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1、游泳专业术语中英文对照游泳类型1、游泳 swimming;natation。2、游程 course3、短池比赛 short-course meet4、短距离比赛 sprint;dash5、中距离游泳 middledistance swimming6、长距离游泳 (long) distance swimming7、超长距离游泳(马拉松式)游泳 ultradistance marathon swimming8、渡峡游泳 channel swimming9、冬泳 winter swimming游泳项目 10、游泳姿势 swimming stroke11、爬泳 crawl (stroke)12、自由泳

2、 freestyle;free stroke13、仰泳 backstroke;back crawl14、蛙泳 breaststroke15、高航式蛙泳 high sail breaststroke16、波浪式蛙泳 wave breaststroke17、蝶泳 butterfiy18、海豚泳 dolphin19、混合泳 medlry stroke20、个人混合泳 individual medlley21、接力游泳 relay22、自由泳接力 freestyle relay23、混合泳接力 medley relay24、接力中的交接 relay change;takeover25、侧泳 sides

3、troke26、单臂出水侧游 northern stroke;overarm sidestroke27、潜水运动 underwater sports28、潜水(skin)diving;underwater swimming29、闭气潜泳 holding-breath diving;diving with bated breath游泳人员30、游泳运动员 swimmer31、蝶泳运动员 butterfly swimmer;flyer32、个人混合泳运动员 individual medleyist33、全面的游泳运动员 allround swimmer34、潜水运动员 diver35、冬泳者 wi

4、nter swimmer;polarbear36、姿势裁判员 stroke judge37、转身裁判员 turning judge38、终点裁判员 finishing placing judge39、记趟裁判员 lap counter40、游程计算员 clerk of course41、救生员 lifeguard;lifesaver;rescuer规则与裁判 42、分组赛 heat43、出发信号 starting signal44、各就位! take your marks45、出发犯规 false illegal start46、过早出发 beat the gun47、重游 reswim48、

5、回表 clear watches49、转身犯规 illegal turn50、趟 lap51、分段 segment52、成绩 time52、分段成绩 split time53、中间成绩 intermediate time54、水温 water temperature出发55、出发姿势 starting position56、立定出发 stationary start57、抓台式出发 grab start58、出发时的蹬腿 takeoff kick59、出发跳水 starting dive60、跳入水中 take the water61、入水浅的跳水 shallow dive转身 62、触池壁

6、touch63、蹬壁 pushoff64、转身 turn65、水平转身 horizontal turn66、平转身 pivot turn67、侧转身 lateral turn68、翻滚 flip over69、翻滚转身 flip-turn ; somersault turn臂部动作70、臂部动作 arm movement71、划水(臂)(arm) pull;stroke; paddle72、划水动作效率 stroke efficiency73、划水错误动作 stroke defect74、划水幅度 distance per storke75、划水周期 arm cycle76、手入水 hand

7、entry77、入水臂 leading arm78、手入水过深 digging79、手伸得过远 overreaching80、抱(抓)水 catch; grip; purchase81、搅动水面 churn the surface82、长划臂 long arm stroke83、直臂划水 straight arm stroke84、曲臂划水 bent arm elbow pull85、沉肘划水 dropped elbow pull86、高提肘划水 over the barrel87、向下压水 downward press88、连续划臂动作 continuous strokes89、反复划水 r

8、epeat pulls90、快频率动作 racing stroke91、两臂同时划水 double overarm92、两臂交替划水 alternate arm hand-over-hand stroke93、双臂仰泳 double overarm backstroke94、手臂交叉动作 scything arm action95、前交叉(一臂等待另一臂) catchup stroke96、曲线动作 circular motion97、直线划水路线 straight through pull98、半直线划水路线 modified straight line pull99、手臂出水 overar

9、m ; overhand100、移臂 recover of the arm101、手腿配合 arm-leg relationship腿部动作102、打(踢)水 kick103、交替打腿 alternate flutter kick104、交叉打腿 crossover kick105、鱼尾式打腿 fishtail kick106、剪式打腿 scissors kick107、反剪式打腿 reverse scissors kick108、快速打腿 sprinting kick109、向上打腿 upbeat110、向下打腿 downbeat111、两次打腿 two-beat kick112、两次交叉打

10、水 two-beat crossover kick113、直上直下打腿 kick up and down114、直上直下两次打腿 straight twobeat kick115、反复打腿 repeat kicks116、划水一周的打腿次数 beats perstroke117、仰泳打腿 back crawl kick118、海豚式打腿 dolphin kick119、蹬腿水 leg drive push120、蛙泳蹬腿 breastatroke frog;thrust kick121、蹬腿宽度 width of kick122、窄蹬腿narrow whip kick123、宽蹬腿 wedge

11、 kick124、向后蹬腿 kick backward125、斜向蹬腿 diagonal thrust126、两侧蹬腿 lateral thrust127、两腿交替蹬水 bicycle pedaling128、收腿 recovery of the leg129、踩水 treading water身体位置130、身体中线 center medium line of the body131、躯干位置 trunk position132、浮力 buoyancy133、浮出水面 surface134、浮在水面 keep afloat135、侵入水面 submerge136、下沉 drop;sink13

