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1、口译文本(二)2.4 CNN采访李连杰CNN:Congratulations on “Hero”. I mean, is the part very similar to what you normally play?译文:祝贺英雄。我想问的是,这个角色是否和你通常演的角色很相似?李连杰:不,这是一部不同寻常的电影中的一个非常独特的角色,和我以往演过的角色都不一样。可以说这是我最重要的动作片之一。译文:No, this is a very unique role in a very unusual movie, different from all the other roles I have

2、 played before. It can be said to be one of my most important action movies.CNN:Whydo you say that? You have made about 30 movies. How is this one different from the rest?译文:为什么这么说?你演了大约30部电影。为什么这一部那么与众不同?李连杰:通常的动作片都有这么一个模式:一个孩子的父母亲被杀,这个孩子从小习武,立志报仇血恨。长大后他果然功夫超群,除掉坏蛋,为父母报仇。但英雄的题材则广博得多。译文:Normally, ac

3、tion movies follow such a formula: a childs parents got killed, and this child started playing Kongfu at a very young age, determined to take his revenge. And when he grows up, he will have become an outstanding Kongfu master, he will kill the bad guy and take the revenge for his parents. But Hero h

4、as a much broader theme.CNN:Is it very similar to “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” for example?译文:那它是否和卧虎藏龙类似?李连杰:完全不同。我认为李安是个非常有才华的导演,他用武术来描写爱情。而张艺谋则尝试用武术来描述中国文化,中国人的思想,以及他们期望的世界是什么样的。译文:Absolutely different. Ang Lee is a very talented director; he uses martial arts to depict love. While Zhang Yimo

5、u uses martial arts to describe Chinese culture, the thoughts of Chinese people as well as the world in their eyes.CNN:Thats very deep. We know your first-ever movie was “Shaolin Temple” made in 1979 when you were still just a teenager. The movie was a huge hit in Asia and was followed by two sequel

6、s. Let me ask you, how did you move from being a martial arts champion to becoming a Hollywood action star?译文:这可真够深奥的。我们知道你的银幕处女作是1979年拍摄的少林寺,当时你还是个少年。这部电影当时在亚洲可是火爆,非常成功,拍了两个续集。我想请问你,你是如何从一个武术冠军演变成了一个好莱坞动作巨星的?李连杰:我认为最重要的原因还是我自幼习武,这是我的特长。我可以在电影里使用自己独特的武打技巧。我也一直想做些与众不同的事,如通过武术来谈论和平,实现和平。译文:I think the

7、 most important reason is that I started practicing Kongfu when I was very young, this is my speciality. I can use my unique martial arts in movie. And I have been longing to do sth different, for example, I would like to discuss peace and how to realize peace through martial arts.CNN:That almost so

8、unds like a contradiction, right? You are a fighter here, and you talk about peace?译文:不过这听上去有点矛盾,不是吗?你在这里是个侠客,却在谈论和平?李连杰:对。其实中国文化并不只是武打功夫这些表面现象。中国人并不是都懂得武术,只知道打人,没有思想没有大脑的。中国文化有很深的哲理,我觉得我有责任告诉世界。译文:That true. In fact Chinese culture is not only what it looks like. Not all Chinese understand Kongfu,

9、it is not the case that they only know fighting or they are with no brain, no thoughts. There is a sophisticated philosophy in Chinese culture and I feel that I have the responsibility to let the world know about it.4.4 保持农历新年的核心价值观对于全世界的华人来说,农历新年(又称春节)无疑是全年最重要的喜庆节日。这个华人传统源自大约3000年前,它代表着旧的一年平安过去了,人们

10、准备大事庆祝和迎接新的一年。 To people of Chinese descent around the world, the Lunar New Year (also called Spring Festival) is undoubtedly the most important festival of the year. Dating back 3,000 years, it celebrates the passing of a peaceful year and welcomes the new one. 除夕夜的团圆饭是整个年头里最具意义的一餐。所有大家庭的成员都会聚集一堂,远

11、在他乡的也会尽量赶回来。团圆饭显示了家庭在华人文化里的重要地位,它可以增强家庭凝聚力。 The reunion dinner, eaten on New Years Eve, is de rigueur(required, standard custom), with members of extended family gathering for the most significant meal of the year. Even the absent members will endeavor to return home in time for it. It underscores t

12、he supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture, and aims at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion. 人们庆祝新年的方式,体现了两个重要的核心价值观。首先,多代同堂的家庭成员,齐聚家中享受一顿丰盛的团圆饭,是每一个人都会遵守的习惯。准备一顿丰富晚餐的工作当然是落在家中女成员的身上,比较富裕的家庭则可能有佣人帮忙。其次,亲戚朋友间也会兴高采烈互访。这样的欢庆方式,有助于加强亲情和友情。 The way people celebrate the New Ye

13、ar embodies two important core values. The first value is the sense of family togetherness; members of multi-generation families are all there to have a big reunion dinner. Everyone will follow this custom. The female members are always held responsible for preparing the dinner, and some rich famili

