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1、Freight Logistics Decarbonization Whitepaper:LEAD the green wave,bring the DEEP impact2024Executive Summary:Green Freight Logistics,Intelligence-Crafted Future The trend of net-zero transformation in the logistics industry has become inevitable,and node decarbonization1)is the key.Since the adoption

2、 of the Paris Agreement,green and net-zero development has become a consensus for human social development.The freight logistics industry is one of the major sources of global car-bon emissions.On one hand,the gradual improvement of policies and regulations,as well as the clear preference of inves-t

3、ors,have injected a strong driving force for the industrys decarbonization;on the other hand,the expectations of shippers and end consumers have also formed a powerful pulling force.Decarbonization transformation has become an urgent task for the freight logistics industry.Across the whole industria

4、l chain,carbon reduc-tion at the nodes is highly feasible,which is the key to decarbonization and should not be overlooked,with seaports offering the most promising prospect in green and net-zero transformation.Green and net-zero transformation of nodes is not an overnight process,and digitaliza-tio

5、n is a prerequisite.Decarbonization of logistics nodes should not be limited to en-ergy transformation or renovation of a sin-gle piece of equipment,but requires overall planning,systematic implementation,and gradual achievement of goals.Roland Berger,together with Westwell,has sum-marized the LEAD

6、methodology for freight logistics decarbonization.Taking seaports as an example,logistics nodes can achieve the DEEP values of economical friendly,people friendly,and environment friendly while completing decarbonization goals through three stages:Electrification,AI-driven intelligence,and overall L

7、inked ecology transformation.It is worth noting that digitalization plays a crucial role in the decarbonization of freight logistics nodes.Intelligent upgrades through digitalization at single points,systems,and across all scenarios,along with seamless data flows,are the necessary path to achieving

8、green and low-carbon goals.Node decarbonization will be continuously iterative and interconnected,moving towards a net-zero future.The green transformation of freight logistics not only relies on the decarbonization of individual nodes but also requires the joint efforts of the entire ecosystem.Taki

9、ng seaport de-carbonization as a prototype,the LEAD methodology will be gradually replicated and promoted to other logistics nodes such as air cargo terminals,and manufacturing hubs,and will be comprehensively opti-mized through road freight links.Through the synergy of multiple nodes and multiple l

10、inks,a comprehensive green and net-zero transformation of the entire industrial chain will be achieved.1)Node decarbonization refers to the process of reducing or eliminating carbon emissions at key logistics nodes or hubs within the freight logistics network.These nodes can include seaports,air car

11、go terminals,and other intermodal facilities.ContentsNavigating the Green Wave:The impact of the global decarbonization wave on the freight logistics industrySeaport as Pioneer:Implementation path for decarbonization transformation of seaportsReplication and Variation:Extend beyond the seaport to ot

12、her freight logistics scenariosCall to Immediate Action:Implications for freight logistics companies02145064Chapter 1 Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 402|Freight Logistics Decarbonization Whitepaper:LEAD the green wave,bring the DEEP impactFreight Logistics Decarbonization Whitepaper:LEAD the green wave,b

13、ring the DEEP impact|03Navigating the Green Wave:The impact of global decarbonization wave on the freight logistics industryChapter 1Decarbonization is the core consen-sus of the international community and is a highly certain trend that will dominate global industry and tech-nological development i

14、n the next 30 years.Decarbonization has emerged as a highly promising and rapidly evolving global trend across all industries.In recent years,the progress towards decarbonization has gained significant momentum worldwide,driven by the strengthening of various pol-icies and initiatives.The Paris Agre

15、ement,which aims to limit global warming to well 01below 2 degrees Celsius,has prompted numerous international organizations to announce supportive policies in response to this target.As the worlds leading companies and organizations rally behind the decarbon-ization agenda,businesses that align the

16、ir operations and strategies with the principles of decarbonization can not only reduce their environmental impact but also enhance brand reputation and future-proof their operations in an in-creasingly sustainability-conscious global marketplace.01Decarbonization is the core consensus of the intern

17、ational community and will dominate global industry and technological development in the next 30 yearsYearGlobal General(non-exhaustive)Freight Logistics Focus(non-exhaustive)Paris Agreement:A global accord within the UNFCCC dealing with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation,adaptation,and finance.Uni

18、ted Nations Sustainable Development Goals:Goals to protect the planet and ensure prosperity include DG 13 on climate action.European Green Deal:The overall strategic objective of the European Union in addressing climate change,which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050,cov

