1、/10/10小词大用 第一讲 By Daniel第1页/10/10When you say nothing at all -Alison Krauss&Ronan Keating第2页/10/10Ladies and gentlemen,please welcome“大牛哥”第3页/10/10Lets get started第4页学习语言最大乐趣是什么?第5页老外说句子难么?第6页有木有发觉老外说话挺简单Go!Got it.Ive had it!You can make it!How did you work it?第7页做减法至简,则无敌!第8页Point A剖析老外英语思维剖析老外英语思维
2、帮你帮你“减负减负”Point B玩转玩转口语中超高频八大口语中超高频八大“潮潮词词”成为成为英语达人英语达人本系列课程将带你第9页April.15th第一讲April.18th第二讲创意意“达达词”Make被人拿来拿去被人拿来拿去“失落失落”TakeApril.22th第三讲没没错,它就是,它就是“说三道四三道四”Say勇于勇于尝试TryApril.25th第四讲地球人都知道广告地球人都知道广告语 just do itLook,了解世界离不开它!了解世界离不开它!小词大用定制课导航图小词大用定制课导航图拥有你便拥有一切 HaveGet it,你就是英语达人第10页小词大用第一讲创意“达词”M
3、ake被人拿来拿去“失落”Take第11页创意“达词”Make第12页Make在初级预备教材中利用孰能生巧makes第13页Make在SBS教材中利用Unit6-Arther is very angry第14页Make使用方法之“衣”请问这件夹克是什么牌子?请问这件夹克是什么材质?.第15页Make使用方法之“食”你能给我冲杯咖啡么?.今天我要做一顿丰盛晚餐.第16页Make使用方法之“住”谋生,维持生活.维持收支平衡.第17页Make使用方法之“行”天晚了,我们快点回家吧.下雨了,我们最好到最近车站去.第18页Make使用方法之短语大揭密Make for 朝.方向移动 完全适合于.有利于.举
4、栗子:我和我老婆(老公)真是天生一对.你为迟到找了什么借口.第19页Make使用方法之短语大揭密Make up 和解 为某人化装 填补.举栗子:我们和好吧你能为我化装吗?我怎样才能填补你损失呢?第20页又说错了吗?有个好习惯,事事皆不难.你能做到!.第21页Mini对话A:Hello,John.What are you going to do during summer vacation?喂,约翰,你暑假准备干吗呢?B:Well,Im going to Paris嗯,我想去巴黎A:Oh,thats a good idea哦,真是个好主意B:I think so.After all,Its my
5、 last summer vacation as a student.I will make the most of it.我也是这么想,毕竟这是我作为学生最终一个暑假,我会好好利用第22页Mini对话A:Hi,David.You are going to play against the Tiger Team,arent you?喂,大卫,听说你们将和老虎队比赛,是吗?B:Yes.Its make-or-break time for the final是,这是争夺决赛权关键时刻是,这是争夺决赛权关键时刻A:Come on!You can make it!加油!你们一定行!加油!你们一定行!B
6、:Thank you!Well try our best谢谢!我们会尽力第23页Make小测试Its late.Lets.quickly.天晚了天晚了,我们快我们快点回家吧。点回家吧。How can I.for your loss?我怎样才能填我怎样才能填补你损失?补你损失?Reading a full man.阅读使人完整阅读使人完整Would you please.me a cup of coffee?你能给我冲杯咖啡吗?你能给我冲杯咖啡吗?第24页被人拿来拿去“失落”Take第25页Take在SBS教材中利用Unit6-Toms wedding day第26页Take在SBS教材中利用U
7、nit10-Busy people第27页Take在SBS教材中利用Unit14-weather forecast第28页Take使用方法之“衣”我买下这些衣服了把你帽子脱下来.第29页Take使用方法之“食”你咖啡里要放糖吗?.该嗑药了。.第30页Take使用方法之“休息”我打算休息一天.我们休息一下吧.请保重.我们改天吧.第31页Take使用方法之“行”走之前别忘了带上雨伞.走到公园我们得花三个小时.我会打车去机场.第32页Take使用方法之短语大揭密Take away 带走.消失.移开.举栗子:劳驾,两杯咖啡带走.你不能把书带出图书馆.你让我魂牵梦绕.第33页Take使用方法之短语大揭密
8、Take back 收回.使某人回想.举栗子:你应该收回刚才说话.他歌声使你回想起过去了吗?.第34页又说错了吗?让我们勇于面对困难.改天吧!.第35页Mini对话A:Tom,did you see Mary?I have to talk to her喂,汤姆,你看到玛丽了吗?我有话想和她说B:Well,shes taken off for the shop just now.嗯,她刚才慌忙向商店跑去了A:Oh,I see.Could you do me a favor to take a message?哦,我知道了,能为我捎个信吗?B:Of course.Ill be glad to do
9、 it for you当然,我很愿意这么做第36页Take小测试Two cups of coffee to,please?劳驾,两杯咖啡带走劳驾,两杯咖啡带走Can I a day off,please?我今天能请一天假吗?我今天能请一天假吗?You shouldwhat you said just now你应该收回刚才说话你应该收回刚才说话It me half an hour to go home by bus我做公交车回家要半个小时我做公交车回家要半个小时Ill some medicine to.the pain.我要吃点药来止痛我要吃点药来止痛第37页Make句型超右脑Would you
10、 make me a cup of coffee?I am going to make a big dinner tonight.What make is the jacket?What is the jacket made of?What do you do to make a living?I can hardly make the ends meetLets make for home quicklyMy wife and I are made for each otherWhat excuses have you made for your coming late?I can hard
11、ly make the ends meetLets make upWould you make me up?How can I make up for your loss?Custom makes all things easyReading makes a full manPractice makes perfectYou can make it第38页Take句型超右脑Ill take these clothes,pleasePlease take off your hatWill you take sugar in the coffee?Its time to take medicine
12、I am going to take a day offDont forget to take an umbrella when you goIt takes half an hour to go to the parkIll take a taxi to the airportTwo cups of coffee to take away,pleaseYou cant take these books away from the libraryYou take my breath awayYou should take back what you said just nowDid his song take you back?Lets take the bull by the hornsMay I take a rain check?Lets take a breakTake care第39页“说三道四”Say“勇于尝试”Try课程时间:周六晚7:30-9:00上课教室:YY-8606频道-D区高级定制课教室教室密码:群内公布主讲老师:Daniel下一讲预告第40页