1、品质检查标准1 范围 本标准规定了超白压花玻璃产品的分类、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则及包装、标志、运输和贮存等。本标准适用于连续辊压工艺生产的单面花纹超白压花玻璃。双面花纹超白压花玻璃也可参照本标准执行。超白压花玻璃用于各种建筑物和构筑物的采光门窗、装饰以及家居用品等方面。2 定义 本标准采用下列定义。2.1 JC/T 5112002中的术语适用本标准。2.2 超白压花玻璃 extra white glass 采用的低含铁量的白玻璃。3 分类3.1 超白压花玻璃按外观质量分为合格品、协议品。3.2 超白压花玻璃按厚度分为3mm、3.2mm、4mm和6mm。4 技术要求4.1 超白压花玻璃应为
2、长方形或正方形,其长度和宽度尺寸允许偏差为1 mm。4.2 超白压花玻璃的厚度允许偏差为0.2 mm。4.3 超白压花玻璃对角线差应小于两对角线平均长度的0.1%。4.4 超白压花玻璃的弯曲度不应超过0.3%。4.5 超白压花玻璃外观质量应符合表1规定表1 外观质量 缺陷类型说明要求 图案不清目测可见 不允许 气泡球状长宽范围 mmL1 W0.51L2 0.5W1允许个数允许存在 2/ 线状长宽范围 mmL10 W0.5L10 0.5W1允许个数3/2/线条长宽范围 mm不允许允许个数皱纹目测可见不允许压痕长宽范围 mm不允许允许个数划伤长宽范围 mmL5 W0.55L10 0.5W110L2
3、0 0.5W1W1允许个数允许存在2/1/不允许存在裂纹目测可见不允许杂物目测可见不允许爆边长宽范围 mm沿玻璃边方向4由延边向里3向厚度方向1/3厚度允许个数111注: 1.表中,L表示相应缺陷的长度,W表示其宽度。2.满足上述要求的为合格品,否则为协议品4.6玻璃的可见光透射比91%。4.7对有特殊要求的压花玻璃由供需双方商定。5 试验方法5.1 长度和宽度尺寸偏差的测定 用符合GB/T 9056钢直尺或钢卷尺,分别从长宽边的中间部位,测量两平行边的距离。测得的结果与公称尺寸的差值即为尺寸偏差。5.2 对角线差的测定 用钢卷尺测量玻璃板的两条对角线,取其差的绝对值。5.3 厚度偏差的测定
4、用符合GB/T 1217规定的精度为0.01mm且圆盘直径不低于20mm的公法线千分尺在玻璃板四边中点测量。取其最大偏差值。5.4 外观质量的测定5.4.1 图案不清、气泡、杂物、划伤、线条、裂纹、压痕、皱纹等缺陷的测定。 将玻璃板垂直放置在支架上,在起后边相距0.6m是一无反光灰色屏幕。玻璃板与屏幕间用若干盏40W日光灯照亮,日光灯发出的光线不能与玻璃板垂直。观察者在距离玻璃板0.6m左右处垂直观察。缺陷尺寸的大小以能看清楚的最大边缘为限,采用符合GB/T 9056精度为1mm的钢直尺和放大10倍或10倍以上、精度不低于0.1mm的读数显微镜测量。5.4.2 断面缺陷的测定 用符合GB/T
5、9056的刚直尺测量。凹凸时测量边部凹进或凸出最大部位与板边之间的距离;爆边时测量边部凹进最大部位与板边之间的距离;缺角时测量原角等分线的长度。5.4.3弯曲度测定 将玻璃垂直放置,不施加外力,沿玻璃非压花面放置1000mm长的直尺,用符合JB/T 8788的塞尺测量钢直尺边与玻璃板之间的最大间隙。玻璃弓形弯度时,测量对应弦长的弦高;波形时,测量对应两波峰间的波谷深度,按式(1)计算弯曲度c=h/L*100 (1)式中:c弯曲度,%; h弦高或波谷的深度,mm;L弦长或波峰到波峰的距离,mm。5.4.4可见光透射比测定可见光透射比测定的按GB/T 2680中的规定执行。6 检验规则6.1 产品
6、出厂应检验5.15.5项目。6.2 产品应由公司质量检验部门按本标准的规定进行检验,合格后附产品质量合格证方可出厂。 6.3 当对产品质量有争议时、以及监督抽查、仲裁时可按本标准表2规定的玻璃批量和抽样数抽样。 抽样表依据GB/T 2828.1,取AQL=6.5。 表2 抽样表 批量范围 样本大小 合格判定数 不合格判定数18201915301165081251901323911502034151280325628150050785011200801011判定规则6.4.1 一片玻璃其检验结果的各项指标均达到该等级的要求则该片玻璃为合格,否则为不合格。6.4.2 一批玻璃中,若不合格片数小于或
7、等于表中合格判定数,则该批玻璃合格;若不合格片数大于或等于表2中不合格判定数,则该批玻璃不合格。7包装、标志、运输与贮存7.1 玻璃用木箱或集装架(箱)包装,木箱包装应符合JC/T 513;集装架(箱)应符合GB/T 6382.1和GB/T 6382.2的要求。在同一木箱或集装架(箱)内,玻璃有花纹的一面应朝向同一侧。7.2 木箱或集装架(箱)应附有产品质量合格证,标明产品等级、花型、尺寸、厚度、数量、生产日期、本标准号、生产厂名、注册商标或花纹朝向。7.3 运输时应防止木箱或集装架(箱)倾倒碰撞。7.4 玻璃应贮存在干燥并有防雨设施的地方。Standard of Quality Inspec
8、tion1. RangeThe standard stipulate the classification, technical requirements, test method, inspection rules and packaging, marking, transportation, storage, etc of extra white glassThe standard apply to single-sided extra white glass which produce by 连续辊压工艺. Double-sided extra white glass also can
9、refer to this standard as reference2. DefinitionThe standards use the definition as following.2.1 Terms of JC/T 511200 is apply to this standard.2.2 Extra white glassUsing the white glass with low iron produce by 压延技术3. Classification3.1 Extra white glass can be classified to qualified product and协议
10、品 according to appearance quality。3.2 Extra white glass can be classified to 3mm、3.2mm、4mm and 6mm according to thickness.4. Requirement of technique 4.1 Extra white glass should be rectangle or foursquare with length and width tolerance 1 mm4.2 The thickness of extra white glass tolerance 0.2 mm.4.
