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1、 Vocabulary Revision 高三英语话题词汇复习高三英语话题词汇复习-李金莲李金莲 Topic Topic:Health Health In this unit you will1.Speak out and spell out the words and phrases related to the topic“Health”.2.Use the target words and phrases to complete the sentences.3.Use the related words and phrases to write a passage.探探究究的的内内容容复

2、复习习模模式式探探究究实实战战演演练练词词汇汇学学习习现现状状词词汇汇教教学学的的重重要要性性复复习习的的有有效效性性.Vocabulary Revision 词汇教学的重要性 1.英国语言学家威尔金斯(Wilkins)认为:没有语法,几乎无法表达没有语法,几乎无法表达什么;而没有词汇,则什么也表达不了什么;而没有词汇,则什么也表达不了(Without grammar very little can be conveyed;without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.)。2.英语课程标准研修:词汇在发展听、说、读、写能力中起重要作用,影响听、说、读、写


4、570个,要求理解的约630个)。.2.催人深思的数据(福建教育学院外语研修部催人深思的数据(福建教育学院外语研修部 周大明)周大明)年份年份及格率及格率优秀率优秀率 平均分平均分备注备注200913.59%3.09%2.64全省全省28万考生,有万考生,有24%(即(即6.7万)考生得万)考生得零分零分。201028.88%7.69%3.93201138.49%20.1%4.15全省全省25万考生,有万考生,有20%(即(即5万多)考生得万多)考生得零分零分!近三年福建省高考英语近三年福建省高考英语IIII卷卷短文填词短文填词及格率、优秀率、平均分及格率、优秀率、平均分近三年福建省高考英语近

5、三年福建省高考英语II卷书面表达各档次的比率、卷书面表达各档次的比率、“三率三率”和标准和标准差差 分档分档年份年份第五档第五档(21-25分分)第四档第四档(16-20分分)第三档第三档(11-15分分)第二档第二档(6-10分分)第一档第一档(1-5分分)(0分分)20093.48%42.3%31.78%8%8.57%5.79%20104.1%43.1%27.08%7.6%8.09%10%20113.59%30.29%31.57%12.46%11.3%10.5%“三率三率”及标准差及标准差 分类分类年份年份平均分平均分及格率及格率优秀率优秀率200913.3157.37%6.88%2010

6、12.8757.89%8.0%201111.6443.99%6.3%词汇复习方法:可采取集中复习同一话题内容,将新课标提倡的发现、分析、归纳、联想等方法贯穿其中,构建知识网络促进知识和技能的稳步提高。比如,涉及健康(Health)话题的有:八年级上册Unit 2 Keeping Healthy;北师大版北师大版在必修1 Unit 1 Lifestyle和选修10 Unit 28 Health。Vocabulary Revision Topic:Health自我诊断自我诊断(注:本表词汇均为课标或考纲词汇。加*号为省考试说明要求理解的词汇,其它为要求掌握的词汇。)单词短语健康体能锻炼1.健康 n

7、._adj._2.强壮的 adj._n._v._ 1.have a sound sleep_ 2.安然无恙 _ 症状疾病3.聋 adj._ 4.死v._adj._n._ 5.使失去能力,使残废 v._adj._n._3.残疾人 _ 4.turn a deaf ear to my advice _ 5.be dying to meet him in person _ 事故受伤6.危险 n._adj._7.伤害;损害 n.&v._adj._ 8.(事故)受伤 v._adj._n._5.处于危险之中 _ 6.对你的健康有害 _ 7.冒着生命危险去救那个孩子 _ 医护医疗药物9.治愈n.&v._10.

8、耐心 n._adj._11.出席;参加;注意;照料 v._ 12.治疗;招待;对待v._n._ 8.对那些病人耐心_9.治愈他的疾病_ 10.用一种特效药为那位病人治疗_饮食习惯13.平衡;均衡 n.&v._ adj._14.喝;饮;饮料 n.&v._(过去式_ 过去分词_)喝醉的adj._ 15.*appetite n._ 11.把均衡饮食和锻炼结合起来 _ 12.养成早起的好习惯 _ 13.染上吸烟的坏习惯_ 14.have an appetite for knowledge _身体部位器官16 手臂;武装n.&v._ 17.背部;支持 n.&v._ 18.手;帮助;传给 n.&v._19

