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1、新概念英语第一册 Lesson101102一单项选择:1. This is a letter _ Jimmy。 A. from B。 to C. with2. Please read this letter _ me。 A for B. to C。 of3. I arrived _ Harbin yesterday。 A. in B。at C。 to4. Tom _ home five minutes ago.A。 got to B。 arrived in C。reached5. I stayed _ bed for two days。 A。 to B。 in B。on6. Bob is a

2、member _ the English club。 A. of B. to C。 on7. Did you write _ your parents yesterday ? A. for B。 to C。 of8. I hope _ come here early。 A. him to B。 that he C。 they9. Tom is _ at handwriting very much. A。good B.well C. best10. Susan writes _。 A。 good B。 well C. best11. I hope you are all _。 A. good B

3、. well C。 better12. They _ play the piano。 A。can all B。all canC。 are all13. Speak _,Penny. I cant hear you。 A。 out。B。 on。 C。in D。 up14. This girl is afraid _ out at night。 A。 to go B.of go C。 that goes15. I heard _ my good friend. A. for B。 of C。 from16. We hear someone _ next to the room now。 A。 si

4、ng B. is singing C。 singing17. Please dont write _ the blackboard。 A。 in B。 on C。 at 18. Tom never goes to school on foot, _?A。 doesnt he B. does he C。 is he 19. They _ here for five years。 A. live B。 lived C. have lived D。 had lived20. Look ! What _ the man with some children _ ? A. do , do B。 do ,

5、doing C. is ,doing D。are ,doing21. Please put _ your coat. A。 in B。 on C。 off22. Grandmother seems pleased to get a card _Jimmy.A. to B。 forB。 from23. Jim seems _. A. happy B. happily C。 happiness D。 to happy24. Why not _ to school ? A。 go B. to go C. going D. went25. Which stress is different from

6、others? A 。hostel B。 Scotland C. association二根据所给动词的适当形式填空:1. He says hes just _ ( arrive ) in Scotland.2. I _ ( write ) a letter soon。3. I hope _ ( see ) you again.4. I _ (write )two letters yesterday. 5. Why dont you _ ( buy ) a pen ?6. Jimmy _ ( not say )very much , does he ?7. Jimmy _ ( not say

7、) very much, is he ?三将下列句子改为反意疑问句1. Kate does his homework every day , _?1。2. They are teachers, _ ?3. Susan can dance, _ ?4. Amys father is reading a magazine, _?5. Tom and Jim cleaned the classroom yesterday, _ ?6. You have done your housework, _?Lesson 103104一单项选择:1. I _ the exam last week。 So I

8、am very happy now。A。 passed B。past C.failed2. I think I passed _ English and Mathematics. A。 in B。 on C。 through3. The English paper is _ for me. A。 enough easy B.easy enough C。 enough easily4. What about _ for a walk ? A。 go B. to go C. going D. goes5. Im sure Ive got a good mark _English. A。 in B。

9、 on C。 at D。 with6. The guy _ me wrote his name at the top of the paper。 A。 near to me B, next to me C. is next to D。 is near 7. Please _。Perhaps we didnt do too badly。 A。 cheer for B。 cheer up C. cheers8. I cheer _ my favorite team. A。 to B。 for C. of D。 up9. I hate _ inside。 A。 smoke B. smoking C。

10、 to smoke10. The question is very difficult _. A。 answer B. to answer C. answering11. _ did the exam last ? For three hours。 A。 How long B。 How often C。How soon12. I _ there and looked at it for three hours. A. sit B. sat C。 am sitting D. sitting13. The English papers werent easy _ her。 A. at B。 in

11、C. for D。 on14. Is your little brother old _to go to school ? A. very B. too C。 enough 15. Mathematics _ difficult for me。 A。 is B。 are C。 be 16. Which stress is different from others? A. exam B. enough C.difficult 二词汇辨析: very / too / enough1. The boy is _ young to go to school. 2. The child is old

12、_ to carry the box.3. I like English _ much.4. The baby ate _ much food。5. The suitcase is _ heavy for me to carry。三用所给词的正确形式填空:1How _ ( be ) your exam last week ?2I think I _( fail ) the French paper last time.3French tests _ ( be ) awful, arent they ?4_ you ever _ ( be ) to the Great Wall ?5How ab

13、out _ ( take ) a walk ?四将下列句子改为反意疑问句:1. Tom likes English very much, _ ?2. Shes had her lunch, _?3. Lets go home, _ ?4. Let us go home, _?5. John hurt his foot , _ ?Lesson 105106一单项选择:1. We often _ a mistake。 A。 take B。make C。 do 2. I mistook him _ my classmate。 A。 to B。 for C。 with D。 of3. Do you w

14、ant _ outside for dinner ? A。 go B。 to go C。 goingD。went4. Would you like him _ TV ? A. watch B. to watch C.watching D。watched5. My mom often tells me _ in the street. A.to not play B。 not play C. not to play D.dont play6. I told him _it yesterday 。 A。 of B. about C. to D. for7. My parents _ me a st

