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1、Titanic 中英文剧本第一幕: (Music Box Playing Tune) (Knock At Door) (Door Opens) 罗斯男友:I know youve been melancholy。 我知道你心情不好 罗斯男友:I dont pretend to know why. 我也不会假装知道原因 罗斯男友:I intended to save this 原本想等到 罗斯男友:until the engagement gala next week.下星期的订婚宴会才拿出来罗斯男友:But I thought tonight. 但我觉得今天晚上罗斯:Good gracious

2、。 我的天啊! 罗斯男友:Perhaps as a reminder of my feelings for you。 让你知道我对你的真心 罗斯:- Is it a. 这是?罗斯男友: Diamond? Yes. 对,是钻石 罗斯男友:56 carats to be exact。 五十六克拉 罗斯男友:It was worn by Louis XVI and they called it ”Le Coeur DeLa Mer. ”原属于路易十六世,他们称它为“海洋之星” 罗斯:The Heart of the Ocean. “海洋之星 罗斯男友:Yes。 罗斯:Its over whelmin

3、g。 好贵重 罗斯:Well, its for royalty。 这是为皇室做的 罗斯男友:We are royalty, Rose。 我们就是皇室 罗斯男友:You know, theres nothing I couldnt give you。 我什么都能给你 罗斯男友:Theres nothing Id deny you 我什么都愿意给你罗斯男友: if you would not deny me。 只要你接受我 罗斯男友:Now open your heart to me, Rose. 用心来爱我,萝丝第二幕:旁白:I saw my whole life as if ld alread

4、y lived it- 我当时觉得自己的生活了无生趣 an endless parade of parties and cotillions 不是餐会就是舞会 yachts and polo matches 游艇赛、马球赛 always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter. 老是跟同一批思想狭隘的人 永远言不及义 Ifelt likel was standing at a great precipice 我仿佛站在悬崖上 with no one to pull me back 没人要拉我一把 no one who cared or

5、 even noticed。 没人关心或甚至注意到我 - (Woman Grunts) - (Rose Sobbing) (Running Feet And Sobbing) (Taking Short, Anxious Breaths) 杰克:Dont do it。 别跳 罗斯:Stay back。 退回去 罗斯:Dont come any closer。 别靠近 杰克:Come on. Just give me your hand。 Ill pull you back over。 手伸出来,我拉你 罗斯:No! Stay where you are. I mean it。 不,你别过来 我

6、是认真的 罗斯:Ill let go. 我会松手的 杰克:No, you wont. 不,你不会的 罗斯:What doyou mean, no, I wont? 你什么意思? 罗斯:Dont presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You dont know me. 你凭什么说,我会不会去做什么? 你又不认识我 杰克:Well, you would have done it already。 要跳早就跳了 罗斯:Youre distracting me。 Go away。 你让我分心,走开 杰克:I cant. Im involved

7、now. 不行,我已经介入了 杰克:You let go and Im going to have to jump in there after you。你若跳下去的话,我也只好跟着跳了 罗斯:Dont be absurd。 Youll be killed. 别胡说八道了 你会死掉 杰克:- Im a good swimmer。 The fall alone would kill you. 我很会游泳,你会摔死 罗斯: It would hurt。 Im not saying it wouldnt. 我承认会很痛 杰克:To tell you the truth Im a lot more c

8、oncerned about that water being so cold. 说真的,我比较担心的是水很冷(Shoe Drops To Deck) 罗斯:- How cold? 杰克: Freezing. 有多冷? 非常冷,可能接近零度 杰克:Maybe a couple degrees over。 杰克:You ever, uh. ever been to Wisconsin? 你去过威斯康辛州吗?罗斯:What? 什么? 杰克:Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. 那里冬天很冷 杰克:I grew up there ne

