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1、Lesson 19 A very dear cat Objective:Review the usage of verbs.第1页I RevisionQuestion the phrases learned in lesson 18.Ask two students to tell the usage of prep.Check the written word list on students homework.第2页II New words&Expressionsdear adj.(1)Loved and cherished 亲爱,心爱亲爱,心爱eg.my dearest friend 我

2、最亲爱朋友我最亲爱朋友(2)(usu used with“to sb”)Greatly valued;precious 非非常受珍视;宝贵常受珍视;宝贵eg.He lost everything that was dear to him.他所宝贵他所宝贵一切都一切都失去了失去了。(3)Highly esteemed or regarded.Used in direct address,especially in salutations 敬爱敬爱,惯用于惯用于书信中书信中,尤指用于尊称尤指用于尊称eg.Dear Lee Dawson 敬爱李道森先生敬爱李道森先生(4)High-priced;ex

3、pensive 价格高;昂贵价格高;昂贵eg.Fruit is dear at this time of year.一年中这个时候水果是很贵。一年中这个时候水果是很贵。第3页II New words&Expressionsdear n.(1)One that is greatly loved;An endearing,lovable,or kind person 亲爱人亲爱人,受爱戴人受爱戴人,可爱或善良人可爱或善良人eg.Be like a dear!口口做好人做好人,做个好孩子做个好孩子Thats a dear!这才是好孩子这才是好孩子!这才乖呢这才乖呢!Theres a dear!这才是

4、好孩子这才是好孩子!这才乖呢这才乖呢!第4页II New words&Expressionsdearadv.(1)With fondness;affectionately 热爱地热爱地,钟爱地,充满深情地钟爱地,充满深情地(2)At a high cost 高价地高价地eg.They sold their wares dear 高价出售他们加工品高价出售他们加工品We will pay dear for your goods.将付很高价将付很高价interj.Used as a polite exclamation,chiefly of surprise or distress 呵,哎呀呵,哎

5、呀,用于表示有礼用于表示有礼貌感叹貌感叹,尤指表示诧异或痛苦尤指表示诧异或痛苦eg.oh dear;dear me 哦;哎呀哦;哎呀第5页kidnap vt.kidnap(p)ed;kidnap(p)ing 绑架绑架,拐骗拐骗,诱拐诱拐(小孩小孩)kidnapee n.美美被绑架人被绑架人,肉票肉票kidnap(p)er n.拐骗者拐骗者;绑架者绑架者II New words&Expressions第6页II New words&Expressionsconsiderableadj.(1)Large in amount,extent,or degree 相当大在数量、范相当大在数量、范围或程度

6、上很大围或程度上很大eg.a writer of considerable influence 一名有很大影响作家一名有很大影响作家a considerable distance 一段颇远距离一段颇远距离(2)Worthy of consideration;significant 主要主要,值得考虑;有值得考虑;有重大意义重大意义eg.The economy was a considerable issue in the campaign.在竞选运动中经济是一个主要问题在竞选运动中经济是一个主要问题a considerable man in local affairs 地方事务上相当主要人物地

7、方事务上相当主要人物n.(Informal)A considerable amount,extent,or degree.美俗美俗大量大量,很大数量、范围或程度很大数量、范围或程度多多eg.He has done considerable for me.他为我做了不少事。他为我做了不少事。第7页II New words&Expressionswealthy adj.(1)Having wealth;rich 有钱;富有钱;富eg.a wealthy family 富裕家庭富裕家庭I wish everyone to be healthy,wealthy and happy.我我希望每个人都能过

8、健康,富裕,幸福生活。希望每个人都能过健康,富裕,幸福生活。(2)Marked by abundance 以丰富为特征:以丰富为特征:eg.a wealthy land 丰饶土地丰饶土地(3)Well supplied 贮备丰富贮备丰富eg.wealthy in compassion 感情丰富感情丰富第8页II New words&Expressionsrich 系惯用词系惯用词,指指“有比正常需要更多钱财有比正常需要更多钱财“eg.He was rich.他很富。他很富。wealthy 表示表示富裕富裕,程度比程度比 rich 强强,指指有大量钱财有大量钱财 eg.This is a wea

9、lthy family.这是个非常有钱家庭。这是个非常有钱家庭。well-to-do 语意不如语意不如 rich,更不如更不如wealthy,指指高于普通水平富高于普通水平富“eg.a well-to-do family 一个小康之家。一个小康之家。well-off 语意与语意与well-to-do靠近靠近,指指相当富有相当富有,富裕富裕”eg.We are very well-off now for out-door labor.因为在外边做事因为在外边做事,我们现在很富裕。我们现在很富裕。第9页II New words&Expressionsorderly adv.Systematical

