1、青年旅游合同范本三篇文章一:青年旅游合同范本中文:旅游合同甲方:【旅行社名称】乙方:【旅游者姓名】为明确双方权益,甲乙双方经友好协商,就乙方参加甲方组织的旅游活动达成以下合同:一、 旅游目的地和行程安排1.1 本次旅游活动的目的地为【目的地名称】,行程安排详见附件一行程安排表。1.2 甲方确保提供合理、安全的旅游线路和服务,确保乙方的人生财产安全。二、 旅游费用和支付方式2.1 本次旅游活动的总费用为【金额数字】,具体费用详见附件二费用清单。2.2 乙方应在【日期】前向甲方支付50%的费用作为定金,余款应在出发前【日期】前支付清楚。三、 双方权利和义务3.1 甲方有权对旅游线路进行必要的调整,
2、但应提前通知乙方。3.2 乙方需在规定时间内到达出发地,并严格遵守旅游行为规范。四、 保险和安全4.1 甲方应为乙方购买包括人身意外伤害险在内的旅行保险。4.2 乙方在旅游过程中需遵守当地法律法规,注意自身和他人的安全。五、 违约责任5.1 若因乙方个人原因导致无法按时参加旅游活动,甲方有权不予退还定金。5.2 若因甲方原因导致旅游活动无法正常进行,甲方应负责承担相应责任。六、 合同解除6.1 若乙方在旅游活动前3天内提出解除合同,甲方有权扣除10%的费用后返还乙方定金。6.2 若因不可抗力导致无法继续旅游活动,本合同即时失效,双方互不承担责任。七、 其他约定7.1 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方
3、各执一份,合同自签署之日起生效。甲方(盖章): 乙方签名:日期: 日期:英文:Travel ContractParty A: Travel Agency NameParty B: Travelers NameIn order to clarify the rights and interests of both parties, Party A and Party B, after friendly negotiations, have reached the following contract regarding Party B participating in the travel ac
4、tivities organized by Party A:I. Travel Destination and Itinerary Arrangement1.1 The destination of this travel activity is Destination Name, and the itinerary arrangement is detailed in Appendix One Itinerary Schedule.1.2 Party A ensures to provide a reasonable and safe travel route and services, g
5、uaranteeing the personal and property safety of Party B.II. Travel Costs and Payment Method2.1 The total cost of this travel activity is Amount, detailed costs can be found in Appendix Two Expense List.2.2 Party B should pay 50% of the cost to Party A as a deposit before Date, and the remaining amou
6、nt should be paid in full before Date before departure.III. Rights and Obligations of Both Parties3.1 Party A has the right to make necessary adjustments to the travel route, but should notify Party B in advance.3.2 Party B must arrive at the departure location on schedule and strictly follow the no
7、rms of travel behavior.IV. Insurance and Safety4.1 Party A should purchase travel insurance including personal accident insurance for Party B.4.2 Party B must comply with local laws and regulations during the travel process, and pay attention to personal and others safety.V. Breach of Contract Liabi
8、lity5.1 If Party B is unable to participate in the travel activities on time due to personal reasons, Party A has the right not to refund the deposit.5.2 If the travel activities cannot proceed normally due to Party As fault, Party A should bear corresponding responsibilities.VI. Contract Terminatio
9、n6.1 If Party B requests to terminate the contract within 3 days before the travel activities, Party A has the right to deduct 10% of the cost and refund the deposit to Party B.6.2 If force majeure prevents the continuation of the travel activities, this contract is immediately terminated, and neith
10、er party shall be liable.VII. Other Agreements7.1 This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy, and it takes effect from the date of signing.Party A (Seal): Party Bs Signature:Date: Date: -文章二:青年旅游合同范本中文:旅游合同甲方:【旅行社名称】乙方:【旅游者姓名】鉴于乙方拟参加甲方组织的旅游活动,为明确双方权益,特订立本合同:一、
11、 旅游内容和费用1.1 旅游活动包括【活动内容】,费用为【费用金额】,详细内容见附件旅游活动细则。1.2 乙方应在【日期】前向甲方支付全额费用,款项支付后不可随意更改或取消。二、 旅游安全和保险2.1 甲方负责为乙方购买旅行期间的保险,涵盖人身意外伤害和财产保护。2.2 乙方需遵守旅游安全规定,如有违反导致人身伤害或财产损失,须自行承担责任。三、 行程调整和取消3.1 若因不可抗力等原因需要调整活动行程,甲方会提前通知乙方并尽力安排替代活动。3.2 乙方在活动开始14天前请求取消活动,应承担相应的违约责任。四、 保密条款4.1 乙方在活动中获知的其他参与者个人信息和旅游安排属于隐私内容,禁止公
12、开或传播。五、 版权规定5.1 乙方在旅游活动中拍摄的照片和录像属于个人行为,但不得用于商业目的。5.2 甲方有权在宣传材料和网络平台上使用乙方在活动中的照片和影像。六、 法律适用和争议解决6.1 本合同受中华人民共和国法律管辖,如有争议应协商解决,协商不成的,提交指定仲裁机构仲裁。合同签署:甲方(盖章): 乙方签名:日期: 日期:英文:Travel ContractParty A: Travel Agency NameParty B: Travelers NameIn consideration of Party Bs intention to participate in the trav
13、el activities organized by Party A, this contract is hereby concluded to clarify the rights and interests of both parties:I. Travel Content and Expenses1.1 The travel activities include Activity Details, with a cost of Cost Amount, detailed content in the appendix Travel Activity Details.1.2 Party B
