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1、S1.saveA.(v.)节约 B.(v.)拯救(1)The doctor saved the patient in the end.(2)We must try our best to save water.2.serveA.(v.)送上,端上 B.(v.)为工作;服务(1)He served in the army.(2)What time is breakfast served in this hotel?3.setA.(v.)摆放餐具B.(v.)放,放于某处 C.(v.)专心,倾注 D.(v.)(太阳)下沉,落下E.(v.)创立;树立F.(v.)使开始 G.(v.)使处于某种状况H.(

2、n.)电视机I.(n.)一组,一套J.(adj.)固定的,安排好的(1)Set your heavy bag down here.(2)Set the table for dinner.(3)He set a new world record.(4)Ive set my mind on it.(5)In winter the sun sets early.(6)I open the cage and set the bird free.(7)Your words have set me thinking.(8)My mother bought a set of tools for the ki

3、tchen.(9)The kid is repairing the old TV set carefully.(10)I have to study at set hours each day.4.shopA.(n.)商店 B.(v.)购物(1)I shopped for some clothes, but I couldnt find anything.(2)Where is the shop? Its over there.5.shortA.(adj.)矮的 B.(adj.)短的(1)The boy is too short to reach the box.(2)That ruler i

4、s not long enough. Its a bit short.6.showA.(n.)展览 B.(v.)引领 C.(v.)出示(1)Can you show me your ticket?(2)May I show you to your seat?(3)There is a flower show in the park every spring.7.sinceA.(conj.)自以来 B.(conj.)既然,由于(1)I have been a teacher since I graduated from college.(2)Since everyone is here, let

5、s begin our class.8.smartA.(adj.)聪明的 B.(adj.)漂亮的(1)He is smart and his parents like him very much.(2)The gift he received on his birthday was a smart shirt.9.smokeA.(n.)烟 B.(v.)吸烟 (1)My father used to smoke.(2)The smoke from the chimney is very terrible.10.snowA.(v.)下雪 B.(n.)雪(1)I like to play with

6、snow very much.(2)It is snowing heavily. Youd better not go out.11.soA.(adv.)那么,如此 B.(conj.)因此(1)It was dark, so I couldnt see what was happening.(2)He was so happy that he couldnt believe his ears when he heard the news. 12.sortA.(n.)种类 B.(v.)整理;把分类(1)Can you sort these apples into two parts?(2)Wha

7、t sort of food do you like best?13.soundA.(v.)听起来 B.(n.)声音(1)Listen! Can you hear a strange sound?(2)The music sounds beautiful.14.spareA.(adj.)备用的 B.(adj.)多余的,空闲的C.(v.)留出(1)Can you spare me five minutes?(2)There is a spare bedroom on the second floor.(3)I often read books in my spare time.15.spring

8、A.(n.)春季 B.(n.)泉(1)People often fly kites in spring.(2)There is a spring in the village.16.standA.(v.)站立 B.(v.)忍受(1)Please stand up!(2)I cant stand getting up early.17.stepA.(n.)台阶 B.(n.)迈步;脚步声(1)Take two steps forward and two steps back.(2)Mind the step outside the door.18.stickA.(n.)枝条;棍 B.(v.)粘住(

9、1)Stick a stamp on the envelope.(2)The old man needed a walking stick.19.stillA.(adj.)静止不动 B.(adv.)还;仍然(1)He still keeps the photo which was taken ten years ago.(2)Stand still! Dont move!20.stopA.(v.)停止 B.(n.)车站(1)Lets meet at the bus stop.(2)Stop talking! Its time to listen to the news.21.storeA.(v

10、.)贮藏 B.(n.)商店(1)I went to the store and bought the book I wanted.(2)Many animals like to store up food for the winter.22.strangeA.(adj.)陌生的 B.(adj.)奇怪的(1)Its strange youve never met him.(2)He stood in a strange street.23.strongA.(adj.)坚固(定)的 B.(adj.)强壮的 C.(adj.)(尤指饮料)烈性的,浓的(1)She is not very strong

11、after her illness.(2)He had strong beliefs so he succeeded in the end.(3)The tea is too strong.24.studyA.(n.)书房 B.(v.)学习,研究(1)She studies French.(2)She is studying French in her study.25.swingA.(n.)秋千 B.(v.)摇荡(1)The sign was swinging in the wind.(2)The children are playing on the swings in the park.

