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1、The Princess Diaries What if someonetell you that actually you are a princess after being an ordinary person for 15 year?Here the story beginsMia,a shy and socially awkward girl.She is sick when she speaks in public.Many of her classmates play jokes on her frizz-ball hair style and many people regar

2、d her as a invisible person.米娅米娅,一个害羞和不善于社交的女孩。当她在公一个害羞和不善于社交的女孩。当她在公共场合发言她会感到不舒服。她的许多同学戏共场合发言她会感到不舒服。她的许多同学戏弄她的卷发球发型并且许多人视她为一个隐形弄她的卷发球发型并且许多人视她为一个隐形人。人。Her life has changed since she was knew that her father is the Prince of Genovia and she is the sole heir to the throne.She must decide,by her sixt

3、eenth birthday,whether she will live as a princess and move to Genovia or remain in San Francisco where she lives with her artist mom.她的生活开始改变当她知道她的父亲是捷诺威亚王子,她的生活开始改变当她知道她的父亲是捷诺威亚王子,她是该国唯一的王位继承人。在她十六岁生日的时候,她是该国唯一的王位继承人。在她十六岁生日的时候,她必须做出决定,她是否会成为一个公主并搬到捷诺威她必须做出决定,她是否会成为一个公主并搬到捷诺威亚或者继续留在圣弗朗西斯科,在那里与她的艺术

4、家的亚或者继续留在圣弗朗西斯科,在那里与她的艺术家的母亲继续生活。母亲继续生活。Meanwhile,shes pressed into taking princess lessons from her grandmother.And the change of her identity also has influenced her relationship with her best friend Lily.She was scared and refused to being a princess.But after reading her fathers letter and her m

5、others encouragement,she finally chose to be forevermore the princess of Genovia.同时,她被她祖母施加训练成为公主的课程。她身份的变化也影响同时,她被她祖母施加训练成为公主的课程。她身份的变化也影响了她和她最好的朋友莉莉的关系。她害怕,拒绝成为一个公主。但了她和她最好的朋友莉莉的关系。她害怕,拒绝成为一个公主。但是在读了父亲的信,她母亲的鼓励下,她最终选择了永远成为捷诺是在读了父亲的信,她母亲的鼓励下,她最终选择了永远成为捷诺威亚的公主。威亚的公主。Mia,a socially awkward Mia,a soci

6、ally awkward 15-year-old girl,lives in 15-year-old girl,lives in San Francisco with her San Francisco with her mom.She is afraid of mom.She is afraid of making speech in public making speech in public and she is used to the and she is used to the life of being invisible.life of being invisible.But o

7、ne day she was knew that she was the princess of Genovia.And her life began to changeBirthday:November 12th,1982 Nationality:USAHight:173cmDream:Singing in the Broadway Works:Alice in Wonderland(2010)爱丽丝梦游奇境爱丽丝梦游奇境 Bride Wars(2009)结婚大作战结婚大作战 Rachel Getting Married(2008)蕾切尔的婚礼蕾切尔的婚礼 Becoming Jane(200

8、7)成为简成为简奥斯汀奥斯汀 The Devil Wears Prada(2006)穿普拉达的女王穿普拉达的女王 Hoodwinked(2005)小红帽的真小红帽的真实故事实故事动画片配音动画片配音 Brokeback Mountain(2005)断断臂山臂山 浩劫浩劫 Princess Diaries 2:Royal Engagement(2004)公主日记公主日记 2:皇室婚:皇室婚约约 The Princess Diaries(2001)公公主日记主日记Anne Hathaway安妮安妮海瑟薇海瑟薇 Clarisse,the queen of Genovia,is very elegan

9、t and beautiful.As a queen,she is very serious.But actually she is very humorous.She loves her country and wants Mia to rule it.Julie Andrews朱莉朱莉安德鲁斯安德鲁斯Original Name:Julie ElizabethBirthday:October 1st,1935Nationality:UKSpouse:Tony Walton19591967 Blake Edwards1969nowWorks:The Sound of Music(音乐音乐之声)

