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1、第1页依据汉字写出对应英文依据汉字写出对应英文1、忍受、忍受 2、无礼地,粗鲁地、无礼地,粗鲁地 3、直到、直到 4、外面、外面 5、(铃、电话等)响、(铃、电话等)响(原形、过去原形、过去式和过去分词)式和过去分词)6、姑,姨、姑,姨 7、重复重复 8、私人、私人 9、谈话谈话 10、座位座位 11、去剧院去剧院12、大声交谈、大声交谈 13、变得生气变得生气 14、注意我注意我 15、转身转身 16、乘火车、乘火车 17、躺在床上躺在床上 18、向窗外看向窗外看 19、不论你事、不论你事 20、多黑一天呀!多黑一天呀!第2页 1 They_(be)on the farm a moment

2、ago.2 There_(be)a shop not long ago.3 Jenny_(not go)to bed until 11:00 oclock last night.4 Danny _(read)English five minutes ago.5 I _(see)Li Lei _(go)out just now.6 He _(do)his homework every day.But he _(not do)it yesterday.7 When I was young,I _(play)games with my friends.8 When _you_(write)this

3、book?I _it last year.9 Did he_(have)lunch at home?10 I _(eat)the bread,I m full now.第3页答案答案:1 were 2 was 3 didnt go 4 read 5 saw go 6 does;didnt do 7 played 8 did write;wrote 9 have 10 have eaten第4页第5页1.Do you like traveling?2.Did you have a good time in the past National Day?3.If you have a chance

4、to choose,where will you go?What will you do?第6页stay at home第7页go to the beach第8页go hiking第9页go to summer camp第10页visit friends and relatives第11页visit museumsmuseum第12页go to New York City第13页Where did I go during the vacation?第14页第15页a huge building第16页第17页第18页What spoil his holidays?第19页Listen to t

5、he tape and think about these questionsvHow many cards did the writer send?vWhat did he think about everyday?vDid he write any cards or not?第20页1.Where did the writer spend his holidays last summer?2.What did he did during the holiday?3.Did he have a good time?4.Why didnt he enjoy his holidays?5.Wha

6、t did he do on the last day of his holidays?6.How many cards did the writer send?第21页v1 send send v.寄,送v2 postcard pustk:d n.明信片v3 spoil spil v.使索然无味,损坏v4 museummju:zim n.博物馆v5 public pblik a.公共v6 friendly frendli a.友好v7 waiter weit n.服务员,招待员v8 lend lend v.借给v9 decision disin n.决定v10 whole hul a.整个v

7、11 single sigl a.唯一,单一第22页usend /send/1)send sth.to sb./send sb.sth send a letter 寄信 八上U3-SA类似使用方法还有 give,take,pass,read,sell.2)send/take children to schoolsend/take 区分:take 强调某人亲自送;send 则是经过第三人去送,如美国校车。比如:Toms father sends him to school every day.Mary took her son to school yesterday.链 接 新 目 标八上U3-

8、SA3a-P15第23页v中考链接:v1.In,Shenzhou V made China the third nation to _ a man into space.vA.send B.lend C.give D.see v答案:v2.Usually John _ to school in his fathers beautiful car.vA.has taken B.is taking C.is taken D.has been taken v答案:AC第24页与与send搭配搭配惯用短用短语send for 召召唤,派人去叫,派人去叫 Did you send for a taxi?

9、你你刚才叫出租才叫出租车了了吗?vsend out 发出,出,发送送 vsend back 偿还 vsend in 提交提交 派遣派遣vsend up 发射,使射,使.上升上升第25页spoil /spl/vv.损坏,破坏(主要指精神上)v过去式,过去分词:spoiled or spoilt Dont let him spoil your night The bad weather spoiled my mindvv.宠坏,溺爱 He is a spoiled child.She spoiled her son by giving him too much money.第26页public /

10、p blik/v1)应该:public school/place/house(pub 酒吧)v2)反义词:privatev3)短语:in private 私下里-in public 公开v比如:Why not have a conversation in public?vWe are good friends in private.链 接 新 目 标八下U7P58-S2第27页v中考链接:v1.Is it polite to speak and laugh loudly _?No,I dont think so.vA.in public B.at least C.on time D./v答案:

11、A第28页lend/lend/v1)过去式,过去分词:lent lentv2)lend/borrow 区分v借出:lend;lend sth.to sb=lend sb.sth.比如:A friendly waiter lent a book to me.v借进:borrow;borrow sth.from sb.比如:I borrowed a bike from Ted.第29页v中考链接:中考链接:v1.Bob,may I _ your MP4?vSure.But youd better not _ it to others.vA.lend,lend B.lend,borrow C.bor

12、row,borrow D.borrow,lend v答案:答案:v2.He _ me his pen a moment ago.vA.gave B.bought C.lent D.borrowed v答案:答案:DC第30页v3.Can I _ your textbook?I left mine at home.vHere you are.vA.borrow B.lend C.keep D./v答案:v4.Mike didnt get wet because his teacher _ him an umbrella.vA.lent B.discovered C.borrowed D.taug

13、ht v答案:AA第31页spend/spend/vv.用,花用,花销 spend sth on sth/in doing sth spend 300 yuan on a new TV-set spend much time on sports I spend 10 years in learning English well.We spend 3 hours on the NBA final games last night.第32页single /sgl/1)唯一,单一:反义词唯一,单一:反义词 double比如:比如:There wasnt a single bus in the str

14、eet.2)未婚,单身:反义词未婚,单身:反义词 married 已婚已婚比如:比如:She is still single now.链 接 新 目 标八上U9-ShelfCheck2-P58第33页1)postcard=cardv2)ID card身份证 credit card信用卡 cash card现金卡 name card/visiting card名片v比如:Here is my name card.链 接 新 目 标八上U3-SA3a-P15第34页v4.museum /mju:ziEm/n.博物馆v比如:Last week I went to the science museum

15、.v1)扩展:the Palace Museum 故宫vthe Summer Palace颐和园vthe science museum 科学博物馆第35页v6.friendly/frendlI/adj.友好v1)构词法:名词 friend+ly 组成形容词;类似词:lovely,fatherly,brotherlyv2)反义词:unfriendlyv3)短语:in a friendly way 比如:They talked each other in a friendly way.vbe friendly to sb.比如:Mr.Lee is very friendly to us.第36页v

16、9.decision /dIsIVEn/n.决定决定v1)make a big/great decision=make decisions=make up ones mindv比如:比如:Today I made a big decision.v2)v.decide decide to do sth.v比如:比如:I decided to buy a new car.第37页v1.The woman feels that she should let her son _ his own decision this time.vA.makes B.make C.to make D.making

17、v答案:v2.If I were a teacher,I would allow my students to _ by themselves.vA.make a living B.make decisions C.make much noise D./v答案:v3.It was very hard for me to make a _,but I decide to leave my job.vA.suggestion B.decision C.plan D.speech v答案:BBB第38页v10.whole/all/adj.整个整个vwhole/all 区分区分vwhole 和和 al

18、l 都有都有“全部全部”意思,但意思,但其使用方法有区分:其使用方法有区分:v1)whole 和和 all 都可用在表示整体单数都可用在表示整体单数名词之前,但限定词位置不一样名词之前,但限定词位置不一样vall+限定词限定词+单数名词;限定词单数名词;限定词+whole+单数名词单数名词v比如:比如:The whole city are busy cleaning the streets.vAll the city are busy cleaning the streets.第39页v2)whole 和和 all 可接复数名词,结构也有所可接复数名词,结构也有所不一样不一样vall+限定词限

19、定词+复数名词;复数名词;the whole of+复数复数名词名词v比如:比如:All the students are here.vThe whole of the students went to the cinema.v3)whole 普通不能修饰不可数名词或物质普通不能修饰不可数名词或物质名词。修饰复数名词时,普通其前有数量名词。修饰复数名词时,普通其前有数量词。而词。而vall能用于各种情况能用于各种情况v比如:比如:Tom drank all the water in the bottle.vMy father will stay in bed for three whole d

20、ays.第40页v中考链接:v1.How many of these books have you read?_ of them.Every one.vA.Many B.Some C.All D.None v答案:C第41页vPostcards always spoil my holidays.Last summer,I went to Italy.I visited museums and sat in public gardens.A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian.Then he lent me a book.I read

