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1、A true storyLesson 119第1页Key wordsexpressionsvstory n.故事故事vhappen v.发生发生vthief n.贼贼 venter v.进入进入vdark adj.黑暗黑暗vtorch n.手电筒手电筒vvoice n.(说话说话)声音声音vparrot n.鹦鹉鹦鹉vexercise book n.练习本练习本第2页Key wordsexpressionsv1.story n.v故事故事 a ghost story tell storiesv谎话谎话 Dont tell stories!vto make a long story short长

2、话短说长话短说第3页Key wordsexpressionsv2.happen v1)v.发生发生 vWhat happened?vA strange thing happened to a friend of mine a year ago.一年之前,一件希罕事发生在我一位一年之前,一件希罕事发生在我一位朋友身上。朋友身上。v2)v.恰巧,恰好(恰巧,恰好(to)vI happened to meet her on my way home.在回家路上,我恰巧遇见了她。在回家路上,我恰巧遇见了她。vI happen to know that professor.我恰好熟悉那位教授。我恰好熟悉那

3、位教授。第4页Key wordsexpressionsv3.thief n.贼贼 复数:复数:thievesvA World without Thieves第5页Key wordsexpressionsv5.enter v.v进入进入,穿入穿入 enter the roomv他们进入了房子后,就去了餐厅。他们进入了房子后,就去了餐厅。After they had entered the house,they went into the dining room.v参加,加入参加,加入 enter the PartyvFour students from our university entere

4、d the final contest.我们大学我们大学4名学生进入了竞赛决赛。名学生进入了竞赛决赛。v输入输入 enter into the computerenter for 报名参加报名参加Our team has entered for the competition.我们队已报名参加比赛我们队已报名参加比赛.(入党入党)第6页Key wordsexpressionsv5.darkvadj.黑暗黑暗 too darkv 深色深色 dark bluev 阴暗阴暗 dark future-bright futurevn.黄昏,黑夜黄昏,黑夜 at dark in the dark天黑时天黑

5、时在暗处在暗处light第7页Key wordsexpressionsv6.torch n.v手电筒手电筒 turn on/off the torchv火炬火炬 light the torch第8页Key wordsexpressionsv7.voice n.v声音声音 in an angry voicev意见意见 speak out my voicevlose ones voice 失音失音 raise ones voice voice 表示人说话时嗓子发出声音表示人说话时嗓子发出声音 sound 表示世间万物声音表示世间万物声音 noise表示杂音,不悦人声音表示杂音,不悦人声音嗓子变哑嗓

6、子变哑提升嗓门提升嗓门drop第9页Key wordsexpressionsv8.parrot n.鹦鹉鹦鹉第10页Language pointsv1、Do you like stories?这里这里stories泛指故事这一类东西。泛指故事这一类东西。v2、I want to tell you a true story.want to do sth.想要做某事。想要做某事。tell a story 讲故事。讲故事。true 真实可信真实可信&真正存在真正存在 real T(True)or F(false)第11页Language pointsv3、It happened to a frien

7、d of mine a year ago.happen to sb./sth.发生在某人身上发生在某人身上/某物上(通常某物上(通常是不好事)是不好事)What happened to your car?v双重全部格双重全部格:a friend of mine=my friend;a friend of my fathers=my fathers friend a friend of mine相当于相当于one of my friends,但前者但前者比后者显得更为亲切。比后者显得更为亲切。第12页Language pointsv4、While my friend,George,was rea

8、ding in bed,two thieves climbed into his kitchen.George,同位语同位语,补充说明,补充说明my friend。climb into 爬进。爬进。v5、After they had entered the house,they went into the dining room.=They had entered the house before they went into the dining room.强调两个动作前后次序时,较早动作要用强调两个动作前后次序时,较早动作要用过去完成时过去完成时。及物动词及物动词 enter=不及物动词不

