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1、Unit Six Dull WorkvI.Library Workv1.Immanuel Kant(1724 1804),German philosopher.His attempt to define precisely the domain of rational understanding is a landmark in Western thought.I.Library Workv2.John Milton(1608 1674),English poet and prose writer,one of the best known and most respected figures

2、 in English literature.In 1667,he published his masterpiece,Paradise Lost.II.Organization of the Textv1.Introduction of topic:varied,exciting life makes no great creative mind (Paragraph 1)v2.Supporting evidence(Paragraphs 2 5)v People who achieve do not necessarily live eventful lives(2)II.Organiza

3、tion of the Textv What is essential for creative work is a mans ability to make the trivial reach an enormous way(3)v An eventful life does more harm than good to a creative mind(4)v How he himself has been benefited from his dull work experience(5)II.Organization of the Textv3.Conclusion(Paragraph

4、6)III.Key Points of the TextvParagraph 1vassumption:something taken for granted;supposition;something that is believed to be true without proof 假定假定vThere seems to be a general assumption that:It seems that there is a general belief that Paragraph 1vbrilliant people cannot stand routine:extremely br

5、ight people cannot endure/bear fixed ways of doing thingsvto do their best:to achieve their potential creativeness;to best exercise their talentParagraph 1vIt is also assumed that.:It is also believed that vassume:take something as trueParagraph 2vcrave for:long for;desire eagerly 渴望;渴望;追求追求vE.g.:cr

6、ave for good food 追求美食追求美食v crave for mercy 恳求怜悯恳求怜悯vlet alone:not counting;not to mentionvE.g.:We cant afford a bicycle,let alone a car.Paragraph 2vWhat is the“opposite”that Hoffer says is“nearer the truth”?What is the purpose of this paragraph?Paragraph 2vPeople who achieve much are often those co

7、ntent with the routine,uneventful life they live.The purpose of this paragraph is to show that the lives of many truly great men are extremely ordinary.Paragraph 2vstonemason(=stoneman):a person whose job is cutting stone into shape for building 石匠石匠vrevelation:something that is revealed by God to m

8、an;the divine or supernatural disclosure to human beings of something related to human existence or the world 启示启示Paragraph 2vThe general meaning of revelation is“making known something which is true but unknown before.”揭示,揭露;透露揭示,揭露;透露vE.g.:The revelation that John instead of Tom was the chief desi

9、gner surprised us all.v The revelation of his plagiarism led to his disgrace.Paragraph 2vhumdrum:monotonousvE.g.:a humdrum job(life)单调的工作单调的工作(生生活活)v Some people enjoy doing housework;others consider housework humdrum drudgery.Paragraph 2vimmerse:be completely involved in some particular activity;be

10、 absorbed in somethingvE.g.:The graduate student immersed himself in classical philosophy.v men well immersed in study 潜心钻研学潜心钻研学问的人们问的人们 Paragraph 2v be immersed in debts 负债累累负债累累vmuleteer:a man who drives one or more mules 赶骡人赶骡人vunalterable routine:the never-changing everyday lifeParagraph 3vWhat

11、,according to Hoffer,makes a truly creative man?vHis ability to turn trivial experiences into inspirations for creative work.Paragraph 3vdo with:find a use for 利用利用vE.g.:He gave me this strange object for my birthday,and I dont know what to do with it.v The play was terrible;half the actors didnt kn

12、ow what to do with their hands.Paragraph 3vgrievance:a report of or cause for complaint,especially of unjust treatment 委屈,不平的事;冤情委屈,不平的事;冤情vE.g.:The captain told them to report any grievance to him.船长告诉他们有意见尽管船长告诉他们有意见尽管向他报告。向他报告。v I think you have several saved-up grievances.我看你心里积了好些牢骚。我看你心里积了好些牢骚

