1、 阅读翻译:缘分的翻译译文:“. Isn”t that what they call ”affinity” when two strangers meet by chance and slowly become close?“ (美 Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao Fortress Besieged) 翻译笔记: 缘分 多指机缘。某种必定存在的相遇的时机和可能。该选段译文中所用的affinity,强调了一种双方的吸引力。“缘分”的译法多种多样,要看所表达内容的含义而定,多看多比拟会有所收获的。如: 婚姻是缘分。Marriage is a lottery. 缘分已尽rela
2、tionship coming to an end; time to part 咱俩又在一起了,真是有缘分。So we”re together again. It must be fate. 偶然 1. 事理上不肯定要发生而发生的,意想不到的。 与“必定”相对。 Accidentally; by accident; by chance 如: 偶然遇见一位朋友run into an acquaintance; come across a friend; meet a friend by chance 2. 间或;有时候。Once in a while; occasionally 如: 他偶然来一次。He comes once in a while. 要好 1. 指感情融洽;也指对人表示好感,情愿亲近 be on good terms; be close friends 如: 他们俩从小就很要好。The two of them have been close friends since childhood. 2. 努力求好,力求上进 be eager to improve oneself; try hard to make progress 如: 这孩子很要好。The kid is eager to make progress.