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1、第1页n n Pre-reading taskn n While-reading tasks:n n Detailed-reading(Part 1)n n Detailed-reading(Part 2)n n Detailed-reading(Part 3)n n Post-reading tasks第2页v Cultural Note第3页The Historical Overviews of English VocabularyThe primitive inhabitant:Celts.They spoke Celtic.55B.C.Julius Caeser led Romans

2、invaded the British Isles and occupied the land until 410.第4页Old English(450-1150)The Anglo-Saxon PeriodvAfter Romans,the Germanic tribes called Angles,Saxons,and Jutes came in great numbers.Soon they took permanent control of the land,which was to be called English.Their language,historically known

3、 as Anglo-Saxon,dominated and almost totally blotted out the Celtic.Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as Old English.第5页l(1)Christianity The introduction of Christianity had a great impact on the English vocabulary.第6页l(2)Invasion In the 9th century the land was invaded again by Norwegian an

4、d Danish Vikings.With the invaders,many Scandinavian words came into the English language.第7页lOld English has a vocabulary of about 50,000-60,000 words.第8页Middle English(1150-1500)vThe Norman Conquest in 1066 started a continual flow of French words into English.Norman French became the polite speec

5、h.But by the end of the 13th century,English gradually came back.During this period,Britain had trade relations with Holland and,as a result,as many as 2,500 words of Dutch origin found their way into English.第9页Modern English(1500-)(1)Renaissance Modern English began with the establishment of print

6、ing in England.During the Renaissance,enormous numbers of Latin words became part of English vocabulary.第10页l(2)Bourgeois Revolution&Industrial Revolution In the mid-seventeenth century,British tentacles began stretching out to every corner of the globe,thus enabling English to absorb words from all

7、 major languages of the world.第11页l(3)World War II Since the beginning of 20th century,thousands of new words have been created to express new ideas,inventions,and scientific achievements.第12页The Main Idea of the text AlBecause of its tolerance for outside influences,English has become a great langu

8、age.第13页The Structure of the textn1.The text can be divided into three parts.nPart 1(Paras1-3)nMassive borrowing from other languages is a major feature of the English language.第14页nPart 2(Paras4-16)nTells about the history of the English language from the Indo-European parent language to modern Eng

9、lish.第15页nPart 3(Paras17-19)Tolerance,love of freedom,and respect for the rights of othersthese qualities in the English-speaking people explain the richness of their language.第16页n2.List,in order of the time,the important historical events mentioned in part 2 that have had a great impact on the for

10、mation of today s English 第17页nParas 4-9 nThe introduction of the Indo-European language the parent language of English.nParas 10-11n Germanic tribes came to settle in Britain and brought Anglo-Saxon words Old English.第18页nPara 12 nThe Christian religion enriched English with words from Greek and La

11、tin.nPara 13 nThe Vikings from Scandinavia came with words from Old Norse.第19页nPara 14 nThe Norman Conquest French influence.nPara 15 nThe European Renaissance and the printing press brought many new words from Latin and Greek.第20页nPara 16 The American revolution the emergence of a new variety Ameri

12、can English.第21页Part I Rhetorical Device:Oxymoron:An oxymoron puts two contradictory terms together to puzzle the readers,luring them to pause and explore why.第22页矛盾修饰法是指修饰语和被修饰语之间矛盾修饰法是指修饰语和被修饰语之间看来似乎是矛盾,但实则相辅相成。看来似乎是矛盾,但实则相辅相成。eg.soursweet days苦涩而甜苦涩而甜蜜岁月蜜岁月 creative destruction 创造创造性破坏性破坏 poor ri

13、ch men 贫穷富人贫穷富人 living death 死普通活着死普通活着第23页 Interpretation of the text The title,The Glorious Messiness of English offers a good example of oxymoron.“Glorious”is a commendatory term,while“messiness”is derogatory.第24页 Why do they stand next to each other?Then,as the reader reads on,he/she will find o

14、ut that the title is actually a thesis statement:Yes,English is messy,but the messiness reflects some 第25页 commendable qualities of English,such as tolerance,the love of freedom,and the respect for others rights.At this point the reader cannot but admire the authors ingenuity.第26页 QuestionsnWhy does

15、 English today have a much large vocabulary than any other living language?How large is it?第27页What is the attitude of the French toward borrowing from other languages?A.glad to accept B.unpleasant to absorb C.indifferentWhat do they do to preserve the purity of their language?第28页nbe supposed to:ha

16、ve a duty or responsibility to do sth.理应,理应,应该,按理应该,按理.-He is supposed to be there on time.-We are supposed to help each other.Language Study第29页n(Line 7)corrupt(vt.):n1.cause errors to appear in(讹用,使变得不标准)-Has Japanese been corrupted by the introduction of foreign words?-These jargons may corrupt y