15、ory every day when I was young。 A. told B. talked C。said D。 speak 8. The classroom is _ students. A。 fulled of B。 filled with C。 filled of D。 full with9. Here is a pen _ you。 A。 to B. for C。 at D。 of10. Here _ some books.A。 are B. is C。 be 11. I hope _ there early. A。 him to get B。 to get C. that hi

16、m get D。 that they get12. I often help him _ English. A。 study B。 with studying C。 with study 13. They kept _ English。A。 speak B。 speaking C。 to speak D。 spoke14. Please keep the door _ 。 A. opened B。 closed C。 cleaned 15. Ifinished _ housework。 A。 doing B。 to do C。 do D。 did16. I missed _ the early

17、 bus this morning。 A。 catching B.catches C.caught D。to catch17. Did Rose hurt _ yesterday ? A。 himself B。 herself C。 sheselfD。 itself18. Why is he speaking _ her ?A。 to B. for C。 up D. out19. Youve typed it _ only one L。 A. with B. in C。 of D. for20. Which stress is different from others ? A。 presen

18、t B。 mistake C. dictionary 二用所给词的正确形式填空:1. Lets _ ( carry ) the box to the house。 2. Youd better _ ( take ) off your coat.3. I want him _ ( do ) it at once。 4. Listen ! Who _ ( sing ) in the classroom now ? 5. Tell him _ ( not go ) out now。三将下列汉语译成英语:1. 他父亲不想让他晚上看电视._。2. 请告诉他立刻到我办公室来。_。3. 这有件小礼物送给你.

19、_。4. 这封信错误百出。 _ 。Lesson107108一单项选择:1. Short skirts are _ fashion now.A. in B.on C。at D.of2. What about _ baseball together ? A. playing B.play C. plays D。 to play3. Would you like him _ to school ? A。 walk B。 to walk C.walking D. walked4. Please show your picture _ me. A。 to B. for C。 of D。 at5. Thi

20、s is _ dress in the shop. A。 large B. largest C. larger D。 the largest6. I _ vegetables at all。 A。 eat B。 dont eat C。 ate D。 am eating7. Sorry。 - _. A。 all right B。 Thats right。 C. Thats all right。 D.Youre welcome.8. I am afraid _ 。 A. that to go B。 of go C。 can go D. I cant go9. I want _ apples. A.

21、 more two B。 two more C。 another two10. _ size do you wear ? A。 How many B. How much C. What 11. _doesnt suit _。 A. He, this coat. B.This coat, him C。The shorts, me12. The boy can _ himself。 A。 wear B。 get dressed C。dress D。 put on13. Could you tell me the way _ the post office ? A。 of B。 to C。 at D

22、。 in14. This green dress is _ than that blue one. A. small B。smaller C。smallest15. Tom is better than me _ using the computer. A。 at B. in C。 on D。of16. He is _ of all the boys. A。 tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest17. I want a dress _ that one. A. like B. likes C。 liked D。 to like18. Which st

23、ress is different from others ? A。 madam B. pretty C. correct二词汇辨析 : too / also / either / as well1. I like to sing songs, _ 。2。 He doesnt like playing basketball, _ 。3. She can _ play the piano. 4。 English is too hard for me _。5。 Is your brother a teacher, _ ?三写出下列各词的比较级和最高级1. large _ _ 7. small _

24、_2. tall _ _ 8。 nice _ _3. hot _ _ 9. good _ _4. heavy _ _ 10。 cold _ _ 5. easy _ _ 11。 thin _ _6. much _ _ 12.fat _ _四形容词比较级和最高级专练 ( 根据所给词的适当形式填空)1. Liu Chang is _ ( tall ) in his class。2. Peter is _ ( fat ) than his brother。3. The green suitcase is _ ( heavy ) of them all。4. The day before yesterd

25、ay is _ ( hot ) day in the year。5. This is _ ( big ) of all the houses.6. My handwriting is _ ( good ) than yours.7. Shanghai is _ ( large ) than any other city in China.Lesson109110一单项选择:1. Shall I _ some coffee ? A。 make B. makes C。making D。made2. The children made _ noise。 A. a B. an C. theD。/3.

26、Please get ready _ class。 A. to B。 for having C. for D. to having4. How about _ a kite ? A. fly B.flies C。to fly D。 flying5. I want two _ of sugar ? A。 teaspoonful B。teaspoon C。 teaspoonfuls6. Would you like _ pears ? A。 two more B。more two C。 two another7. Its very nice _ you. A。 for B。 to C。 of D。

27、 with8. What would you like _ for dinner ? A. to B。 having . C。has D./9. _ pity ! A。 What a B。 What C。 How D。 How a10. _ fine weather it is today ! A. What a B。 What C。 How D.How a11. _ nice day ! A。 What B。 What a C. How D。How a 12. _ beautiful flowers they are ! A。 What B。 What a C。 HowD。How a 13.

