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1、动词时和体动词时和体(二)(二)第1页时和体“时”(Tense)是个语法范围,它是表示时间区分动词形式。英语动词有两个时:现在时(Present Tense)过去时(Past Tense)“体”(Aspect)也是个语法范围,它表示动作或过程在某一时间内处于何种状态动词形式。英语动词有两个体:进行体(Progressive Aspect)完成体(Perfect Aspect)第2页 12.1 现在完成体和现在完成进行体现在完成体和现在完成进行体完成体是动词一个形式,它表示该动词所表示动作或状态已经完成已经完成。完成体是由助动词have一定形式加-ed分词组成,分为现在现在完成体完成体(Pres

2、ent Perfect)和过去完成体过去完成体(Past Perfect)。它们又可与进行体相结合,组成现在完成进行体现在完成进行体(Present Perfect Progressive)和过去完成进行体过去完成进行体(Past Perfect Progressive)。第3页 ed分词=现在完成体 have/has+been+ing分词=现在完成进行体 完成体完成体 ed分词=过去完成体 had+been+ing分词=过去完成进行体 第4页 1.现在完成体使用方法现在完成体使用方法现在完成体(由have/has+-ed分词组成),有两个主要使用方法,即“已完成”使用方法和“未完成”使用方法

3、。“已完成”使用方法是指动作或过程发生在说话之前某个没有明确说出过去时间(常指最近过去时间),现在已经完成了,并与现在情况有联络。比如:Hes turned off the light.(灯在一个过去时间被关掉,说话时依然关着)“未完成”使用方法是指动作或状态从过去某时开始,继续到现在,可能继续下去,也可能刚才结束。比如:Hes lived here since 1960.(他从1960年来到这里居住,至今还住在这里,偶然也可依据上下文了解为刚才搬走。)这两种使用方法主要区分是:“已完成”使用方法通常不与表示一段时间状语连用,而“未完成“使用方法通常都要与表示一段时间状语连用。第5页 标志词现

4、在完成时含义之一是过去完成动作对现在仍有影响(已完成使用方法)用以下四大标志词能够表示这种含义:1)以already,just和yet为标志already,just和yet表示到现在为止动作或状态已经、刚才或还没有发生。He has already got her help.他已得到她帮助。He has just seen the film.他刚才看过这场电影。He hasnt come back yet.他还没有回来。第6页2)以ever和never为标志ever和never表示到现在为止动作或状态曾经或从来没有发生过。This is the best film I have ever se

5、en.这是我曾经看过最好一部电影。He has never been to Beijing.他从没有到过北京。第7页3)以动作发生次数为标志若某一动作到现在为止已经发生了若干次,则要使用现在完成时。He says he has been to the USA three times.他说他已经去过美国三次了。4)以so far为标志so far往往表示到当前为止动作或状态已经发生。He has got to Beijing so far.到当前为止他已到了北京。She has passed the exam so far.到当前为止她已经经过了考试。第8页过去已经开始动作一直延续到现在,甚至有

6、可能继续延续下去(未完成使用方法)我们能够从动作“延续”特征和“时间”点段区分入手:“终止”、“延续”要转换英语中动词从词义上能够分为延续性和非延续性两种。在现在完成时态中一定要注意动词这一特征,应将这类非延续性动词转换为延续性动词。如:“Cats”has been on for half an hour.猫已经开演半个小时了。How long have you had this dictionary?这本字典你买了多久了?*初中阶段常见有:comebe,go outbe out,leavebe away(from),beginbe on,buyhave,borrowkeep,joinbe a

7、 member/介词短语,diebe dead,becomebe,open(v.)be open(adj.)等。第9页时间“点”、“段”须分清过去开始动作能够延续到某一点结束,也可能继续延续,这时就要依据时间“点”、“段”选择对应介词for或since。如:He has been away for two years.他已走了两年。(for+时间段)He has been an English teacher since 1992.自从1992年以来他一直当英语教师。(since+过去某一时刻)第10页 2.现在完成进行体使用方法现在完成进行体使用方法1.表示“连续”:即表示一个从过去某时开始