9、ar Chippewa Falls. 我在那里长大的 杰克:I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota。 我小时候跟父亲到威苏塔湖在冰上钓鱼 杰克:Ice fishing is, you know, where you- 冰上钓鱼就是 罗斯:(Angrily): I know what ice fishing is! 我知道冰上钓鱼是什么啦! 杰克:Sorry. 抱歉 杰克:You just seem like, you know, kind of an indoo

10、r girl. 你看来比较少到户外 杰克:Anyway, l, uh.。. 总而言之 杰克:I fell through some thin ice 冰层太薄,我掉进湖里 杰克:and Im telling you。.。 我跟你说啊 杰克:water that cold, like right down there 掉进那么冷的水里 杰克:it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body。 有如被千刀万剐一样 杰克:You cant breathe, you cant think- 你没法呼吸,没法思考 杰克:

11、at least not about anything but the pain. 只能感觉得到痛苦 杰克:Which is why Im not looking forward to jumping in there after you. 所以,我不是很希望跟着你跳下去 杰克:Like I said。. 但我说过了 杰克:I dont have a choice. 我没有什么选择 杰克:I guess Im kind of hoping youll come back over the rail 所以,我希望你下来 杰克:and get me off the hook here。 别让我为难

12、 罗斯:Youre crazy。 你疯了 杰克:Thats what everybody says, but with all due respect, miss 大家都这么说,但是 说了你别生气 杰克:Im not the one hanging off the back of a ship here。 现在挂在船尾,想做傻事的人可不是我 杰克:Come on. 下来吧 杰克:Come on, give me your hand。 You dont want to do this. 手伸过来。跳下去可不好 杰克:Whew! 我是杰克道森 杰克:Im Jack Dawson。罗斯:Rose D

13、ewitt Bukater。 萝丝狄威特布克特 杰克:Im going to have to get you to write that one down. 你可能得写下来给我看才行 杰克:Come on。 来吧 罗斯:- (Screams) (Grunting) 杰克:I got you! Come on。 我抓住你了 上来杰克:Come on! 罗斯:(Screams) Help! Please! 救救我 罗斯:Help! Please! 罗斯: Please get me!求你救救我 杰克: Listen. Listen to me。听我说 杰克:Ive got you。 I wont

14、let go. Now pull yourself up. Come on. 我抓住你了,我不会放手的你得爬上来,快(Grunts) 杰克:Come on。 Thats right. 来,这就对了 杰克:You can do it。 你做得到的 杰克:I got you. 安全了 船员:Whats all this? 这是怎么回事? 船员:You stand back! And dont move an inch! 你退后!不要动! 船员:- Fetch the master-at-arms! - Care for a brandy? 去叫纠察长 卡尔: This is completely

15、unacceptable! What made you think 怎么可以这样? 卡尔:that you could put your hands on my fiancee? 是谁允许你碰我未婚妻的? - Look at me, you filth! Cal。. 看着我,你这下流的东西! 你们干了什么好事? - What do you think you were doing? Cal, stop. 卡尔 卡尔别这样,那是个意外 It was an accident. An accident? 意外? It was。 Stupid really. 对啊 真是难为情 I was leanin

16、g over, and I slipped。 我趴在栏杆上,结果滑倒了 I was leaning far over to see the, uh.。 我趴在栏杆上,想看 uh。. uh。. the, uh.。 uh.。 想看 Propellers? propellers and I slipped。 推进器吗? 对,结果我滑倒了 And I would have gone over board but Mr。 Dawson here saved me 我差点掉下去 是道森先生救了我 and almost went over himself。 他也差点掉下去 You wanted to see

17、. She wanted to see the propellers. 她想看推进器! Like I said, women and machinery do not mix. 我说嘛 女人碰上机器就完了 Was that the way of it? 事情是这样的吗? Yeah。 Yeah, that was pretty much it。 对,差不多 Well, the boys a hero then。 Good for you, son. Well done. 这孩子英雄救美 好极了,孩子 So its alls well and back to our brandy, eh? 没事,