14、es may take on extra hands. The second value lies in the happy visits mutually made between friends and relatives, a good way to strengthen kinship and friendship.然而经济的发展带来了人们生活方式的改变。忙碌了一年,人们不愿在过年的时候还要忙年夜饭,越来越多的人宁愿花钱在高级的餐馆吃,亲朋好友之间也不再登门拜访,代之以电话、短信拜年,有的举家出游,甚至干脆住进酒店“避年”,避免亲朋好友造访,图个清静。 However, economi

15、c development has resulted in some changes in lifestyles. After a busy year, people are tired of preparing for the reunion dinner, and would rather hold their reunion dinner in a posh restaurant despite the exorbitant cost. The festival door-to-door visits have given way to New Year greeting via pho

16、ne or text messages. Some families even go to such extreme as to travel or seek temporary refuge in a hotel so as to avoid being visited. 有的传统人士认为,没有了团圆饭和亲戚朋友互访的习俗和它们所代表的核心价值观,新年将失去意义。有一些悲观的人士认为随着西方文化的不断入侵,中国的传统佳节都在逐渐失去本来的意义,变成一个个商业性的节日,就像圣诞节一样。Some tradition-minded people regard the reunion dinner

17、and visits to relatives and close friends during the New Year as core values, without which the holiday would lose much of its significance. Some pessimistics contend that, as the popularity of western culture grows, Chinese traditional festivals gradually lose their original meaning and degenerate

18、into commerce festivals like Christmas.春节是中华遗产的重要部分,新春活动将延续下去,庆祝的形式虽然会和以前不一样,但他们代表的核心价值观,即对亲情和友情的重视则应该保留。 The Spring Festival is an important part of the Chinese cultural heritage, and it will continue to be celebrated. The modes of celebration may change, but the core value should be sustained: tha

19、t of respect for kinship and friendship. 9.3中国的计划生育政策是多元化政策中国实行计划生育政策已经有二十多年了,但是许多人对中国的计划生育政策还存在着很大的误解,他们的理解是:二十多年来中国一直在实行一孩的政策,也就是只允许生一个孩子。而且,现在在城市里实行得比较严格,在比较富有的城市,一对夫妻只有一个孩子,但是比较贫穷的农村人口,就允许有两到三个孩子。他们还认为这个政策导致了一个比较严重的后果就是男女性别失衡,对此,我需要做一些澄清。It has been over two decades since China adopted the Famil

20、y Planning Policy. However, there still exist misunderstandings about this policy. People mistakenly think that Chinas Family Planning Police equals the One Child Policy, which allows one couple to have only one child. Their impression is that this policy is implemented more strictly in urban areas

21、:in cities where people are better off, one couple can have only one child, while in the poor rural areas, one couple can have two or three children. Furthermore, they think that the One Child Policy is the cause of gender imbalance. I will now clarify these misunderstandings.实际上八十年代初期开始,中国实行的政策叫做计划

22、生育政策,或者叫生育政策,是一个多元化的政策。关于这一点,我们可以从两个事实中看出来。As a matter of fact, the policy adopted in the early 1980s is a multivariate policy called the Family Planning Policy, or the fertility policy. Its multivariate nature can be proved by two facts. 首先,全中国目前的总和生育率是1.8,这就意味着在长时间以来,实际上在大多数的地区和家庭实行的并不是一孩的政策,而是一个多

23、元化的政策。比如说,在城市的一孩,农村的二孩,少数民族地区的三孩,甚至在有些地区,比如说西藏是没有限制的,所以这个政策实际上是根据中国每一个地区的经济和社会发展的状态所确定的一个多元化的生育政策。First, the total fertility rate in China now stands at 1.8, which means there is more than one child per family in most areas.For example, there is generally only one child in a family in urban area, bu

24、t two in rural areas, and three in ethnic minority areas. In some areas, like Tibet, there are no restrictions at all on the number of children a family can have. We can tell from the fact that Chinas Family Planning Policy varies in accordance with the economic and social development level of diffe

25、rent areas. 第二,出生性别比问题,中国目前出生性别比出现失调。出生性别比是指出生以后男婴儿和女婴儿相比的数字,这是一个很重要的概念,因为出生性别比和总人口的性别比是两个不同的概念。Secondly, China is seeing an unbalanced sex ratio at birth at the moment. The sex ratio at birth refers to the number of boys born per 100 girls born. This is not the same concept as the sex ratio of the

26、total population.出生性别比的失调实际上不完全是和计划生育政策连在一块的,我想讲两个例子,很有意思。第一个例子,韩国在1988年的时候,它的出生性别比是114,中国今天是117,我相信韩国可能没有计划生育政策。第二个例子,新加坡在1984年的时候,出生性比是109。为什么会在亚洲地区出现出生性别比的问题?目前主要归结于两个方面,第一个是文化传统的影响,所谓男孩子偏好,这是一个很大的问题。第二个,中国出现这个问题和农村的社会保障机制是紧密联系在一起的。The unbalance is not entirely the result of the Family Planning P