9、.牙齿 n._(复数_)15.帮我一个忙_16.灰心,气馁_17.a green/fresh hand _ 18.be armed to the teeth _ 本表词汇均为课标或考纲要求词汇。加本表词汇均为课标或考纲要求词汇。加*号号为省考试说明要求理解的词汇,其它为要求为省考试说明要求理解的词汇,其它为要求掌握的词汇。掌握的单词(短语)要求写出掌握的词汇。掌握的单词(短语)要求写出英语,而理解的单词(短语)或拓展的短语英语,而理解的单词(短语)或拓展的短语则写出汉语。则写出汉语。本表从单词、短本表从单词、短语到句型结构、谚语到句型结构、谚语名言编排,又进语名言编排,又进一步把话题词汇细一步


11、习了旧知识,并有利于所预制的组块能被学生日后预制的组块能被学生日后直接提取和使用。直接提取和使用。通过具体语境对近义词进行辨析。如,通过具体语境对近义词进行辨析。如,cure him of his disease治愈他的疾病治愈他的疾病;用一种特效药为那位病人治疗用一种特效药为那位病人治疗treat the patient with a special drug努力展现词汇的一词多义或熟词生义。如,出席;努力展现词汇的一词多义或熟词生义。如,出席;参加;注意;照料参加;注意;照料 v._;治疗;招待;对待;治疗;招待;对待v._n._;have a sound sleep,safe and s

12、ound,have an appetite for knowledgeVocabulary Revision Topic:Health自我诊断自我诊断(注:本表词汇均为课标或考纲词汇。加*号为省考试说明要求理解的词汇,其它为要求掌握的词汇。)单词短语健康体能锻炼1.健康 n.health_adj.healthy_2.强壮的 strongn.strength_v.strengthen_ 1.have a sound sleep_ 2.安然无恙 safe and sound 症状疾病3.聋 adj.deaf_ 4.死die_adj._deadn.death _ 5.使失去能力,使残废 v._dis

13、able_adj._disabled_n._disability_3.残疾人 _the disabled_ 4.turn a deaf ear to my advice _ 5.be dying to meet him in person _ 事故受伤6.危险 n._danger_adj._dangerous_7.伤害;损害 n.&v._harmadj.harmful_ 8.(事故)受伤 injure_adj._injured_n._injury_5.处于危险之中 be in danger 6.对你的健康有害 do harm toyourhealth 7.冒着生命危险去救那个孩子 risk o

14、nes life to save the child 医护医疗药物9.治愈n.&v._cure_10.耐心 n.patience_adj._patient_11.出席;参加;注意;照料 v._attend_ 12.治疗;招待;对待vtreat_n._treatment_ 8.对那些病人耐心 be patient with the patients 9.治愈他的疾病cure him of his disease 10.用一种特效药为那位病人治疗treat the patient with a special drug饮食习惯13.平衡;均衡 n.&v.balance adj._balanced_

15、14.喝;饮;饮料 n.&v._drink(过去式drank_ 过去分词_drunk_)喝醉的adj._drunk_ 15.*appetite n._ 11.把均衡饮食和锻炼结合起_combine balanced diet with exercise 12.养成早起的好习惯 form the good habit of getting up early_ 13.染上吸烟的习pick up the good habit ofsmoking14.have an appetite for knowledge 身体部位器官16 手臂;武装n.&v._arm_ 17.背部;支持 n.&v._back_

16、 18.手;帮助;传给 n.&v._hand_19.牙齿 n._tooth_(复数_teeth_)15.帮我一个忙_ give me a hand/do me a favor16.灰心,气馁_lose heart_17.a green/fresh hand _ 18.be armed to the teeth _ 句型结构1.Whats wrong/the matter with you?I dont feel well./I have got a headache.2.How are you felling now?Not so well.I dont feel like eating.3.