19、ers various sectors.Getting to Zero Coalition:An alliance of companies within industry,committed to getting commercially viable deep-sea zero-emission vessels powered by zero-emission fuels into operation by 2030.IMO 2020 Sulphur Cap:The IMO implemented a new rule for a 0.50%global sulfur cap on fue

20、l content,lowering the amount of ship sulfur emissions Chinas Carbon Neutrality Pledge:China announced to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.Japans Green Growth Strategy:Integrates ambitious carbon neutrality targets,promoting decarbonization and economic growth

21、Sea Cargo Charter:A group of major energy,agriculture,mining,and commodity trading companies set a benchmark for responsible shipping,aligning chartering activities with responsible environmental behavior.EU Emissions Trading System(ETS)Maritime:The European Union proposed to include the maritime se

22、ctor in its ETS Fit for 55 policy1):Europes latest ambitious target is to reduce emissions by at least 55%by 2030,compared to 1990 levels.IMO Initial GHG Strategy:IMO set to reduce greenhouse gas at least a 50%reduction by 2050 compared to 2008 levels.Global Maritime Forums Call to Action on Decarbo

23、nization:Urges industry to zero-emission shipping by 2050 Poseidon Principles:A global framework for assessing and disclosing the climate alignment of financial institutions shipping portfolios20152018201920202023No significant announcements lately The Clean Shipping Act:Enforces carbon intensity st

24、andards for maritime fuel,effectively regulating emissions from the sector.The Green Deal industrial Plan:Build a more supportive environment for the EUs manufacturing capacity for net-zero technologies and products that meet climate targets.20212022 Long-term global goal Aviation:ICAO set a Long-Te

25、rm Global Aspirational Goal(LTAG)for the aviation industry to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.1)To support the European Green Deal policies,a package of policy measures has been formulatedSource:desktop research;Roland Berger04|Freight Logistics Decarbonization Whitepaper:LEAD the green wa

26、ve,bring the DEEP impactFreight Logistics Decarbonization Whitepaper:LEAD the green wave,bring the DEEP impact|05Policy-Europe is a pioneer of the overall global decarbonization prog-ress,issuing a series of top-level guidelines and related implementa-tion policies such as the European Green Deal an

27、d Fit for 55.The Fit for 55 package is the latest addi-tion to Europes decarbonization policy.It sets a more ambitious target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55%by 2030,compared to 1990 levels.The policy includes measures to drive emission reductions across sectors such as energy,lo

28、gistics,buildings,and industry.02In logistics,the Fit for 55 package includes several key measures(non-exhaustive):Road:Achieve a 55%carbon emission reduction for cars,50%for vans,45%for trucks and buses,with additional upcoming rules to lower air pollutants from road vehicles.Railway:The target of

29、blending 14%renewable fuels in railway fuels(cal-culated based on energy units).Aviation:By 2050,the share of sustain-able aviation fuels will increase to 70%,and air traffic management will be further optimized.Maritime:Reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of the energy used on-board by ships by up

30、to 80%by 2050,by 02Policy:Europe is a pioneer in the global decarbonization progress,issuing a series of top-level guidelines and implementation policies such as Fit for 55EU Emission TradingSystemCarbon BorderAdjustment MechanismLand Use and Forestry(LULUCF)Renewable EnergyEnergy EfficiencyEnergy T

31、axationCO2 Emission Standards for cars&vansAlternative fuels and infrastructureREfuelEU aviationFuelEU MaritimeSocial Climate FundEU ETSESRCBAMLULUCFREDEEDETDCO2in carsAFIDReFuelEUFuelEUSCFFit for 55Reduce GHG emissions by at least 55%by 2030(relative to 1990 levels)Efforts sharing regulationFit for

32、 55 sets a more ambitious target of reducing carbon emissions by at least 55%by 2030,compared to 1990 levels,focusing on energy,transport,buildings,etc.Source:desktop research;Roland Bergerpromoting the use of more sustainable fuels by ships using EU seaports,while ensuring the smooth operation of m

33、ar-itime traffic and avoiding distortions in the internal market.Multimodal:Build a reliable,seamless,and high-quality transport network that ensures sustainable connectiv-ity across Europe without physical interruptions,bottlenecks,and missing links.Market-On the market side,the in-ternational comm

34、unitys recognition of the value of decarbonization is gradually increasing.This is reflected in the steady growth of carbon trading prices,as well as the rapid increase in consumers willingness to pay a premium for net-zero products.Net-zero is becoming a new source of competitiveness.The volume and