9、及物动词 go into第13页Language pointsv5、After they had entered the house,they went into the dining room.vAfter they had entered the house是时间状语从是时间状语从句,句,had entered是过去完成时结构。在以是过去完成时结构。在以after引引导时间状语从句中,用普通过去时或过去完成时没导时间状语从句中,用普通过去时或过去完成时没有多少区分。假如强调从句谓语动作在主句谓语动有多少区分。假如强调从句谓语动作在主句谓语动作之前完成,就用过去完成时。作之前完成,就用过去完

10、成时。第14页Language pointsv6、It was very dark,so they turned on a torch.=They turned on a torch because it was very dark.连词连词so,所以、所以,表示结果。,所以、所以,表示结果。turn on,打开,拧开(电视、水源、煤气等)。其反打开,拧开(电视、水源、煤气等)。其反义词为义词为turn off(关上关上)。7、Suddenly,they heard a voice behind them.hear 强调结果。注意不规则改变强调结果。注意不规则改变hear-heard-hear

11、d。voice 说话声音说话声音&sound 声响声响&noise 噪音噪音&music 音乐音乐第15页Language pointsv8、Whats up?【口语口语】=Whats wrong?=Whats the matter?【寒暄寒暄】Whats up,man?问询对方最近过得怎样。问询对方最近过得怎样。v9、Someone called.【回顾回顾Lesson 115】复合不定代词复合不定代词。v10、The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.drop 扔掉;扔掉;run away 逃跑;

12、逃跑;as.as sb.can/could/possible 尽可能尽可能地地(第一个第一个as是副词,是副词,修饰修饰quickly,第二个第二个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。是连词,引导比较状语从句。)例句:例句:Run as fast as you can(后省略(后省略run)!Please write to me as soon as possible.第16页Language pointsv14、But Georges parrot,Henry,was still there.名词全部格名词全部格s;同位语同位语;still 依然。依然。v15、Nothing,Henry,Geor

13、ge said and smiled.Go back to sleep.go back to do sth.回去继续做某事。回去继续做某事。比如:比如:go back to work go back to some place 回到某地。回到某地。比如:比如:go back to ones hometown第17页Language pointsv11、George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.下楼,楼下下楼,楼下 downstairs upstairs 上楼,楼上上楼,楼上v12、He turned on the light,but

14、he couldnt see anyone.turn on 打开打开 关上关上 turn off;复合不定代词复合不定代词 anyone 任何人任何人v13、The thieves had already gone.过去完成时。过去完成时。had gone=had left=had run away(上文)(上文)第18页PastPerfectTensePastPerfectTense过去完成时第19页一、一、过去完成时过去完成时二、二、过去完成时过去完成时与现在完成时比较与现在完成时比较三、三、过去完成时过去完成时与普通过去时比较与普通过去时比较Grammar in use第20页一、过去完

15、成时一、过去完成时1.意义:表示一个动作在过去某一个动作或意义:表示一个动作在过去某一个动作或过去某一时间之前已经发生或完成。过去某一时间之前已经发生或完成。(即(即动作发生在动作发生在过去过去过去过去)2.形式形式 1)必定式:)必定式:2)否定式:)否定式:3)疑问式)疑问式:主语主语+had+动词过去分词动词过去分词主语主语+had not+动词过去分词动词过去分词Had+主语主语+动词过去分词动词过去分词第21页1.cleaned the blackboard2.closed the window nowhad cleaned the blackboardclosed the wind

16、owShe had cleaned the blackboard before she closed the window.After she had cleaned the blackboard,she closed the window.第22页drank waterhad run out of breath1.ran out of breath2.drank waterHe had run out of breath before he drank water.After he had run out of breath,he drank water.now第23页1.ate an ap

17、ple2.slept nowhad eaten an applesleptShe had eaten an apple before she slept.After she had eaten an apple,she slept.第24页 2.played ping pong1.did his homework now played ping ponghad done his homeworkHe had done his homework before he played ping pong.After he had done his homework,he played Ping pon

18、g.第25页1.We had not finished it when he came back.2.Had you finished the work when he came back?。第26页1.We had finished it when he came back.他回来时我们完成了。他回来时我们完成了。2.We had not finished it when he came back.他回来时我们还没有完成他回来时我们还没有完成3.Had you finished the work when he came back?他回来时你们工作完成了吗?他回来时你们工作完成了吗?第27页

