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1、management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to information technology security, information technolog

2、y security, entrust XX City Center for educational information and equipment dedicated to the work. Network security leading group was set up, chaired by the Education Bureau Chief, head, for XX education Metro-network and information security emergency response leadership. Deputy group leader for X

3、X educational metropolitan area network and information security emergency response coordination, command. The team assist leader and deputy leader, responsible for network XX network security and information . Team. Information security work Conference held each semester, and deployment of informat

4、ion security of documents issued on a regular basis. Information security assessment is included in the annual index. Strictly implement the information security budget to ensure information security of investment. By XX, education information and equipment Centre XX network network security and inf

5、ormation security. According to the information technology security requirements, issued a document requires schools (units) implement, defined the information security guidelines, specific work practices, procedures, and requirements. Clear industry information security incidents (accidents) to det

6、ect, report and disposal processes. According to self-examination, the school (units) basic established has network security management system; the school (units) according to this units actual, established has units personnel management, information system room management, and equipment management,

7、 and media management, and network security construction management, and shipped dimension management, and service outsourcing, management system; developed has computer and the network of network security responsibility held system, signed has network security responsibility; website of information

8、 management personnel is responsible for confidential management, password management, on computer enjoys independent right, User name and password of the computer for its proprietary, and release of provisions is prohibited, such as leaks, investigated for responsibility. According to who is in cha

9、rge of whos in charge, who is running and who is responsible for, who uses principles of who is in charge of management schools (units) defined the roles and responsibilities of information security, assurance responsibilities to schools. XX city schools (units) total site 20, 19 of which were not c

10、lassified security protection assessment, of which 1 (XX education and resource network) for classified security protection levels, without third-level information systems. Total education information systems 1 (XX education cloud platform), contains features with e-Government, resource library, tes

11、t database, mail services, such as e-books, all intranet services. No for grade protection grading record and evaluation of school (units), requirements the school (units) according to information security grade protection about policy and standard, organization carried out information security grad

12、e protection security management system construction, and technology measures construction and grade evaluation, implementation grade protection system of the requirements, makes information system security management level obviouslyfacility up to 160 million Yuan, according to the standard, high qu

13、ality planning XX educational metropolitan area network realizes Wan Zhaokuan to schools, hundreds of megabytes of broadband to the table, wire (ie: Web, video, audio) to the target, electronic whiteboards, multimedia classrooms, remote interactive video teaching system of modern educational equipme

14、nt in the classroom. . With Intel company on XX Education City domain network of topic case design, relies on Cisco company thought Shu aid chuan project staff free provides has three years technology support, from 2009 began, according to high standards, and high of work thought, and manpower plann

15、ing, and points step implementation, using school earthquake Hou reconstruction of opportunities, again planning elementary and middle schools campus network and education city domain network, and local broadcasting network company cooperation, using broadcast TV network, will physical fiber laying

16、to each school, to minimum of cost achieved has physical fiber school school pass; Each school construction standards of campus network and network access to all rooms; XX education metropolitan area network center machine room equipment in the Ministry of education standardization management platfo

17、rm, the Central Library of audio-visual education resources, set up a Chinese teacher education cloud platform, implemented links the two platforms. At present, the citys primary and middle school students to computer 3198, vitality than 10:1; 809 equipment classes through the classroom (primary and

18、 secondary); 36 of the campus network. The establishment of an advanced, practical Gigabit educational metropolitan area network, the citys schools have access to educational metropolitan area network, schools have computer networks, closed-circuit television network, broadcast networks into the cla

19、ssrooms, realize the triple play. Schools share Internet bandwidth, can meet the needs of teaching of the school office and at any time. According to Ministry of education on full started implementation teaching points digital education resources full cover project of notification (taught technical

20、letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province Department of education on issued XX province teaching points digital education resources full cover project implementation views of notification (chuan taught letter (2013) 18th,) requirements, I city 6 a teaching points implementation teaching points digital ed

