1、百科知识(一)Encyclopedic knowledge (a) 【四大名绣】苏绣苏州、湘绣湖南、蜀绣四川、广绣广东Four big embroidery embroidery 】 suzhou, in hunan, shu embroidery sichuan, GuangXiu guangdong 【四大名扇】檀香扇江苏、火画扇广东、竹丝扇四川、绫绢扇浙江The four most famous fan sandalwood fan jiangsu, fire painting sichuan guangdong, bamboo fan, silk damask fan zhejiang
2、 【四大名花】牡丹山东菏泽、水仙福建漳州、菊花浙江杭州、山茶云南昆明Peonys four big famous flowers 】 【 shandong heze, narcissus fujian zhangzhou, zhejiang hangzhou, camellia, chrysanthemum yunnan kunming 【十大名茶】西湖龙井浙江杭州西湖区、碧螺春江苏吴县太湖的洞庭山碧螺峰、信阳毛尖河南信阳车云山、君山银针湖南岳阳君山、六安瓜片安徽六安和金寨两县的齐云山、黄山毛峰安徽歙县黄山、祁门红茶安徽祁门县、都匀毛尖贵州都匀县、铁观音福建安溪县、武夷岩茶福建崇安县West
3、lake longjing top ten famous tea 】 【 lake in hangzhou, zhejiang province, biluochun in wuxian, jiangsu taihu lake dongting mountain BiLuo peak, xinyang maojian tea henan xinyang CheYunShan, hunan yueyang JunShan JunShan needles, luan GuaPian of two counties of anhui luan and Jin Zhai qiyun moutain,
4、huangshan maofeng tea rapidly in anhui and huangshan mountain, anhui QiMenXian qiinen black tea, DouYun maojian tea DouYun county in guizhou wuyi rock tea, tieguanyin fujian anxi, of anxian county, fujian chung 【扑克人物】Poker characters 黑桃J:查尔斯一世的侍从,丹麦人霍克拉Spades J: Charles Is retinue, Danish hawk 红桃J:查
5、尔斯七世的宫廷随从拉海亚Red peach J: Charles viis court after the sea 梅花J:亚瑟王的著名骑士兰斯洛特PAM: famous arthurian knight Lancelot 方块J:查尔斯一世的侍从罗兰Square J: Charles Is retinue Roland 黑桃Q:帕拉斯o阿西纳,古希腊神话中智慧与战争女神O o spades Q: pallas, ancient Greek mythology goddess of wisdom and war 红桃Q:朱尔斯,德国人,查尔斯一世的妻子Red peach Q: Jules, g
6、ermans, Charles Is wife 梅花Q:英国的兰开斯特王族的约克王后Plum Q: British Lancaster royal queen of york 方块Q:是圣经o旧约中的约瑟夫的妹妹,莱克尔皇后Square Q: o the old testament of the bible is in Josephs younger sister, recker queen 黑桃K:戴维,公元前10世纪的以色列国王索洛蒙的父亲,擅长弹奏竖琴Spades K: David, the 10th century BC, king Solomon of Israels father,
7、 is good at playing the harp 红桃K:查尔斯一世,弗兰克国王沙勒曼The red peach K: Charles I, king of frank Salem 梅花K:马其顿国的亚历山大大帝,最早go-vern-ment世界Plum K: Alexander the great of Macedonia, the earliest go Vern - ment of the world 方块K:罗马名将和政治家朱亚斯o西泽,罗马统一后成为独裁统治者Square K: Roman name and politicians Zhu Yasi o Caesar, the
8、 Roman unification become autocratic rulers 【年龄称谓】【 title 】 age 襁褓:未满周岁的婴儿Baby: those under the age of the baby 孩提:指23岁的儿童As a child: refers to children aged 2-3 垂髫:指幼年儿童(又叫“总角”)Early childhood: refers to the young children (also called accumulated Angle) 豆蔻:指女子十三岁Nutmeg: refers to womens thirteen y
9、ears old 及笄:指女子十五岁JiJi refers to womens fifteen 加冠:指男子二十岁(又“弱冠”)Crowns: refers to the men twenty years old (or coming of age at 20) 而立之年:指三十岁Focus: refers to the age of thirty 不惑之年:指四十岁Appears: refers to 40 知命之年:指五十岁(又“知天命”、“半百”)Years of things: refers to the age of fifty ( is , half) 花甲之年:指六十岁Reach
