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1、高策地产简介High plan real estate高 策 地 产High plan real estate目 录Content第一章 精 功 地产营销 Perfection Real Estate Marketing第二章胜 出 者 有所长 The winner has its advantage第三章挡 风 险 高策上 Resisting Risks GAO CE Front第四章兑现承诺 兑现梦想 Honor our words and realize our dream 高策地产High plan real estatePART 1精 功 地 产 营 销Perfection Real

2、 Estate Marketing高策地产High plan real estate地产营销,我们一直专注的课题。但,时刻我们都在努力颠覆自己。如此,高策在房地产这个舞台上,将赢得生生不息的新生。一群游刃地产江湖多年,浸润营销代理数载的“老手”,用热忱驱动对此行业的赤诚,用年轻的心态构架起一个颠覆传统的平台。一群志同道合的人,怀揣破旧立新的思想,以更开放的心态、更坚决的执行力、更强大的凝聚力,构架起理想共同体。Real estate marketing,we continuously dedicated topic.But,the time we all diligently are subv

3、erting oneself.So,the Czechoslovakia line society in real estate this stage,every day will win the new student who will grow continually.A crowd swims edge real estate rivers and lakes many years,the infiltration marketing acts several years“the expert”,with the zealous actuation to this profession

4、absolute sincerity,gets up with the young point of view skeleton to subvert traditional the platform.A crowd has a common goal the human,surmised destroys the old and establishes the new the dream,by a more open point of view,firmer carries out the strength,a more formidable cohesive force,the ideal

5、 community which the skeleton gets up.专注,梦想Dedicated,dream行业暴力不再而回归理性,地产营销逐渐溯回本源创造价值、实现价值。君子有所为,有所不为。我们不会标榜为包医百病的综合服务商,精于此道、以此为生,以专业营销为专注的领域,在行业整合的潮流中独领风骚。专业,职业The profession violence no longer returns the rationality,the real estate marketing traces the source-creation value,the realization value g

6、radually.The gentleman has the behavior,can refrain from doing things.We cannot flaunt for guarantees to cure all ills the comprehensive service provider,is skilled in this field of endeavor,as lives take this,take the specialized marketing as the dedicated domain,heads list of successful candidates

7、 in the profession conformity tidal current.Profession,Carees地产投资营销机构A marketing institution for real estate investment高策地产High plan real estate风雨数载,用心浇灌,成就长青基业。The wind and rain several years,water attentively,achievement ever green base industry.柏合新居庄园1896龙博御景戛纳湾滨江东华锦城万隆 托斯卡纳新城国际水木清华湖滨四季城&峰景泊景湾2期美

8、林西岸2期百联西郊购物中心新乡阳光假日生活广场新城锦绣中南、森海湾企业生存的根本是寻求各方的共赢,作为专业地产营销机构,只有着眼于合作伙伴的利益,以各自不同的专业能力为合作的起点,以科学的合作模式结成坚实的利益共同体,同担风险,共享收益,借势弄潮,同进同退,如此,才能创造项目的极致价值,并与开发企业达成长久的合作。钟情于更多难度带来的兴奋,我愿以更大的想象力来运作项目,全力投入,让价格再高一些、让销售速度飞起来.The enterprise survival is radically seeks all quarters altogether to win,takes the speciali

9、zed real estate marketing organization,only then focuses on the partner benefit,take respectively the different specialized ability as the cooperation beginning,forms the solid benefit community by the science cooperation pattern,with braves dangers,the sharing income,takes advantage of somebodys au

10、thority the sea bathing,with enters with draws back,so,can create the project the acme value,and achieves the long-time cooperation with the development enterprise.Being deeply in love excited which brings in more difficulties,I am willing by a bigger imagination to operate the project,invests with

11、all ones strength,lets the price high some,let the sales speed fly again.如何才能成为开发企业长久依赖的合作伙伴?How can become the development enterprise long-time dependence the partner?柏合新居盘活烂尾楼,力挽狂澜概况:该楼盘为成都一家开发商开发,此开发商为第一次做开发,同时三盘齐开,该项目 又处于滞销状态,这为他带来了巨大的资金压力。项目停工,等待资金回笼后开工。对策:不破不立,大刀阔斧。投资资金对项目进行重新定位和包装。形象换血,发挥项 目本