8、一直连续动作,这动作可能刚才停顿(例句2),也可能还在进行(例句1)Ive been writing letters for an hour(and Ive still got some more to do).Ive been sitting in the garden(and have just come in-doors).2.表示“重复”即表示在一段连续时间内动作屡次重复,而这个重复动作在说话时并不一定在进行。如:Weve all along been making mistakes like this.我们一直犯这么错误。第11页3.有时可与现在完成体交换使用 Weve been l

9、iving here for ten years.Weve lived here for ten years.*不过,因为现在完成进行体还含有进行体连续、暂时性和未完成性特点,有时就不能够与现在完成体交换使用:Whos been eating my dinner?Whos eaten my dinner?前一例含义是“还有些剩下”,后一例则表示“全给吃光了”,含义不一样。*与现在完成进行体连用主要时间状语现在完成进行时所用时间状语:all day/month;this month/week/year;these days;recently/lately;in the past few+时间段;

10、since+时间点;for+时间段等。第12页 3.现在完成(进行)体与过去时比较现在完成(进行)体与过去时比较上述现在完成体和现在完成进行体使用方法,不论其动作或状态在说话时已经完成还是延续到说话时刻并可能继续下去,都与现在时间有联络。假如与现在时间没有联络,那就要用普通过去时或过去进行体。比较:His sister has been an invalid all her life.(含义是:她现在还活着)His sister was an invalid all her life.(含义是:她现在已经死了)He has lived in China for ten years.(含义是:他

11、可能还住在中国,也可能刚才离开中国。)He lived in China for ten years.(含义是:他现在已不在中国。)一样地,假如用了与现在时间没有联络确实定过去时间状语,也要用普通过去时或过去进行体。比较:Ive been all over Africa.I went all over Africa in 1965.第13页12.2 过去完成体和过去完成进行体过去完成体和过去完成进行体 1.过去完成体使用方法过去完成体使用方法过去完成体(由had+-ed分词组成)主要使用方法,同现在完成体一样,也有两个,即“已完成”使用方法和“未完成”使用方法,不一样是,过去完成体把时间推移到

12、了过去某一时间之前,与现在时间不发生联络。过去完成体“已完成”使用方法表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间之前已经完成或结束。比如:Tom flew home,but his father had already died.I had written the article when they came.He knew he had met her before.过去完成体“未完成”使用方法表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间之前已经开始,一直延续到这一过去时间,而且到那时还未结束,仍有继续下去可能性。比如:By six oclock they had worked twelve hours.She

13、said that she had made much progress since she came here.In 1960,Id known him for ten years;I met him for the first time in 1950.第14页 2.过去完成进行体使用方法过去完成进行体使用方法过去完成进行体(由had been+-ing分词组成)主要使用方法与现在完成进行体“未完成”使用方法相仿,只是时间推移到了过去。比如:Id been working for some time when he called.We had been waiting for her fo

14、r two hours by the time she came.有时过去完成进行体和过去完成体能够交换使用。比较:Id been working for three hours when he called.Id worked for three hours when he called.在二者均可情况下,口语中倾向于用过去完成进行体。第15页 3.在由在由when/before/after/until等引导分句中等引导分句中 过去完成体使用方法过去完成体使用方法when,after,before,until等连词交换使用:When I reached the station,the tra

15、in had already left.I reached the station after the train had left.I didnt reach the station until(after)the train had left.The train had left before I reached the station.上述诸例中两个先后动作,通常一个用普通过去时表示,另一个用过去完成体表示。因为before,after本身已表达先后性,有时也能用两个普通过去时表示。比较:The train(had)left before I reached the station.第1

16、6页也能够在以before引导时间状语分句中用过去完成体,以表示动作未实现或未完成。比如:He offered me a drink before I had taken off my coat.(在我还没有脱下大衣时,他给了我饮料)能同时使用两个过去完成体场所极少,下面带有由by the time引导时间状语分句句子是少数例子中一个:By the time I(had)recovered from the shock he had disappeared.但多半还是一个用普通过去时,另一个用过去完成体。比如:We had got everything ready by the time th

