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1、Sujie LiSchool of English,BISU-10-26第1页第2页字子建(曹子建),沛国谯(今安徽省亳州市)人。三国时期曹魏诗人、文学家,建安文学代表人物。曹植是魏武帝曹操之子,魏文帝曹丕之弟,生前曾为陈王,逝世后谥号“思”,所以又称陈思王。后人因他诗词文学上造诣而将他与曹操、曹丕合称为“三曹”,南朝宋文学家谢灵运更有“天下才有一石,曹子建独占八斗”评价。Lived in a time of division and changesRivalry with his brotherDistress in political careerBrilliance in poetic

2、gifts第3页In terms of political history,Cao Zhi played little part in the period of Three Kingdoms,but in the Chinese literary history,Cao Zhi is far from an unimportant figure.He lived at a time of division,of change and of constant warfare and popular distress.Buddhism was spreading fast and new poe

3、tical forms were coming into use.Cao Zhi is one of the first figures in Chinese history to be remembered as a poet alone,and not as an emperor,statesman or general who also wrote poetry.He also wrote essays which contain some of the earliest literary criticism of writers of his age.He was also renow

4、ned as a calligrapher.His life was in large part a tragedy of wasted gifts but does not lack touches of comedy.第4页I have had two main interests in writing this brief account.First,the story of Cao Zhis life has in itself considerable elements of drama(not unmixed with humor)and is besides a fascinat

5、ing example of the effect of frustration on a man of great talent and ambition.Secondly,there run through his works some themes in Chinese thought which are still of interest today.Hugh Dunn,“Cao Zhi-The Life of a Princely Chinese poet”(1983)第5页A gifted youth in turbulent timesFavored in city and ca

6、mpRivalry at court the struggle for inheritanceA change of dynasty exile and decline第6页诗品作者钟嵘亦赞曹植“骨气奇高,词彩华茂,情兼雅怨,体被文质,粲溢今古,卓尔不群。”在诗品中,曹植被称为“建安之杰”。王士祯尝论汉魏以来二千年间诗家堪称“仙才”者,曹植、李白、苏轼三人耳。现有婉约抒情部分,如“洛神赋”又有豪放热情游侠精神,如“白马篇”。唐代贵游文学和边塞诗都受其影响,李白犹为甚。中国诗人个性精神解放自曹植始。第7页曹植创作以2(建安二十五年)为界,分前后两期。前期诗歌主要是歌唱他理想和理想,洋溢着乐观、浪

7、漫情调,对前途充满信心;后期诗歌则主要表示由理想和现实矛盾所激起悲愤。他诗歌,既表示了诗经“哀而不伤”庄雅,又蕴含着楚辞窈窕深邃奇谲;既继承了汉乐府反应现实笔力,又保留了古诗十九首温丽悲远情调。曹植诗又有自己鲜明独特格调,完成了乐府民歌向文人诗转变。第8页A study of Goddess of the Luo 洛神赋第9页明眸善睐,惊鸿一瞥凌波微步,罗袜轻尘含辞未吐,气若幽兰废寝忘食Terms like this that have become household expressions all come from this poem第10页Appreciation of womens

8、beauty as a free entity,free from moral judgement or purpose,liberating womens role as only the vehicle of procreation.A detailed description and appreciation of womens body,earthly admiration along with spiritual one,which is more common among Chinese A celebration of love that is not defined by so

9、cial normsIts lyrical beauty,the variety of meter and the skillful shift of 4-character lines to Sao style.第11页黄初三年,余朝京师,还济洛川。古人有言,斯水之神,名曰宓(f)妃。感宋玉对楚王神女之事,遂作斯赋,其辞曰:余从京域,言归东藩,背伊阙,越轘(hun)辕,经通谷,陵景山。日既西倾,车殆马烦。尔乃税驾乎蘅皋(hng go),秣驷乎芝田,容与乎阳林,流眄(min)乎洛川。于是精移神骇,忽焉思散。俯则未察,仰以殊观。睹一丽人,于岩之畔。乃援御者而告之曰:“尔有觌(d)于彼者乎?彼何人

10、斯,若此之艳也!”御者对曰:“臣闻河洛之神,名曰宓妃。然则君王所见,无乃是乎?其状若何,臣愿闻之。”第12页In the third year of the Huangchu(1)era,I attended court at the capital and then crossed the Luo River(2)to begin my journey home.Men in olden times used to say that the goddess of the river is named Fufei.Inspired by the example of Song Yu,who d

11、escribed a goddess to the king of Chu,I eventually composed a fu which read:第13页Leaving the capitalTo return to my fief in the east,Yi Barrier at my back,Up over Huanyuan,Passing through Tong Valley,Crossing Mount Jing;The sun had already dipped in the west,The carriage unsteady,the horses fatigued,

