1、赏书法 玩书法Appreciate calligraphy play calligraphyLets have a look at some calligraphic work by famous Chinese calligraphers while listening to this beautiful melody.让我们伴着古琴声,一起欣赏历代名家的书法作品吧Appreciate calligraphy一.赏 书 法兰亭序兰亭序是王羲之代表作是王羲之代表作 被寓为被寓为“第一行书第一行书”欧阳询欧阳询柳公权柳公权张旭的张旭的古诗四帖古诗四帖颜真卿颜真卿赵孟頫书法作品赵孟頫书法作品怀怀素
2、素书书法法苏东坡苏东坡苏东坡苏东坡傅抱石先生傅抱石先生吴昌硕徐渭徐渭 苏苏 轼轼 王献之王献之 米芾米芾 启功老先生启功老先生It dates back a thousand years.二二.回回 溯溯 千千 年年1、汉字起源、汉字起源 The origin of Chinese character How did people take notes on things when there were no characters 5000 years ago?在没有文字之前,古代人是怎样记事的?People take notes by making knots on a string.在传说
3、中,我国古代的文字是谁发明的?According to legends,the first Chinese characters were invented by a man named Chang Jie.史书记载,仓颉面长四目,天生睿德,常观奎星圆曲之势,察鸟兽蹄远之迹,依其类像之形首创文字 Chang Ji had four eyes,he was very smart and often observed movements of stars,tracks of wild animals,and based on the shapes of stars and animals,Chan
4、g Jie created early Chinese pictograph.二、汉字形成二、汉字形成1.甲骨文Inscriptions on bones.甲骨文是刻写在龟甲和兽骨上的甲骨文是刻写在龟甲和兽骨上的文字,记录了商朝社会生活文字,记录了商朝社会生活的诸多方面,是中国目前已的诸多方面,是中国目前已知的最早的成熟文字。知的最早的成熟文字。Ancient people carved Ancient people carved characters on bones characters on bones or tortoise shells to or tortoise shells t
5、o record everyday life in record everyday life in Shang dynasty,it is Shang dynasty,it is the earliest systematic the earliest systematic Chinese textChinese text甲骨文字多根据实物形状演变而成,象形程度很高Inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells are mostly created out of the shapes of real objects.象形文字象形文字 图画图画你能用图画表现水吗
6、?Can you draw the shape of water?你想知道古人的“水”字是怎么写的吗?除了水字以外除了水字以外除了水字以外除了水字以外,还有很多甲骨文字也是象形文字还有很多甲骨文字也是象形文字还有很多甲骨文字也是象形文字还有很多甲骨文字也是象形文字.Besides Chinese character of water,lots of inscriptions are also Besides Chinese character of water,lots of inscriptions are also pictographic.pictographic.上上 下下 明明 2.
7、金文bronze inscription Part Tow先秦称铜为金,故铸刻在青先秦称铜为金,故铸刻在青铜器上的文字叫做金文铜器上的文字叫做金文In early Qing dynasty,people thought copper was gold,and characters carved on bronze ware were called golden character at the time.司司母母戊戊鼎鼎文文字字拓拓片片商代金文中的文字商代金文中的文字these characters carved on this ancient cooking vessel recorded
8、a scenario of people working.3.3.篆书篆书篆篆书书分分为为:大大篆篆和和小小篆篆Seal character秦秦代代的的统统一一文文字字:小小篆篆,使使汉汉字字的的笔笔画画和和结结构构得得到到定定型型,奠奠定定了了汉汉字字方方块块形形的的基基础础。隶书在汉代(公元前206-220年)得到了很大发展,变无规则的线条为有规则的笔画,奠定了现代汉字字形结构的基础。In the Han dynasty official scrip got big development.It changed very regular.4.Clerical script 隶书隶书5.Cu
9、rsive script.Regular script.Running script 草书、楷书和行书草书、楷书和行书 行书是一种实用与审美价行书是一种实用与审美价值兼具的书体值兼具的书体行书:running script篆书 seal character隶书:Clerical script草书:Cursive script楷书:regular script金文 bronze inscription甲骨文Inscriptions on bones 甲骨文甲骨文 金文金文 小篆小篆 隶书隶书 Inscriptions on bones Bronze inscription Seal character Clerical script行书行书 楷书楷书 草书草书Running script Regular script Cursive script.三.Play calligraphy 玩 书 法1.介绍学生作品2.介绍毛笔3.介绍握笔姿势4.学生体会书写握笔姿势握笔姿势:Thank you