12、7、水面线(蛙泳中头的位置) waterline138、俯卧姿势 face down;prone position139、仰卧姿势 back floating position140、俯卧漂浮姿势 prone float141、流线型姿势 streamlined position142、低头 drop the head143、弓背(身) arch the back144、时起时伏(在水中) ducking;undulation游泳呼吸145、呼吸 breathe;respire156、呼气 breathe out;exhale157、吸气 breathe in;inhale158、闭屏气 ho

13、ld ones breath159、换气 change breath160、呼吸控制 breathing rate161、抬头(呼吸时) lift the head162、早呼吸法 early breathing163、晚吸气 late delayed breathing164、正常呼吸法 normal breathing165、有节奏的呼吸 rhythmical breathing167、深呼吸 deep breathing168、浅呼吸 shallow breathing169、均匀呼吸 regular even breathing170、爆发式吸气 explosive breathing

14、171、侧面呼吸 side breathing172、两侧呼吸法 bilateral breathing173、呼吸侧 breathing side174、呼吸侧手臂 breathing arm175、非呼吸侧 nonbreathing side176、非呼吸侧手臂 non-breathing arm177、两次划臂呼吸法 twostroke breathing178、四次划臂呼吸法 four-stroke breathing179、喘气 gasp; pant; out of breathing180、呼吸急促 broken winded181、憋气 labored breathing182、

15、呼吸困难 respiratory difficulty游泳训练183、入水前准备活动 pre-water exercise184、水上准备活动 warmup swimming185、分段游 splits; broken swim186、分段游组 broken set187、年龄分组游泳 age-group swimming188、短于主项距离的游泳 underdistance swimming189、超主项距离的游泳 overdistance swimming190、陆上练习 land drillpractice191、加速游 pick-up192、等速游 evenpace swimming1

16、93、中速游 moderate effort swimming194、慢速长游 long easy swimming195、变速游练习 alternating slow-fast set196、速度忽高忽低 speed fluctuation197、任意变速游 speed play; fartlek198、后半程加速游 negative split199、时停时进游 stop-andgo swimming200、俯仰交替游 spinning swim201、带游;速度诱导 pacemaking; pacesetting202、反复游 repeat swim203、等速反复游 straight

17、set of repeats204、减距反复游 decreasing-distance repeats205、逐个加快反复游组 progressive sets206、综合反复游组 mixed set of repeats207、逐个加快和逐个减慢交替游组 alternating progressiveregressive set208、耐力游 endurance swimming209、强度游 effort swim210、放松游 easy loosening-downswim211、恢复性游 wakeup swim212、循环游去 circle swimming pattern213、梯形

18、游 locomotive; pyramid214、阶梯增进 staircase215、冲刺练习 sprint work216、训练呼吸的冲刺 wind sprint217、间歇训练 interval training218、快游间歇训练 fast interval training219、慢游间歇训练 slow interval training220、全力计时游 allout time trial221、游量 swimming load223、水的压力 water pressure224、迎面阻力 frontalhead-on resistance225、身后漩涡阻力 eddy resist

19、ance; tail suction226、水感 feel of the water游泳救生227、救护站 lifesaving station228、救生对象(指溺者) subject229、拖带(溺者) carry230、前胸拖带 cross-chest carry231、扣颈拖带 neck carry232、托头拖带 head carry234、托下颌拖带 chin carry235、抓发拖带 hair carry236、人工呼吸 artificial respiration; rescue breathing237、嘴对嘴人工呼吸 mouthto-mouth rescuscitatio

20、n238、救活 resuscitate场地器材239、游泳池 (swimming) pool; bath; tank240、短池 short course241、室内游泳馆 indoor pool; natatorium242、露天游泳馆 openair swimming pool243、有看台的游泳馆 swimming stadium244、深水池 deep pool; swimmerspool245、浅水池 nonswimmerspool246、儿童池 wading pool247、泳道 lane248、分道线 lanecourserope249、池端 end wall250、深端 dee

21、p end251、浅端 shallow end252、出发池端 starting edge253、出发台 starting block platform254、出发握手器 starting bar grip255、终点池端 finish end256、池端目标标志线 target line257、转身标志线 turn indicator258、触板 touch board panel259、电子计时触板 electronic timing pad260、长的一边 length side261、扶手 handrail262、池边地面 deck263、池缘 curb; deck edge264、水

22、槽 gutter265、逆泳槽 swimmers treadmill266、池底 floor; float267、池底标志线 bottom line268、浮标 buoy; float269、浮具 buoying device270、水下观察窗 underwater viewing window271、水下影片 underwater movie272、氯化器 chlorinator273、游泳衣 swimsuit; swimming suit274、游泳裤 trunks; bathing slips275、套身游泳服 full-body swimwear276、鲨鱼皮游泳服 Fastskin

23、swimsuit278、游泳帽 swim cap279、浴衣 bathing suit; bathwrap; gown280、游泳护目镜 swim goggles281、脚蹼 fins; flippers282、手蹼 webbed gloves283、潜水面罩 face plate284、潜水护目镜 lunettes285、护鼻塞 nose guard286、潜泳面罩 diving face mask287、通气呼吸管 snorkel289、潜水呼吸器;水肺 aqualung290、自携式水下呼吸器 scuba (=selfcontained underwater breathing apparatus)291、套口 aqualung mouthpiece; snorkel tube292、打水板 flutter kick board293、划水板 paddle294、救生圈 life buoy295、救生衣 life jacket

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