18、回去喝酒吧 Look at you. You must be freezing。 Lets get you inside。 看,你一定冻坏了 快进去吧 Perhaps a little something for the boy. 该给点奖赏吧? Of course。 Mr. Lovejoy, I think a 20 should do it. 应该的 赖福杰先生,二十元够吧? Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love? 我的行情就只有这么一点吗? Rose is displeased。 What to do? 萝丝不满意 该怎

19、么办呢? I know. 有了 Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening 就请你明晚跟我们一起用餐吧 to regale our group with.。.your heroic tale。 还可以向我们叙述,你英勇救人的故事 Sure, count me in。 好啊,没问题 Good。 Settled then。 好,就这么说定了 This should be interesting. Mmm。 有好戏看了 (Whistles) Can l, uh. bum a smoke? 来根烟好吗? Youll want to tie

20、 those. 你鞋带松了 Its interesting。 怎么小姐突然间滑倒。 The young lady slips so suddenly and you still had time 你却有时间脱大衣跟鞋子? to remove your jacket and your shoes. 第三幕:Do you love him? 你爱不爱他? - Pardon me? - Do you love him? 什么? 你爱不爱他? Youre being very rude。 You shouldnt be asking me this. 你真没礼貌,怎么可以这样问题我? Well, it

21、s a simple question。 Do you love the guy or not? 这问题很简单,你爱不爱他嘛? This is not a suitable conversation. 我们不应该谈论此事 - Why cant you just answer the question? - (Nervous Laughter) 就回答我的问题啊 This is absurd. You dont know me, and I dont know you 这太荒唐了!你我根本不认识 and we are not having this conversation at all。 我们

22、没什么好谈的了 You are rude and uncouth and presumptuous and I am leaving now. 你非常无礼而且自以为是 我要走了,杰克。.道森先生 Hello, Jack. 哈啰,杰克 I changed my mind。 我改变主意了 - They said you might be- - Shh. 听说你在这里. Give me your hand。 手伸出来 Now close your eyes. 闭上眼睛 Go on。 快点 Step up。 站上来 Now hold on to the railing. 抓紧栏杆 Keep your

23、eyes closed, dont peek. Im not。 眼睛闭好,别偷看 不会 Step up onto the rail。 踩在栏杆上 Hold on。 Hold on. Keep your eyes closed. 抓紧 (Giggles) - Do you trust me? 眼睛闭好 你信任我吗? I trust you。 我信任你 All right, open your eyes. 好,张开眼睛 Im flying! Jack! 我在飞,杰克 (Softly): Come, Josephine, my flying machine ” ”来吧,约瑟芬,我的飞行器 Going

24、 up, she goes” ”我们一起飞上云霄” Up, she goes.。” That was the last time Titanic ever saw daylight. 那是泰坦尼克号最后一次见到日光 So were up to dusk the night of the sinking。 是沉船当天的傍晚 - Six hours to go。 - Incredible。 还差六小时 (Screams) - (Panicked Screaming) (Ship Groaning) (Planks Splitting) (Everyone Screaming) (Cries Out

25、) 第四幕:We have to move! 我们快过去 - Give me your hand, Ill pull you over. - I cant! 我拉你爬过去 Come on, give me your hand! 手伸出来 Ive got you. I wont let go. 我抓住你,我不会放手 Come on, Ive got you。 我抓紧了 Whats happening, Jack? I dont know. I dont know. 现在会怎样? 不知道 Jack: Hold on! Rose: Jack! 抓紧 That was close。 Man: Help

26、 me, please! Someone help me, please! (Terrified Screaming, Thudding) (Man Yells) (Panting) (Lets Go And Screams) Woman: Please help! Help! Help! Help! (Woman Screaming For Help ) This is it! 要下去了 Rose: Oh, God! Oh, God!我的天,杰克!天啊! Hold on! - Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh! 抓紧 The ship is going to suck us down