27、olicy. I would like to cite two interesting examples. My first example is the Republic of Korea. In 1988, the sex ratio at birth in the ROK was 114, and the ratio now in China is 117. I believe there is no family planning policy in the ROK, My second example is Singapore, whose sex ratio at birth in

28、 1984 was 109. Why is it a common problem in Asia? There are two main reasons. The first reason is the influence of traditional culture and ideology, that is a preference for sons, which poses a great problem for the sex ratio at birth. Second, Chinas unbalanced birth ratio is attributable to the po

29、or social security system in rural areas.目前,中国政府面对当前所出现的出生性别比升高的问题,作出一个正确的决定。就是目前中国正在开展的“关爱女孩行动”,这是一个非常重要的实践。这个“关爱女孩行动”重点针对目前在文化差异上所造成的偏好男孩倾向,要把女孩的地位、女孩的权利非常强地在社会上进行宣传。第二个,中国政府有一个很重要的考虑,就是尽快考虑社会保障机制的建立,特别是农村社会保障体制的建立。The Chinese government has launched a nationwide Girl Care Project to hamper the ri

30、sing sex ratio at birth. This project aims to educate the general public to abandon their traditional preference for male children and to advocate female childrens status and rights. Secondly, the Chinese government is also making an effort to establish and improve the social security system, partic

31、ularly in rural areas.第三,对于城市一家只能生一个孩子,贫困的地区反而可以生两到三个孩子。这种现象被称为“逆淘汰”。对此,我想讲两个观点,目前对农村的政策是鉴于农村目前的经济状态所决定的。农村的社会保障体制正在逐渐形成和完善,在这个过程中,如果也采取非常严厉的一孩政策的话,农村所拥有的家庭保险的可能性就被减弱。所以,目前农村仍然采取一孩或者是二孩的政策,这是根据经济情况决定的。Thirdly, the phenomenon of allowing one child for urban families and two the three children for fam

32、ilies in poor areas is called reverse selection of population quality. I have two points to make in this regard. The policy in rural areas is made in accordance with the economic situation there. The social security system is being gradually improved in rural areas. If a stringent One Child policy i

33、s to be introduced in this process, the household insurance coverage is likely to be reduced for rural families. Therefore, the number of children allowed in rural families is dependent on the economic situation.13.3 印度洋海啸2004 年底发生的印度洋海啸,使全球陷入了震惊和悲痛。它席卷了印尼、泰国、斯里兰等诸多印度洋沿岸国家,死亡人数接近30万,仅在印尼就造成至少10万人死亡,

34、无数家庭失去父母、兄弟和姐妹。在这场突发的灾难中,直接或间接受灾的人数达到500 万。国际社会对受灾地区进行了积极援救和捐款。中国政府和民间对灾区的援助超过了12亿人民币。在人类已进入21世纪的今天,人类社会还发生如此大的悲剧,让人深思。痛定思痛,人们不禁要问,这样的悲剧,为何会发生,能否避免?人们对灾难发生的原因进行了广泛的探讨和分析。 首先,这是大自然对人类行为的惩罚。人类在沿海大量修改房屋以及对自然环境的破坏,是这次灾害如此重大的罪魁祸首。发生地震并引发海啸是自然界的正常现象,然而一次海啸造成几十万人死亡,不能完全归咎于大自然,因为人类占用了本不应占用的地方。为了吸引游客,许多国家在海边

35、盖起了密密麻麻的旅馆、饭店,这无疑增加了人们受到自然灾害侵袭的危险。有专家指出,珊瑚礁以及生长在海岸边浅水地带的红树林,能保护海岛免受海啸侵袭。而在过去二三十年里,人们为了在海边的浅水地捕虾、养虾,大量砍伐海边红树林,结果人们为此付出了惨重代价。 其次,没有海啸预警机制使人们毫无提防。此次灾难的发生是地震引起的,但对人类造成巨大灾难的不是地震本身,而是地震引起的海啸。海啸发生前两小时就已经发生了地震,在不少地区都有明显震感。如果事先拥有一个非常有效的海啸预防和警告机制,当地的人们就会有足够的时间逃生,那样,海啸造成的人员伤亡和财产损失就会降低。 灾难发生后,一些国家的领导人发表谈话,敦促国际社会共同采取预防措施,努力将类似海啸这样的自然灾害的损失降到最低限度。人们应从这次自然灾害中汲取教训,共同承担保护地球环境的责任。相关国家的政府应联合起来,尽快建立一个预警系统。国际社会必须从印度洋这场灾难中吸取教训,找到薄弱环节,并加强对民众如何在地震和海啸发生时逃生的宣传和教育。只要全人类携起手来,共同努力,虽然我们并不能避免类似的自然灾害再度发生,但我们一定能把灾难的损失减少到最低限度。

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