12、身优势,紧盯目标客户群倾力营销,翻天覆地大加作为成就:各个部门紧密配合,内外销精诚合作,通过全队的不懈努力,历时2个月,56套 房,清盘。开发公司资金盘活,得以在行业中再展豪情。心得:中有勇敢投入,才可打破项目僵局,扭转颓势。救合作伙伴于危难,就是为自己创造机会庄园1896为价格,插上翅膀为价格,插上翅膀概况:项目位于开发新区,区位板块优势不突出。对策:若想卖出一鸣惊人的价格,前期完美的价值塑造和精到的策划包装就成为 制胜的法宝。经过前期的酝酿和准备,结合对项目的高端客户群的气质分析,以精准的市场定位进行深层次营销,最终得到市场的认可成就:当地新雅集团的代表项目,也是全国闻名的汗正街项目。10

13、个月完成4.5亿元的销售总额。平均单套价格比开发商和同行的预计价 格高出20%。心得:专业的营销公司就像是化妆师,当他东西了项目结构,清晰结构出个中优劣后,挥动手中的妙笔,去粗取精,细加润色,为倾城之姿精彩出炉。当练就出这样非凡的功力,怎么会无勇气对价格期许更大的想象力?龙博御景清空尾盘,追回不慎流失的利润概况:该项目曾经经历了地铁物业的成功定位,带来热销,而08年我们接手时,它正在泥沼中挣扎,月销售三套左右的市场成绩,给开发带来强大资金压力,真正的难题是销控的失当和难易的配搭的不合理,此前的销量是专捡优质房源销售为代价的,剩余房源压住该项目一期的全部利润。对策:面对尴尬局面,信心显得异常重要

14、,多年消化次优项目的经验与心得带来更多挑战的斗志。可喜的是,面对任何项目,我们这群人眼中,总是看到更多机会,沉下心,深深扎根项目,将优劣势层层分解与组合,如履薄冰逐一突破,置之死地而后生。成就:项目进入一个月,清掉一期滞留下的30余套房源。历史一年也终于为这个项目画上圆满的句号心得:一路高歌猛进的地产大势使很多人忘记尾房的存在,然而在目前瞬息万变的市场并 没有放弃对我们信心的挫折,对抗市场风险唯一利器便是利润的兑现。当项目成功售完后,我们发现,将滞压的利润回笼只是我们带给开发商实物的收益,更重要的是我们和合作伙伴一起在波澜壮阔的房地产洪流中重拾信心。当帮助合作伙伴解决棘手问题和难题过程中都是无

15、比畅快和无法言喻。做足市场的洞察,做精客群的洞察.当所有前期准备工作,都滴水不漏的时候,营销的概念使水到渠成,其带来的附加价值,自然源远流长,撬动项目的杠杆和支点使手到擒来。Makes the full market seeing clearly,makes the fine guest group to see clearly.When all earlier period preparatory work,all is watertight,the marketing concept causes successful,it brings the additional value,the

16、nature is well-established,the skid moves the project the release lever and the pivot causes easily.如何让有限差异的产品,实现销售结果的无限差异?How lets the limited difference the product,the realization sale result infinite difference?概 况:项目位于城南,建筑面积55万平米,是城南的大盘,但与周边高端项目竞争优势不凸显,很难从市场中脱颖出,项目的销售情况20套左右,优质户型基本销售完成。销售现场气势低

17、落。对 策:通过对严密的市场问卷调查,升入分析区域产品,找准项目的目标客户群,深层次的挖掘潜在客户。对项目销售案场进行全方位的培训和有效的奖惩措置。提升销售案场的气势。提高销售的执行力。成 就:进场20天项目销售案场有明显的改变,执行力明显提高。在销售单价提高200元/平米的情况,20天销售37套房源,完成2200多万销售额。在经 常50天后销售共计147套房源,销售额达到1.5亿元,成功对剩余房源清盘成功。客户来访量可达到每一个星期280组,来电量230组。为项目后期热销创造有利的条件。心 得:该项目已经是城南比较热销的楼盘,销售价格和销售预计都比以前有很大的拉升。在楼盘品质处于相对劣势的时