28、 May I go home now ? _. A. Yes, I may。 B. No, you may not。 C。 Yes, you can. D. No, you cant。14. Id like _ now。 A. sleep B。 to sleep C。 sleeping D。 is sleeping15. This is _ 。 A. a good advice B。 some advices C。 a piece of good advice.16. Im doing my homework instead of _TV。 A.watch B。watchingC.to wat

29、ch17. This is _ of all the flowers。 A.the more beautiful B。the beautifulestC.most beautiful D.the most beautiful.18. This novel is _ than that one。 A. less interesting B. much interesting C.the most interesting19. Which stress is different from others? A。ideaB。 insteadC。 advice D。 always二词汇辨析: a few

30、 / few / a little / little1. Im very poor, but I have _ friends。2. Lets go to supermarket. There is _ milk in the refrigerator。3. Sorry, I can speak _ French。4. _ people can work out the problem. So our teacher is very anger5. I could say nothing because I knew _ about it。6. Im afraid _ of them are

31、good at swimming。 7. There were very _ people in the street yesterday evening.三写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级1. many _ _ 6. long _ _2. lazy _ _ 7。 big _ _3. little _ _ 8。 few _ _4. bad _ _ 9. beautiful _ _5. late _ _ 10。 well _ _四将下列汉语译成英语:1. 你再来点好吗? _.2. 我想那个盒子里有几支。_.3. 我比你犯的错误少。 _。Lesson111&112一单项选择:1. _ does th

32、is coat coat ? A.What B。 How many C。 How much2. This book is worth _。 A. reading it B. reading C. to read D。to read it3. I cant afford _ this dictionary。 A。 buy B。 buying C. to buying D。 /4. Can we buy the television _ instalments?A. in B. on C。at D。with5. This book is _as that one。 A. as good than

33、B。not so good C。 better than6. There are _ students in our school。 A. five hundreds B. four hundred C。five hundreds of7. There are _workers in this factory. A。 hundreds B。 many hundreds of C。 eight hundreds8. This book is _ ten yuan。 A。 cost B. pay C。 spend D。 worth9. The boy is _ the girl . A. as o

34、lder as B。so old as C。as old as10. This film is _ worth seeing。 A。 very B。 well C. quite11. Tom writes _ Jim。A. as careful as B. more careful than C。 much more carefully12. Which stress is different from others ? A. model B。 deposit C. afford 二词汇辨析:take /spend / cost / pay1. It _ me two hours to lea

35、rn English on Sundays.2. This book _ me nine yuan。3. We _ ten minutes in listening to music just now.4. Tom _ an umbrella for two dollars last week.5. Tim _ ten dollars on the sweater yesterday。6. How long did it _ you to play the piano 三同义句转换1. English is less interesting than math。 English _ _ _ _

36、 math .2. I spent two hours learning English . It _ me two hours _ _ English.3. I cant afford this sweat.I cant afford _ _ this sweat.4. How much is the coat ? _ _ _ _ the coat ?5. How nice the book is ! _ _ _ book it is !6. Ive got ready for class。 Ive got ready _ _ class.7. I like English very muc

37、h。 I likeEnglish _ _ 。8. I want another cup of tea。 I _ _ another a cup of tea.9. I need two more pencils 。 I need _ _ pencils.10. How about walking to school ? _ _ walking to school ?四写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级:1. expensive _ _2. little _ _3. interesting _ _ 4. difficult _ _5. ill _ _Lesson115&116一单项选择:1. Lis

38、ten ! Someone is knocking _ the door. A. to B。 at C。 in D. of2. Tom invited me _his home for dinner。 A。 to B. at C。 in D。 on3. Moonlight came into the room _the window。 A。 across B. by C. through4. I dont like to eat apples _ . A。 too B. already C。at all D.still5. Please let him _ in. A. come B。 to

39、come C。 comes D.coming6. Please let Jim _ in class. A。 not to talk B。 to not talk C。 not talking D。not talking7. I had some dumplings _ breakfast. A。 to B. for C. eat D。 /8. I have _ to tell you。 A. something important B。 important something C。 important something9. Would you like something _ drink

40、? A. to B. for C。 of D。 with10. There is a little time _ 。 A。 leave B。 leaving C。 to leave D.left11. Look ! Everyone _ the garden。 A。 is B. are C.be12. I _ what he said. A。 believe B。 believe in C。 thinked13. I often _ English jokes to students in class。 A。 tell B。 say C.speak D。talk14. My glasses _

41、 on the desk。 This pair of glasses _bought last year。 A。 are, are B. are, is C。 is, was D. are, was15. I am a little _。 So I am going home。 A。 asleep B。 sleep C.sleepy D。 sleeping16. Which stress is different from others ? A。invite B.anything C。quiet 二词汇辨析:across / through / over1. Look ! The boy is swimming _ the river。2. The dog jumped _ the fence. 3. They went _ the mountains and reached a village at last.4. A plane has already flown _

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