10、 refers to 60 years old 古稀之年:指七十岁Three score and ten: refers to the age of seventy 耄耋之年:指八、九十岁 期颐之年:一百岁, theres ninety - year - old age: refers to the eight years: the age of one hundred 【科举职官】乡试:录取者称为举人,第一名称为解元、会试:录取者称为贡生,第一名称为会元、殿试:录取者称为进士,第一名称为状元,第二名为榜眼,第三名为探花【 】 the imperial official after havin
11、g obtained : students referred to as a juren, the first name is XieYuan, to : students called gongsheng, the first name is HuiYuan, position : students called jinshi, first name for the top, the second is called second, the third is called no. 【四书】论语、中庸、大学、孟子r books the analects of Confucius, the do
12、ctrine of the mean, university, mencius 【五经】诗经、尚书、礼记、易经、春秋Five classics, the book of songs history, rites, I ching, the spring and autumn annals 【八股文】破题、承题、起讲、入手、起股、中股、后股、束股 【六子全书】老子、庄子、列子、荀子、扬子法言、文中子中说Teachers presentation, amplification ChengTi, up speak, starting, shares, stocks, posterior divisi
13、ons, bunch of stocks sixth encyclopedia Lao zi, zhuang zi, liezi, xunzi, the Yangtze law says, the child said 【汉字六书】象形、指事、形声、会意、转注、假借Pictographic Chinese characters Chinese characters 】 【, self-explanatory, echoism, knowing, conversion, under the guise of 【书法九势】落笔、转笔、藏峰、藏头、护尾、疾势、掠笔、涩势、横鳞竖勒Put pen to
14、 paper and pencil, and calligraphy nine potential 】 【 hide peak, CangTou and shield tail, for potential, pen, acerbity potential, horizontal scale, vertical 【竹林七贤】嵇康、刘伶、阮籍、山涛、阮咸、向秀、王戎 【饮中八仙】李白、贺知章、李适之、李琎、崔宗之、苏晋、张旭、焦遂Ji kang, bamboo QiXian 】 【 LiuLing, ruan ji, shan tao, a plucked stringed instrument
15、, to show, Wang Rong drinks the eight immortals in the li bai, He Zhizhang, Li Shizhi, lee Jin, Cui Zong, Su Jin, zhang xu, JiaoSui 【蜀之八仙】容成公、李耳、董促舒、张道陵、严君平、李八百、范长生、尔朱先生Rc, shu of the eight immortals 】 【 Li Er, promoting the shu dong, that, YanJunPing, eight hundred, Fan Changsheng, li zhu 【扬州八怪】郑板桥
16、、汪士慎、李鱓、黄慎、金农、高翔、李方鹰、罗聘Yangzhou eight eccentrics Zheng Banqiao 】, Wang Shishen, lee 鱓, Huang Shen, Li Fangying, qing-era painting, and in the open 【北宋四大家】黄庭坚、欧阳修、苏轼、王安石Northern song dynasty four everybody huang tingjian, ouyang xiu, su shi, wang anshi 【唐宋古文八大家】韩愈、柳宗元、欧阳修、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、王安石、曾巩Eight people
17、】 【 ancient prose in tang and song dynasty, ouyang xiu, sponsored by han yu and liu zongyuan Su Xun, su shi and su zhe and wang anshi, 曾巩 【十三经】易经、诗经、尚书、礼记、仪礼、公羊传、榖梁传、左传、孝经、论语、尔雅、孟子【 ShiSanJing 】 I ching, the book of songs, history, rites and yili, ram biography, grain Liang Chuan, zuo zhuan, xiao ,
18、the analects, er ya, mencius 【四大民间传说】牛郎织女、孟姜女、梁山伯与祝英台、白蛇与许仙【 】 the four most famous folk tales in the gigolo knit, meng jiangnu, butterfly lovers, the white snake and xu xian 【四大文化遗产】明清档案、殷墟甲骨、居延汉简、敦煌经卷【 】 four cultural heritage in the archives of Ming and qing dynasties, the Yin ruins oracle, bambo
19、o slips, dunhuang books 【元代四大戏剧】关汉卿窦娥冤、王实甫西厢记、汤显祖牡丹亭、洪升长生殿【 】 four yuan dynasty drama works DouE case, wang shifu western chamber, tang xianzu, the peony pavilion and hong sheng palace 【晚清四大谴责小说】李宝嘉官场现形记、吴沃尧二十年目睹之怪现状、刘鹗老残游记、曾朴孽海花Four condemnation novels in late qing dynasty Li Baojia 】 the officiald
20、om in the sky, and wu WoYao twenty years saw the strange situation, LiuE LaoCan travel notes, Ceng Piao the resources to spend 【莎士比亚四大悲剧】汉姆莱特、李尔王、麦克白、奥赛罗Shakespeare four great tragedies 】 【 ham Wright, king Lear, Macbeth, Othello 【五彩】青、黄、赤、白、黑【 color 】 black, yellow, red, white and black 【五音】宫、商、角、徵
21、、羽 sound palace, shang, horn, characteristics, plume 【七宝】金、银、琉璃、珊瑚、砗磲、珍珠、玛瑙Gold, silver, lapis lazuli, qibao 】 【 coral, tridacna, pearls, agate 【九宫】正宫、中吕宫、南吕宫、仙吕宫、黄钟宫、大面调、双调、商调、越调Lu in the palace, palace, south jiugong 】 【 lu palace, fairy palace, huang gong lu, bedding face, double adjustable, Shan
22、gDiao, YueDiao 【七大艺术】绘画、音乐、雕塑、戏剧、文学、建筑、电影】 【 seven art, music, sculpture, painting, drama, literature, architecture, film 【四大名瓷窑】河北的瓷州窑、浙江的龙泉窑、江西的景德镇窑、福建的德化窑Four big famous kilns Long Quanyao kiln porcelain states of hebei province and zhejiang province, jiangxis jingdezhen kiln, fujian dehua kiln 【
23、四大名旦】梅兰芳、程砚秋、尚小云、荀慧生Mei lanfang, cheng yanqiu, shang xiaoyun, four MingDan 】 【, xun 【六礼】冠、婚、丧、祭、乡饮酒、相见Crown, marriage, funerals, six ceremony 】 【 offerings, township drinking, meet each other 【六艺】礼、乐、射、御、书、数【 LiuYi 】, music, archery, royal, book, number 【六义】风、赋、比、兴、雅、颂Six righteousness wind, fu, bi,
24、 xing, elegant, and praise 【八旗】镶黄、正黄、镶白、正白、镶红、正红、镶蓝、正蓝 【十恶】谋反、谋大逆、谋叛、谋恶逆、不道、大不敬、不孝、不睦、不义、内乱Eight banners set is yellow, yellow, with white, is set with red, white, red, blue, is blue 【 10 】 evil rebellion, seeks the regicide, conspiracies, seeks the inverse, not word, irreverent, unfilial, discord a
25、nd injustice, and civil strife 【九流】儒家、道家、阴阳家、法家、名家、墨家、纵横家、杂家、农家【 】 nine flow, Confucianism, Taoism, Yin and Yang family, famous artists, mohism, legalism, sage, and home farm 【三山】安徽黄山、江西庐山、浙江雁荡山Three mountain huangshan mountain in anhui, jiangxi, zhejiang yandang mountain 【五岭】越城岭、都庞岭、萌诸岭、骑田岭、大庾岭YueC
26、hengLing, DouPangLing, the five ridges 】 【 ZhuLing, ride Tian Ling, big it 【五岳】中岳河南嵩山、东岳山东泰山、西岳陕西华山、南岳湖南衡山、北岳山西恒山 its he henan songshan, dongyue shandong taishan, the west shaanxi huashan, le hunan hengshan, beiyue mount heng in Shanxi Province 【五湖】鄱阳湖江西、洞庭湖湖南、太湖江苏、洪泽湖江苏、巢湖安徽Five lakes in jiangxi po
27、yang lake, dongting lake in hunan, jiangsu, jiangsu hongze lake taihu, chaohu anhui 【四海】渤海、黄海、东海、南海【 all 】 the bohai sea, yellow sea, east China sea, the south China sea 【四大名桥】广济桥、赵州桥、洛阳桥、卢沟桥Four big famous bridge wide and zhaozhou bridge, the bridges LuoYangQiao, Marco Polo bridge 【四大名园】颐和园北京、避暑山庄河
28、北承德、拙政园江苏苏州、留园江苏苏州【 】 most famous four gardens Beijing the Summer Palace, the summer resort of chengde in hebei province, the humble administrators garden of suzhou, jiangsu province, the lingering garden jiangsu suzhou 【四大名刹】灵岩寺山东长清、国清寺浙江天台、玉泉寺湖北江陵、栖霞寺江苏南京Four famous LingYanSi shandong pingyin, zhi
29、 xu claimed zhejiang tiantai, yuquan temple hubei jiangling, were jiangsu nanjing 【四大名楼】岳阳楼湖南岳阳、黄鹤楼湖北武汉、滕王阁江西南昌、大观楼云南昆明Four famous towers yueyang of hunan yueyang, hubei wuhan the yellow crane tower, tengwang pavilion nanchang of jiangxi province, DaGuanLou yunnan kunming 【四大名亭】醉翁亭安徽滁县、陶然亭北京先农坛、爱晚亭湖
30、南长沙、湖心亭杭州西湖Four big famous pavilion ZuiWengTing chuhe county in anhui, TaoRanTing XianNongTan Beijing, love late pavilion in changsha, hunan province, lake hangzhou west lake 【四大古镇】景德镇江西、佛山镇广东、汉口镇湖北、朱仙镇河南Four big ancient town jingdezhen of jiangxi guangdong, hankou town, foshan town in hubei, immort
31、als township henan 【四大碑林】西安碑林陕西西安、孔庙碑林山东曲阜、地震碑林四川西昌、南门碑林台湾高雄Xi an forest of steles four forest of steles 】 【 xi an in shaanxi province, Confucius temple, the forest of steles shandong qufu the forest of steles, earthquake sichuan xichang, south gate the forest of steles Taiwan kaohsiung 【四大名塔】嵩岳寺塔河南
32、登封嵩岳寺、飞虹塔山西洪洞广胜寺、释迦塔山西应县佛宫寺、千寻塔云南大理崇圣寺Four big famous tower this temple tower henan dengfeng this temple, the flying tower shanxi hongtong guangsheng temple Buddha palace temple in shanxi so, Buddha tower, qianhe tower yunnan Dali footprints temple 【四大石窟】莫高窟甘肃敦煌、云岗石窟山西大同、龙门石窟河南洛阳、麦积山石窟甘肃天水【 】s four
33、big grottoes the mogao grottoes of dunhuang, gansu province, shanxi datong yungang grottoes and longmen grottoes of luoyang, henan gansu tianshui, maijishan grottoes 【四大书院】白鹿洞书院江西庐山、岳麓书院湖南长沙、嵩阳书院河南嵩山、应天书院河南商丘Four academy white deer cave academy jiangxi lushan, yuelu academy of hunan changsha, song Y
34、ang college henan songshan, should be college henan shangqiu 【四大佛教名山】浙江普陀山观音菩萨、山西五台山文殊菩萨、四川峨眉山普贤菩萨、安徽九华山地藏王菩萨【 】 the four famous buddhist mountains of zhejiang mount putuo guanyin bodhisattva, wutai mountain in shanxi manjushri, samantabhadra bodhisattva mount emei in sichuan, anhui jiuhua earth tre
35、asure bodhisattva 【四大道教名山】湖北武当山、江西龙虎山、安徽齐云山、四川青城山The four famous mountains of Taoism wudang mountain in hubei, jiangxi, qiyun moutain in anhui, sichuan qingcheng mountain, mount longhu 【五行】金、木、水、火、土Five lines of gold, wood, water, fire and earth 【八卦】乾天、坤地、震雷、巽风、坎水、离火、艮山、兑沼Gossip dried day, he to, mi
36、ne, xun wind and water from the fire, gen hill, the bog 【三皇】伏羲、女娲、神农 three fuxi, nuwa, shennong 【五帝】太皞、炎帝、黄帝、少皞、颛顼Five emperors too 皞, yan emperor, huangdi, 皞, ZhuanXu less 【三教】儒教、道教、佛教Three religions Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism 【三清】元始天尊清微天玉清境、灵宝天尊禹余天上清境、道德天尊大赤天太清境Beginning sanqing 】 【 Buddha mic
37、ro day jade qing qing condition, spi Buddha yu yu qing sky condition, moral Buddha big red day too clear borders 【四御】昊天金阙无上至尊玉皇大帝、中天紫微北极大帝、勾陈上宫天后皇大帝、承天效法土皇地祗Heaven gold que supreme supreme science four royal 】 【 the jade emperor, zhongtian Chinese arctic emperor, tick on Chen huang emperor palace da