11、3 The difference of diagonal line of extra white glass should be 0.1% less than average length of two diagonal line.4.4 The bending of extra white glass should not exceed 0.3%4.5 Appearance quality of extra white glass should accord with stipulation as form Form 1 Appearance QualityDefect typeExplan
12、ationRequirement Pattern unclearCan be seen by visual inspectionNot allowedBubbleSphereRange of Length and width mmL1 W0.51L2 0.5W1Quantity allowedAllow to exist2/ LineRange of Length and width mmL10 W0.5L10 0.5W1Quantity allowed3/2/StreakRange of Length and width mmNot allowedQuantity allowedWrinkl
13、eCan be seen by visual inspectionNot allowedIndentRange of Length and width mmNot allowedQuantity allowedScratchRange of Length and width mmL5 W0.55L10 0.5W110L20 0.5W1W1Quantity allowedAllow to exist2/1/Not allowed to existCrackleCan be seen by visual inspectionNot allowedImpurityCan be seen by vis
14、ual inspectionNot allowedChipRange of Length and width mmAlong the edge of glass 4Along the edge inside3Along the width 1/3 widthQuantity allowed111Remarks: 1. L represent for length of defect ,W represent for the width.2. The products which accord with stipulation as above is qualified product, oth
15、erwise is 协议品4.6 The light transmission rate of glass 91%。4.7 The extra white glass which has special requirement should be negotiate by sellers and buyers5. Test method5.1 Measure deviation of length and width. Measure the distance between two parallel edges from the middle of length edge and width
16、 edges by using steel ruler or tapeline of GB/T 9056,the difference between the result and 公称dimension is the dimension deviation.5.2 Survey the difference of diagonal lines Measure two diagonal lines by steel tapeline, and get the absolute value of the difference.5.3 Measure deviation of width.Meas
17、ure midpoint of four edge of glass panel by using 公法线千分尺 which according to GB/T 1217 stimulation, precision is 0.01mm and diameter of disk is not less than 20mm. Get the maximum deviation value.5.4 Survey of appearance quality5.4.1 Survey of pattern unclear, bubble, bubble, streak, wrinkle, indent,
18、 scratch, crackle, impurity etc.Put the glass panel vertical on the shelf, behind which is 0.6m from an unreflecting gray screen. Lay some light of 40W between glass panel and screen. The ray of light should not be vertical of glass panel. Observation should be taken vertical at about 0.6m away from
19、 panel. The dimension of breakage 以能看清楚的最大边缘为限. Measure by using steel ruler of GB/T 9056, accuracy of 1mm and microscope of tenfold or higher, accuracy is not less than 0.1mm. 5.4.2 Survey of 断面缺陷Measure the distance from the maximal recess or bulgy part of edge to panel edge by steel ruler of GB/T
20、 9056; Measure the distance from the maximal bulgy part of edge to panel edge when chip; Measure the length of original angle bisectrix when 缺角.5.4.3 Survey of bendingLay the panel vertical, without 施加外力, lay the ruler of 1000mm on the glass surface without pattern , measure the maximal clearance be
21、tween edge of ruler and edge of panel by using ruler of JB/T 8788. When the glass bend, measure 对应弦长的弦高when the glass bend, measure 对应两波峰间的波谷深度 when the glass is wave shape, and calculate the bending according to formula(1) c=h/L*100 (1)In the formula: cbending, %;h弦高或波谷的深度,mm;L-弦长或波峰到波峰的距离,mm。5.4.4
22、 Survey of the light transmission rate Survey of the light transmission rate is according to the rules of GB/T 2680.6. Inspection rules6.1 Factory inspection should follow Products should be inspecting according to this standard by quality inspection department of company, leave factory wi
23、th attaching the certification of product quality.6.3 When there is disputation, as well as supervision, arbitration about quality of products, it should be sample according to the Form 2 which stimulates the batch and quantity.Form 2 is according to GB/T 2828.1, get AQL=6.5.Form 2 Sample FormBatch
24、rangeSize of sampleQualified products quantityUnqualified productsquantity182019153011650812519013239115020341512803256281500507850112008010116.4 Judgment rules6.4.1 The glass is qualified product when all the items reach the target , otherwise is unqualified product.6.4.2 In a batch of glass, if un
25、qualified products quantity is less than or equal with Qualified products quantity in form 2, this batch of glass can be judge to qualified products;If unqualified products quantity is more than unqualified products quantity in Form 2, this batch of glass can be judge to unqualified products.7. Pack
26、aging, marking, transportation and storage.7.1 Glass packaging boxes or containers, box package should accord with JC/T 513; container should accord with the requirement of GB/T 6382.1 and GB/T 6382.2. In one box or container, the plane with pattern should be towards to the same direction.7.2 Boxes
27、and container frame (container) should be attached certification of product quality, with marking product class, style, dimension, thickness, quantity, date of production, standard code, manufacturer name, registered trademark or direction of pattern.7.3 Prevent collide between boxes or container frame (container)7.4 Glass should be stocked at dry place with facilities of preventing rain