17、Im sorry to hear that.How long have you been like this?4.You should/had better stay in bed and have a good rest.7.Follow the doctors advice,and youll get well soon.谚语名言1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.2.Health is better than wealth.3.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy a

18、nd wise.(Benjamin Franklin,American president)4.Laughter is the best medicine.5.After dinner sit a while;after supper walk a mile.6.You are what you eat.7.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.答案单词短语.谚语名言 1.一日一苹果,医生/疾病远离我。2.健康胜于财富。3.早睡早起使人健康、富有和聪明。(美国总统富兰克林)4.笑是最好的良药。5.午饭过后坐一坐,晚饭过后走一走。6.你吃什么,你就

19、是什么。(意指要健康就要注意饮食健康)7.只工作,不玩耍,聪明小伙也变傻。本表从单词、短本表从单词、短语到句型结构、谚语到句型结构、谚语名言编排,又进语名言编排,又进一步把话题词汇细一步把话题词汇细化为健康体能锻炼、化为健康体能锻炼、症状疾病、事故受症状疾病、事故受伤、医护医疗药物、伤、医护医疗药物、饮食习惯、身体部饮食习惯、身体部位器官等项目,有位器官等项目,有助于学生记忆和构助于学生记忆和构建知识网络。建知识网络。A woman walks up to a little old man rocking in a chair.“I couldnt help noticing how happ

20、y you look,”she says,“Whats your secret for a long,happy life?”“I smoke three packs a day,drink a case of whiskey a week,eat fatty foods and never,ever exercise.”“Wow,thats amazing,”says the woman.“You must be over ninety years old?”“.”J JO OK KE ES SNineteen Speak out&Spell outas soon as possible养成

21、早起的好习惯养成早起的好习惯给他的胃做手术给他的胃做手术治愈他的心脏病治愈他的心脏病耐心对待病人耐心对待病人脱离危险脱离危险Speak out the phrasesSpeak out the phrases冒着生命危险去救那个孩子冒着生命危险去救那个孩子安然无恙安然无恙睡的很香睡的很香养成早起的好习惯养成早起的好习惯给他的胃做手术给他的胃做手术治愈他的心脏病治愈他的心脏病耐心对待病人耐心对待病人脱离危险脱离危险冒着生命危险去救冒着生命危险去救那个孩子那个孩子安然无恙安然无恙睡的很香睡的很香,酣睡酣睡Spell out the phrasesSpell out the phrasesform

22、the good habit of getting up earlybe patient with the patientsout of dangerrisk ones life to save the childsafe and soundhave a sound sleepoperate on his stomachcure him of his heart attack I.单项填空单项填空1.You are always full of _.Can you tell me the secret?(2007年福建年福建)Taking plenty of exercise every da

23、y.A.power B.strength C.force D.energy2.Im trying to break the _ of getting up too late.(2009年天津年天津)A.tradition B.convenience C.habit D.custom3.Those football players had no strict _ until they joined our club.(1997年上海)年上海)A.practice B.education C.exercise D.training4.Our bodies are strengthened by _

24、.Similarly,our minds are developed by learning.A.working out B.running out C.taking up D.bringing up 5._ from heart trouble for years,Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.(2001年春季上海年春季上海)A.Suffered B.Suffering C.Having suffered D.Being suffered6._ in both legs made it

25、impossible for him to walk home.A.Injured B.Injuring C.Being injured D.To injure7.I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem,but in vain.(2010年江苏)年江苏)Why not consult with Frank?You see,_.A.great minds think alike B.its better to think twice before doing something C.two heads are better

26、 than one D.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush8.After the earthquake,the injured were cared _ in the local hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities.(2006年江西年江西)A.of B.for C.after D.with9.Is there anything wrong with my heart?Nothing serious._.A.No problem B.Good

27、luck.C.Take your time.D.Take it easy.1.Dont leave the water running while you brush your _(牙齿).2.I know youve got a smooth t ,so dont talk me into buying it.3.In 2003,SARS,a kind of serious _,broke out in China.It spread quickly and several hundred people lost their lives.4.Dont take too much of the

28、 medicine;it does you more _ than good if you do.teethtonguediseaseharmII.单句填词单句填词5.I feel very s because I stayed up late last night.6.Sports and games can build up our bodies,keep us h and help us live a long life.7.Scientists are convinced of the positive effect of laughter on p and mental health

29、.8.Give up s ,because it is harmful to our lungs.Moreover,it may cause cancer.sleepyhealthyphysicalsmoking9.The man went to bed _(喝醉),and when he woke up he found his shoes still on.10.The nurse said,“You can never imagine what great trouble we have had _(治疗)the patient that received a serious wound