12、T1.tableA.(n.)桌子 B.(n.)表格(1)Cover the table with the cloth.(2)First, you need to complete the table.2.takeA.(v.)拿走,携带 B.(v.)占用,花费 C.(v.)带去,引领 D.(v.)记录,记下,摘录 E.(v.)食用,服用 (1)It will take three days to go to Hong Kong by train.(2)Who has taken my pen?(3)We usually take the children to school in the car

13、.(4)The police officer took my name and address.(5)The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough.3.talkA.(n.)谈话 B.(n.)报告 C.(v.)讲话(1)I want to talk to you about something.(2)I had a long talk with Mr Wang about my son.(3)There will be a talk on modern films.4.tellA.(v.)知道;看出;确切地判断 B.(v.)

14、告诉(1)I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back.(2)Which team will win? Who can tell?5.terribleA.(adj.)可怕的 B.(adj.)糟糕的(1)This was a terrible war.(2)To tell you the truth, its really a terrible play.6.thinA.(adj.)薄的,细的 B.(adj.)瘦的(1)She is very thin.(2)Dont skate on the thin ice.7.throughA.(pre

15、p.)穿过,通过 B.(adv.)从头到尾,自始至终 C.(prep.)经由(1)We cant see anything through the mist.(2)She climbed in through the window.(3)She read the letter through.8.tieA.(n.)领带,领结 B.(v.)系,扎(1)Tie the stick to the tree.(2)He put on a tie before going to the party.9.timeA.(n.)一段时间 B.(n.)次数 C.(n.)时刻 D.(n.)钟点(1)Learnin

16、g English takes quite a long time.(2)The clock keeps good time.(3)Its time to go to bed.(4)I have been there many times.10.trainA.(v.)训练;培训 B.(n.)火车(1)Lets travel by train.(2)She is training to be a doctor.11.treatA.(v.)对待,看待 B.(v.)医治,治疗 C.(v.)款待(1)She treated us as children.(2)He treated himself to

17、 a holiday in Spain.(3)He tried his best to treat the disease.12.turnA.(v.)(使)改变方向 B.(n.)轮流 C.(v.)(使)变成;成为(1)Its my turn to clean the blackboard.(2)Turn right at the end of the street.(3)The leaves turn yellow in fall.13.twiceA.(adv.)两倍 B.(adv.)两次(1)Ive read the book twice.(2)I work twice as hard as

18、 you.U1.underground A.(adj.)地下的 B.(n.)地铁(1)Dont walk through the underground passages alone at night.(2)Most of the young in Beijing go to work by underground.2.usedA.(adj.)用旧了的, 二手的 B.(adj.)适应,习惯于(1)He bought a used car after his graduation.(2)After three weeks he got used to the weather in Beijing

19、.拓展used to do sth.be/get used to doing sth.W1.warmA.(v.)使暖和 B.(adj.)温暖的 C.(adj.)热情的(1)Its warm in spring.(2)They gave the guests a warm welcome.(3)Please warm the milk.2.watchA.(v.)观察 B.(v.)守卫或保护某人或某物 C.(v.)观看D.(n.)手表(1)My father bought a watch for me.(2)The students watched as the teacher did the e

20、xperiment.(3)Will you watch the match on TV?(4)Could you watch my clothes while I have a swim?3.waterA.(v.)浇水 B.(n.)水 (1)There is a lot of water in the bottle.(2)He watered the tree every morning.4.wayA.(n.)路 B.(n.)(做某事的)方法 C.(n.)(沿某)方向(1)Can you show me the way to the hospital?(2)He went this way.(

21、3)What is the best way to clean it?5.weakA.(adj.)虚弱的 B.(adj.)差的 C.(adj.)(指液体)稀的(1)She was still weak after her illness.(2)She is weak in biology.(3)She prefers weak tea.6.wearA.(v.)戴着 B.(v.)穿着(1)Look at the man who is wearing an overcoat!(2)I dont like wearing glasses.7.wellA.(adj.)(身体)好的,健康的 B.(adv

22、.)好,令人满意地 C.(n.)井(1)He can play basketball very well.(2)How is your mother?Very well.(3)There is a well in the village.8.whenA.(adv.)何时 B.(conj.)当时候 (1)When the teacher came in, we stopped talking at once.(2)When did you return the book?9.whileA.(n.)一会,一段时间 B.(conj.)和同时 C.(conj.)然而(1)While I was doi