38、ys, days according to soil emperor DeZhi 【八仙】铁拐李、钟离权、张果老、吕洞宾、何仙姑、蓝采和、韩湘子、曹国舅Eight immortals turn iron, clock from power, the zhang guolao, li lu dongbin, He Xiangu, blue and, Han Xiangzi, cao guojiu 【十八罗汉】布袋罗汉、长眉罗汉、芭蕉罗汉、沉思罗汉、伏虎罗汉、过江罗汉、欢喜罗汉、降龙罗汉、静坐罗汉、举钵罗汉、开心罗汉、看门罗汉、骑象罗汉、探手罗汉、托塔罗汉、挖耳罗汉、笑狮罗汉、坐鹿罗汉Oceans
39、 18 arhats 】 【 cloth, oceans long eyebrow, oceans banana, oceans oceans contemplation, oceans fighter, river, oceans joy, JiangLong lohan, oceans meditation, for oceans bowl, oceans happy, oceans guard and ride like lohan, oceans agent hand, TuoDa lohan, oceans ear, laughing lion ocean, by oceans de
40、er 【十八层地狱】第一层泥犁地狱、第二层刀山地狱、第三层沸沙地狱、第四层沸屎地狱、第五层黑身地狱、第六层火车地狱、第七层镬汤地狱、第八层铁床地狱、第九层盖山地狱、第十层寒冰地狱、第十一层剥皮地狱、第十二层畜生地狱、第十三层刀兵地狱、第十四层铁磨地狱、第十五层寒冰地狱、第十六层铁册地狱、第十七层蛆虫地狱、第十八层烊铜地狱Eighteen layers of hell of the first layer of mud plough hell, hell, the second wheels/layer 3 boiling boiling shit hell hell, layer 4, 5 l
41、ayer black body, layer 6 train hell, hell layer 7 wok soup hell, hell layer 8 iron bed, cover layer 9 mountain, layer 10 ice hell, hell layer 11 skinning, 2 10 animal hell, hell bill layer 13, 14 layer iron grinding hell, hell layer 15 ice, iron layer 16 of the hell, hell layer 17 maggot, copper lay
42、er 18 Yang hell hell 【五脏】心、肝、脾、肺、肾 five heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney 【六腑】胃、胆、三焦、膀胱、大肠、小肠Fu, bravery, the sanjiao (triple energizer), bladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine 【七情】喜、怒、哀、乐、爱、恶、欲Seven emotions happiness, anger, sorrow, joy, love, evil, desire 【五常】仁、义、礼、智、信 the p5 benevol
43、ence, righteousness, courtesy, intelligence and faith 【五伦】君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妇、朋友 each this, father and son, brother, wife, friend 【三姑】尼姑、道姑、卦姑Three gu 】 【 nun, Taoist, hexagrams gu 【六婆】牙婆、媒婆、师婆、虔婆、药婆、稳婆Six shiva YaPo 】, matchmaker, shiva, sincere woman, shiva, midwife 【九属】玄孙、曾孙、孙、子、身、父、祖父、曾祖父、高祖父 9 genera g
44、reat-great-grandson, the son, Samson, the son, and his body high, father, grandfather, great grandfather, grandfather 【五谷】稻、黍、稷、麦、豆 corn rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans 【中国八大菜系】四川菜、湖南菜、山东菜、江苏菜、浙江菜、广东菜、福建菜、安徽菜Chinas eight regional cuisines sichuan cuisine, hunan cuisine, shandong cuisine, jiangsu
45、cuisine, zhejiang cuisine, cantonese cuisine, fujian cuisine and anhui cuisine 【五毒】石胆、丹砂、雄黄、矾石、慈石 ruling lithocholic, cinnabar and realgar, alum stone, CiShi 【配药七方】大方、小方、缓方、急方、奇方、偶方、复方And easy dispensing seven party 】 【, party, party, party, odd, even, compound 【中华人民共和国十大元帅】:朱德、彭德怀、贺龙、陈毅、刘伯承、罗荣桓、徐向前、聂荣臻、林彪、叶剑英。【 ten generalissimo of the Peoples Republic of China: zhu DE, peng dehuai, he long, Chen yi, liu, Luo Ronghuan, xiangqian, nie rongzhen, L