30、.”drunktreatingIII.阅读下列句子,用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空。阅读下列句子,用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空。.be fed up with,combine with keep an eye on,lose heart,out of breath,pull through,recover from,take up1.Could you please _ my luggage?I want to go to the washroom.2.In the good care of the nurses,the boy is gradually _ his heart operat

31、ion.3.She was already in her late fifties when she _ long-distance running.recovering fromtook up4.Mr.Browns condition looks very serious and it is doubtful whether he _.5.A balanced diet _ exercise is good for our health.6.He hurried to the managers office _,only to be told that he was fired.7.Neve

32、r _ in face of difficulty,and Im sure you can make it.be fed up with,keep an eye on,recover from,take uppull throughwillcombinewith,combined without of breathlose heartIV.短文填词短文填词 A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesityamong children.T Li Ming for example.He used to be 1._a h

33、ealthy boy,but a year ago,he f into the habit of eating 2._a lot of junk food and snacks.B ,he spent a lot of time 3._(躺)on the sofa,watching TV,and did little exercise.4._As a result,he put on so much weight _ he found 5._ difficult to climb the stairs.So he decided to change 6._the unhealthy life

34、style.He began to keep a _(均衡的),7._healthy diet.Moreover,he took part in various sports a ,8._such as swimming,skating,_(跑步),playing basketball 9._and so on.Months _,Li Ming became as fit as before.10._TakefellBesideslyingthatitbalancedactivitiesrunninglaterV根据所给汉语及英语提示完成下列句子根据所给汉语及英语提示完成下列句子。1.对于我们

35、高三学生,每天进行锻炼是很有必要的。对于我们高三学生,每天进行锻炼是很有必要的。_ for us senior 3 students to have _.2.每天花一小时锻炼身体是很值得的每天花一小时锻炼身体是很值得的。_ an hour a day for exercise.3.每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子。辈子。_ for an hour every day,_ you will have good health to work fifty years and _.It is necessary daily exercise It

36、 is well worth taking Exercise and enjoy the whole life/live a happy life 4.2007年年4月月29日上午日上午10点到点到11点,全国各地亿万大点,全国各地亿万大中小学生同时参加阳光体育活动。中小学生同时参加阳光体育活动。_,from 10:00 to 11:00,_ students in primary,middle schools and universities all over China _ a national student sports program.5.教育部倡导学生积极参加这一活动教育部倡导学生

37、积极参加这一活动。The Ministry of Education _ students _this program.On the morning of April 29,2007 hundreds of millions of joined in calls onto take an active part in 6.进行锻炼既可强身健体又能保持清醒的头进行锻炼既可强身健体又能保持清醒的头脑。脑。Taking exercise helps us _ our body and _.7.有了健康的体魄和清醒的头脑,我们才能有了健康的体魄和清醒的头脑,我们才能更有效地学习。更有效地学习。_ a

38、healthy body and a clear mind _ more effectively.build upkeep a clear mindOnly withcan we work/studyPut the sentences in order Put the sentences in order and make up a short and make up a short passage,adding some passage,adding some logical connectives if logical connectives if necessary.necessary.

39、HomeworkHomework 1.Finish the writing.2.Finish off the homework(reading;writing).2007年年4月月29日上午日上午10点到点到11点,全国亿万学生点,全国亿万学生阳光体育活动在各地大中小学校同时进行阳光体育活动在各地大中小学校同时进行 教育部倡导学生:教育部倡导学生:每天锻炼一小时每天锻炼一小时 健康工作五十年健康工作五十年 幸福生活一辈子幸福生活一辈子 请你根据以上提示,用英语准备一份发言稿,向同学们讲请你根据以上提示,用英语准备一份发言稿,向同学们讲述一下阳光体育活动的有关情况,并就高三学生是否需要每天述一下

40、阳光体育活动的有关情况,并就高三学生是否需要每天花一小时锻炼,谈谈你的看法及理由。花一小时锻炼,谈谈你的看法及理由。注意:注意:1.发言稿应包括以上所有信息,要有适当发挥。发言稿应包括以上所有信息,要有适当发挥。2.词数词数120左右。发言稿的开头和结尾已经写好左右。发言稿的开头和结尾已经写好.3.参考词汇:教育部参考词汇:教育部the Ministry of Education 阳光体育活动阳光体育活动a national student sports programGood afternoon,everyone._ Thank you.Thank you for yourattention!

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