23、ng homework, my father was reading a newspaper.(2)I am short and thin while my younger brother is tall and strong.(3)Please wait for a while.10.wingA.(n.)翅膀 B.(n.)机翼(1)The model plane has two colourful wings.(2)The swan spread its wings and fly.11.wishA.(v.)祝愿B.(n.)愿望;祝愿C.(v.)怀着愿望(1)I wish you a goo

24、d journey.(2)I wish I knew what was going to happen.(3)Her wish came true.(4)With best wishes. 12.withA.(prep.)和一起B.(prep.)用 C.(prep.)有或带着某物 D.(prep.)因为或由于(某事物)(1)She goes to America with her husband.(2)Who is the girl with long hair?(3)You need to fill in the form with a pen.(4)She was shaking with

25、 laughter.13.wonderA.(n.)奇迹;奇妙之处 B.(v.)想知道(1)I wonder why he is late. (2)These are wonders of books.14.wordA.(n.)话,话语 B.(n.)词(1)The word is not spelled correctly.(2)He didnt say a word about it.15.workA.(n.)工作 B.(v.)工作 C.(v.)运转(1)He works very hard.(2)My watch doesnt work.(3)His hard work leaves me

26、a deep impression.16.wrongA.(adj.)错误的 B.(adj.)不正常的,有毛病的(1)I am sorry to say that your answer is wrong.(2)There is something wrong with my computer.YyardA.(n.)码 B.(n.)院子(1)He often drinks tea in the yard.(2)A yard equals to 3 feet.【参考答案】 S1.(1)B医生最终拯救了患者。(2)A我们必须尽我们最大的努力节约用水。2.(1)B他在军队中服过役。 (2)A宾馆几点供

27、应早餐? 3.(1)B把你沉重的包放在这儿吧。(2)A把餐具摆好,准备开饭。(3)E他创造了新的世界纪录。(4)C我一心想要得到它。(5)D在冬天,太阳落山得早。(6)G我把笼子打开,把鸟放飞了。(7)F你的话引起了我的深思。(8)I我妈妈买了一套厨具。(9)H那个小孩正在专心修那台旧电视。 (10)J我不得不每天按照安排好的时间学习。4.(1)B我去买一些衣服,但是什么也没买到。 (2)A“商店在哪里?”“在那边。” 5.(1)A这个男孩太矮了够不着箱子。 (2)B那把尺子不够长,有点儿短。6.(1)C能出示一下你的票吗? (2)B我能把你领到你的座位那儿吗? (3)A每年春天在这个公园里都

28、有一个花展。7.(1)A自从我大学毕业我就成了一名教师。 (2)B既然每个人都在这儿,那让我们开始上课吧。 8.(1)A他很聪明,他的父母都非常喜欢他。(2)B他在生日那天收到的礼物是一件漂亮的衬衣。 9.(1)B我的爸爸过去吸烟。 (2)A来自烟囱的烟非常令人讨厌。 10.(1)B我非常喜欢玩雪。 (2)A雪下得很大,你最好不要出去。 11.(1)B天太黑了,因此我看不到发生了什么。 (2)A当他听到消息的时候,他是如此开心以至于不能相信自己的耳朵。 12.(1)B你能把这些苹果分成两部分吗? (2)A你最喜欢什么种类的食物? 13.(1)B听!你能听到一种奇怪的声音吗? (2)A音乐听起来

29、很美妙。 14.(1)C你能给我留出5分钟的时间吗? (2)A二楼有一间备用卧室。 (3)B我经常在空闲的时间读书。 15.(1)A人们经常在春天放风筝。 (2)B村庄里有一口泉。 16.(1)A请起立! (2)B我不能忍受早起。 17.(1)B向前走两步,向后走两步。 (2)A注意门外的台阶。 18.(1)B在信封上贴一张邮票。 (2)A那位老人需要一根拐杖。 19.(1)B他仍然保存着十年前拍的那张照片。 (2)A老老实实站着!别动!20.(1)B让我们在公交车站见面吧。 (2)A别说了!到听新闻的时间了。 21.(1)B我去商店买了我想要的书。 (2)A很多动物喜欢贮藏过冬食物。 22.