19、动词原形变为过去时/过去分词:组成规则动词动词原形原形动词过动词过去式去式/过过去分去分词词普通在动词原形末尾加-ed lookplayworklookedplayedworked结尾是e动词在末尾加-dlikelivelikedlived末尾只有一个辅音字母重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-edplanstopdropplannedstoppeddropped结尾是“辅音字母y”动词,先变“y”为“i”再加-edstudyworrycrystudiedworriedcried第28页二、过去完成时与现在完成时比较二、过去完成时与现在完成时比较 过去完成时与现在完成时时间出发点过去完成时与

20、现在完成时时间出发点不一样。过去完成时以过去某个时间不一样。过去完成时以过去某个时间为基点,而现在完成时以现在作为时为基点,而现在完成时以现在作为时间基点。所以,过去完成时是现在完间基点。所以,过去完成时是现在完成时过去时。成时过去时。第29页Tom is not hungry.He has just had breakfast.Tom was not hungry,He had just had breakfast.例句比较:例句比较:(现在完成时现在完成时)(过去完成时过去完成时)第30页三、过去完成时与普通过去时比较三、过去完成时与普通过去时比较 普通过去时表示在普通过去时表示在过去过去

21、某个时间某个时间发生动作或存在状态;发生动作或存在状态;而过去完成时表示在而过去完成时表示在过去某一过去某一时间之前时间之前完成动作。完成动作。第31页1.We got to the station at 8:00,but the train had left.我们八点抵达车站,但火车已开走我们八点抵达车站,但火车已开走了。了。2.We got to the station at 8:00,but the train left at 7:30.我们八点抵达车站,但火车七点半我们八点抵达车站,但火车七点半就开走了。就开走了。第32页3.When I arrived home,My parents

22、 had had dinner.我到家时,我父母已吃过饭了。我到家时,我父母已吃过饭了。4.When I arrived home,we had dinner together.我一到家,我们就一起吃饭。我一到家,我们就一起吃饭。第33页v过去完成时:过去完成时:v组成:组成:主语主语+had+动词过去分词动词过去分词v过去完成时主要用于表示过去完成时主要用于表示两个事件中一个发生在前两个事件中一个发生在前,或者说是表示或者说是表示较早过去较早过去。when、after、before等也等也常与过去完成时连用,以强调事件发生常与过去完成时连用,以强调事件发生先后次序先后次序。valready(

23、已经已经),ever(曾经)(曾经),for+表示时间段词,表示时间段词,just(刚才)和(刚才)和never(从未)也常与过去完成时连用,(从未)也常与过去完成时连用,以强调事件发生先后次序。以强调事件发生先后次序。Grammar in use第34页vv两个事件都发生在过去,假如哪个在前发两个事件都发生在过去,假如哪个在前发生用生用过去完成时过去完成时表示,哪个在后用表示,哪个在后用普通过普通过去时去时表示表示 本课当中出现本课当中出现before和和after 引导时间状语引导时间状语从句从句before+普通过去时,主句用过去完成时普通过去时,主句用过去完成时e.g.The film

24、 had already begun before I came e.g.The film had already begun before I came back.back.after +过去完成时,过去完成时,主句用普通过去时主句用普通过去时e.g.He left the room after he had turned off the e.g.He left the room after he had turned off the light.light.Revision第35页v1.I _ 900 English words by the time I was ten。A.learne

25、d B.was learning C.had learned D.learntv2.By the time my parents reached home yesterday,I _ the dinner already.A had cooked B.cooked C.have cooked D.was cookedv3.By the time he was ten years old,he _.A has completed university B.has completed the university C had completed an university D.had completed universityv4.He _ to play _ before he was 11 years old.A had learned,piano B.had learned,the piano C.has learned,the piano D.learns,pianov 5.The students _ their classroom when the visitors arrived.A.have cleaned B.had cleaned C.was cleaned D.have been cleanedCADAB第36页

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