21、ucation resources full cover project, combined I city specific situation, developed issued has XX City Bureau on teaching points digital resources full cover project of implementation programme, Established XX, full coverage of digital resources in modern distance education teaching project leading

22、group, XX, chaired the Secretary for education. Established, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, XX full coverage project group, XX, Director of the Center for educational information and equipment chaired Zhu Guiyan, responsible for distance education digital resources covering

23、 project work. Projects in XX city school digital resources in modern distance education teaching full-coverage project leading group, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, and XX full coverage project group leadership and organization, in accordance with the unified arrangement o

24、f the whole province, responsible for university education digital resources covering project management and implementation. According to provinces arrangements, I Center has arrangements Gong项目名称 #楼主体分部工程验收评估报告编制人: 审 核: 审 批: 监理单位: 编制日期:20 年 月 日(公司章)目 录一、前言3二、工程概况3三、监理质量评估依据5四、施工原材料、半成品材料质量控制5五、施工过程

25、中的控制8六、质量评定情况10(一)地基与基础分部工程质量评定10(二)工程主体结构分部工程施工质量评价11七、安全文明施工12八、工程技术资料整编情况12九、工程质量评估结论13 楼主体分部工程验收评估报告各位领导、各位专家:你们好!首先我谨代表 所有建设者感谢各方单位的大力支持和帮助,现就本工程地基与基础施工情况向各位领导、专家进行汇报.一、前言1、本报告为 工程地基与基础的评估报告;2、本报告本着客观、真实的原则,以相关资料和实体质量为依据,做出科学评价,提供给验收小组作为评定参考.二、工程概况(一)工程名称: (二)工程地址: (三)参建单位:建设单位: 设计单位: 勘察单位: 施工单

26、位: 监理单位: 桩基施工单位: 沉降观测单位: 材料试验单位: 监 督 机 构: (四)工程项目概况 工程共包含 栋住宅楼,本次验收 #楼,总建筑面积为 m2,建筑高度为 m,0。000标高为: m,总造价为: 万元。其中地上 层,建筑面积为 m2;地下 层,建筑面积为 m2。 楼地下 层战时为人防,平时为 , 层以下为商业及配套用房, 层以上为住宅. #楼结构类型为 ,结构设计使用年限为 年,建筑等级为 级,耐火等级地上为 级,地下为 级.抗震设防等级为 级,抗震设防烈度为 度,防空地下室抗力等级为 。本工程基础埋深为 m,基础采用 ,桩径为 mm,桩长为 m,桩身混凝土强度等级为 ,共设

27、置 根桩。抗渗等级为 ,地下室剪力墙混凝土强度等级为C ,抗渗等级为 ,由于本地下室长度较大,在 位置设置 道沉降伸缩后浇带。 楼地下室层高为 m,防水等级为 级,裙房层高分别为 m和 m,标准层层高为 m。内设 牌 型电梯 部。楼内设有高低压配电系统、给排水系统、通风系统、集中供暖地辐射系统、消火栓和自动喷淋系统、电梯系统和车库管理、楼宇监控、通信网络、信息网络、火灾自动报警和消防联动等智能化系统,设施齐全、功能先进、节能显著。本工程自20 年 月 日开工, 至20 年 月 日顺利封顶,历时 天.施工进度满足合同工期的要求。三、监理质量评估依据 1、建设单位与监理单位签订的监理合同;2、建设

28、单位与施工单位签订的施工合同; 3、本工程经图审机构审查合格的施工图纸及设计变更文件; 4、国家、行业现行法律、法规及相关建筑施工验收规范; 5、国家现行颁布的强制性标准; 6、经审批的施工组织设计和各专项施工方案; 7、建设工程监理规范;8、现行的基本试验方法标准、现场检测方法标准;9、陕西省建设工程质量和安全生产管理规定。四、施工原材料、半成品材料质量控制在施工过程中,严格控制原材料、半成品材料、成品材料的质量。对进场的钢材、水泥、普通混凝土小型砌块、商混等材料,首先检查其生产厂家是否具备相应的资质,同时结合出厂合格证和质量检测报告及质量保证书,核对现场现场材料的质量、数量是否达到要求,同