30、(1)B你从没见过他,这很奇怪。 (2)A他站在一条陌生的街道上。 23.(1)B她生病之后就不是很强壮了。 (2)A他有坚定的信仰,因此他最终成功了。 (3)C茶太浓了。 24.(1)B她学习(研究)法语。 (2)A她正在书房里学习法语。 25.(1)B招牌正在风中摇晃。 (2)A孩子们正在公园里荡秋千。 T1.(1)A用布把桌子盖住。 (2)B首先,你需要完成表格。 2.(1)B乘火车到香港将需要3天的时间。(2)A谁把我的钢笔拿走了? (3)C我们经常开车送孩子们去学校。 (4)D警察记下了我的姓名和地址。(5)E医生已经给我开了治咳嗽的药吃。3.(1)C我想对你讲一些事情。 (2)A我

31、与王老师就我儿子的事情进行了长谈。 (3)B将会有一场关于现代电影的报告。 4.(1)B他一回来我就告诉他这个消息。 (2)A哪个团队将会赢?谁能看出来? 5.(1)A这是一场可怕的战争。 (2)B说实话,这真的是一出糟糕的戏。 6.(1)B她非常瘦。 (2)A不要在薄冰上滑冰。 7.(1)A透过薄雾,我们什么也看不见。(2)C她从窗户爬进来了。 (3)B她从头到尾读了这封信。 8.(1)B把棍子绑在树上。 (2)A在去聚会之前,他系上了领带。 9.(1)A学习英语会花费很长的时间。 (2)D这只钟很准。 (3)C该睡觉了。 (4)B我去过那儿很多次。 10.(1)B让我们坐火车去旅行吧。 (

32、2)A她正在接受成为医生的培训。 11.(1)A她把我们当孩子对待。 (2)C他用去西班牙度假来犒劳自己。 (3)B他尽他最大的努力去治疗疾病。 12.(1)B轮到我擦黑板了。(2)A在街道尽头向右转。(3)C秋天树叶都变黄了。 13.(1)B我已经读过这本书两遍了。 (2)A我工作比你努力两倍。 U1.(1)A晚上不要一个人从地下通道走。 (2)B在北京大多数年轻人乘地铁上班。2.(1)A他毕业之后买了一辆二手车。 (2)B三周之后他习惯了北京的天气。 拓展过去常做某事习惯做某事W1.(1)B春天天气很温暖。 (2)C他们热烈欢迎客人们。 (3)A请加热牛奶。 2.(1)D我爸爸给我买了一块

33、手表。(2)A当老师做实验时,学生们在观察。 (3)C你将会在电视上看比赛吗? (4)B当我游泳时,你能帮我看着衣服吗? 3.(1)B瓶子里有很多水。 (2)A他每天早晨给树浇水。 4.(1)A你能告诉我去医院的路吗? (2)C他沿着这个方向走了。 (3)B清理它最好的方法是什么? 5.(1)A生病之后她依旧很虚弱。 (2)B她在生物方面很差。 (3)C她更喜欢喝淡茶。 6.(1)B看穿着大衣的那位男士!(2)A我不喜欢戴眼镜。 7.(1)B他篮球打得很好。(2)A“你妈妈身体怎么样?”“很好。”(3)C村里有一口井。8.(1)B当老师进来的时候,我们立刻停止了说话。 (2)A你什么时候还的书

34、? 9.(1)B当我做作业时,我的爸爸在看报纸。 (2)C我又矮又瘦,而我弟弟又高又壮。(3)A请等一会儿。 10.(1)B这架飞机模型有两个彩色的机翼。(2)A那只天鹅展开翅膀飞走了。11.(1)A祝你旅途愉快。 (2)C我希望那时我知道将要发生什么。 (3)B她的愿望实现了。 (4)B最好的祝愿送给你。 12.(1)A她和她的丈夫一起去美国。 (2)C长头发的女孩是谁? (3)B你需要用钢笔填表格。 (4)D她笑得浑身颤抖。13.(1)B我想知道他为什么迟到了。 (2)A这些都是书籍的奇妙之处。 14.(1)B这个单词拼写错误。 (2)A关于它,他什么也没说。 15.(1)B他工作非常努力。 (2)C我的手表坏了。 (3)A他的努力工作给我留下了深刻的印象。 16.(1)A我很遗憾地告诉你,你的答案是错误的。 (2)B我的电脑出问题了。 Y(1)B他经常在院子里喝茶。 (2)A一码等于三英尺。15

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