17、ey arrived.第17页 4.过去完成体想象性使用方法过去完成体想象性使用方法过去完成体在以下结构中可用于表示与过去时态相反主观构想:a)用于if,if only,as if引导条件分句:If Bernard had walked faster everything would have been all right.I felt as if I had known her all my life.If only you had told me before.b)用于I wish,Id rather等结构后面that-分句:I wish I had said that I couldnt

18、 come.I would rather you had told her the truth.c)用于expect,think,intend,mean(-intend),want,suppose等动词表示过去未曾实现希望、打算或意图:I had hoped that we would be able to leave tomorrow,but its beginning to look difficult.I had intended to make a cake,but I ran out of time.第18页 12.3关于完成体使用方法几点补充说关于完成体使用方法几点补充说明明1、完

19、成体与since-分句带现在完成体主句常与since-词组或since-分句连用,表示自从某一时点以来一直存在着某种事态。比如:He has taught us English since.在一定上下文中,since还能够作副词出现在句尾:He wrote me last month,but I havent heard from him since.在这里,since=since last month,指还是一个时点。正因为since-分句经常只指一个时点,所以分句惯用非连续性动词普通过去时。比如:The design has completely changed since we bega

20、n to use this kind of machine.在since-分句中有时也可用连续性动词或静态动词普通过去时,表示自从某一时点以来一直存在着某种状态。比如:The house has been in bad repair since he lived in it.注意since 与过去时和现在完成时动词连用时区分:We have known each other since we were at college.(说话时,“我们”已经不在上大学了)We have known each other since we have been at college.(说话时,我们还在上大学)


22、时间状语或状语从句连用。终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续动作,这种动作发生后马上结束。如open,close,finish,begin,come,go,arrive,reach,get to,leave,move,borrow,buy,die等。它可用于现在完成时态,但因为动作是瞬时间完成所以不能与for或since引出时间状语连用,又叫点动词.英语中常见非延续性动词在完成时态中可改为对应表示延续性动词或短语,这时可与表示一段时间状语连用.第20页2、完成体与have got/have got to(美国英语用gotten):Ive just got a new

23、dictonary.Ive already gotten my books.不过,在口语中,尤其在英国英语中,have/has got 还有另一个使用方法,就是相当于have/has作有来解释,完成体仅是一个形式,不能作get现在完成体来解释。比如:Ive got a knife(=I have a knife).另外,在一定上下文中,have/has got to作必须来解释,相当于半个助动词have/has to.比如:Weve got to do it now.(We have to do it now)have/has got to 否定形式是havent/hasnt got to:H

24、e hasnt got to do it.(He doesnt have to do it.)had got=had,hadnt got=hadnt,had got to=had to以及hadnt got to=didnt have to 使用方法,在直接引语中少见。第21页3、完成体在It is the first time+that-分句中使用在It is/was/will be the first time+that-分句结构中,当主句动词为is/will be时,that-分句动词一律用现在完成体;引导词that能够省略。比如:Its the first time Ive been

25、there.Dont forget,itll be the first time Ive spoken in public.当主句动词为was时,that-分句动词通惯用过去完成时,间或也能够用普通过去时;假如有明确时间状语,而说话时这个时间还未成为过去,偶然还能够用现在完成体。比如:It was the first time shed been at a summer school and she thoroughly enjoy it.在上述结构中,主句主语还可用this,this evening,yesterday等;这种结构中first也可用其它序数词,time还可由其它名词代替,th

26、at-分句中动词形式同上。比如:This is the tenth time(that)This evening will be the first time(that)Yesterday was the second time(that)Its the first month(that)第22页第13讲 未来时间表示法未来时间表示法第23页1.表示表示 未来时间各种结构未来时间各种结构1)will/shall+不定式这一结构主要意义,一是表示“预见”。比如:You will feel better after taking this medicine.Hell be here in half

27、 an hour.Do you think itll rain?二是表示“意图”。比如:Ill do it,if you like.As the railway is not yet open to traffic,we shall go by boat.I promise to pay him back in time,but he wont lend it to me.Ill go and see Tom as soon as I get to Shanghai.在疑问句中能够用will/shall咨询听话人意图:Will you be at home at seven oclock th