21、 a few lines,but I did not understand a word.Everyday I thought about postcards.My holidays passed quickly,but I did not send cards to my friends.On the last day I made a big decision.I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards.I spent the whole day in my room,but I did not write a single card!第42页

22、1)a little Italian:语言不可数,所以要用 a little Italian 或 a few words of Italiana little/little/a few/few 区分:a little/a few 都用必定句,分别表示“有一点”和“有几个”,但 a little 修饰不可数名词;a few 修饰可数名词复数little/few 都用否定句,分别表示“没有多少”和“没有几个”,但 little 修饰不可数名词;few 修饰可数名词复数第43页中考链接:1.The American student could speak only _ Chinese,but he

23、managed tocommunicate with us.(上海)A.few B.little C.a few D.a little 答案:2.William couldnt offer the MP4 because he had _ money with him.(青海)A.a few B.much C.little D./答案:3.Theres _ milk at home.We have to buy some this afternoon.(山西)A.a little B.little C.a few D.few 答案:DCB第44页4.Mr.Wang,would you plea

24、se tell me the result of the test?Yove done a good job.You made _ mistakes.(常州)A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 答案:5.Simon makes _ friends in his class because he is very selfish.(宿迁)A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 答案:6.Would you like some milk in your tea?Oh,sorry.But just _.(厦门)A.little B.a lit

25、tle C.a few D.few 答案:BAB第45页2)teach sb.sth.=teach sth.to sb.lend sb.sth.=lend sth.to sb.send sth.to sb.=send sb.sth双宾语双宾语英语中许多动词带两个宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语。英语中许多动词带两个宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语。间接宾语通常是人,直接宾语通常是物间接宾语通常是人,直接宾语通常是物。比如:比如:He lent me a book.=He lent a book to me.He bought me a book.=He bought a book for me.间接宾语人

26、在后面时,其前必须加间接宾语人在后面时,其间接宾语人在后面时,其前必须加间接宾语人在后面时,其前必须加间接宾语人在后面时,其前必须加间接宾语人在前必须加间接宾语人在后面时,其前必须加间接宾语人在后面时,其前必须加后面时,其前必须加 to(对对而言而言)或或for(为(为而做)而做)比如:比如:Please give a book to me.I bought a book for youHe took flowers to his wife.She ordered soup for you.第46页to与for区分:假如只能翻译为给,就用to比如:Mr.Smith sends his chil

27、dren to school every morning.第47页He always lends money to his friends.果能够翻译为给、替、为,就用for,与for相连词有:buy,order,make,find 如:Please do a favor for me.My father made a bookcase for me.Do me a favor please.Do a favor for me.第48页2.Everyday I thought about postcards.关于 think 多个短语:think about 考虑,思索 比如:Are you

28、still thinking about the movie?think of 考虑,想起 比如:What do you think of my new car?think over 仔细考虑 比如:Please thinke over what Ive said.think out 想出,想通 比如:At last we thought out the answer of the question.第49页关于花费各种方法:1)spend 多用于人作主语,后接金钱或时间。sb.spend 时间 地点 比如:I spend my weekend at my mothers.sb.spend 时

29、间(in)doing sth.比如:He spent two hour(in)finishing his work.sb.spend 时间 on sth.比如:Tom have spent a day on his homework.链 接新 目 标七下U9-SB3a-P57;第50页2)pay 常与 for 连用,表示“付款”sb.pay sm.for sth.比如:How much should I pay for these books?You will have to pay for what you have done.链 接新 目 标七下U2-SA1a-P7;第51页3)cost

30、惯用物作主语,表“价值或花费多少钱”。sth.cost sb.sm.比如:This computer game costs me 30 yuan.How much does the apple cost?链 接新 目 标八下U8Shelf CheckP65;第52页4)take 惯用于 It takes(took)sb.sometime to do sth.句型中比如:It often takes him half an hour to go to school by bike every day.It will take us a long time to finish the work.链