14、 should pay the full cost to Party A before Date, and after the payment, changes or cancellations are not allowed.II. Travel Safety and Insurance2.1 Party A is responsible for purchasing insurance coverage for Party B during the travel, including personal accident and property protection.2.2 Party B
15、 must comply with the travel safety regulations, and take responsibility for personal injury or property loss caused by violation.III. Itinerary Adjustments and Cancellations3.1 If adjustments to the activity itinerary are necessary due to force majeure, Party A will notify Party B in advance and ma
16、ke alternative arrangements.3.2 If Party B requests to cancel the activity 14 days before it starts, they should bear corresponding breach of contract responsibilities.IV. Confidentiality Clause4.1 Information about other participants and travel arrangements learned by Party B during the activity is
17、 considered private and should not be disclosed or disseminated.V. Copyright Regulations5.1 Photos and videos taken by Party B during the travel activities are for personal use only and should not be used for commercial purposes.5.2 Party A has the right to use the photos and videos of Party B durin
18、g the activity in promotional materials and online platforms.VI. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution6.1 This contract is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In case of disputes, parties should resolve them through negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to a des
19、ignated arbitration institution for arbitration.Contract Signing:Party A (Seal): Party Bs Signature:Date: Date: -文章三:青年旅游合同范本中文:旅游合同甲方:【旅行社名称】乙方:【旅游者姓名】鉴于乙方以个人名义拟参与甲方举办的【活动名称】活动,甲、乙双方经友好协商一致签订本合同:一、 旅游活动内容和费用1.1 本次旅游活动的项目名称为【活动名称】,时间为【日期】,费用为【费用数额】,具体费用详见附件费用清单。1.2 乙方应在【日期】前向甲方支付全额费用。定金不可退,若因特殊原因无法出
20、行,可选择延期。二、 旅行安全和证件要求2.1 甲方负责提供安全保障,乙方需自备有效身份证件及个人证明材料。2.2 乙方在活动期间应遵守当地法律法规和甲方相关规定,保证人身财产安全。三、 旅游活动变更和取消3.1 若因不可抗力等突发情况需要变更活动日程,甲方会尽量安排合适的替代方案。3.2 乙方在报名后提前14天内取消行程,由于乙方原因取消行程需承担一定违约责任。四、 法律适用和争议解决4.1 本合同受中华人民共和国法律管辖,双方如发生争议应协商解决,协商不成的,提交仲裁机构进行解决。合同签署:甲方(盖章): 乙方签名:日期: 日期:英文:Travel ContractParty A: Tra
21、vel Agency NameParty B: Travelers NameParty A and Party B, in consideration of Party Bs intention to participate in the Activity Name activity held by Party A, after friendly negotiation, have agreed and signed this contract:I. Travel Activity Content and Costs1.1 The project name of this travel act
22、ivity is Activity Name, held on Date, with a cost of Cost Amount, detailed costs in the appendix Expense List.1.2 Party B should pay the full cost to Party A before Date. The deposit is non-refundable, but can be postponed in case of special reasons for inability to travel.II. Travel Safety and Docu
23、ment Requirements2.1 Party A is responsible for providing safety guarantee, and Party B should bring valid identification and personal certification materials.2.2 Party B should abide by local laws, regulations, and Party As rules during the activity, ensuring personal and property safety.III. Chang
24、es and Cancellation of Travel Activities3.1 In the event of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances requiring changes to the activity schedule, Party A will arrange suitable alternative plans.3.2 Party B cancels the itinerary within 14 days after registration, and cancellation due to their own rea
25、sons will incur certain breach of contract liabilities.IV. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution4.1 This contract is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In case of disputes between both parties, they should resolve it through negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to an arbitration institution for resolution.Contract Signing:Party A (Seal): Party Bs Signature:Date: Date: