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1、 Teaching Aim Reading I Reading II Extended ActivitiesUNIT第1页Teaching AimUnit 9 Telephone Calls2.Language Focus(内容重点)Key Words:I.address,horrid,instrument,clamor,spoil,justifiable,rude,canned music,indignity,office hour,time zones,handle,lurk,ignore,tax,accusation,connection,consideration,confront,s

2、urrender,party,offense,bother,response;II.adequate,antiquate,surcharge,alternative,booth,fade,patience,telecommunication,readout,dial,expire,switch,guess work,token,code,capacity,efficiency,assign,deposit1.Cognitive Information(认知信息):Making a Telephone Call;Phone Call Etiquette第2页Teaching AimUnit 9

3、Telephone Calls Phrases:I.devote.to,shut up,put.on hold,subject.to,suspect.of,get out of,in agreement with,at the mention of,be confronted with;II.scratch off,be similar to,in exchange for Word Study:spoil,apply,suspect,insist,spell Useful Structures:conj.+V-ing phrasewithout+V-ing phrasebe a must G

4、rammar:Perfect Tenses of Verbs第3页Teaching AimUnit 9 Telephone Calls3.Communicative Skills(交际技能)Expressions:Making Telephone Calls Reading:Yellow Pages4.Phonetic Review(语音复习):Laterals and Frictionless Continuant/r/第4页Reading IUnit 9 Telephone Calls Pre-reading Text Background Information New Words an

5、d Expressions Exercises Post-readingUNIT第5页Pre-readingUnit 9 Telephone Calls Pre-reading I Pre-reading II第6页Pre-reading IUnit 9 Telephone CallsI.Brainstorming:Discuss with your partner and list types and tools of communication most commonly used in business.TYPESTOOLSBusiness Communication TypesBusi

6、ness Communication Toolsbrochures,pamphlets,posters,various forms of advertising,contact letters,faxes,telephone calls,news release,press conference,web sites,e-mails,newsletters,meetings,instant messaging,memos,notes,notices,messages,formal and informal discussions,presentations.Telephones(standard

7、/fixed/wireless/mobile),pagers(beepers),facsimile machines,intercom,notice board,Personal Digital Assistants(PDAs),computers(desktop/laptop/notebook)and Internet.Auxiliary tools:digital camera,scanner,printer,wireless transmission.第7页Pre-reading IIUnit 9 Telephone CallsII.Pairwork:Discuss the follow

8、ing questions with your partner.1.Do you have a mobile phone?If yes,how useful do you think it is?If not,do you have a recent budget for it?Why or why not?2.What is the plus and minus of using telephone:in daily life?in business?3.What do you think is todays most important business tool?第8页Pre-readi

9、ng IIUnit 9 Telephone CallsSituationsWhat You Will DoIf you are not the person the caller wantsIf the line is busyIf you get a wrong numberIf the person you are calling is awayIf the person you are calling is busy at the momentAsk the caller to hold the line and fetch the person wanted.Hang up and r

10、edial.Tell the caller its a wrong number and ask him or her to dial again.Leave a message.Call back sometime later.4.What will you do if the following situations occur while making a phone call?第9页TextUnit 9 Telephone CallsMiss Manners Wrings the Bell1 Suppose the postman arrived during breakfast an

11、d insisted that you leave the table and read your mail immediately.Or suppose you happened to be entertaining guests,doing business,taking a bath,listening to a symphony or any combination of those activities and were forced to stop everything and devote your full attention to anybody who chose to a

12、ddress you.第10页Unit 9 Telephone Calls2 This is what most people allow the telephone to do.It has become a horrid instrument,always clamoring for attention with its whiny bell.Like weak parents with a spoiled child,most people give it what it wants just to shut it up.3 On the other hand,people justif

13、iably complain that they are often treated rudely by persons especially in business whom they telephone.Telephoners should not be put on hold indefinitely,subjected to canned music,or made to spell their names more than once.Text第11页Unit 9 Telephone Calls4 One way to avoid such indignities is to mak

14、e fewer telephone calls.Indeed,telephoning is not the only nor even the quickest way of doing business.Two people who keep different office hours,either because of their jobs or their time zones,may easily spend days leaving messages for each other even more days than it takes to send a letter.5 Soc

15、ial matters,too,may be better handled by mail,or nowadays,by e-mail.A whispered long-distance“I love you”is sweet,but a written one keeps forever.Text第12页Unit 9 Telephone Calls6 Here,from my mailbag,are some of the most common telephone problems and how to handle them.7 What is the proper number of

16、rings a caller should wait before hanging up?I dislike the“three-ring phantoms.”8 Six rings,perhaps eight.If you still suspect the person of lurking there,hang up and dial again.This gives you two chances to get the number right and the person time to get out of the bathtub.Text第13页Unit 9 Telephone

