1、-201111. 2. 12312345678341123513 45 79 11 13 1415 17 186.71-38123123 3321 920102020 2011920127 1201272011-20124: : 2 6 17 46 :500.210200.240.2 100.20.2 154321251 2:306-82 103. 5 102.5:60 :902345678910111213124 ?1616?11,6-8,1/8.,.23 201252ppt ,? 1 25ppt8069200100 1 (bite a coati ) (get drunk (party)
2、(fly up the highest tree) (see the jungle from above) (survive a bird attack) (skydive) (fall in love) (produce descendants) (rescue someone) (survive a spiderweb) (bungee jumping)find friends (3)3658760525600120102020 2014920157 1201572014-2015 24 2012-04-02-2012-04-03 11551 115514287 1 2 3 4 : 1 a