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1、1. board 熟义:n. 板;(尤指)木板 v. 上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等)僻义:n. (住旅馆、住校等所包含的)伙食,膳食e.g. A week at the hotel with half board is of course less expensive than a week with full board.住旅馆一周含一半膳食当然比含全部膳食便宜。2. excuse 熟义:n. 借口;理由;辩解 v. 原谅;宽恕僻义:v. 同意免除;不要求;是的正当理由e.g. The teacher excused the class from homework that day.那天,

2、老师没有要求班里学生做家庭作业。3. flood 熟义:n. 洪水;水灾 v. 淹没僻义:n. (如潮水般涌来的)大量,大批 v. 充满;大量涌来e.g. Seeing her again brought back a flood of memories.再次见到她,回忆如潮水般涌上心头。e.g. The room was flooded with light.这个房间光线充足。4. head 熟义:n. 头;头部;(牲畜)头 v. 领导;主管僻义:n. 领先位置 v. 朝(某方向)行进;位于排行之首;排在前头e.g. Shes at the head of her class.她是班里最好的

3、学生。e.g. The birds have already started heading south for the winter.鸟儿已经开始向南迁徙过冬。5. land 熟义:n. 陆地;土地 v. 着陆;降落僻义:v. 跌落;掉落;赢得;得到e.g. I fell and landed on my shoulder.我摔倒了,肩膀着地。e.g. She landed the lead part in the play.她获得了在剧中扮演主角的机会。6. law 熟义:n. 法律(体系);(市、州、国家等政府制定的)法规,法令僻义:n. (自然界的)规律,法则,定律e.g. the l

4、aw of gravity 万有引力定律7. name 熟义:n. (某人的)姓名,名字 v. 命名;给取名僻义:v. 任命;选定e.g. The magazine named him (as) the best artist of the year.这本杂志将他评为年度最佳艺术家。8. note 熟义:n. (简短的)笔记,记录;记录;学习笔记僻义:n. 短评;注释;短笺;便条 v. 注意;留意e.g. This is just a brief note to say how much I enjoyed your party.仅以此短笺表达我非常喜欢你的派对。e.g. You may ha

5、ve noted my late arrival.你可能已经注意到我迟到了。9. storm 熟义:n. 暴风雨;暴风雪;风暴僻义:v. 气冲冲地走e.g. She yelled at us and stormed off.她朝我们大吼大叫后愤然离开。10. station 熟义:n. (公共汽车、火车等的)车站;社会地位僻义:n. 岗位;职位 v. 派驻;使驻扎e.g. The waiters were at their stations in the dining room.服务员当时在餐厅各司其职。e.g. They were stationed in the region of the

6、 fighting.他们驻扎在交战地区。11. ache 熟义:n. (身体某部位的)疼痛 v. 疼痛;隐痛僻义:v. 渴望;盼望e.g. After years of war, most people are aching for peace.经历了连年的战争,人们大都渴望和平。12. coach 熟义:n. (运动员或表演者的)教练,指导 v. 指导,训练(运动员或表演者)僻义:n. (飞机的)经济舱;(火车的)普通车厢e.g. We reserved two seats in coach.我们订了两张经济舱的机票。13. course 熟义:n. (学校里一个科目的)系列课程;过程僻义:

7、n. (尤指速度竞赛的)赛道,线路;一道菜e.g. She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course.她在最后一个直道上被超过。14. desert 熟义:n. 沙漠;荒漠;荒原僻义:v. 离开,舍弃(某地);抛弃;离弃;遗弃e.g. If the nest is disturbed, the bird may desert it.如果鸟巢受到干扰,鸟儿就可能将其舍弃。15. ground 熟义:n. 地;地面僻义:n. (知识或兴趣的)领域;理由;根据 v. 使停飞;阻止起飞e.g. The book covers familiar gr

8、ound.这本书涵盖了许多熟悉的话题。e.g. Bad weather grounded his flight.糟糕的天气阻止了他的飞行。16. measure 熟义:v. 量;测量;计量 n. 措施;办法僻义:v. 衡量,判断(某事物的重要性、价值、程度等)e.g. His success cannot be measured solely on the basis of his popularity.他的成功不能只是根据他受欢迎的程度来衡量。17. position 熟义:n. (所在的)位置,方位;姿态;姿势 v. 安装;安置;使处于僻义:n. 处境;境况;立场;观点e.g. Ive b

9、een in your position before, so I think I can help you.我以前也遇到过你这样的事,所以我觉得能帮你。18. promise 熟义:n. 承诺;诺言;迹象;征兆;预示 v. 许诺;承诺僻义:v. 使很可能;预示e.g. It promises to be an exciting few days.那可望是兴奋刺激的几天。19. shoulder 熟义:n. 肩膀 v. 挤;闯僻义:v. 承担;担负e.g. The company will shoulder the costs of the repairs.公司将承担维修费用。20. cond

10、uct 熟义:v. 组织;安排;执行 n. (人在某地或某种情况下的)行为,举止僻义:v. 指挥(歌唱或音乐演奏);引导;带领e.g. Our guide slowly conducted us through the museum.导游带我们慢慢地参观博物馆。21. drive 熟义:n. 驱车旅行;驾车路程 v. 驾驶;驾车僻义:v. 驱赶;驱使;迫使(某人)做;使进入某种状态e.g. Ambition drove her to succeed.抱负驱使她努力获得成功。e.g.That noise is driving me insane/crazy.那噪声快要把我逼疯了。22. equa