28、is evening?What shall I do with your mail?上述使用方法都带有说话人主观看法或态度在内第24页2)will/shall+不定式进行体/完成体这种“will/shall+不定式进行体”结构表示“纯粹”未来,不包含“意愿”、“意图”等情态意义,有“自然要发生”意义。The train will be arriving at two oclock.I shall be writing to you soon.He wont be coming to the party this evening.Ill be telling you all about it w

29、hen we meet again.Will you be going home next weekend?这种“will/shall+不定式进行体”结构还能够表示未来某一时刻或时段里正在进行动作。Ill be working in Geneva during May.What will you be doing this time tomorrow morning?第25页假如要表示未来某一时刻之前已完成动作便能够用“will/shall+不定式完成体”结构。You will have completed the elementary English course by this time

30、next year.Ill have finished my work by five this afternoon.Before long he will have forgotten all about it.The snow will have disappeared before the end of March.假如要表示一个已经开始动作到未来某一时间仍在进行,便可用“will/shall+不定式完成进行体”结构。By the end of next month I shall have been working here for 20 years exactly.If it rai

31、ns again tomorrow,then it will have been raining for a solid week.(solid:continutous 连续)第26页注意:“will+不定式进行体”,“will+不定式完成体”和“will+不定式完成进行体”这三种结构在一定语境中也可能并不表示未来,而仅仅表示说话人揣测。Its already six oclock.He wont be working now.六点了,大约不会在工作。Hurry up.They will be waiting.快点,他们一定在等我们。He will have received my lette

32、r by now.这时他一定已经收到我信了。You will have heard the news,so I need not repeat it.你一定听到消息了,所以我没必要重复了。They will have been having a holiday yesterday.昨天他们大约在度假。Youll have been wondering all this time how my invention works.这些时候你们一定想知道我创造是怎样工作第27页3)be going to+不定式这一结构主要意义,一是表示“意图”,即打算在最近未来或未来进行某事。比如:Are you g

33、oing to post that letter?How long is he going to stay here?Were going to call a meeting to discuss it.Hes going to be a doctor when he grows up.用be going to表示“意图”使用方法,意图表达者通常就是句子主语,但也可能不是。比如:The wall is going to be painted green.(=We or somebody else intend to paint the wall green.)Hes not going to

34、cheat me again.(=I wont let him cheat me again.)第28页“be going to+不定式”另一意义是表示“预见”,即现在已经有迹象表明将要发生或即将发生某种情况。比如:I feel dizzy.I think Im going to faint.Good heavens!I must hurry.Im going to be late.Look at these black cloudstheres going to be a storm.George is putting on weight.Hes going to be very fat.(

35、见P.153)第29页注意:上述“be going to+不定式”表示“意图”使用方法有时可与“will+不定式”交换 不过be going to表示“意图”通常是事先经过考虑,而“will+不定式”表示“意图”普通是说话时暂时到想,所以在有些语境中不可交换。如:1)A:Why are you taking down all the pictures?B:Im going to repaper the room.2)A:What a terribly heavy box!B:Ill help you.第30页做做看He _(come)if you ask him.A:why do you wa

36、nt all the furniture out of the room?B:Because I_(shampoo)the carpet.Its impossible to do it unless you take every thing off it first.第31页 这一结构主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生动作,惯用于位置转移动词,如go,come,leave,start,arrive等,也可用于其它动态动词。如:Were leaving on Friday.The President is coming to the UN this week.The plane is takin

37、g off at 5:20.Were moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow.以上说“安排”是指“必定安排”,即说话时刻之前已经决定了安排。这种使用方法通常带有表示未来时间状语,假如不带时间状语,则依据上下文表示最近即将发生动作。比如:A:Where are you going?B:Im going for a walk.Are you coming with me?A:Yes,Im just coming.Wait for me4)be+-ing(现在进行体)现在进行体)第32页5)be to+不定式不定式这一结构主要使用方法,一

38、是表示按计划、安排即将发生动作:I am to have tea with Betty this afternoon.Theres to be an investigation.Where are we to stay tonight?常见于报纸和广播,用以宣告官方计划或决定。比如:The Queen is to visit Japan next year.The Prime Minister is to speak on television tonight.二是表示命令、禁止或可能性等。比如:You are to stand here.Do you understand?Tell her

