 广告展示乙方应按照甲方要求在规定位置安置

2、广告牌等广告宣传材料,不得擅自更改广告内容和形式。广告展示期间如有损坏造成的损失由乙方承担。第四条 违约责任如因乙方违约导致广告展示无法正常进行,甲方有权终止合同并要求乙方支付违约金【违约金具体金额】。第五条 合同解除本合同履行期满后自动解除。如任何一方提前解除合同,提前解除方应提前【提前解除期限】通知对方,并支付相应的违约金。第六条 其他事项本合同未尽事宜,由双方友好协商解决。甲方(签名):_ 乙方(签名):_签订日期:年 月 日-*English*Party A: Name of Advertising CompanyParty B: Name of Outdoor Advertising

3、 CompanyIn consideration of Party A having a specific location for outdoor advertising and willing to rent it to Party B for advertising display. In order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, and after friendly negotiation, this contract is hereby established as follows:Article 1 L

4、easing ContentParty A will rent the specific location of Description of specific location to Party B for outdoor advertising display, with a lease term from Start date to End date. Party B has the right to place advertising billboards, signs, and other advertising materials during the lease term.Art

5、icle 2 Rent PaymentParty B shall pay the advertising rent of Specific amount to Party A via Payment method and time after signing this contract. The rent payment method is Payment method.Article 3 Advertising DisplayParty B shall place advertising billboards and other advertising materials at the de

6、signated location as required by Party A, and shall not alter the advertising content and format without authorization. Party B shall be liable for damages caused by any damage during the advertising display period.Article 4 Breach of ContractIf Party B breaches the contract resulting in the inabili

7、ty to display the advertisement normally, Party A has the right to terminate the contract and seek damages of Specific amount from Party B.Article 5 Termination of Contract This contract shall be automatically terminated upon its expiration. If either party wishes to terminate the contract earlier,

8、the terminating party shall notify the other party in advance Advance notice period and pay the corresponding damages.Article 6 Other MattersAny matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between the two parties.Party A (Signature):_ Party B (Signature):_Date

9、 of Signing: Year Month Day-*合同范本二:露天广告制作合同*中文*甲方:【广告商名称】乙方:【露天广告制作商名称】鉴于甲方需制作具体露天广告宣传材料,经过与乙方商议并达成协议。为明确工作内容和责任分工,特订立本合同如下:第一条 制作内容乙方应根据甲方需求,制作【具体广告内容描述】的露天广告宣传材料。制作包括但不限于广告设计、制作、安装等工作。第二条 制作要求乙方应根据甲方的要求,保证制作出的广告物料符合甲方的宣传需求,并保证广告内容的真实性和合法性。第三条 交付时间乙方应按照合同约定时间将制作完成的露天广告宣传材料交付给甲方,确保交付的物料数量、质量等符合要求。第四

10、条 价格及支付甲乙双方经协商一致确定广告制作费用为【具体金额】。款项应于广告制作完成后【付款方式及时间】支付给乙方。第五条 保密条款双方同意在合作过程中不得泄露对方的商业机密及合作细节。任何相关信息均须保密。第六条 违约责任如乙方因故未按约定交付广告宣传材料,应承担相应的违约责任,包括赔偿甲方损失等。第七条 其他事项本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决并签署书面补充协议。甲方(签名):_ 乙方(签名):_签订日期:年 月 日-*English*Party A: Name of Advertising CompanyParty B: Name of Outdoor Advertising Produc

11、tion CompanyIn view of Party A needing to produce specific outdoor advertising materials, and after consultation and agreement with Party B. In order to clarify the work content and division of responsibilities, this contract is hereby established as follows:Article 1 Production ContentParty B shall

12、 produce outdoor advertising materials based on the requirements of Party A, including but not limited to advertising design, production, installation, etc.Article 2 Production RequirementsParty B shall ensure that the advertising materials produced meet the promotional needs of Party A as required,

13、 and guarantee the truthfulness and legality of the advertising content.Article 3 Delivery TimeParty B shall deliver the completed outdoor advertising materials to Party A as agreed in the contract, ensuring that the quantity and quality of the materials meet the requirements.Article 4 Price and Pay

14、mentThe advertising production fee is determined by mutual agreement between Party A and Party B as Specific amount. The payment shall be made to Party B via Payment method and time after the completion of advertising production.Article 5 Confidentiality ClauseBoth parties agree not to disclose each

15、 others business secrets and cooperation details during the collaboration. Any relevant information must be kept confidential.Article 6 Breach of ContractIf Party B fails to deliver the advertising materials as agreed, they shall bear the corresponding breach of contract responsibilities, including

16、compensation for losses to Party A.Article 7 Other MattersAny matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved by mutual agreement and signed a written supplementary agreement.Party A (Signature):_ Party B (Signature):_Date of Signing: Year Month Day-*合同范本三:露天广告销售合同*中文*甲方:【露天广告商名称】乙方:【广告销售商名称】