35、 value of global car-bon trading markets have reached a record high.According to the 2023 Carbon Market Annual Review report by London Stock Exchange Group(LSEG),the global emissions market traded approximately 12.5 billion tons of carbon allowances,with a value of a record-breaking 881 billion euro

36、s,representing a 2%increase compared to the previous year.The value of the EU ETS(Emissions Trading System)was approximately 770 billion euros,a 2%increase compared to the pre-vious year.Customers will be more inclined to use and demand freight logistics service companies to provide green products a

37、nd solutions.Based on the online survey conducted by a global leading comprehensive freight logistics group in six major markets(United States,Germany,United Kingdom,China,India,and Brazil)targeting 1,800 corporate customers and 1,800 end consumers,more than half of the corporate cus-tomers believe

38、that using green freight logistics transportation products will become a winning strategy to attract 06|Freight Logistics Decarbonization Whitepaper:LEAD the green wave,bring the DEEP impactFreight Logistics Decarbonization Whitepaper:LEAD the green wave,bring the DEEP impact|07customers in the next

39、 decade.More than 60%of end consumers believe that they will require freight logistics companies to provide green freight logistics products at the same cost.03Capital-In recent years,with the continuous fermentation of the con-cept of carbon neutrality in the capital market,targets related to susta

40、inable investment have gradu-ally gained favor from investors.The total amount and quantity of global ESG investments have shown a sig-nificant growth trend.030405Market:On the market side,the international communitys recognition of the value of decarbonization is gradually increasingCapital:The tot

41、al amount and quantity of global ESG investments has shown a significant growth trendCapital:GSSSB1)bonds issuance size by regionMajorConcernsKey Insights56.0%Highly Possible36.0%Possible8.0%Highly Impossible9.0%59.0%Highly Possible32.0%PossibleHighly Impossible65.0%Highly Possible30.0%Possible5.0%H

42、ighly ImpossibleOver the next decade,most of our end customers will prefer companies that use green logistics solutionsSurvey respondentsIn the next decade,the adoption of green logistics for the transportation of our products will be the crucial factor in sellingSurvey respondentsIn the next decade

43、,I will require logistics companies to provide green logistics solutions at the same rate as todays regular logistics solutionsSurvey respondentsWill logistics companies be asked to provide green logistics solutions with equivalent rate as traditional solutions in the future?Do you believe that gree

44、n logistics will be a key winning factor in attracting end-users?Are end-users thought to be inclined to use green logistics companies?End usersResponses ResultsSurvey results of customer decarbonization preferenceCorporate clientsSnapshot of sustainable fund asset by region%,2023Q3Europe84%TOP11,68

45、41,3321,0501,1031,0621,025955912831BlackRock(incl.iShares)JPMorganSwisscantoNorthern TrustUBS(incl.Credit Suisse)DWS(incl.Xtrackers)Amundi(incl.Lyxor)Legal GeneralNordeaState Street5,056Top 10 European Sustainable Fund Providers by FlowsMillion EURO,2023Q4145(45%)177(55%)2019242(41%)348(59%)2020462(

46、45%)565(55%)2021385(44%)490(56%)2022416(45%)509(55%)20233215891,026874925CAGR=+30%bn EURO,2019-2023EuropeRest of worldSource:DHL,desktop research;Roland BergerSource:MorningStar,desktop research;Roland Berger1)GSSSB-Green,social,sustainability,and sustainability-linked bonds.Source:Environmental Fin

47、ance Bond Database,S&P Global Ratings;Roland BergerEurope leads in ESG investment volume due to a robust regulatory framework emphasizing sustainability,including over 20 ESG laws enacted in 2023 to combat greenwashing and improve disclosure.For institutional investors,the popularity of ESG investme

48、nts in Europe remains high,with sustainable fund assets far exceed-ing other regions,reaching 84%.Leading investors,such as Blackrock,have signif-icant investment scales.For individual investors,green-related fi-nancial products are also favored.Europe has issued a large number of green bonds,which

49、account for 45%of the global green bond market in 2023.04、0508|Freight Logistics Decarbonization Whitepaper:LEAD the green wave,bring the DEEP impactFreight Logistics Decarbonization Whitepaper:LEAD the green wave,bring the DEEP impact|09The carbon emissions from the freight logistics industry accou

50、nt for 23%of global emissions,making the industry with the highest carbon emissions in developed countries like the UK and France.Net-zero devel-opment is imperative for the future.The net-zero transformation of major freight logistics presents a dual driving force:top-down policy push from the gov-

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