10、之声)Mary Poppinbso(欢乐欢乐满人间)满人间)Hawaii(夏威夷)(夏威夷)My Fair Lady(窈窕淑女)窈窕淑女)The Princess Diaries(公主日记)(公主日记)The Princess Diaries 2:Royal Engagement(公主(公主 日记日记2:皇家婚约):皇家婚约)Helen,Mias mother,is a painter.She got divorce with Mias father because she wanted freedom not the rules and regulations for the rest of

11、 life.She is humorous and enlightenedLily is Mias best friend who is the host of a cable show.She is a lovely outgoing girl.Charlotte,the secretary of the queen,is in good taste.She is very efficient and kind.Joe,the bodyguard(保(保镖)镖)of Clarisse.Though he is short-spoken,he is very loyal(忠诚的忠诚的).He

12、is really a gentleman.Paolo is the stylist.He is a big mouth,but he is very professional.经典台词Courage is not theabsence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more importantthan fear.The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.勇气并不是没有恐惧,而是有比恐惧更重要勇气并不是没有恐惧,而是有比恐惧

13、更重要的判断。勇敢的人不会长生不老,但是谨小的判断。勇敢的人不会长生不老,但是谨小慎微的人根本无法生存。慎微的人根本无法生存。To be a princess,you have to believe that you are a princess.Youve got to walk the way you think a princess would walk.So,you gotta think tall you gotta smile and wave,and just have fun.要想成为公主,你得相信自己就是一个公要想成为公主,你得相信自己就是一个公主。你应该像你所想象中的公主那

14、般为人主。你应该像你所想象中的公主那般为人处世。另外,你得高瞻远嘱,从容不迫,处世。另外,你得高瞻远嘱,从容不迫,笑对人生。笑对人生。My expectation in life is to be invisible and I am good at it.我只想隐身于人群中,而且这一点我很在行。我只想隐身于人群中,而且这一点我很在行。Because you saw me when l was invisible.因为你在我隐形的时候也能看见我因为你在我隐形的时候也能看见我 Dad(a letter in the diary)My dearest daughter.Today is your

15、sixteen birthday.Congratulations.I present you with this diary to fill the pages with your special thoughts of your wonderful life.It is a custom in my family to pass on a piece of wisdom when one reaches this age.I pass it on to you as my father passed it on to me.Amelia,courage is not the absence

16、of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.From now on,youll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be.The key is to allow you to make the journey.I also want you to k

17、now I loved your mother very much.And still think of her often.Happy birthday,my Mia.All my love,your father.我最亲爱的女儿。今天是你我最亲爱的女儿。今天是你1 16 6岁的生日岁的生日 ,祝贺你!我送给你这簿装满了你独特思想,祝贺你!我送给你这簿装满了你独特思想的日记本,这是家族习惯:当有人到了这个年龄时就会给他智慧。我就把我父亲给我的日记本,这是家族习惯:当有人到了这个年龄时就会给他智慧。我就把我父亲给我的传给你。艾米利娅,面对恐惧要善于判断,有些东西比恐惧更重要。的传给你。艾米利娅,面对恐惧要善于判断,有些东西比恐惧更重要。英勇不会永英勇不会永远存在但谨慎要常在身边。从现在开始,你将要步入你所想的人以及你相处的人中,远存在但谨慎要常在身边。从现在开始,你将要步入你所想的人以及你相处的人中,只允许你自己去旅行。我想让你知道我很爱你的母亲现在仍经常想念她。生日快乐只允许你自己去旅行。我想让你知道我很爱你的母亲现在仍经常想念她。生日快乐,米亚米亚 用我所有的爱用我所有的爱,你的父亲你的父亲 剧照剧照Ending thanks!小组成员:方贵永 李莺梦 王曦

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