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1、Aability (n)able (adj)about (adv & prep) about 500 students (adv) The film is about a small boy. (prep)above (prep)abroad (adv)absent (adj)accept (v)access (n) disabled access internet accessaccident (n)accommodation (n)accompany (v)according to (prep phr)account (n)accurate (adj)ache (n & v)achieve

2、 (v)across (prep)act (n & v) in the second act (of the play) (n) to act in a play (v) to act strangely (v)action (n)active (adj)activity (n)actor (n)actress (n)actual (adj)ad (advertisement) (n)add (v)addition (n) in additionadditional (adj)address (n)admire (v)admission (n) charges/cost/priceadmit

3、(v)adult (adj & n)advanced (adj)advantage (n)adventure (n)advert (n)advertise (v)advertisement (n)advice (n)advise (v)aeroplane (n)afford (v)afraid (adj)after (prep)afternoon (n)afterwards (adv)again (adv)against (prep)age (n)aged (adj)agent (n)agency (n)ago (adv)agree (v)ahead (adv)aim (n & v)air (

4、n)air-conditioning (n)air force (n)airline (n)airmail (n)airport (n)alarm (n)alarm clock (n)album (n)alike (adv)alive (adj)all (adj, adv, det & pron)all right/alright (adv)allow (v)almost (adv)alone (adv & adj)along (adv & prep)aloud (adv)alphabet (n)already (adv)also (adv)although (conj)altogether

5、(adv)always (adv)a.m. (adv)amazed (adj)amazing (adj)ambassador (n)ambition (n)ambulance (n)among (amongst) (prep)amount (n)amusing (adj)ancient (adj)and (conj)angry (adj)animal (n)ankle (n)anniversary (n)announce (v)announcement (n)annoy (v)Page 5annual (adj)another (det & pron)answer (n & v)answerp

6、hone (n)antique (adj & n)anxious (adj)any (det & pron)anybody (pron)anyhow (adv)anyone (pron)anything (pron)anyway (adv)anywhere (adv)apart from (prep)apartment (n)apologise (v)apology (n)appear (v)appearance (n)apple (n)application (n)apply (v)appointment (n)approach (v)approve (v)architect (n)area

7、 (n)argue (v)arm (n)armchair (n)army (n)around (adv & prep)arrange (v)arrest (v)arrival (n)arrive (v)art (n)article (n)artist (n)as (conj & prep)as well (adv)as well as (prep)ashamed (adj)ask (v)asleep (adj)aspirin (n)assistant (n)at (prep)at all (prep phr)at first (prep phr)at last (prep phr)at lea

8、st (prep phr)at once (prep phr)at present (prep phr)at the same time (prep phr)athlete (n)athletics (n)atmosphere (n)attach (v)attack (n & v)attempt (v)attend (v)attention (n)attitude (n)attract (v)attraction (n)attractive (adj)audience (n)aunt (n)automatically (adv)available (adj)average (adj & n)a

9、void (v)awake (adj)away (adv)awful (adj)Bbaby (n)back (adv, adj & n)background (n)backpack (n)backwards (adv)bad (adj)bag (n)baggage (n)bake (v)balance (n & v)balcony (n)bald (adj)ball (n)ballet (n)balloon (n)banana (n)band (n)bandage (n)bank (n)bank balance (n)banknote (n)bar (n)barbecue (n & v)bar

10、e (adj)base on (phr v)baseball (n)basement (n)basic (adj)basin (n)basket (n)basketball (n)Page 6bat (n)bath (n & v)bathroom (n)battle (n)bay (n)be (v)beach (n)bean (n)bear (n)beard (n)beat (v)beautiful (adj)because (conj)because of (prep phr)become (v)bed (n)bedroom (n)bee (n)beef (n)before (prep, a

11、dv & conj)begin (v)behave (v)behind (prep & adv)believe (v)bell (n)belong (v)belongings (n)below (adv & prep)belt (n)bend (n & v)beneath (adv & prep)benefit (n & v)beside (prep)between (prep & adv)beyond (prep & adv)bicycle (n)big (adj)bike (n)bill (n) electricity billbin (n)biography (n)biology (n)