11、l 熟义:adj. (大小、数量、价值等)相同的;平等的 v. (大小、数量、价值等)与相等,等于僻义:n. 同等的人;相等事物 v. 和一样好e.g. They say they are producing wine that is the equal of the best wines in the world.他们说他们正在酿造的酒可以与世界上最好的那些酒相媲美。e.g. Nothing can ever equal that experience.那次经历是无可比拟的。23. explode 熟义:v. 爆炸;爆破;爆裂;爆发(某种情绪)僻义:v. 激增;迅速增加e.g.The boo

12、k has exploded in popularity.这本书已迅速走红。24. exploit 熟义:v. 开发;开采;剥削;压榨僻义:v. 运用;利用;发挥 n. 业绩;功绩;令人激动的行为e.g. She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play.她在剧中把她那个角色的幽默发挥得淋漓尽致。e.g. He enjoys talking about his youthful exploits.他喜欢谈论他年轻时的壮举。25. govern 熟义:v. 统治;管辖;治理;管制;支配(某事物)僻义:v. 支配,影响,指导(某人或某事物)

13、e.g. Tradition governs all aspects of their lives.传统渗入到他们生活的方方面面。26. help 熟义:n. 帮助;帮忙;益处;好处 v. 帮助;援助;改善状况僻义:v. 搀扶;带领e.g. She helped him to his feet.她扶他站了起来。27. hit熟义:v. 打;击;击打 n. 一击;撞击僻义:v. 投中;射中 n. 巨大成功;受欢迎的人(或事物)e.g. She hit her first basket but then missed the next one.她第一次投篮得分,但后来第二次投篮没有中。e.g.Th

14、e album is a collection of the groups greatest hits.这张专辑收录了该乐队最流行最成功的歌曲。28. kill 熟义:v. 杀死;消灭;使紧张;使不愉快 n. 杀人;杀死;被杀死的动物;猎物僻义:v. 打发,消磨(时间)e.g.We killed time by reading magazines.我们看杂志消磨时间。29. build 熟义:v. 建造;修建;制造;逐渐形成;开创;构成 n. 身材;体型;体格僻义:v. 增加(数量);增长;增强;增多e.g. They thought the army would build characte

15、r in their son.他们认为部队将会磨炼儿子的意志。e.g.The excitement was beginning to build before the game.开赛前,兴奋的气氛就开始逐渐增强。30. cause 熟义:n. 原因;起因;理由;动机; v. 使发生;导致;引起僻义:n. (奋斗的)目标,事业e.g. I can support a cause that means something to me.我可以为我认为有意义的事业而奋斗。31. cover 熟义:n. 遮盖物;覆盖物;封面;封皮 v. 遮蔽;掩蔽;覆盖;包含;涉及僻义:n. 庇护所;躲避处 v. 报道

16、e.g.The hikers took cover under a tree and waited for the storm to pass.徒步旅行者们躲到一棵树下,等待暴风雨过去。e.g.He is an experienced journalist who has covered several presidential campaigns.他是位经验丰富的记者,报道过几届总统竞选。32. cross 熟义:v. 穿过;跨过;越过;交叉;相交 n. 十字架;十字勋章;十字形僻义:adj. 生气的;发怒的e.g. I didnt mean to make you cross.我并不想惹你

17、生气。33. develop 熟义:v. 使成长;使发展;研制;培育;研发;开发僻义:v. 逐渐产生;逐渐形成;逐渐养成;使(胶卷等)显影e.g. Towns developed along this trade route hundreds of years ago.几百年前就有城市沿着这条商路发展起来。e.g. Our vacation pictures should be developed by tomorrow.我们假期的照片应该明天会冲洗出来。34. express 熟义:v. 表示;表达;表露;表现;表达;体现 n. 直达快车僻义:v. 特快专递;快递(包裹、信件等) n. 快寄

18、;快递adj. (表达)明确的,清楚的;专门的;特定的e.g. They expressed the package to us.他们把包裹快递给了我们。35. encourage 熟义:v. 鼓励;鼓舞;激励僻义:v. 促进;助长;支持;刺激;鼓动e.g. Warm weather encourages plant growth.温暖的天气有利于植物的生长。36. perform 熟义:v. 做;施行;执行;演出;表演僻义:v. 表现;运作e.g.I perform best under pressure.压力之下我表现得最好。37. promote 熟义:v. 使升职;使升迁;促进;有助于

19、僻义:v. 促销;宣传e.g.The island is being promoted as a destination for romantic getaways.这个岛正被宣传为浪漫的度假胜地。38. skip 熟义:n. 跳跃;跳过 v. 蹦跳;蹦跳着走僻义:v. 不做,不参加(应做的事);略过;跳过e.g. If you are having trouble with one of the questions on the test, skip it and come back to it later.考试中如果遇到一道难题,先跳过去,随后再回来做。39. travel 熟义:n. 旅

20、行;长途旅行 v. 旅行;游历;(尤指)长途旅行僻义:v. 行进e.g. The pain traveled down his back.疼痛感顺着他的后背往下走。40. update 熟义:v. 更新,刷新(的内容)僻义:v. 为提供最新信息 n. 最新报道;最新消息e.g. He updated us on his mothers health.他把他母亲最近的健康状况告诉了我们。e.g. I havent heard the latest weather update.我没有听到最新的天气预报。41. urge 熟义:v. 敦促;强烈要求;催促;力劝僻义:v. 驱赶;鞭策 n. 强烈的欲望;冲动e.g. A hand on her back urged her forward.一只手在背后推着她前行。e.g. He fought the urge to cry.他强忍着没有哭出来。42. will 熟义:n. 意志;强烈的愿望 modal v. 将要;将会;愿意 v. 想要;希望僻义:n. 遗嘱e.g. In her will, she asked that her money be donated to the church.在遗嘱里,她要求将她的钱捐献给教会。

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