17、鉴于甲方拥有具体露天广告位置,并需委托乙方进行广告销售。共同商定并签署本合同,明确双方权利义务如下:第一条 销售内容乙方应将甲方指定的露天广告位置进行销售,包括但不限于广告租金、广告制作费等项目。第二条 销售代理费乙方根据销售额按照【协商的提成比例】比例向甲方支付销售代理费。代理费的支付时间为【具体支付时间及方式】。第三条 专属代理甲方委托乙方作为其露天广告销售的专属代理,乙方有义务维护甲方的利益,不得擅自将销售权转让给第三方。第四条 报告及结算乙方应每【协商的结算周期】向甲方提交销售报告,并在报告确认无误后结算相关费用。第五条 保密条款双方同意在合作过程中不得泄露对方的商业机密及合作细节。任

18、何相关信息均须保密。第六条 违约责任如因乙方违约导致销售情况不同程度受损,乙方应承担相应的违约责任和赔偿责任。第七条 其他事项本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决并签署书面补充协议。甲方(签名):_ 乙方(签名):_签订日期:年 月 日-*English*Party A: Name of Outdoor Advertising CompanyParty B: Name of Advertising Sales CompanyIn view of Party A having specific outdoor advertising locations and needing to commissio

19、n Party B for advertising sales. Both parties agree and sign this contract to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties as follows:Article 1 Sales ContentParty B shall sell the designated outdoor advertising locations for Party A, including but not limited to advertising rent, advertising p

20、roduction fees, and other items.Article 2 Sales Agency FeeParty B shall pay the sales agency fee to Party A based on the sales amount at the ratio of Negotiated commission rate. The payment of the agency fee shall be made via Specific payment time and method.Article 3 Exclusive AgencyParty A appoint

21、s Party B as the exclusive agent for the sales of their outdoor advertising, and Party B is obligated to protect the interests of Party A and not transfer sales rights to third parties without authorization.Article 4 Reporting and SettlementParty B shall submit sales reports to Party A every Negotia

22、ted settlement period and settle related fees after confirming the accuracy of the report.Article 5 Confidentiality ClauseBoth parties agree not to disclose each others business secrets and cooperation details during the collaboration. Any relevant information must be kept confidential.Article 6 Bre

23、ach of ContractIf Party B breaches the contract leading to varying degrees of damage in sales, they shall bear the corresponding breach of contract and compensation responsibilities.Article 7 Other MattersAny matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved by mutual agreement and signed a wri

24、tten supplementary agreement.Party A (Signature):_ Party B (Signature):_Date of Signing: Year Month Day-*合同范本四:露天广告运营合同*中文*甲方:【露天广告商名称】乙方:【广告运营商名称】鉴于甲方需委托乙方进行指定露天广告位置的运营管理,明确双方的权责关系,共同签署本合同如下:第一条 运营内容乙方应对甲方指定的露天广告位置进行日常维护和管理,包括广告物料更换、维修、巡视等工作。第二条 运营费用甲方应按照合同约定时间将运营费用支付给乙方,具体金额为【具体金额】。支付方式为【支付方式】。第三条

25、 运营期限本合同的运营期限为自【起始日期】至【终止日期】止。双方在约定期限内履行各自义务。第四条 运营报告乙方应每【协商的报告频率】向甲方提交运营报告,记录广告位置的管理情况和维护工作。甲方对报告进行确认。第五条 违约责任如因乙方原因导致广告位置运营不当,造成甲方损失,乙方应承担相应的违约责任。第六条 其他事项本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决并签署书面补充协议。甲方(签名):_ 乙方(签名):_签订日期:年 月 日-*English*Party A: Name of Outdoor Advertising CompanyParty B: Name of Advertising Operation

26、s CompanyIn view of Party A needing to commission Party B for the operational management of designated outdoor advertising locations, to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, they jointly sign this contract as follows:Article 1 Operation Content Party B shall carry out daily maintenanc

27、e and management of the specified outdoor advertising locations of Party A, including the replacement of advertising materials, repairs, inspections, etc.Article 2 Operation CostsParty A shall pay the operation costs to Party B at the agreed time, with a specific amount of Specific amount. The payme

28、nt method is Payment method.Article 3 Operation TermThe operation term of this contract is from Start date to End date. Both parties shall fulfill their respective obligations within the agreed period.Article 4 Operation ReportParty B shall submit operation reports to Party A every Negotiated report

29、 frequency, recording the management and maintenance work of the advertising locations. Party A shall confirm the reports.Article 5 Breach of ContractIf Party Bs improper operation of the advertising locations leads to losses for Party A, they shall bear the corresponding breach of contract responsibilities.Article 6 Other Matters Any matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved by mutual agreement and signed a written supplementary agreement.Party A (Signature):_ Party B (Signature):_Date of Signing: Year Month Day-*合同范本五:露天广告评估合同*中文*甲方:【广告商名称】乙方:【广告效果评估公司名称】鉴于甲方需要评估露天广告的宣传效果,委

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