12、And so I halted my rig in the spikenard marshes,Grazed my team of our at Lichen Fields(3),Idling a while by Willow Wood(4),Letting my eyes wander over the Luo.Then my mood seemed to change,my spirit grew restless;Suddenly my thoughts had scattered.I looked down,hardly noticing what was there,Looked

13、up to see a different sight,To spy a lovely lady by the slopes of the riverbank.第14页余告之曰:其形也,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,荣曜秋菊,华茂春松。髣髴(fng f)兮若轻云之蔽月,飘飖兮若流风之回雪。远而望之,皎若太阳升朝霞。迫而察之,灼若芙蕖出渌(l)波。秾(nng)纤得衷,修短合度。肩若削成,腰如约素。延颈秀项,皓质呈露,芳泽无加,铅华弗御。云髻峨峨,修眉联娟,丹唇外朗,皓齿内鲜。明眸善睐,靥(y)辅承权,瑰姿艳逸,仪静体闲。柔情绰态,媚于语言。奇服旷世,骨象应图。第15页Her body soars ligh

14、tly like a startled swan,Gracefully,like a dragon in flight,In splendor brighter than the autumn chrysanthemum,In bloom more flourishing than the pine in spring;Dim as the moon mantled in filmy clouds,Restless as snow whirled by the driving wind.Gaze far off from a distance;She sparkles like the sun

15、 rising from morning mists;Press closer to examine:She flames like the lotus flower topping the green wave.In her a balance is struck between plump and frail.第16页A measured accord between diminutive and tall,With shoulders shaped as if by carving,Waist narrow as though bound with white cords;At her

16、slim throat and curving neckThe pale flesh lies open to view,No scented ointments overlaying it,No coat of leaden powder applied.Cloud-bank coiffure rising steeply,Long eyebrows delicately arched,Red lips that shed their light abroad,White teeth gleaming within,Bright eyes skilled at glances,A dimpl

17、e to round off the base of the cheek Her rare form wonderfully enchanting,Her manner quiet,her pose demure.Gentle hearted,broad of mind(5),She entrances with every word she speaks;Her robes are of a strangeness seldom seen,Her face and figure live up to her paintings.第17页披罗衣之璀粲兮,珥瑶碧之华琚。戴金翠之首饰,缀明珠以耀躯

18、。践远游之文履,曳雾绡之轻裾。微幽兰之芳蔼兮,步踟蹰于山隅。于是忽焉纵体,以遨以嬉。左倚采旄(mo),右荫桂旗。攘皓腕于神浒兮,采湍(tun)濑之玄芝。第18页Wrapped in the soft rustle of a silken garments,She decks herself with flowery earrings of jasper and jade,Gold and kingfisher hairpins adorning her head,Strings of bright pearls to make her body shine.She treads in figu

19、red slippers fashioned for distant wandering,Airy trains of mistlike gauze in tow,Dimmed by the odorous haze of unseen orchids,Pacing uncertainly beside the corner of the hill.Then suddenly she puts on a freer air,Ready for rambling,for pleasant diversion.To the left planting her colored pennants,To

20、 the right spreading the shade of cassia flags,She dips pale wrists into the holy rivers brink,Plucks dark iris from the rippling shallows.第19页余情悦其淑美兮,心振荡而不怡。无良媒以接欢兮,托微波而通辞。愿诚素之先达兮,解玉佩以要之。嗟佳人之信修兮,羌习礼而明诗。抗琼珶(d)以和予兮,指潜渊而为期。执眷眷之款实兮,惧斯灵之我欺。感交甫之弃言兮,怅犹豫而狐疑。收和颜而静志兮,申礼防以自持。第20页My fancy is charmed by her mod

21、est beauty,But my heart,uneasy,stirs with distress:Without a skilled go-between to join us in bliss,I must trust these little waves to bear my message.Desiring that my sincerity first of all be known,I undo a girdle-jade to offer as pledge.Ah,the pure trust of that lovely lady,Trained in ritual,acqu

22、ainted with Odes;She holds up a garnet stone to match my gift,Pointing down into the depths to show where we should meet.Clinging to a lovers passionate faith,Yet I fear that this spirit may deceive me;Warned by tales of how Jiaofu was abandoned,I pause,uncertain and despairing;Then,stilling such th