18、候,精准的客户定位、有效的营销手段、强有力的案场执行能力和把控能力是项目成功的关键戛纳湾滨江精准定位,创新营销,实现价值最大化我相信魔鬼藏于细节。点滴间的细小环节,最能反应人的风貌和事情的本质。注细节,成大事。同时,如何协调团队间的无缝对接,保证策略执行不折不扣落地生根,让蓝图和规划转化为可实现的销售成果,如何激励团队每一位成员积极性和自发责任心,在每一个细小环节之间纵横捭阖,更是我孜孜不倦研究实践的课题。I believe devil Tibet in the detail.Tiny link between the intravenous drip,most can respond hum

19、ans style and the matter essence.The note detail,becomes the important matter.Does the colleague,how coordinate seamless docking between the team,guaranteed the strategy execution air plants in every sense of the term,lets the blueprint and the plan transforms as the sales achievement which may real

20、ize,how drove the team each member enthusiasm and the spontaneous sense of responsibility,maneuvers among groups between each tiny link,is I studies the practice diligently the topic如何保证策略思路不折不扣落地生根,转化成销售执行的结果?How guaranteed the strategy mentality air plants in every sense of the term,transforms the

21、 sales execution the result?概况:项目占地50余亩,区域优势不突出,市场关注度低,产品也缺乏市场竞争力对策:加强市场研究,通过营销策略将强项目的区域发展潜力进行有效包装,对目标客户群心理需求深入研究。策划团队与销售团队不断沟通,有效的广告诉求和实效的广告投放,通过1期的热销深层次炒作,造成区域高性价比楼盘。二期通过产品的升级借助一期的热销场面和良好的口碑,快速实现销售。成就:项目开盘热销90%,当天并加推180套,价格上调三次。并以高出同区域楼盘200元/平米的价格,得到市场的认可和开发商的认可,心得:公司各个团队的无缝配合时项目成功的关键,同时也为开发商在营销费用

22、和开发周期上节约大量的金钱和时间,同时加强产品研究和市场的关注的炒作,是项目得以快速销售保障。东华锦城造势热销,与合作伙伴一起成长成功合作的路上,沟通的成本是最大的投入。而志同道合的人在一起,这种共同的价值取向,就像一条沟通管道,让所有人之间的沟通,成为一种水到渠成的顺畅,甚至一句话不用说话,对方就明白了彼此的心意。而沟通的效率,是通往成功道路上的加速度,于是高策秉持“追求成就,坦诚沟通”的核心价值观,使得我们团结成一个理想的共同体,一个高效战斗的团队。1A group walks,we discovered has a common goal,the communication cost i

23、s only then lower.On the success cooperation road,the communication cost is the biggest investment.But has a common goal the human in the same place,this kind of common value orientation,looks like a communication channel,lets between all persons communication,becomes one kind of successful smoothne

24、ss,even a speech did not need the speech,opposite party to understand each other regard.But communicates the efficiency,is leads to on the successful path the acceleration,therefore Gao Ce grasps“the pursue achievement,honest communication”the core values,cause us to unite an ideal community,a highl

25、y effective fight team.一路走来,我们发现志同道合,沟通成本才更低。Democracy communication company construction communication smoothness,source from information symmetry.In order to guarantee internal information balanced,the Czechoslovakia line society establishment flattening information system and the democratized com

26、pany skeleton,in take the result as under the guidance premise,all staffs may the non-barrier crosswise,the longitudinal communication,allows any staff to jump the ranks the report exchange,gains a real feedback information,thus provides the accurate basis for the company decision-making,enhances so

27、lves the question efficiency.沟通的顺畅,源自信息的对称。为保证内部信息的均衡,高策建立起扁平化的信息系统和民主化的公司构架,在以结果为导向的前提下,所有员工可无障碍的横向、纵向沟通,允许任何员工越级汇报交流,获取一线的真实反馈信息,从而为公司决策提供准确的依据,提高解决问题的效率。民主沟通的公司架构he democratized company skeleton,董事会投资决策业务发展战略布局企业传讯人力资源财务管控结果导向的信息系统业务运作市场研究人才储备策划执行营销实施业务拓展 公司架构Company constructionOn giant shoulder

28、s runner this is one runs the advance team,marches forward on the ancient and modern wises shoulder.We believed that each people are a hero,each people can drive the superhuman,we through 400%personnel investment,300%operating time,the infinite intrinsic fervor,the infinite team coordination,forge i