13、。Paragraph 3v a joint labor-management committee to act on grievances 负责处理申诉的劳资负责处理申诉的劳资共同委员会共同委员会 vseminal:(formal)influencing future development in a new way 有潜在发展可有潜在发展可能性的;开创性的;有重大影响的;重要的能性的;开创性的;有重大影响的;重要的vsemen(n.):reproductive liquid produced by the sex organs of the maleParagraph 3vE.g.:the

14、seminal existential novel of the early 1960s 20世纪世纪60年代初期开创性的存年代初期开创性的存在主义小说在主义小说 v a seminal book 有重大影响的书有重大影响的书v This experience was to have a seminal influence on his own political develop-ment.这段经历后来对他政治上的发展具有这段经历后来对他政治上的发展具有重大影响。重大影响。Paragraph 3vequidistant:at equal distances;equally distant fr

15、om or close to 等距离的等距离的vE.g.:Points on a circle are equidistant from its center.圆周上各点与圆心等距。圆周上各点与圆心等距。vinordinate:(formal)beyond reasonable limits;excessive 无节制的,过度的,放纵无节制的,过度的,放纵的;极度的;非常的的;极度的;非常的Paragraph 3vE.g.:an inordinate cigarette-smoker 抽烟抽烟无度的人无度的人v He has an inordinate thirst.他极感口渴。他极感口渴。P

16、aragraph 3vList the various words and phrases Hoffer uses in this paragraph to refer to the insignificant,mundane life experiences that he thinks are capable of sparking off mans creative power.vTrivial impulses,petty grievances and joys,common physiological pressures and hungers,little vexation,the

17、 trivial and common.Paragraph 4vWhat does Hoffer want to illustrate by referring to Miltons experiences?Do you fully agree with him?vAn eventful life exhausts a creative man rather than stimulates his drive for creation.Paragraph 4vA question we can probably ask here is“Could Milton have possibly cr

18、eated what he did during the years when the revolution was dead and when he lived in solitary disgrace if he had not experienced those 20 eventful years of the Puritan revolution?”Paragraph 4vexhaust:tire outvE.g.:The old man was exhausted after a long walk.v The long walk exhausted the old man.vste

19、rile:(in the context)fruitlessParagraph 4vpromise:expectation or hope(especially of success or of something good or desired)前途前途vE.g.:a singer of exceptional promise 前途不可前途不可限量的歌唱家限量的歌唱家v hold little promise of recovery 痊愈的希望很痊愈的希望很小小vmediocre:of not very good or bad quality or ability,usually not g

20、ood enough 平庸的平庸的Paragraph 5vWhy did Hoffer enjoy his experience of doing dull,repetitive work for fifty years?vIt did not interfere with his literary creation.Paragraph 5vfaculty:a natural power of the mind or body 官官能;能力;技能;天赋能;能力;技能;天赋vE.g.:the faculty of hearing/speech/memory 听觉听觉/语言能力语言能力/记忆能力记

21、忆能力v critical faculties 重要能力重要能力vsavor:(literal meaning)taste(good food or drink)and enjoy it to the full;enjoy slowly and purposefully 品尝;细嗅品尝;细嗅Paragraph 5vE.g.:She savored every mouthful of the honeydew melon(甜瓜甜瓜)as this was the first time she had ever tasted this fruit.v He savored the friendly

22、 atmosphere at the party.vChances are that:It is likely that von the companys time:at work timeParagraph 6vWhat makes Hoffer put children and mature people into one category in this paragraph?vBoth groups find dull work endurable though the reasons are different.Paragraph 6vWho are the really dull p

23、eople,according to Hoffer?And why?vThe adolescents.They lack the inner resources of the mature to turn the dullness of work to good avail(效用;利效用;利益益),and the curiosity of the immature to be interested.Paragraph 6vthrive on:enjoy and do well as a result of vE.g.:The new young accountant thrives on he