23、oughts,I turn a gentler face toward her,Signaling that for my part I abide by the rules of ritual.第21页于是洛灵感焉,徙倚彷徨。神光离合,乍阴乍阳。竦轻躯以鹤立,若将飞而未翔。践椒涂之郁烈,步蘅薄而流芳。超长吟以永慕兮,声哀厉而弥长。尔乃众灵杂遝(t),命俦(chu)啸侣。或戏清流,或翔神渚。或采明珠,或拾翠羽。从南湘之二妃,携汉滨之游女。叹匏瓜之无匹兮,咏牵牛之独处。扬轻袿(gu)之猗靡(y m)兮,翳(y)修袖以延伫。体迅飞凫,飘忽若神。凌波微步,罗袜生尘。动无常则,若危若安。进止难期,若往

24、若还。转眄流精,光润玉颜。含辞未吐,气若幽兰。华容婀娜,令我忘餐。第22页Thereupon The Luo River Spirit was stirred and moved restlessly,Her radiance fitful,now like day,now like night,Her light form stood poised like a birdWishing to fly but not yet on the wing.She trod underfood the fairest of flowersAnd trampled thin stems which po

25、ured forth their scent.She gave a great cry of eternal devotion A sound that was desolate,passionate,long.At this there came Acrowd of spirits,a motley throng!She called to her comrades,cried to her friendsWho played in the torrent and oerflew fairy islesGathering pearls and kingfisher plumes第23页The

26、re came the two maids from the southern XiangHand in hand with the girl who roams the Han shore,The lamented her“bitter fruit”as she“had no mate”And sang of the Herdboy star dwelling alone,They swung their soft jackets,gently,voluptuously,Making fans of gay sleeves,with slow moves and pauses.Then th

27、eir mood quickened like wild geese flying,Borne on the breeze,of a sudden like sprites!Lightly they walked over hillocks and ripplesTheir gauzy silk slippers stirring the dust.Their movements kept changing,sometimes stiff,sometimes fluid,As they drew nearer or stopped without any fixed planRetreatin

28、g,returning,alert eyes full of meaningShining and elegant,an exquisite sight.Restrained in voice,fragrant as flowersTheir beauty enchanted me.I forgot I was hungry.第24页于是屏翳收风,川后静波。冯夷鸣鼓,女娲清歌。腾文鱼以警乘,鸣玉鸾以偕逝。六龙俨其齐首,载云车之容裔。鲸鲵(n)踊而夹毂(g),水禽翔而为卫。于是越北沚,过南冈,纡素领,回清阳,动朱唇以徐言,陈交接之纲领。恨人神之道殊兮,怨盛年之莫当。抗罗袂以掩涕兮,泪流襟之浪浪。

29、悼良会之永绝兮,哀一逝而异乡。无微情以效爱兮,献江南之明珰。虽潜处于太阴,长寄心于君王。忽不悟其所舍,怅神宵而蔽光。第25页Then,The Rainmaster stilled the wind,the River Queen calmed the waves,The Count of the River drummed,and clearly sang Nv Wa.There came prancing hooves and an awesome chariotRingning jade phoenix bells,to take her to the dead.Six fearsome

30、dragons,their heads in line,Bore on high the graceful cloud chariotHuge fishes leapt by the wheels as it cameAnd water birds soared around it as guards.Then,As they passed across the isle to the northAnd the color faded from the hills to the south,She looked back with a clear gazeAnd her red lips sp

31、oke slow words About the great net of our intermeshed lives:第26页“How sad that mens and spirits ways must differI grieve that our flourishing years did not match!”She raised a gauze sleeve to brush away tearsWhich wet the flowing folds of her coat.“My soul is wounded such happy meetings are not for m

32、e.I mourn that once parted we shall live apart.My feelings are strong I give you my loveAnd give you too these bright rings from Jiangnan.Although I go to live in deepest shadeMy thoughts will dwell on my lord and prince.Suddenly I no longer see where I go Sad at heart I rise,and my light grows dim.

33、”第27页于是背下陵高,足往神留。遗情想像,顾望怀愁。冀灵体之复形,御轻舟而上溯。浮长川而忘返,思绵绵而增慕。夜耿耿而不寐,沾繁霜而至曙。命仆夫而就驾,吾将归乎东路。揽騑(fi)辔(pi)以抗策,怅盘桓而不能去。第28页At this,Turning her back on all below she rose out of sight.Her footprints faded but her soul remained After she went to the spirits resting place.Left to my feelings,I remembered her formAn

34、d gazed all round with a mournful heartHoping the spirit body would again take shape.I took a small boat and went upstream;Moving slow on the long river I gorgot to turn back.Full of tortuous thoughts ever more tangled,My mind in turmoil,at night I could not sleep.第29页When dawn came coated in heavy

35、frost,I ordered my coachman to make ready the chariotAnd prepared to return to the road to the East.I took up the reins and grasped the whip But sad the irresolute,I could not leave.第30页uu In a Station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd Petals on a wet,black bough.英语诗中对惊鸿一瞥描述第31页第32页

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