9、情况的监管和掌控,以至于他们错误地判断银行信贷风险,无形中为银行带来了经济损失。 三、提高银行信贷风险管理水平的措施1.优化信贷组织结构加大对信贷风险管理重要性的宣传教育,使银行管理层在思想认识上有一个根本的转变,从而起到领导带头的作用,联系本银行的实际情况,优化银行信贷业务结构,从而避免“篮子毁了,所有鸡蛋也毁了”问题的发生。其次,可以建立合理的激励机制,让信贷工作者不再都青睐于某一行业的信贷业务,从而为优化信贷组织结构做出贡献。同时做好贯彻落实工作,把信贷风险管理的职责明确到每一个部门、每一岗位、每一位工作人员身上,做到 分工明确、各司其职,以提高信贷管理工作效率,同时注意并重视把贷款和审
13、划分,从而准确的估算出客户的违约概率。同时银行的发展计划招募高素质的专业人员或定期对在岗的工作人员进行继续教育,使他们拥有过硬的专业技术和专业技能,从而让他们能及时、准确、有效地识别、发现、防范和处理信贷风险。在提高管理人员专业素养的同时,也要让他们学习和了解信贷方面的法律法规并提高其沟通交际能力,以便更好地为信贷客户服务。四、结语综上所述, 信贷风险管理对于银行来说是一项最常规、也是最重要的管理工作之一,高水平的风险管理工作可以有效提高整个银行的运行效率并增强其综合竞争实力。因此,我们一定要克服当前银行信贷风险管理中存在的问题,根据目前我国经济发展的形势以及银行的实际情况,优化信贷组织结构、
14、完善信贷管理制度并提高管理人员的综合素质,不断地提高银行信贷风险管理工作效率,从而有效地降低信贷风险,促进我国银行业的蓬勃发展。At present, Chinas banking business is developing towards the direction of diversification, but the credit business has the absolute advantage in the entire banking business is still occupying the proportion of non negligible. However,
15、problems such as inadequate infrastructure, inadequate market supervision, low national reputation and financial crisis hinder the further development of bank credit business. In order to effectively reduce the credit risk, so that the credit business to increase bank efficiency and promote the furt
16、her development of the bank, it is necessary to solve the problem of bank credit risk management in a timely and effective way.First, the analysis of bank credit riskThe so-called bank credit risk refers to the risk that a bank debtor can not pay off the bank debt, which is a major risk of bank cred
17、it asset management. On the face of it, the bank credit risk appears to be most of the responsibility lies in the debtor, yes, but the bank credit risk management level is not high is also a major cause of bank credit risk. If banks can make full use of reasonable .boxuelun. .huayueting1. and scient
18、ific methods and techniques may be lead to accurate and reasonable arrangement, analysis and control of factors of loan losses, so bank credit quality will be greatly improved, also loan risks and losses will reduce and improve the ability of bank credit risk management level and loss pensation.Actu
19、ally, the bank credit risk management and not a specific methods, but a bone marrow bank industry in depth theory and risk awareness, only to the idea and consciousness in the heart left deep imprint, in order to credit risk management into the bank project management to consciously improve relevant
20、 management technology and perfect the management system of the related, so as to implement the management of credit risk, real play the role of credit risk management, otherwise, credit risk management is only superficial, not to contribute to the control of bank credit risk management.Two, the cur
21、rent problems in the management of bank credit risk in our country1 focus on the field of credit, credit structure is not reasonableAt this stage, Chinas economic construction in the industrial structure is relatively unreasonable, making economic development is not balanced, which led to the field
22、of bank credit is relatively concentrated, increasing the risk of bank credit. As in recent years, the real estate industry is developing rapidly, and it is fast and high rate of return, so many banks put most of the credit are put in the field of real estate to get more bank loan interest, actually
23、 this kind of practice is the only available because no ground for blame, higher interest rates at the same time can get more the loan, but from the view of the development of global economy, this is a very dangerous credit behavior, because it is likely to happen all the egg in one basket , the ban
24、k credit has bee a grasshopper in real estate this line, once the development of the real estate industry downturn or encounter other problems, so closely related to the bank credit will appear capital chain and a large number of bad debt problems, easily lead to the collapse of the bank credit syst
25、em. Again, in the credit business, at present many of our bank onstage operation and the backstage management still has a plicated relationship, resulting in risk management and risk decision .yulematou. .maka7. by superior leadership and marketing metrics double interference. While taking into acco
26、unt the risk management and marketing performance at the same time, the bank governors often pay attention to the marketing target and ignore the credit risk management, which also to a certain extent, affected the quality of bank credit risk management. At the same time, many banks in economic grow
27、th and prosperity will relax loan conditions, so way panies easily can get loans, the same of their assets will have great value. Thus, the enterprise will increase the investment in fixed assets, bank profits will from a corresponding increase; the opposite when the speed of economic development is
28、 relatively slow, the enterprise will be difficult to get loans, along with the asset value will continue to decline, as collateral assets will be different degree of depreciation of the, which leads to relatively lower bank profits, risk pensation ability is relatively weak. This lending model will
29、 make the banks have a lot of potential risks, these risks will be concentrated in the economic downturn, the operation of the bank and the entire economic operation has a great impact and even collapse.2 risk management system needs to be improvedSince the reform and opening up, Chinas economy has
30、entered a stage of rapid development, but the construction of national infrastructure has not followed the pace of economic development, so as to meet the needs of economic development. Reflected in the bank credit industry is the risk management system is not perfect. System is not perfect, first o
31、f all to make many people of the credit specifically looking for loopholes in its work program and the relevant documents, and drilled loopholes of management system is not perfect; many banks in the development of risk management system, and no according to the current state of our country and the
32、actual situation of the unit, making management system without a strong feasibility, just bee a symbolic meaning of existence. Then at present of our country credit business with a long chain of policy, operation link is plex, different management structure showing a multi-level, lead to risk manage
33、ment model is rigid and unreasonable, for example, and not the project credit risk management included and implemented into the banks daily management activities, loan procedures and before, during and after the three link has not been effectively sort out and cohesion, and post loan management system is not scientific, the credit overdue repayment of the phenomenon monplace.