10、ly;regularly 按部就班地;规律地按部就班地;规律地adj.(1)Free from disorder;neat 整齐整齐,洁净洁净eg.an orderly room 洁净房间洁净房间The girl students rooms are all in orderly condition.女同学们房间都整齐清洁。女同学们房间都整齐清洁。(2)Having a systematic arrangement 有条理有条理,有系统安有系统安排排eg.an orderly mind 有条理头脑有条理头脑(3)Marked by or adhering to method or system

11、:有秩序有秩序;守纪律守纪律eg.an orderly football crowd 守秩序足球观众守秩序足球观众an orderly class 一个一个守纪律守纪律班级班级第10页II New words&Expressionsanonymous adj.(1)Having an unknown or unacknowledged name;Having an unknown or withheld authorship or agency 姓氏不明姓氏不明,姓名不被知道或不被认识姓名不被知道或不被认识;匿名匿名,不不知道或保守作者或机构知道或保守作者或机构 eg.an anonymous

12、 author 无名作者无名作者匿名信匿名信an anonymous letter匿名电话匿名电话 an anonymous phone call 不留赠予者姓名礼品不留赠予者姓名礼品an anonymous gift 不愿透露姓名捐赠者不愿透露姓名捐赠者an anonymous donor第11页unknown adj.Not well known or widely known;Not known;unfamiliar;Not identified or ascertained 无名无名,不著名或不广为人知不著名或不广为人知;未知未知,未被人未被人知晓;不熟悉知晓;不熟悉,未被辨明身份或未

13、被确定未被辨明身份或未被确定eg.a man of unknown origin 来历不明者来历不明者 a man unknown to me 我不认识人我不认识人an unknown term 未知项未知项 an unknown artist 一位默默无闻艺术家一位默默无闻艺术家She received flowers from an unknown admirer.从一个不知其名敬慕者那儿收到鲜花从一个不知其名敬慕者那儿收到鲜花 II New words&Expressions第12页II New words&Expressionsransom 赎金赎金premium 保险金,奖金保险金,

14、奖金pension 养老金,退休金养老金,退休金allowance 津贴津贴bonus 奖金奖金,红利红利commission 佣金,同意给予提供服务销售代表佣金,同意给予提供服务销售代表或代理人酬金或百分比或代理人酬金或百分比kick-back 回扣、酬金回扣、酬金,偿还已收到一笔钱一部分,偿还已收到一笔钱一部分,通常是因为压力、威力或秘密约定通常是因为压力、威力或秘密约定fund 基金,资金基金,资金第13页II New words&Expressionswithdraw vt.取回取回;收回收回;领回领回;撤回撤回;缩回缩回;移开移开;拉开拉开;拿拿;取消取消;撤消撤消;撤退撤退eg.w

15、ithdraw ones hand from the hot stove 把手从热火把手从热火炉旁缩回炉旁缩回withdraw money from the bank 从银行取款从银行取款withdraw troops from a place 从某地撤军从某地撤军withdraw the children from school 把孩子从学校领回把孩子从学校领回withdraw ones eyes from 把视线从把视线从.移开移开(不再看不再看.)withdraw a bill 撤消议案撤消议案withdraw a remark 收回讲话收回讲话第14页II New words&Expr

16、essionswithdraw vi.退回退回;缩回缩回;撤回撤回;退出退出;撤退撤退eg.He withdrew against the wall as the car passed by.车过时把身子紧靠着墙车过时把身子紧靠着墙withdraw from a meeting/discussion 退出会退出会议议/讨论讨论withdraw from society 隐遁隐遁The enemy troops had to withdraw.敌人不得敌人不得不撤退。不撤退。After dinner the ladies withdrew.饭后女士们饭后女士们退了席。退了席。第15页II New

17、 words&Expressionspunctual adj.(1)Acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed;prompt.按时按时,守时守时,准确地在约定时间行动或抵达准确地在约定时间行动或抵达eg.She is always punctual,but her friend is always late.她总是很守时,可是她朋友总是迟到。她总是很守时,可是她朋友总是迟到。She is always punctual for the class 她总是按时去上课她总是按时去上课(2)Paid or accomplished at or b

18、y the appointed time 准期准期,及时及时,在约定时间或到约定时间为止偿还或完成在约定时间或到约定时间为止偿还或完成 eg.You should be punctual in answering business letters.你应该及时回复商业你应该及时回复商业信信函。函。punctually adv.按时地按时地,准期地准期地 punctuality n.严守时刻严守时刻,按时按时第16页II New words&Expressionsastonish 在当代英语中通常表示某事使人震惊得难以置信。在当代英语中通常表示某事使人震惊得难以置信。eg.The successf