24、avy responsibilities.vstave off:keep away;fend off 避开;防止;避开;防止;延迟;打退,击退;赶走延迟;打退,击退;赶走vE.g.:stave off the evil day 避开不吉之日避开不吉之日v stave off wild animals 把野兽赶走把野兽赶走IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6vvaried,variousvvaried:of different kinds;not staying the same;changing 各种不同的;各式各样的各种不同的;各式各样的;多变的;有变化的多变的;有变化的vE

25、.g.:Different people have the most varied ideas about what is important in life;some value fame,others money or freedom.IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6v He leads/has a varied life.他过着一种他过着一种多样化的生活。多样化的生活。vvarious:different from each other;of(many)different kinds;several;a number of 各不相同的;各种各样的各不相同的;各种各样的

26、(强调数目之多强调数目之多和种类之各式各样和种类之各式各样);几个的;许多的;不少;几个的;许多的;不少的的IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6vE.g.:His abilities were very great and very various.他很能干,而且多才多艺。他很能干,而且多才多艺。v I have various letters to write.我有好多我有好多信要写。信要写。IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6vreason,reasoningvreason(n.&v.):the power to think,understand,and f

27、orm opinion 思考能力;思考能力;理解力理解力vE.g.:People are different from animals because they possess reason.人与动物的人与动物的区别在于人具有思考能力。区别在于人具有思考能力。IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6vThe word can mean“a sound mind that is not mad”or“good sense”理性;理智;理性;理智;道理;情理;明智道理;情理;明智vE.g.:lose ones reason 失去理性失去理性v There is a lot of rea

28、son in his advice.他的忠告非常有道理。他的忠告非常有道理。IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6v Why dont you listen to reason?你为什你为什么不听道理?么不听道理?vThe verb reason is to use ones reason,to argue,to give an opinion based on reason,or to persuade 推理;进行思维;推理;进行思维;辩论;推论;说服:辩论;推论;说服:IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6vE.g.:She can reason very qu

29、ickly.她思路她思路很清楚。很清楚。v Try to reason him out of that idea/into going away quickly.设法说服他放弃那个想设法说服他放弃那个想法法/立即离去。立即离去。IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6vreasoning:the use of ones reason 推论;推论;推理:推理:vE.g.:He shows great powers of reasoning.他表现出很强的推理能力。他表现出很强的推理能力。v Your reasoning in the matter was quite correct.

30、在这件事上你的推论是很正确的。在这件事上你的推论是很正确的。IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6vkeep,detain,retain,maintainvkeep:have as ones own and not give away;continue to be in a stated position 保持;保留;保存保持;保留;保存;继续处于特定状态继续处于特定状态vdetain:keep someone from leaving during a certain time 拘押拘押IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6vretain:keep possess

31、ion of;avoid losing 保持;留住;避免失去保持;留住;避免失去 vE.g.:He retained all his hair until he was 90.他直到他直到 90岁,头发还一根没掉。岁,头发还一根没掉。vmaintain:keep in good condition or in operation;continue to keep,usually unchanged 维持维持(良好状态良好状态);保持;维修;保持;维修;保养;维护;保持保养;维护;保持IV.Exercise III,Workbook 6vE.g.:The two countries have m

32、aintained friendly relations for many years.两国多两国多年来一直保持友好关系。年来一直保持友好关系。Text II Doing ChoresvI.Organization of the Textv1.Introduction of topic:for those I am prepared to deliver a short disquisition(Paragraph 1)v2.The nature of chores(Paragraphs 2 5)va.Chores are repetitive(2)I.Organization of the

33、Textvb.Chores leave no visible mark of improvement or progress behind them(3)vc.Chores are neutral,but obligatory(4)vd.Chores are a source of mild satisfaction(5)I.Organization of the Textv3.Conclusion:To season chores with work,and to intersperse them with a few happenings,is the secret of a conten

34、ted existence(Paragraph 6)II.Key Points of the TextvParagraph 1vastir:in a state of excitement 骚动起来骚动起来vE.g.:The whole village was astir with the news.消息传来,全村轰动。消息传来,全村轰动。vbustle:activity with plenty of noise and movement 忙乱;喧扰忙乱;喧扰Paragraph 1vE.g.:a bustle of activity 一阵忙乱一阵忙乱v Everybody was in a b