12、bird (n)birth (n)birthday (n)biscuit (n)bit (n)bite (n & v)bitter (adj)black (adj)blackboard (n)blame (n & v)blank (adj) a blank piece of paperblanket (n)bleed (v)blind (adj & n)block (n) block of flatsblond(e) (adj & n)blood (n)blouse (n)blow (n & v)blue (adj)board (n & v)boarding pass (n)boat (n)b

13、ody (n)boil (v)bold (adj)bomb (n & v)bone (n)book (n & v)booking office (n)bookshelf (n)bookshop (n)boot (n) leather boots the boot of the carborder (n)bored (adj)boring (adj)born (adj)borrow (v)boss (n)both (pron & det)bottle (n)bottom (n)bowl (n)box (n & v)boy (n)boyfriend (n)brain (n)brake (n & v

14、)branch (n)brave (adj)bread (n)break (n & v)break down (phr v) The car has broken down.break in (phr v) Someone broke in and stole thecomputer.break up (phr v) When does school break up? The pop group has broken up.breakfast (n)breath (n)breathe (v)brick (n)Page 7bridge (n)brief (adj)bright (adj)bri

15、lliant (adj)bring (v)bring up (phr v) She was brought up in London.broad (adj)brochure (n)brother (n)brown (adj)brush (n & v)bucket (n)buffet (adj & n)bug (n)build (v)building (n)bulb (n) light bulbbull (n)bullet (n)bureau (n)burger (n)burglar (n)burglary (n)burn (n & v)bury (v)bus (n)business (n)bu

16、s station (n)bus stop (n)busy (adj)but (conj)butcher (n)butter (n)button (n)buy (v)by (prep)by accident (prep phr)by all means (prep phr)by hand (prep phr)by mistake (prep phr)by name (prep phr)Ccab (n)cabbage (n)cabin (n)cable (n)caf/cafe (n)cage (n)cake (n)calculator (n)calendar (n)call (n & v)cal

17、l for (phr v) Ill call for you at 7.call in (phr v) She called in to see a friend.calm (adj)camel (n)camera (n)camp (n & v)campsite (n)can (n)canal (n)cancel (v)candidate (n)candle (n)canteen (n)cap (n)capital (adj) capital city capital lettercaptain (n)car (n)carry out (phr v)car park (n)card (n) b

18、irthday card credit card identity (ID) card playing cardcardboard (adj & n)care (n & v) take care of someone (n) to care (about/for) someone/something(v)career (n)carpet (n)carrot (n)carry (v)carry on (phr v) He carried on walking despite the rain.cartoon (n)case (n) suitcasecash (n & v)cassette (n)

19、cassette player/recorder (n)castle (n)cat (n)catch (v)cathedral (n)Page 8cauliflower (n)cause (n & v)cave (n)CD (n)CD-Rom (n)ceiling (n)celebrate (v)celebration (n)celery (n)cellar (n)cent (n)centimetre (cm) (n)central (adj)central heating (n)centre (n)century (n)cereal (n)certain (adj)certificate (

20、n)chain (n)chair (n & v)chalk (n)challenge (n & v)champion (n)chance (n)change (n & v)changing room (n)channel (n)chapter (n)character (n)charge (n & v)chat (n)cheap (adj)cheat (v)check (n & v)check in (phr v) They checked in to a hotel.check out (phr v) He checked out of the hotel at the endof his

21、stay.checkout (n)cheerful (adj)cheers! (exclam)cheese (n)chef (n)chemist (n)chemistry (n)cheque (n)chess (n)chest (n)chicken (n)chief (adj)child (n)childhood (n)chimney (n)chin (n)chips (n)chocolate (n)choice (n)choose (v)church (n)cinema (n)circle (n)circus (n)city (n)clap (v)class (n) language cla