19、ul laying of the Atlantic cable astonished everybody:its later breaks astonished no one;but after it was finally in operation.Many said that no future invention could surprise them.在大西洋底下成功地铺设了电缆,这使得大家都感到骇然;在大西洋底下成功地铺设了电缆,这使得大家都感到骇然;以后有几处电缆折断了,谁也不感到惊奇。不过在这些电缆以后有几处电缆折断了,谁也不感到惊奇。不过在这些电缆终于投入工作之后,许多人都说,

20、未来任何创造再也不会使终于投入工作之后,许多人都说,未来任何创造再也不会使人吃惊了。人吃惊了。He was astonished at what he found.A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods.他所看到使他大为震惊,箱子里一堆毛织品上面躺着一个人。他所看到使他大为震惊,箱子里一堆毛织品上面躺着一个人。第17页II New words&Expressionssurprise 是通用词,它含义是使人一愣。这种吃惊是通用词,它含义是使人一愣。这种吃惊可能包含着高兴也可能包含害怕或忧虑。可能包含着高兴也可能包含害

21、怕或忧虑。eg.In spite of this,some people-including myself-were surprised by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture.尽管如此,最近举行当代雕塑展览会却使一些人尽管如此,最近举行当代雕塑展览会却使一些人包含我在内包含我在内吃了一惊。吃了一惊。I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was as fat as ever.我按响了门铃,毫不以为奇怪地看到赫伯特依然和我按响了门铃,毫不以为奇怪地看到赫伯特依然和以往一样胖

22、。以往一样胖。第18页II New words&Expressionsastound 比比 astonish 词义强得多,惯用于表示某词义强得多,惯用于表示某件事你即使认为有可能,但与你所发觉实际情况之件事你即使认为有可能,但与你所发觉实际情况之间有很大差距。间有很大差距。eg.The police were astounded when Mrs.Ramsay told them what she had done.当莱姆赛夫人把自己所做事告诉了警察时,他们为当莱姆赛夫人把自己所做事告诉了警察时,他们为之骇然。之骇然。He was astounded when he heard his son

23、 had taken drugs.他听说他儿子吸毒他听说他儿子吸毒,不禁大为诧异。不禁大为诧异。第19页II New words&Expressionsamaze 所表示吃惊中包含着使人迷惑不解、困窘或惊所表示吃惊中包含着使人迷惑不解、困窘或惊疑不定。疑不定。eg.When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments,they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman 当考古学家把那些碎块拼起来时候,他们惊诧地发觉那当考古学

24、家把那些碎块拼起来时候,他们惊诧地发觉那女神原来是一个当代装束妇女。女神原来是一个当代装束妇女。Scientists have been amazed to find that it can cut through the hardest rock with great ease,科学家惊诧地发觉,它能够轻而易举地钻穿最坚硬岩石。科学家惊诧地发觉,它能够轻而易举地钻穿最坚硬岩石。第20页II New words&Expressionsshock To strike with great surprise and emotional disturbance,To strike with disg

25、ust;offend.使使震惊;使震惊;使激怒激怒,使使充满极度惊奇和充满极度惊奇和情感上不安定情感上不安定eg.I was shocked when I heard about your accident.当我听到你出事后我很震惊。当我听到你出事后我很震惊。These peculiar forms seemed designed to shock people emotionally.这些奇形怪状设计好这些奇形怪状设计好像是为了给人感情上强烈震惊。像是为了给人感情上强烈震惊。第21页III Text StudyPlease close your text books.Listen to th

26、e tape of the text carefully and try to answer the following question:Why was Rastus“very dear”in more ways than one?(Because he was not only much loved but also very expensive.)Read the text by yourselves and pay attention to the usage of verbs.第22页III Text StudyExplain the text:Mrs.Eleanor Ramsay,

27、a very wealthy old lady,had shared a flat with her cat,Rastus,for a great many years.(1)Structure:“a very wealthy lady”is used as an appositive to modify“Mrs.Eleanor Ramsay”.“a very wealthy lady”做同位语修饰”Mrs.Eleanor Ramsay”。“Rastus”is used as an appositive to modify“her cat”.“Rastus”做同位语修饰“her cat”。第2

28、3页III Text StudyExplain the text:Mrs.Eleanor Ramsay,a very wealthy old lady,had shared a flat with her cat,Rastus,for a great many years.(2)Phrases:share:vt.share sth(with sb)(与某人)适用/共享/分担eg.I share a room with one of my classmates.我与一个同学同居一室。He shared the story with us.他给我们讲了这个故事。vi.share in sth wi

29、th sb(与某人)分享eg.They shared in the profits.他们分享利润。第24页III Text StudyExplain the text:She looked everywhere for him but could not find him.(1)structure:“but”introduces a compound statement.“but”连接并列句。(2)phrases:look for sth/sb 寻找 find 找到eg.I am looking for my gloves.我正在找我手套。I found my gloves in my bag