29、n hearts sharp weapon,creates the marketing miracle which others can not hold a candle.这是一个奔跑前进的团队,行进在古今智者的肩膀上。我们相信每个人都是英雄,每个人都能被激励成超人,我们通过400%的人员投入,300%的工作时间,无穷的内在激情,无穷的团队协同,去锻造心中的利器,去创造别人望尘莫及的营销奇迹。巨人肩上的奔跑者On giant shoulder runner胜出者 有所长PART 2高策地产High plan real estateThe winner has its advantage胜出者

30、 有所长PART 2The winner has its advantage割舍顾问业务,坚持全程营销,规避策略与实施脱节,倾力达成项目极致价值。Has the behavior,can refrain from doing things to shear shed consultant the service,persisted the entire journey marketing,the circumvention strategy and the implementation comes apart,leans the strength to achieve the project

31、acme value.有所为,有所不为销售执行策划推广市场定位产品包装建筑施工市场判断投资分析规划设计价值实现价值发现价值创造Brave enough to say“no”isthe work ethice of operator敢于说“不”,操盘者的职业操守。我们不是房地产行业漫长产业链条上最末端微不足道的环节,或是开发公司销售部的代工者,而是以自身广阔的资源平台、丰富的操盘经验和专业的营销能力为开发商输出智力资源,增大项目市场价值,获取超额利润的专业地产营销机构。这是一个行业竞争激化到了“生死搏斗”的年代,温吞水式的营销手段已经毫无价值,唯有更加犀利、更具杀伤力的营销方式才能确立竞争优势,

32、独占行业鳌头。拒绝代工,合而有所不同challenging the tradition requireabundant real experiences and doubledefforts in contribution 颠覆传统,需要丰富的实战经验和加倍努力的付出A marketing model thatchallenge the traditions颠覆传统营销模式Comparable chart marketing model营销模式对比图我们的营销模式传统营销模式主动出击被动等待人的积极性不可控的前置成本粗放式管理策划导向的价值挖掘低强度物的积极性物对人人对人高强度销售导向的价值挖

33、掘精细化管理可控的后置成本内外兼修的高效营销管理体系The inside and outside concurrently repairs highly effective marketing management systemWe to believe that the average man natural talent is average,therefore ever does not dare to be opportunistic,only has attention marketing each detail,insisted that each link is more out

34、standing than 10%,10 links the match the progressives to accumulate is 3 times,30 links are 30 times,this innumerable links accumulation,achievement black coal and diamond difference.我们相信常人天资平平,所以从不敢投机取巧,唯有关注营销的每个细节,坚持每个环节比对手优秀10%,10个环节的递进累计就是3倍,30个环节就是30倍,这无数个环节的积累,成就了石炭与金刚石的区别。石炭,如何炼成金刚石Does the b

35、lack coal,how build up the diamond营销模式的多纬度解构Multi-latitude marketing model of Deconstruction造梦圆梦感梦现场力杀伤战术形象力拉动战术形象力丰满战术产品力深化战术活动力宣传战术强销力打击战术品牌力导入战术产品力渗透战术形象力提升战术差异力定位战术产品力强化战术无论何时何处,销售快、价格高、成本可控几乎都是每个开发商的梦想,高策从合作伙伴的梦想出发,解决问题。the price to be high quickly,the cost controllable nearly is each developer

36、 dream,同样的价格,更快的速度,同样的速度,更高的价格。Similar speed,higher price.whenever where,does sell。速度与价格的合力,拉动价值的奔跑。我们不能改变整个市场的供求关系,但可以通过强有力的营销改变一个项目局部的供求关系。而我们认定,只要改变了项目的供求关系,更快速度和更高价格的实现就是理所当然。Speed and price joint effort,drawing value running.We cannot change the entire market the supply-demand relation,but may

37、change a project partial supply-demand relation through the powerful marketing.But we recognized,so long as changed the project supply-demand relation,a quicker speed and the higher price realization is natural.竞争优势图解Competitive graphic销售快成本可控价格高速度就是生命。在瞬息万变的市场面前,销售速度是利润实现最大的保障。竞争激励的土地交易,在这有限的资源面前,没

38、有任何理由不去为项目竟取更高的价格。营销成本失控是每个开发商内心永远的痛,控制住成本就是利润。PART 3挡风险 高 策 上高策地产High plan real estateResisting Risks GAO CE FrontTaps new resources and reduces expenses,is any profession obtains a richer income the inevitable principle.How controls the cost well,cost which saves down,transforms profit which may g