35、ustle.人人都在忙人人都在忙乱。乱。v the hustle and bustle of the city 城市的城市的熙攘喧闹熙攘喧闹vdrudgery:hard boring workParagraph 1vdisquisition:(sometimes derogatory)a long(perhaps too long)speech or written report about some subject 专题论文;专专题论文;专题演讲;专题讨论题演讲;专题讨论vE.g.:a learned disquisition on a particular subject 关于特定课题的一

36、篇学术关于特定课题的一篇学术专论专论 Paragraph 1v a disquisition into human conduct 对人对人类行为的探讨类行为的探讨Paragraph 2vthereabout(s):(informal)near that place,time,number,degree,etc.在那附近;(表在那附近;(表示数量、金额、时间、程度等)大约,左右,示数量、金额、时间、程度等)大约,左右,上下上下 vE.g.:It was in 1986 or thereabout(s).这事这事发生在发生在1986年前后。年前后。v Inflation could be dow

37、n to 8 percent or thereabouts.通货膨胀可能降低到通货膨胀可能降低到 8%左右。左右。Paragraph 2vin this(that)regard:(formal)on this(that)subject vE.g.:I agree with you in that regard.在那在那个方面,我同意你的意见。个方面,我同意你的意见。v In this regard,the child may be thought of as having two homes.从这个从这个意义上说,这孩子可被认为有两个家。意义上说,这孩子可被认为有两个家。Paragraph 2

38、vbe in fashion:be considered the best and most modernvvaporous:having the nature of vapor,a gas-like form of a liquid,often caused by a sudden change of temperaturevfor better or worse:whatever happens;even if there are difficulties 不管是好是歹;不管是好是歹;不管怎样不管怎样Paragraph 2vflight:an effort that goes beyond

39、 the usual limits(智力、想象力等的智力、想象力等的)奔放,迸发奔放,迸发vE.g.:a flight of fancy/imagination 想象的想象的突发突发v a flight of rhetoric 修辞的奔泻修辞的奔泻Paragraph 3vwork:(often plural)effort or activity 行为,行为,行动;德行,善行行动;德行,善行vE.g.:The broken window must be the work of that bad boy.打碎玻璃的准是那坏打碎玻璃的准是那坏小子。小子。v a person of good work

40、s 行善的人行善的人 Paragraph 3vpresumptuous:too bold or self-confident 专横的,自行其是的,傲慢的;放肆的专横的,自行其是的,傲慢的;放肆的vE.g.:It would be presumptuous for anybody to offer such a view.任何人提出任何人提出这种观点都是太放肆了。这种观点都是太放肆了。vwork:result or effect of effort or activity 作用,效果作用,效果Paragraph 3vE.g.:The morphine has done its work well

41、.吗啡完全发生了作用。吗啡完全发生了作用。v Sand dunes are the work of sea and wind.沙丘是海洋和风力作用的结果。沙丘是海洋和风力作用的结果。vevanescent:soon fading away,disappearing,and being forgotten 逐渐消逐渐消失(或消散)的;瞬息的,短暂的失(或消散)的;瞬息的,短暂的Paragraph 3vE.g.:evanescent flowers 很快凋谢的花朵很快凋谢的花朵v the evanescent beauty of the sunset 日日落景象的短暂的美落景象的短暂的美vdote

42、 on:have or show too much fondness for(especially a person)溺爱,溺爱,过分喜爱过分喜爱Paragraph 4vE.g.:Her father dotes on her too much for her own good.她的父亲溺爱她,这反而她的父亲溺爱她,这反而对她无益。对她无益。v -Do you like music?v -Oh,yes,I dote on music.是啊,我太是啊,我太爱音乐了。爱音乐了。Paragraph 4vcompost:a mixture of decayed plant or animal matt