27、。 我们会被吸下去 Take a deep breath when I say. 等一下要吸口气 Kick for the surface and keep kicking。 要赶快浮到水面 Do not let go of my hand. 别放开我的手 Were going to make it, Rose. Trust me。 我们可以活的,萝丝 我相信你 I trust you。 相信我 Ready? Ready? Now! 准备 (Taking Deep Breath ) 吸气! (Screaming) Jack! Jack! 杰克!杰克! Jack! - Jack! - (Ever

28、yone Screaming) Jack. Jack! (Roses Calls Drowned Out By Deafening Screams) - (Gasping) Jack! Jack! No! - Jack! Rose! Get off her! Get off her! 萝丝! 放开她! Rose! Jack! 快游!萝丝 Swim, Rose! I need you to swim! Keep swimming! 一直游 - Its so cold! Swim, Rose! 好冷! 我知道 Come on。.。 here. 快点 Keep swimming。 Come on.

29、继续游 快点 Here, get on it. 爬上去 Get on top. 爬到上面 (Gasping) - Come on, Rose. (Gasping) 快点 (Rose Yells) - Stay on it. Stay on, Rose。 Jack。 趴好,萝丝 Youll be all right now。 没事了 Youll be all right now。 没事了 (Whistle Blows) Crewman: Return the boats! 把船划回来! (Both Shivering) (Whistle Blows) The boats are coming b

30、ack for us, Rose。 Hold on just a little bit longer。 救生艇会回来救我们 Crewman: Return the boats! 再撑一下 They.。. had to row away for the suction, but now theyll be coming back. 他们必须划开才不会被吸下去 (Scattered Moaning And Pleading ln Distance) I love you, Jack。 我爱你,杰克 Dont you do that。 不要这样 Dont you say your good-byes

31、. Not yet。 别说再见,时候还没到 Do you understand me? 听到没有? Im so cold。 我好冷 Listen, Rose。. 听我说,萝丝 youre going to get out of here. 你可以脱险 Youre going to go on 你会活下去 and youre going to make lots of babies 生一堆小孩 and youre going to watch them grow. 然后看着他们长大 Youre going to die an old.。 an old lady warm in her bed.

32、你会长命百岁 寿终正寝 Not here. Not this night. 不会死在这里的 Not like this。 Do you understand me? 不会像是今晚如此的下场 听到没有? I cant feel my body. 我都麻痹了 Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. 赢到船票,坐上这艘船是我一生最美好的事 It brought me to you。. 让我能跟你相逢 and Im thankful for that, Rose。 我很感激,萝丝 Im thankf

33、ul. (Crying) 我很感激 You must You must- 一定要 你一定要。.帮我这个忙 You must do me this honor- You must promise me that youll survive 你要答应我,你会活下去 that you wont give up 你不会放弃 no matter what happens 不管发生什么事 no matter how hopeless. 不论希望多么的渺茫 Promise me now, Rose 现在答应我,萝丝 and never let go of that promise。 且绝对不要食言 I pr

34、omise。 我答应你 Never let go. 永不放弃 I will never let go, Jack。 我不会放弃的,杰克 (Shivering) Ill never let go. 我永不放弃 - (Kisses HerHand) (Both Shivering)旁白:1,500 people went into the sea 泰坦尼克号沉没时有一千五百人落海 when Titanic sank from under us。 There were 20 boats floating nearby 附近有二十艘救生艇 and only one came back. 只有一艘回头 One。 一艘 Six were saved from the water 有六人获救 myself included。 包括我在内 Six.。. out of 1,500。 一千五百人,才活了六个 Afterward, the 700 people in the boats 后来 救生艇上的七百人只有等待 had nothing to do but wait- wait to die, wait to live. 等死 等着活命 wait for an absolution that would never come. 等待宽恕,但永远等不到 “卡佩西亚号” 8

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