22、ss first class, second classclassical (adj) classical musicclassroom (n)clean (adj & v)clear (adj & v)clever (adj)click (v)cliff (n)climate (n)climb (v)clinic (n)cloakroom (n)clock (n)close (adj, adv & v)cloth (n)clothes (n pl)cloud (n)club (n) to join a clubcoach (n)coal (n)coast (n)coat (n)cocoa (

23、n)coconut (n)coffee (n)coin (n)cola (n)cold (adj & n)collar (n)colleague (n)collect (v)collection (n)college (n)colour (n & v)comb (n & v)come (v)come down (phr v) The house had come down in e on (phr v) Come on or well miss the edy (n)Page 9comedian (n)comfort (n)comfortable (adj)comic (adj & n)com

24、mand (v)commercial (adj)committee (n)common (adj) a common surname have something in commoncommunicate (v)communication (n)compact (adj)company (n)compare (v)comparison (n)compete (n)competition (n)complain (v)complaint (n)complete (v)complicated (adj)composition (n)computer (n)concentrate (v)concer

25、t (n)conclusion (n)condition (n) in good conditionconference (n)confident (adj)confirm (v)congratulations! (exclam)connect (v)connection (n)consider (v)consist (v)consul (n)consulate (n)contact (n & v)contain (v)contents (n)continent (n)continue (v)contract (n)control (n & v)convenient (adj)conversa

26、tion (n)cook (n & v)cooker (n)cookie (n) (Am Eng)cool (adj & v)copy (n & v)corn (n)corner (n)correct (adj & v)correction (n)corridor (n)cost (n & v)costume (n)cottage (n)cotton (n)cough (n & v)count (v)country (n)countryside (n)couple (n)courage (n)course (n) English course main course of course (ex

27、clam)court (n) law court tennis courtcousin (n)cover (n & v)cow (n)crash (n & v)crazy (adj)cream (adj & n)create (v)creative (adj)creature (n)credit (n) credit cardcrew (n)crime (n)criminal (n)cross (n & v)crossing (n) pedestrian crossingcross out (phr v) Cross it out and write it again.crossroads (

28、n)crowd (n)crowded (adj)crown (n)cruel (adj)cruise (v)cry (n & v)cucumber (n)cultural (adj)culture (n)cup (n)cupboard (n)cure (n & v)curious (adj)curly (adj)currency (n)current (adj)Page 10curriculum (n)curriculum vitae/CV (n)curry (n)curtain (n)curve (n & v)cushion (n)custom (n)customs (n pl)custom

29、s officer (n)customer (n)cut (n & v)cut up (phr v) She cut up the cake into small pieces.cute (adj)cycle (n & v)Ddad (n)daddy (n)daily (adj & adv)damage (n & v)damp (adj)dance (n & v)danger (n)dangerous (adj)dark (adj & n)date (n & v) todays date (n)daughter (n)day (n)dead (adj)deaf (adj)deal (with)

30、 (v)dear (adj & exclam) too dear to buy (adj) Dear Sir (adj) Oh dear! (exclam)death (n)decide (v)decimal (adj & n)decision (n)declare (v)deck (n) the deck of a boatdecrease (n & v)deejay / DJ (n)deep (adj & adv)defeat (n & v)defence (n)defend (v)definitely (adv)degree (n) 90 degrees a degree in math

31、sdelay (n & v)delighted (adj)deliver (v)delivery (n)demand (n & v)demonstration (n)dentist (n)depart (v)department (n)departure (n)depend (v) It depends on what you want to do.deposit (n) pay a depositdepressed (adj)depth (n) the depth of the waterdescribe (v)description (n)desert (n)deserve (v)desi

32、gn (n & v)desk (n)despite (prep)dessert (n)destination (n)destroy (v)detail (n)detective (n)develop (v)diagram (n)dial (v)diary (n)dictionary (n)die (v)diet (n & v)differ (v)difference (n)different (adj)difficult (adj)difficulty (n)dig (v)digital (adj)dining room (n)dinner (n)diploma (n)direct (adj