17、our good English.2.bribe 贿赂 她因向警察行贿而被送进监狱 She was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a policeman.第30页n【记忆法】cor(together)+rupt(break):一起弄坏,引申为腐败。n派生词 corruption n.腐败;corruptor n.腐败分子。n【考点】fight corruption 与腐败作斗争;political corruption 政治腐败ncorrupt nbankruptndisruptnInterruptnerupt第31页n【经典考题】经典考题】Mone

18、y _ many persons,even some children.nA.rusts B.destroys n C.corrodesD.corruptsn【答案】Dn【解析】A.rust意为“使金属等生锈”;B.destroy 指“毁灭、毁坏”;C.corrode指“慢慢腐蚀金属和产生破坏作用”;D.corrupt“腐蚀,使堕落”,指原来品质、思想受到坏影响;因而D项最符合题意。n译文:金钱腐蚀了很多人,甚至包含孩子。第32页n(Line 8)ban(banned,banning)vt.forbid(sth.)officially 禁止,取缔禁止,取缔(used in the patter

19、n:ban sth.ban sb.from sth./doing sth.第33页-The treaty bans underground nuclear tests.那条约禁止地下核试验。那条约禁止地下核试验。-他被禁止开车。他被禁止开车。He was banned from driving.n.ban+on.-The government is considering a total ban on cigarette advertising.第34页n考点】考点】announce/declare/lay a ban on 宣告宣告对对禁令;禁令;lift/remove/withdraw a

20、 ban from取消对取消对禁令;禁令;exercise/impose a ban against/on 实施对实施对禁令;禁令;第35页n【经典考题】Because of the shortage of water there is a _ on the use of hosepipes.nA.ban B.vetoC.tabooD.boycottn【答案】An【解析】A.ban 强调经过法律或权威规章禁止,常接介词on;B.veto 指“否决权”;C.taboo 意思是“禁忌”;D.boycott 意为“抑制”。n译文:因为缺水,禁止使用水龙软管。第36页n(Line 15)toleran

21、ce(n.)n容忍,忍耐(力),宽容容忍,忍耐(力),宽容n-I think tolerance between students is extremely necessary since they live and study together.nHuman beings have limited tolerance of noise.nhave/display/show/exhibit tolerance for sth.有有/表示宽容表示宽容第37页Part IInRhetorical Devices:Metaphor(暗喻暗喻):暗喻是间接地把一:暗喻是间接地把一物同与其某种相同点另一

22、物相比较,物同与其某种相同点另一物相比较,不用比喻词。不用比喻词。In this text the English language is compared to plants,and the various culture influencing it are compared to the soil,while users of English are compared to gardeners.第38页nFor example,ncore of English(英语关键)(英语关键)(Line 23),na common parent language(共(共同母语)同母语)(Line

23、43),nanother flood of new vocabulary(另一次新词大量涌入)(另一次新词大量涌入)(Line 68)第39页 Parallelism(排比):排比是(排比):排比是用一连串内容相关,结构类似用一连串内容相关,结构类似句子成份或句子来表示强调和句子成份或句子来表示强调和一层层深入。一层层深入。Eg.“We shall fight on the beaches,we shall fight on the landing grounds,we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,第40页 we shall fig

24、ht in the hills.We shall never surrender.”(Line 29)-Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.读书足以怡情,足以博采,足读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。以长才。第41页 Personification(拟人):拟(拟人):拟人是把非人事物看成人来写,人是把非人事物看成人来写,把人特点赋予事物或某种抽象把人特点赋予事物或某种抽象概念,用原来只适合用于人名概念,用原来只适合用于人名词,形容词,动词来描写事物,词,形容词,动词来描写事物,使其含有些人使其含有些人 某种属性某种属性

25、。第42页 eg.There is personification in the sentence.“Translations of Greek and Roman classics were poured onto the printed page”(Line 80)-“希腊罗马经典著作译文纷纷希腊罗马经典著作译文纷纷印成印成书册书册”第43页 Metonymy(转喻):转喻也叫换(转喻):转喻也叫换喻,即借用与某物相关或相连东西喻,即借用与某物相关或相连东西代称某物。代称某物。eg.There is metonymy in the sentence“The country now had

26、three languages:French for the nobles,Latin for the churches and English for the common 第44页 people.”Here the word“churches”stands for religious institutions and those who are involved in the religious practices.(Line 69)这时英这时英语三种语言并用:贵族使使用方法语,语三种语言并用:贵族使使用方法语,教会使用拉丁语,平民使用英语。教会使用拉丁语,平民使用英语。第45页-The