43、er,such as cut grass or leaves,used for making the soil richer 堆堆肥肥vappease:make calm or satisfy,especially by yielding to demands or by giving or doing something 平息;抚慰;平息;抚慰;缓解;使得以满足缓解;使得以满足Paragraph 4vE.g.:Nothing could appease the crying child.什么东西都没法使孩子不哭。什么东西都没法使孩子不哭。v Watermelon appeases thirs

44、t.西瓜能解西瓜能解渴。渴。v Her stomach is appeased.她的肚子饱了。她的肚子饱了。Paragraph 4vout of sorts:in a bad temper;feeling unwell or annoyed 身体不适,不舒服;心身体不适,不舒服;心情不佳;脾气坏的情不佳;脾气坏的vE.g.:I wont come out tonight;Im feeling out of sorts.今晚我不出来了;我有点儿不今晚我不出来了;我有点儿不舒服。舒服。Paragraph 5vinconsequence:insignificance 无关紧要,无关紧要,微不足道微不

45、足道vneat:clever and effective 干净利落的;灵干净利落的;灵巧的,利索的;巧妙的巧的,利索的;巧妙的vE.g.:a neat conjuring trick 一套动作利落一套动作利落的戏法的戏法v a neat worker 做事干净利落的人做事干净利落的人 Paragraph 5v a neat turn of phrase 巧妙的措辞巧妙的措辞v a neat answer(plan)巧妙的回答(方案)巧妙的回答(方案)vexpeditious:quick and without delay vE.g.:an expeditious answer to an in

46、quiry 对询问的迅捷回答对询问的迅捷回答v expeditious service 快速服务快速服务Paragraph 5vat home:comfortable and happy;familiar;accustomed 像在家里一样舒适自像在家里一样舒适自在;无拘束;熟悉,精通在;无拘束;熟悉,精通vE.g.:They feel at home with each other.他俩之间熟不拘礼。他俩之间熟不拘礼。v be at home in water 水性好水性好 Paragraph 5v Hes quite at home with Spanish.他精他精通西班牙语。通西班牙语

47、。v He is more at home on the subject than his brother.关于这个题目,他比他的关于这个题目,他比他的兄弟懂得多。兄弟懂得多。vdeflate:make somebody feel discouraged 使泄气;挫使泄气;挫的傲气的傲气Paragraph 5vE.g.:The failure left him deflated.失败使失败使他灰心散气。他灰心散气。v It seemed best to deflate the fellow.看看来最好是杀一杀那家伙的傲气。来最好是杀一杀那家伙的傲气。vmuse:an ancient Greek

48、 goddess,one of 9,who each represented an art or science 缪斯(希腊神话中司文艺和科学的缪斯(希腊神话中司文艺和科学的9位女神)位女神)Paragraph 6vseduce:entice 唆使;吸引;引诱唆使;吸引;引诱vE.g.:He was seduced into leaving the company by the offer of higher pay elsewhere.有人以别处更高的工资唆使他脱有人以别处更高的工资唆使他脱离公司。离公司。v be seduced by curiosity 被好奇心打动被好奇心打动 Para

49、graph 6v a supermarket seducing customers with special sales 以大减价吸引顾客的超级以大减价吸引顾客的超级市场市场vset/put someone/something to rights:make someone/something just,healthy,correct,etc.使恢复正常;校正,纠正使恢复正常;校正,纠正vE.g.:put a watch to rights 修手表修手表Paragraph 6v Could the psychiatrist put all their troubles to rights?那精神

50、病医生能解除他那精神病医生能解除他们的一切病痛吗?们的一切病痛吗?vseason:give special taste to 给给调味;调味;给给增添趣味增添趣味vE.g.:highly seasoned dishes 佐料味浓的佐料味浓的菜肴菜肴Paragraph 6v a conversation seasoned with humor 幽默风趣的谈话幽默风趣的谈话vintersperse:set here and there among other things 点缀点缀vE.g.:The lawn was interspersed with beds of flowers.草地上点缀着

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