29、时根据陕西省建设工程质量和安全生产管理条例规定,委派监理工程师进行见证取样,送往具有资质的实验室进行复试.只有复试合格后,方可用于工程。1、钢材进场合格证书 份,其中6。5合格证 份,其中8合格证 份,10合格证 份,12合格证 份,14合格证 份,16合格证 份,18合格证 份,20合格证 份,22合格证 份,25合格证 份,28合格证 份(以上内容涉及到的填写、未涉及到的删除或进行补充),现场进场钢材 t,钢材原材复试共 组,合格 组。本工程 以上采用直螺纹套筒连接, 以下采用电渣压力焊连接,共有报告 组,其中电渣压力焊共 个,复试 组,合格 组,报告 组,焊工上岗证 份;钢筋直螺纹套筒连

30、接接头 个,试验 组,合格 组,报告 组.其力学性能均满足设计要求。该部分资料收集齐全,符合规范要求。表一 进场钢材原材复试统计表进场钢材复试统计表批次重量(t)复试组数合格组数12345合计表二 钢筋连接数量、复试统计表钢筋连接数量、复试统计表直螺纹钢筋直径(mm)连接数量复试组数合格组数合计电渣压力焊钢筋直径(mm)连接数量复试组数合格组数合计2、混凝土不同强度等级进场总共 m3。主体结构C 混凝土同条件试块留置 组,同条件试块抗压试压 组,试压达到设计强度等级 ,主体结构C 混凝土28d标养试留置 组,标养试试压 组,试压达到设计强度等级 。所有混凝土试块强度统计分析评定为合格。表三 混

31、凝土试块留置统计表混凝土试块留置统计表混凝土强度同条件试块留置组数标养试留置组数同条件合格组数CCCCCC合计3、水泥砂浆共 m3,留置试块 组,合格 组,水泥砂浆强度统计分析评定为合格.4、进场烧结普通砖 块,试验 组,合格 组,烧结普通砖强度统计分析评定为合格。5、蒸汽压加气块 块,试验 组,合格 组,蒸汽压加气块强度统计分析评定为合格。6、烧结多孔砖 块,试验 组,合格 组,烧结多孔砖强度统计分析评定为合格.7、后植筋 根,试验 组,合格 组,后植筋力学强度满足设计要求。8、轻集料混凝土小型砌块 块,试验 组,合格 组;轻集料混凝土小型砌块强度统计分析评定为合格.9、进场水泥 t,试验

32、组,合格 组,水泥试块强度统计分析评定为合格。五、施工过程中的控制1、测量:监理工程师会同施工单位对施工测量情况(高程、轴线)进行复查和确认。2、进场的原材料进行现场抽样复试;对钢筋焊接接头现场抽样送检;混凝土浇筑时进行现场旁站监理,抽查塌落度和见证混凝土试块现场制作;对有抗渗要求的混凝土进行现场抗渗试验。确保工程质量全部合格和工程试验的真实性.附表1 材料试验清单序号部位材料试验名称见证送样监督抽检结果1桩基础工程钢筋原材全部合格钢筋焊接接头试验全部合格混凝土试块抗压强度全部合格2基础垫层、承台等工程水泥原材合格钢筋原材全部合格钢筋焊接接头试验全部合格混凝土试块抗渗试验全部合格混凝土试块抗压

33、强度全部合格附表2 试块试验清单序号部位类别强度等级组数结果1桩基础工程见证标准养护合格监督抽检标准养护合格2基础垫层、承台等工程见证标准养护合格合格合格见证同条件养护合格合格合格监督抽检标准养护合格合格合格监督抽检同条件养护合格合格合格3、工程过程中,监理工程师对关键工序、重点部位进行旁站监理,对现场质量进行有效控制.4、隐蔽工程均经施工单位自检和监理工程师复检(设计单位和建设单位也进行抽查),对一些不符合设计级规范要求的地方,通过整改,直至满足设计级规范要求.5、结构实体钢筋保护层检测经 检测机构对主体梁、板、柱钢筋保护层进行检测:板类构建总数为 个,抽测 个,抽测比例为 %;梁类构件总数