39、shes not to be back late.第33页 6)普通现在时普通现在时这一结构主要用于表示依据要求、时间表预计要发生动作或事态。常见于条件或时间状语分句,表示未来时间。比如:If she comes,well tell her.Ill give it to you after I return.It wont be long before the rain stops.Wait here till the meeting is over.在主句中普通现在时表示未来时间通常指按照时间表或既定日程一定会发生未来事态。比如:Hes in all day Sunday.She retir

40、es next month.Tomorrow is Saturday.The term starts on 23rd August.Next Christmas falls on a Thursday.第34页7 7)补充)补充be about to do:1)表示即将发生动作,在时间上指最近未来。如:We are about to start.我们就要出发了。The new school year is about to begin.新年开学在即。2)在含有be about to do句子中,不能再加时间状语。如:Wrong:The medical team is about to star

41、t immediately.Right:The medical team is about to start.医疗队就要出发了第35页做做看Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage_avoid.A:is to be B:can be C:will beD:has been 2)I suppose that when I come back in ten years time all these old house _ _down.A:will have been pulle

42、dB:will have pulledC:will be pulling D:will be pulled3)Pick me up at 8 oclock.I _my bath by then.A:may haveB:will be havingC:can have hadD:will have had 第36页2.过去未来时间表示法过去未来时间表示法1)would+不定式用“would+不定式”表示过去未来时间通常带有表示过去未来时间状语,而且多见隶属分句。比如:He said he would come back the next day.We never imagined that he

43、 would become a doctor.A:She washed the car,didnt she?B:No,she forgot.But she said shed wash it tomorrow.假如要表示在过去未来某一时间正在进行动作,可用“would+不定式进行体”。比如:He never imagined that some day he would be living away from his motherland.He told his friend that this time next year he would be studying at Stanford.第

44、37页假如表示在过去未来某时以前业已发生事态,可用“would+不定式完成体”。比如:The delegation would have arrived by 4:00 that afternoon.He said he would have finished his thesis by the end of next month.假如要表示从过去某时开始一直连续到过去未来某时动作或事态,可用“would+不定式完成进行体”。比如:He said that by the end of May she would have been studying medicine for three yea

45、rs.By six oclock that afternoon,they would have been cleaning the house for five hours.第38页2)was/were going to+不定式用“was/were going to+不定式”表示过去未来,也通常带有过去未来时间状语。比如:He said that he was going to live in the country when he retired.He was going to play tennis that afternoon.用“was/were going to+不定式”表示动作或事

46、态也能够是没有实现意图。比如:Last Sunday we were going to go for a picnic but it rained.I was going to finish my article last night but my friend arrived so I didnt have time.第39页3)was/were to+不定式不定式用“was/were to+不定式”表示过去未来,通常指按过去计划、安排在某个过去未来时间发生事态。比如:As I was to leave the next day,I went to bed early on Thursday

47、 evening.They were not to get away with it if they continued to violate the law.另外用“was/were to+不定式”也能够表示以后不可防止要发生事件。比如:They said goodbye,little knowing they were never to meet again.He received a blow on the head.It didnt worry him at the time,but it was to be very troublesome later.第40页4)过去进行体和普通过

48、去时过去进行体和普通过去时用过去进行体表示过去未来通常指按过去计划、安排即将在某一过去时间发生事态。比如:He said they were going on Tuesday.He hurried into the carriage.The train was leaving in two minutes.He didnt want to see the film,because he was playing tennis in the afternoon.用普通过去时表示过去未来通惯用于一些条件状语和时间状语分句。比如:He said he would tell her all about

49、it if he met her.She told me that she would come to see me when she visited China again.第41页5)was/were about to+不定式不定式用“be about to”过去形式 “was/were about to+不定式”也能表示过去未来。这种结构通常指最近过去未来事态:I felt that something terrible was about to happen.而且在一定语境中常指未曾实现意图:We were about to start when it began to rain.He

50、 was just about to dive when he saw a shark.The prisoner was about to escape,but the policeman appeared before him.第42页做做看:The weather forecast yesterday said that many areas_(have)rain,but we certain didnt have any here.My instructions were that motorists _(not use)the new briget yet.见p159 页1,7题第43

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