17、Calls 9 A friend called me at home and ate a raw carrot during the entire conversation.Although I tried to ignore the sound,I found it extremely unpleasant.Would it have been polite to say,“Call me back when youve finished eating?”10 Miss Manners is in complete agreement with you except in the matte

18、r of taxing people directly with their social errors.She prefers an oblique line of accusation,such as,“Would you mind calling back we have a bad connection.There seems to be a carrot on this line.”Text第14页Unit 9 Telephone Calls11 What do you think about people who ask you,on the telephone,“Who is c

19、alling?”before telling you if the person you asked for is there?12 They are probably mouthing your name at a person who is wildly shaking his head and hands at the very mention of it.13 What should one do upon reaching a telephone-answering machine?Usually I hang up,as I hate talking to a machine.I

20、know this is not proper,but what is?Text第15页Unit 9 Telephone Calls14 It is perfectly proper to hang up on a machine.In fact,proper and improper behaviors do not apply between people and machines.We have enough trouble being polite to one another without worrying about whether we treat machines with

21、consideration.15 Upon answering the telephone with a pleasant“Hello”,I am often confronted with the rude response,“Who is this?”If I surrender my name,am I just encouraging the unmannerly party to repeat his or her offense?16 The proper answer to“Who is this?”is“Whom are you calling?”Text第16页Unit 9

22、Telephone Calls17 This question has bothered me for years.What is the proper response to“Im sorry,I have the wrong number”?18“Thats quite all right”is sufficient,although there will always be those who say,“Thats all right I had to get up to answer the phone anyway.”Text第17页Background InformationUni

23、t 9 Telephone Calls1.History of telephoneProbably no means of communication has revolutionized the daily lives of ordinary people more than the telephone.Simply described,it is a system that converts sound,specifically the human voice,to electrical impulses of various frequencies and then back to a

24、tone that sounds like the original voice.A practical telephone was actually invented independently by two men working in the United States,Elisha Gray(18351910)and Scottish-born Alexander Graham Bell(18471922).Incredibly,both men filed for a patent on their designs at the New York patent office on F

25、ebruary 14,1876,with Bell beating Gray by only two hours!According to the famous story,the first fully intelligible telephone call occurred on March 6,1876,when Bell,in one room,called to his assistant in another room.“Come here,Watson,I want you.”Watson heard the request through a receiver connecte

26、d to the transmitter that Bell had designed,and what followed after that is a history of the founding of the Bell Telephone Company(later AT&T),which grew to be the largest telephone company in the world.第18页Unit 9 Telephone Calls2.Basic telephone tipsIn our hi-tech world of computers and laser prin

27、ters,the telephone is still most businesses primary point of contact with customers.Clearly,the telephone is not a business tool to be overlooked or underestimated.Proper telephone technique involves some basic common sense in which everyone who works for a company should use.Here are some basic tip

28、s:Background Information第19页Unit 9 Telephone CallsMaking the callWhen making a business call,be sure to first identify yourself and your company.If youre routed to a receptionist or operator,also include the name of the person youre trying to reach.Be prepared with a one or two sentence explanation

29、of the purpose for your call.When you are connected with the person,state the purpose of your call and then be sure to ask if you are calling at a convenient time.If you get shunted to a receptionist and he or she asks why you are calling,give a concise but informative statement that can be easily r

30、elayed.Do not,however,assume that your message will be communicated;when you speak directly with the person you are trying to call,repeat your message in your own words.Background Information第20页Unit 9 Telephone CallsAnswering the phoneTelephone calls usually lead to some action to be taken,so make

31、sure your first vocal impression is a good one by trying to answer the phone as pleasantly and professionally as possible.Identify yourself and your company when receiving an incoming call.If you work at a large corporation with many departments,it may also help to include your department or section

32、 name.If you must put someone on hold,ask first and most importantly wait for their answer.If someone expresses reservation about being put on hold,calmly explain why it is necessary.Remember to keep the person on hold updated on the status of his or her call every 30 seconds.Background Information第

33、21页Unit 9 Telephone CallsVoice mail and messagesIf you have to leave a message or voice mail for someone,make it short and to the point.Speak clearly and slowly and leave your name,phone number,and a brief message.Say your name and number at the beginning and again at the end of the message,especial

34、ly if you dont know the person youre calling.Returning messages promptly is always appreciated.Its customary to return telephone calls within 24 hours.If you cannot attend to the callers needs within that time,briefly phone the person to say when you will be available.Background Information第22页Unit

35、9 Telephone CallsYour own voice mailThe message you leave as your outgoing message is an important business tool.Information is critical.The best messages communicate several key things to the person calling you:your name,the organization and/or group youre in,the current date(this tells them you ar