34、为 个,抽测 个,抽测比例为 %,柱类构件总数为 个,抽测 个,抽测比例为 %。经检测,抽测的板类构件钢筋的保护层厚度合格率为 ,判定合格;梁类构件钢筋的保护层厚度合格率为 %,判定合格;柱类构件钢筋的保护层厚度合格率为 %,判定合格。抽检数量符合设计要求,检测结论合格。6、在 年 月 日至 年 月 日期间,进行了基坑变形监测,监测结果为基坑围护结构变形较小,均处于相对稳定和比较安全的状态。六、质量评定情况(一)地基与基础分部工程质量评定地基与基础分部工程所包含的分项工程土方开挖支护分项工程、防水混凝土分项工程、土方回填分项工程、卷材防水层分项工程、模板分项工程、砖砌体分项工程、钢筋分项工程、

35、混凝土分项工程,均经监理公司审查所有子分部、分项工程全部合格。地基与基础分部工程于 年 月 日由组织验收,结论为合格,同意验收.(二)工程主体结构分部工程施工质量评价各分项工程施工均满足设计要求,工程所使用的原材料抽检合格,各检测、试验全部合格。本分部工程所包含的子分部及分项工程的质量。附表3 地基与基础分部工程质量控制资料核查表序号子分部工程分项工程检验批数合格率备注1混凝土结构模板1002钢筋1003混凝土100%4现浇结构1001砌体结构砖砌体1002混凝土小型空心砌块砌体1003填充墙砌体1004配筋砖砌体1001木结构方木和原木结构1002胶合木结构100%3轻型木结构1004木构件

36、防护100%1网架和索膜结构网架制作1002网架安装100%3索膜安装1004网架防火1005防腐涂料1003、隐蔽工程验收记录 份。4、C 混凝土抗压试件最大抗压强度为 MPa,最小抗压强度为 MPa,平均抗压强度为 MPa.经抗压试验全部合格,并经统计分析评定全部合格.5、外观评价:现浇构件无漏筋,构件主要受力部位及其他部位无孔洞缺陷,梁板连接处无夹渣、漏浆现象,混凝土面清洁,无使用功能的缺陷,观感良好.6、本工程沉降观测委托 单位进行观测。从 年 月 日至 年 月 日对其共进行了 次沉降观测,最大沉降量 ,最大沉降差 ,平均沉降量 ,平均沉降速率为 / d.结论为:总体上沉降均匀,未发现



39、更项目应在报经原审批机关批准后30天内向登记主管机关申请办理变更登记。improve, security prevention capacity obviously enhanced, security hidden and security accident obviously reduced, effective guarantees information health development. XX Education Centre regularly carry out day-to-day network security monitoring information and eq

40、uipment. By the appropriate technical staff, XX network engine room maintenance staff on site management and maintenance on a regular basis, scheduled viewing of networks, systems, databases and associated equipment operating conditions, and make a record. Computer lab maintenance managers regularly

41、 run a variety of devices in the school information system parameters, server systems and various data backup, so that there was a hardware failure in a system crash can resume quickly and efficiently. Computer lab maintenance managers establish a network antivirus system, Avira Virus system on a re

42、gular basis, and anti-virus software security assessment, time to upgrade. Computer lab maintenance management for all equipment in the room a regular dust, replace the old label. Regularly host servers, network switches, core routing, firewalls, hardware maintenance, such as equipment failure, shou

43、ld be processed in a timely manner in order to ensure safe and reliable operation of the system. In XX city information and equipment was established within the Centre, educational metropolitan area network center machine room XX. Servers and data stores and applications to set up in XX City metropolitan area network center machine room. WindowsServer2003, windowsServer2008, windowsServer2012, Linux, the operating system, the database for SQL Server2008, Office software, such as Microsoft Office software. Schools (units) of computer, information

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