1、BritainFallsOutOfTheEU第1页第2页The leaving-EU open voting results have been announced in the morning of 24,finial,British decide to leave the EU第3页Why did Britain want to leave from the EU?1.About money第4页Why did Britain want to leave from the EU?2.About law第5页3.Differences expand:immigrants,refugees,a
2、nd security issuesWhy did Britain want to leave from the EU?第6页Whats the influence to Britain after leaving from the EU?1.英镑兑美元一度跌11%,直逼1.32,创1970年除实施浮动汇率以来最大日跌幅2.人民币兑美元早盘大跌370点,创5年半新低;3.沪指盘中跳水跌超2%,收跌1.30%第7页第8页Whats the influence to China after Britain leave from the EU?1.Studying in Britain will b
3、e cheaper;2.Aggravate RMB depreciation;3.China-EU trade and economic cooperation will change;4.Chinese enterprises fast track in Europe market no longer exists.第9页Other EU countries will follow Britain leave from the European UnionGreeceSwedenFranceDenmarkNetherlandsHungary?第10页If you are a British citizen,you will choose to support or oppose it?YESNO第11页REGRET?More than 2 million people in Britain signed a petition to request a second referendum.第12页THANK YOU!THANK YOU!第13页