36、e checking your messages),whether you are in the office or not that day,when to expect a call back,whom to contact if the call is urgent,and how to get to that person.Background Information第23页Unit 9 Telephone CallsTaking messagesRecord the time and date the call came in.Verify the callers name,comp

37、any name,and phone number.Get a short statement about the callers intent.Take telephone messages completely and accurately.If theres something you dont understand or cant spell,such as a persons surname,ask the caller to repeat it or spell it for you.Then make sure the message gets to the intended r

38、ecipient.Background Information第24页New Words and ExpressionsUnit 9 Telephone Calls New Words and Expressions Notes Language and Culture Focus第25页New Words and ExpressionsUnit 9 Telephone Calls1.wring v.to twist and press(sth.)to remove water 绞干2.symphony n.a musical work for an orchestra usu.having

39、four movements 交响乐bination n.something made up of two or more than two things 结合体4.address v.to speak or write to(sb.)向某人说 (写信)5.horrid a.very unpleasant 令人厌恶6.instrument n.an object used to help in work 器具7.clamor v.to make a loud,continuous and confused noise 喧华第26页New Words and ExpressionsUnit 9

40、Telephone Calls8.whiny a.prolonged and high-pitched 尖利刺耳9.spoil v.to make ones character worse by having too much attention or praise 宠坏10.justifiably ad.with a good reason for doing something 无可非议地;正当地11.rudely ad.impolitely 粗鲁地12.indefinitely ad.with no exact limits 无限地13.subject v.to cause to exp

41、erience or suffer 使遭受14.canned a.(sl.)(music)recorded on discs,etc.(俚语)录制(音乐)第27页New Words and ExpressionsUnit 9 Telephone Calls15.indignity n.sth.said or done that offends a persons self-respect 欺侮16.handle v.to deal with 处理17.mailbag n.a letter carriers shoulder bag 邮袋18.phantom n.ghost 鬼怪19.suspe

42、ct v.to think likely 以为可能;怀疑20.lurk v.to exist unseen 潜在21.ignore v.not to take notice of 不顾22.tax v.to charge(sb.)with something bad or doing wrong 指责第28页New Words and ExpressionsUnit 9 Telephone Calls23.oblique a.indirect 拐弯抹角24.accusation n.the act of charging somebody with doing wrong or breakin

43、g the law 指责25.connection n.the place where two or more things are joined 连接点26.mouth v.to say 说出27.consideration n.thoughtful attention to other peoples feelings体谅28.confront(with)v.to cause to meet;to bring face to face 使面对;面临第29页New Words and ExpressionsUnit 9 Telephone Calls29.surrender v.to giv

44、e up under pressure or from necessity 交出30.unmannerly a.impolite 粗鲁31.party n.a person who is concerned in some action or activity 一方,当事人32.offense n.hurting of ones feelings 冒犯33.bother v.to annoy or trouble(sb.)困扰;烦扰34.response n.answer 回复第30页New Words and ExpressionsUnit 9 Telephone Calls1.devote

45、 to to give wholly to 完全给予2.shut up to(make sb.)stop talking(使)闭嘴3.put.on hold make somebody wait to be spoken to on the telephone 让不挂断(电话)等着4.hang upto replace the telephone receiver 挂断电话5.subject.to to cause to experience or suffer 使经历;使遭受6.suspect.of to think likely 以为可能第31页New Words and Expressi

46、onsUnit 9 Telephone Calls 7.get out of to come out of 出来 8.be in agreement withto agree with 与一致 9.at the mention of when talking about 提到时10.be confronted with to be brought face to face with 使面对第32页NotesUnit 9 Telephone Calls1.Miss Manners:Here right behavior in communication is personified as a l

47、ady of good manners.2.wrings the bell:a play on words and a metaphor.Wring and ring have the same pronunciation,so phonetically they sound the same.The writer uses wring to replace ring in order to show that the advice provided by Miss Manners is aimed at correcting peoples wrong behavior in telepho

48、ning.She seems to be cleaning the bell thoroughly like squeezing water out of a wet cloth.The expression also means to catch peoples attention.3.the office hour:time set for work in an office;business hour.4.a time zone:a geographical region within which the same standard time is used.There are 24 t

49、ime zones in the world.5.“three-ring phantoms”:the unseen callers who only leave time enough for the telephone bell to ring three times before hanging up.第33页ExercisesUnit 9 Telephone Calls Exercise I Exercise II Exercise III Exercise IV Exercise V Exercise VI第67页Exercise IUnit 9 Telephone CallsI.Re

50、ad the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.1.What does the title“Miss Manners Wrings the Bell”suggest?2.Why does Miss Manners prefer mail to telephone?3.What are the disadvantages of telephone according to the text?4.Why does Miss Manners compare the telephone to a spoiled child

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