27、kettle boils.壶开了壶开了.(the kettle=the water in the kettle)-Gray hairs should be respected.(gray hair=old people)第46页Related questionsRelated questions 1.What makes up the core of the English language?A.Old English B.Anglo-Saxon English C.Old English or Anglo-Saxon English D.Indo-European parent langua

28、ge 第47页 2.What is the characteristic of those words that form the core of English?A.odd B.long C.complicated D.short 3.What is the function of old English used by great speakers?A.to show their knowledge B.to encourage their audience C.for the things that really matter to us.D.to stir up the listene

29、rs feelings.第48页Language Studyn(Line 22)necessity(n.):1)sth.you must have in order to live properly or do sth.(+of/for +n.)必要东西,必须品Water is a basic necessity of life.第49页n2)the state of being necessary 需要,必要性(+of/for+n.)-Necessity is the mother of invention.(谚)需要是创造之母。【考点】by/of necessity 无法防止,不得已;ou

30、t of necessity 出于需要,必定 in necessity 急需,贫穷第50页n【记忆法】necessary a.必要,必须;必定,不可防止 nnecessities n.生活必需品;nnecessarily ad.必要地;必定地;nnecessitate vt.使成为必要。n例:Its an unpopular measure,but the situation necessitates it.这种方法不太常见,但形势使然,不得已而为之。第51页n(Line26)arouse(vt.):provoke(a particular feeling or attitude)唤起,激起唤

31、起,激起-The speaker aroused(the anger of)the audience.演讲者激演讲者激起了听众(怒气)。起了听众(怒气)。第52页n【考点】arouse anger/suspicions/discontent引发愤恨/怀疑/不满 n【经典考题】Our hopes _ and fell in the same instant.n A.aroused B.aroseC.raised D.rosen【答案】Dn【解析】arouse 意为“激起,唤起”,常作及物动词;arise为不及物动词,常表示“出现”、“产生”;raise 是及物动词,表示“举起”,rise 为不及

32、物动词,表示“升起、上升”;该句中由and 表对称和并列标准,能够判定应为rise。n译文:我们希望刚才燃起就破灭了。第53页surrendern1)vi.to give oneself up,as to an enemy投降,屈服:(与to 连用)屈从于n【经典例句】We advised the hijackers to surrender themselves to the police.n我们劝那些劫持者向警察投案。n2)vt.to give up or abandon放弃或抛弃n【经典例句】You must surrender your old passport when applyi

33、ng for a new one.n你申请新护照时,必须交出旧护照。第54页n注意surrender ones right to sth.放弃对权利;surrender to sb.对投降;surrender unconditionally 无条件投降n【经典考题】We love peace,yet we are not the kind of people to yield _ any military threat.(CET-4,1998.1)nA.up B.to C.in D.atn【答案】Bn【解析】固定搭配 yieldto,所以选B。n译文:我们热爱和平,但我们是一个不会对任何军事威

34、胁屈服民族。第55页n(Line 42)resemble(vt.):be like or similar to 与与相同(不可用被相同(不可用被动态,进行式)动态,进行式)-She resembles her mother in character but not in appearance.她性格像母亲,但外她性格像母亲,但外表并不像。表并不像。-He resembles his father closely.第56页n(Line 43)descend(vi.):come down(from a source);go down(起源于;下来)-The elevator descended s

35、lowly.电梯慢慢地下降。-The path descended sharply.这条小路下斜坡度很陡。-These ideas descend from those of the ancient philosophers.【考点】descend from 从下来,是后代,源于;descend into 堕落到;descend(up)on降临,突然攻击第57页n【经典考题】【经典考题】We managed to reach the top of the mountain,and half an hour later we began to _.(CET-6,1997.1)nA.ascendB

36、.descend C.declineD.plungen【答案】【答案】Bn【解析】【解析】A.ascend上升,攀登;与题意不符;上升,攀登;与题意不符;B.descend 下降,是正确答案;下降,是正确答案;C.decline 也也有由高到低之意,但主要是数目标降低力量减有由高到低之意,但主要是数目标降低力量减弱,另外还有拒绝之意;弱,另外还有拒绝之意;D.plunge 意为即将冲意为即将冲下。下。n译文:我们成功抵达了由顶,半小时后我们译文:我们成功抵达了由顶,半小时后我们开始下山。开始下山。第58页Drift vinmove or go somewhere in a slow causa

37、l way Right after Spring Festival,millions of young people_ (从农村流入城市务工从农村流入城市务工)The boat drifted out to the sea.第59页Drift n 1.There are drifts of dead leaves and branches in the street.2.We must stop this drift drift towardstowards war.3.I cant quite catch the drift of what you are saying.A.大意,主旨 B.