31、 接新 目 标八上U2-SA2d-P20;第53页1.Its nice of you to _ so much time showing me around your school.(安徽)A.take B.spend C.cost D.have 答案:2.How much does the ticket _ from Shanghai to Beijing?(兰州)A.cost B.took C.spend D.pay 答案:3.Are your shoes expensive?No.I only _ five dollars on them.(成都)A.used B.cost C.spen

32、t D./答案:4.I paid¥25 _ the beef,and I only got a little.(沈阳)A.for B.on C.in D.to 答案:BACA第54页5.How much money did you _ in fixing your watch?About ten Yuan.(贵阳贵阳)A.cost B.pay C.spend D./答案:答案:6.How much does the train ticket _ from Harbin to Beijing?(齐齐哈尔齐齐哈尔)A.cost B.spend C.pay D./答案:答案:7.Do you oft

33、en get online?Yes.I _ lots of time on it.Its a good way to kill time.(厦门厦门)A.cost B.spend C.take D.pay 答案:答案:8.What a nice model ship!Thank you.I t _ me three days to make it.(福福州州)A.paid B.spent C.took D.wasted 答案:答案:CABC第55页9.She spends much time _ Englsih everyday.(呼和浩特)A.read B.reading C.to read

34、 D.have read 答案:10.The funny toy monkey _ Sandy five dollars.(成都)A.cost B.spent C.uesd D.paid 答案:BA第56页 Postcards always _ my holidays.Last summer,I went to _.I _ museums and sat in _ gardens.A _ waiter taught me a few words of _.Then he _ me a book.I read a _ lines,but I did not _ a word.Every day

35、I _ _ my postcards.My holidays passed _,but I did not _ cards to my friends._ the last day I _ a big _.I got up _ and _ thirty-seven cards.I _ the _ day in my room,_ I did not write a _ card!spoilItalyvisitedpublicfriendlyItalianlentfewunderstandthoughtaboutquicklysendOnmadedecisionearlyboughtspentw

36、holebutsingle第57页1.spoil the pleasure/child 2.public gardens/park/private gardens3.friendly/brotherly/fatherly/lovely/lively/motherly4.a few words of Italian/have a word with sb.5.think about/think of/think over6.decide/make a decision/make up ones mind7.spend/cost/take/pay,spend the night/holidays8

37、.single=even one 9.lend sb.sth.=lend sth.to sb./borrow sb.sth.=borrow sth.from sb.第58页双宾语由直接宾语和间接宾语组成。直接宾语是谓语动词承受者,间接宾语表示谓语动作方向(对谁做)或动作目标(为谁做),间接宾语紧接在谓语动词后,但它不能单独存在。它和直接宾语组成双宾语,例:Please show me your passport.请把护照给我看一下。(your passport是直接宾语,me是间接宾语)Ill fetch you a chair.我给你拿一只椅子。(a chair是直接宾语,you是间接宾语)

38、间接宾语能够用一个由to 表示动作方向)或for 表示动作目标)引发短语来表示。这时,间接宾语置于直接宾语之后。我们能够把上面例句改写为:Please show your passport to me.Ill fetch a chair for you.第59页1.He paid some money to the shopkeeper 店主.2.He handed the prize 奖赏 to me.3.The waiter brought the man a bottle of beer.4.He sold me all his books.5.The shop assistant fo

39、und me some curtain material.6.He did a big favour 帮助;for me.7.She showed her new hat to her husband.8.She promised the finder a reward.9.He gave some advice to his son.10.His uncle left some money to/for him.11.He is teaching us English.12.I bought you this bunch of flowers.13.Bring me that book,pl

40、ease.14.He offered a cigarette to me.15.Read the first paragraph for me.第60页16.Ive ordered you some soup.17.I owe a lot of money to him.18.Pass your father the mustard.动词动词+间接宾语间接宾语+直接宾语直接宾语动词动词+直接宾语直接宾语+to+间接宾语间接宾语 show,pass,send,give,lend,pay,hand,offer,bring,sell,promise,teach,take,tell动词动词+间接宾语间接宾语+直接宾语直接宾语动词动词+直接宾语直接宾语+for+间接宾语间接宾语make,buy,sing,leave,order,get,find,cook,drawread.第61页第62页

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