39、ain,is the developer continuously all discussion topic.The Czechoslovakia line society embarks from the customer,through the pack project marketing link,wholesale undertakes the project entire journey marketing promotion and the execution work,voluntarily fronts the capital to complete completely,af

40、ter waits the sales result realization only then to withdraw the commission,says regarding the developer is the cost postpositioned,and is controllable.The preliminary massive investments have manifested the confidence and the responsible posture,not only is to the partner safeguard,is lets oneself

41、take the risk as power positive action urging on.It may be said“does not need raise the whip from to exert the hoof”!开源节流,是任何行业获得更丰厚收益的必然原理。如何更好地控制成本,把节省下来的成本,转化成可以获取的利润,是开发商一直都在探讨的课题。高策从客户出发,通过打包项目营销环节,将项目的全程营销推广和执行工作一揽子承担,全部自行垫资完成,待销售结果实现后才提取佣金,对于开发商来讲是成本的后置,并且是可控的。前期的大量投入体现了信心和负责任的姿态,不仅是对合作伙伴的保障,

42、更是让自己以风险为动力积极行动的鞭策。可谓“不待扬鞭自奋蹄”!1The pad capital,continues is a sincerity,is the confidence undertakes the project entire journey marketing investment,postpositioned your cost。垫资,不止是诚意,更是信心承担项目全程营销投入,后置您的成本 您其 要他 做交 的给 只我 是们 建来 出完 好成 房 子销售执行产品包装产品定位策划推广 售 样 楼 板 处 区 、打 样造 板 间 销售道具制作销售人员组织媒体关系维护广告制作与发布

43、卖场包装市场调查全程服务 全程营销Crosses a river in a boat together,under together power and responsibility distinct pattern benefit community.高策打包营销环节,规避运作中责任的推诿,独立运作项目,开发商只需坐等收益。明确的分工:你负责做出好产品,我负责卖出好价钱。坚持100%的销售率,承诺0%的尾房率,这就是我们的能力,是我们的坚持,更是我们不可毁损的荣誉。The high plan pack marketing link,in the circumvention operation

44、 responsibility shifting responsibility onto others,the independence operates the project,the developer only must wait the income.Explicit division of labor:You make the product responsibly,I sell the price responsibly.权责分明模式下的利益共同体。同舟共济,在一起Swim togetherOr sink together 产品定位研发环节产品生产环节产品市场环节高策开发商的思路开

45、发商高策的专业意见PART 4兑现承诺 兑现梦想高策地产High plan real estateHonor our words and realize our dream作为一家专业的房地产营销机构,肩负着三重承诺:开发商期待价值的实现和消费者购买价值的实现,以及在前两者基础之上,我们自身梦想的兑现。于开发商:从甲方出发,建立起匹配甲方行动目标的策略及纲领,勤思,捷行,提高运营效率,恪守自身承诺,言必行,信必果,充分实现自身营销价值。于消费者:秉承汇报社会的理念,致力于满足人们不断提高的品质居住生活要求,并为之不遗余力奉献点滴真情,真情沟通,多方位满足消费者居住价值。于高策:大河有大小河流,

46、以实现开发商与消费者之间的流通价值,作为自身的梦想价值,并以之为致力毕生的专攻专业,以专业价值兑现自身价值。The cash pledges the cash dreamAs a specialized real estate marketing organization,is shouldering the tertiary pledge:The developer anticipated the value the realization and the consumer purchase the value the realization,as well as above front b

47、oth foundation,our own dream cash.In developer:Embarks from the party of the first part,the establishment matches the party of the first part to move the goal strategy and the guiding principle,the attendance thinks,the Czechoslovakia line,enhances the operation efficiency,scrupulously follows own p

48、ledge,the word must the line,the letter have the fruit,realizes own marketing value fully.In consumer:Receives the report society the idea,devotes satisfies the quality housing life request which the people enhance unceasingly,and for it spare no effort offer intravenous drip true feelings,the true

49、feelings communication,the multi-positions satisfies the consumer to live the value.Yu Gaoce:The river has the size rivers,realizes between the developer and consumers circulation value,took own dream value,and as devotes the lifetime take it to study the specialty,cashes own value by the specialized value.兑现承诺 兑现梦想

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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