38、漂流物 C.趋势,转移第60页collocationnDrift through life 虚度年华nDrift with the current/tide 随波逐流nDrift from to 从到nSynonyms:float,flow v trend,tendency n第61页n(Line 56)pass(sth.)on to(sb.):hand or give(sth.)on(sb.)将将付给付给-When you have finished reading the novel,please pass it on to Laura.-Her grandma passed on muc

39、h of her fortune to her.第62页n(Line 73)alternative(n.):one of two or more possibilities(followed by to)供选择东西供选择东西-I had no money,so I had no alternative to staying(no alternative but to stay)at home.我因为没有钱,所以除了待在家里别我因为没有钱,所以除了待在家里别无选择。无选择。第63页(used in the pattern:+of)-We took the alternative of walki

40、ng.我们选择步行。我们选择步行。第64页n(Line 76)modify(vt.):change slightly 修改,更改修改,更改-The terms of the transaction can be modified.交易条件能够修改。交易条件能够修改。-The government authorities modify the original plan.第65页n(Line 82)habitual:done as a habit,regular,usual惯常惯常-a habitual later comer 惯常惯常迟到人。迟到人。-sit in ones habitual

41、place 坐在某人习惯坐地方。坐在某人习惯坐地方。第66页n(Line 83)catastrophe(n.):a sudden great disaster大灾大灾难难-Tidal waves,the catastrophe in which many people died.很多人很多人死于海啸,这场大灾难中。死于海啸,这场大灾难中。第67页n(Line 89)put into practice:将将付诸实施付诸实施-How will you put your plan into(in)practice?-They werent allowed to put into practice i

42、n their daily lives the teachings they received.第68页Part IIInRhetorical Device:Metaphor(暗喻暗喻)the cultural soil(Line95)文文化土壤化土壤 the first shoots sprang up(Line97)最初根芽萌发最初根芽萌发第69页 grew stronger(Line 97)生长生长壮大壮大 build fences around their language(Line 97)建立语言保建立语言保障障 the special preserve of grammarians

43、(Line 100)语法学语法学家特殊领域家特殊领域第70页QuestionsnWhat do you think of Jespersens remark“The English language would not have been what it is if the English had not been for centuries great respecters of the liberties of each individual”?Give reasons.第71页nWhat do you think has made English“the first truly glob

44、al language”?第72页Language Studyn(Line 94)strike out:start being independent 开始独开始独立,自谋生计立,自谋生计-After working for his father for about ten years,he decided to strike out on his own.第73页nThe town Council spent a lot of money preserving the old castle and other places of historic interest.nIce helps to

45、 preserve food.nPreserved eggs are her fathers favorite food.a.腌制b.保留c.维护preserve第74页nPreserver n 保护者nPreservation n.保留,保持nPreservative n.防腐剂n【记忆法】pre(beforehand)+serve(to keep)事先保留(引申为)保护,维持;易混词conserve v.保留,保护;reserve v.保留,预定n.预留物n【考点】preserve ones dignity 维护尊严;preserve customs/tradition 保持风俗习惯pre

46、serve one reputation 保全声誉;preserve ones right to维护权利第75页conserve,preserve,reservenconserve 意为“保护、保留”,往往指对某种宝贵物品进行保留,并含有一旦用完将极难找到替换品之义;宾语多为能源、资源、力量等,但不以钱财为宾语;该词也可表示以糖渍方法对食品进行保留。npreserve 正式用词,意为“收藏、保留”,指为了预防损害,变质或腐烂而进行保留、深藏,强调使之完好或质量不变,其宾语往为文件、食品、生命等;表示保留食品时,该词所包含保留方法比conserve多,如腌制、装罐等;nreserve 意为“保留

47、、留存”,表示为了特定目标而将某物留存一段时间,宾语可为钱财、房间、座位、资金、原料等,相当于预定。第76页n【经典考题】In spite of failing to save every endangered species,we may preserve the majority _ extinction.nA.against B.with C.beyond D.fromn【答案】Dn【解析】preservefrom保护,保藏以免。n译文:即使我们不能拯救濒临危险每一个物种,但我们能够保护大多数免于灭绝。第77页Part III Post-Reading第78页Useful Phrases

48、n排行榜n严格地说n对我们真正主要事n发演出说n加强效果n系统研究n起源于n提出n向西漂流n流传给我们1第79页nEnjoy oneselfnRear a childnCommon peoplenA printing pressnA wealth of new thinkingnThe European RenaissancenBe out of controlnPut into practicenA respecter of the liberties of each individualn过得开心n抚养孩子n平民n印刷机n大量新思想n欧洲文艺复兴n失控n付诸实施n个人自由崇尚者第80页n开拓新思绪n培育准则n人权n知识精英nStrike out new pathsnNourish the principles ofnRights of mannAn intellectual elite第81页

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