33、& v)direction (n)director (n)directory (n) a telephone directorydirt (n)disabled (adj)disadvantage (n)Page 11disagree (v)disappear (v)disappoint (v)disc/disk (n) compact disc/CD hard disk floppy diskdisco(theque) (n)discount (n)discover (v)discuss (v)discussion (n)disease (n)disgusting (adj)dish (n)

34、dishwasher (n)dislike (n & v)display (n & v)distance (n)distant (adj)district (n)disturb (v)dive (v)divide (v)dizzy (adj)do (v)doctor/Dr (n)document (n)documentary (adj & n)dog (n)doll (n)dollar (n)dolphin (n)door (n)double (adj)doubt (n & v)down (adv & prep)download (n & v)downstairs (adv)dozen (n)

35、drama (n)draw (v) to draw a picture of someone orsomething to draw the curtains to draw neardrawer (n)dream (n & v)dress (n & v)dressing (n)drink (n & v)drive (n & v)driving licence (n)drop (n & v)drugstore (n) (Am Eng)drum (n)dry (adj & v)dry cleaning (n)duck (n)due (adj) The next bus is due in fiv

36、e minutes.due to (prep phr)dull (adj)during (prep)dust (n & v)dustbin (n)duty (n)duty-free (adj)duvet (n)DVD (n)DVD player (n)Eeach (det & pron)ear (n)earache (n)early (adj)earn (v)earring (n)earth (n)east (adj, adv & n)eastern (adj)easy (adj)eat (v)economics (n)edge (n)educate (v)education (n)effec

37、t (n)efficient (adj)effort (n)egg (n)either (adv, det, pron & conj)elderly (n & adj)elect (v)election (n)electric (adj)electrical (adj)electricity (n)electronic (adj)elementary (adj)elephant (n)else (adv)email (n & v)embarrassed (adj)embarrassing (adj)embassy (n)emergency (n)employ (v)Page 12employe

38、e (n)employment (n)empty (adj & v)encourage (v)end (n & v)end up (phr v)enemy (n)engaged (adj) to be engaged to someone The phone was engaged.engine (n)engineer (n)enjoy (v)enormous (adj)enough (adv, det & pron)enquiry (n)enter (v)entertain (v)entertaining (adj)entertainment (n)entrance (n)entry (n)

39、envelope (n)environment (n)equal (adj)equipment (n)escalator (n)escape (n & v)especially (adv)essay (n)essential (adj)euro/Euro (n)even (adv) He couldnt even do that.evening (n)event (n)ever (adv)every (adj)everybody (pron)everyone (pron)everything (pron)everywhere (adv)exact (adj)examine (v)examina

40、tion/exam (n)example (n)excellent (adj)except (prep, conj)excitement (n)exchange (n) an exchange visit in exchange forexchange (v)exchange rate (n)excited (adj)exciting (adj)excuse (n & v)exercise (n & v)exhibition (n)exist (v)exit (n)expect (v)expedition (n)expensive (adj)experience (n)experiment (

41、n & v)expert (n)explain (v)explanation (n)explode (v)explore (v)extra (adj & adv)extraordinary (adj)extremely (adv)eye (n)Fface (n) a sad look on his facefacility (n) The hotel has excellent facilities.fact (n)factory (n)fail (v)failure (n)faint (adj & v)fair (adj & n)fairly (adv)faithfully (adv)fal

42、l (n & v)(n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: autumn)false (adj)familiar (with) (adj)family (n)famous (adj)fan (n)fantastic (adj)far (adv)fare (n) The return fare is 26.farm (n & v)fascinate (v)fashion (n)fast (adj & adv)fasten (v)fat (adj & n)father (n)fault (n)favour (n)Page 13favourite (adj & n)fax (n & v)fear (n)fee (n)feed (v)feel (v)feel like (v) to feel like doing somethingfemale (adj)fence (n)ferry (n)festival (n)fetch (v)fever (n)few (adj)fianc(e) (n)fiction (n)field (n)f

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