30、.我在包里找到了我手套。I have been looking for him everywhere,but I cant find him.我处处找遍了也未能找到他。could not:shows a past action which was not completed successfully.It can be replaced by“wasnt able to”or“didnt manage to”.表过去未能成功完成动作,能够换成“wasnt able to”或“didnt manage to”。第25页III Text StudyExplain the text:The writ

31、er stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs.Ramsay paid a ransom of 1,000 pounds.(1)structure:“that”introduced an objective clause;the objective clause was made of a compound statement connected by“and”;then in the latter half of the compound statement there is a

32、 conditional clause introduced by“if”.“that”引出一个宾语从句,这个宾语从句是一个由“and”连接并列句,并列句后半部分又用了一个由“if”连接条件状语从句。第26页III Text StudyExplain the text:The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs.Ramsay paid a ransom of 1,000 pounds.(2)Phrases:in safe hands:in good hands,

33、being managed well 在可靠在可靠/中用人那里,在妥善管理中中用人那里,在妥善管理中eg.I left the company in Bills good hands.我把我把企业交给比尔做妥善管理。企业交给比尔做妥善管理。Dont worry about the children.They are in the safe hands of their grandmother.不用担心孩子不用担心孩子们,他们祖母把他们照料好好。们,他们祖母把他们照料好好。第27页III Text StudyExplain the text:The writer stated that Rast

34、us was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs.Ramsay paid a ransom of 1,000 pounds.(2)Phrases:be returned:be given back 被偿还return:give back;come/go back 偿还;回来/去eg.Ill return your book to you tomorrow.明天我会把书还给你。Ill return to Guangzhou next month.我下个月回广州。第28页III Text StudyExplain the t

35、ext:At first,she decided to go to the police,but fearing that she would never see Rastus again-the letter had made that quite clear-she changed her mind.(1)Main structure:“She decided to go to the police,but she changed her mind.”“but”introduces a compound statement;in its latter clause,“fearing tha

36、t”is a present participle with its own objective clause,it is used as an adverbial of reason;“the letter had made that quite clear”is a parenthesis.“but”连接一个并列句;并列句后一个分句里连接一个并列句;并列句后一个分句里“fearing that”是一个带有自己宾语从句现在分词短语,作原是一个带有自己宾语从句现在分词短语,作原因状语;因状语;“the letter had made that quite clear”是是插入语。插入语。第29

37、页III Text StudyExplain the text:(2)Phrases:fearing that she would never see Rastus again:afraid of never seeing Rastus again,in fear of never seeing Rastus again 因为害怕再也见不到因为害怕再也见不到Rastus,“fear”这里是动词这里是动词(v.)in fear of 处于害怕,担心状态处于害怕,担心状态“fear”这里是名词(这里是名词(n.)for fear of 唯恐,以免(防止发生危险)唯恐,以免(防止发生危险)“fear

38、”这里是名词这里是名词(n.)eg.She slept with the light on in fear of darkness.因为怕黑,她开着灯睡觉。因为怕黑,她开着灯睡觉。She turned on the light for fear of knocking down something.她打开灯以免撞到什么东西。她打开灯以免撞到什么东西。Mary went home alone in fear of meeting robbers all the way.Mary独自回家了,一路上担心碰到强盗。独自回家了,一路上担心碰到强盗。Mary went home earlier for f

39、ear of meeting robbers on the way.Mary早早地回家了,以免路上碰到强盗。早早地回家了,以免路上碰到强盗。第30页III Text StudyExplain the text:At first,she decided to go to the police,but fearing that she would never see Rastus again-the letter had made that quite clear-she changed her mind.(2)Phrases:make sth/sb clear:state clearly 说明,

40、讲清楚eg.Ive made it clear to you that I will never do that kind of job.我已经跟你说得很清楚了,我永远不会做那种工作。Have I made myself clear?我讲得够清楚了吗?第31页III Text StudyExplain the text:The next morning,the box had disappeared but Mrs.Ramsay was sure that the kidnapper would keep his word.(1)structure:“but”introduces a comp

41、ound statement;in the latter clause“that”introduces an objective clause.(2)keep ones word/promise=hold ones word=be as good as ones word守信用,推行诺言break ones word/promise=go back on ones word 食言,失信a man of his word 说话算数人;守信用人eg.You must keep your word if you promised to take the children to the zoo.He

42、is a man of his word.She never breaks her word.第32页III Text StudyExplain the text:Sure enough,Rastus arrived punctually at 7:00 that evening.(1)phrase:sure enough 果真;确实eg.He said he would come,and sure enough he came.他说要来,果然来了。He felt he would make it this time.Sure enough,he was recruited by that company.他感觉这次能成功,果然,他被那家企业录用了。第33页HomeworkP88-89课后多项选择题第十九课一课一练复习学过单词和短语 背诵全文第34页

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