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1、人教版七年级上学期词汇-专项练习I.根据句意和首字母填单词,使句意完整。1.Please have a l_ at this shop. 2.We have shirts in all c_ at$20 each.3.The red shorts on s_ are very cheap. 4.When is your b_,Nick? Its June 15th.5.Our English speech t_is on May 3rd.6.My f_fruit is banana.7.T_for your help.8.S_ is the last day of a week. 9.Are

2、you f_ this afternoon?10.His favorite s_is P.E.11.I have eight classes on W_.12.J_1st is New Years Day.13.How do you s_ pen?14.We want a lot of v_and fruit.15.The teacher has a q_to ask us.16.“Whats your f_ name?” “Mike.”17.We like ice cream for d_.18.Jack plays sports every day,so he is very h_.19.

3、We are b_with work,so I have no time to play.20.Thank you.Youre w_.21.Im very s_Im late.22.Playing baseball is not very easy.Its d_.23.A_ comes after July.24.The hat is not big.Its s_.II.单词拼写,每空一词。1.How many_(字典)are there on the desk?2.April the_(三十)is my mothers birthday.3.I like school_(郊游).4.The

4、blue_(毛衣)are fifty_(美元)each.5.They_ (不能)speak Chinese.6.I think watching TV is_(无聊的). 7.That idea_(听起来)great. 8.Do you have two tennis_(球拍)? 9.A clock_(有)three hands.10.There are_(十二)months in a year.The_(第十二个)month of the year is December.III.用所给词的适当形式填空。1._is a boy. _name is Drew.(he)2.Is_English

5、name Francisco?(you)3._Mr White_(have)a computer?4.He_(not have)a bike.5.His friend_(go)to work in the evening.6.Jerry only_(watch)TV on Sunday.7.Can you help_(our)?8.I found a set of_(key).9.These are my family_(photo).10.I dont like_(tomato).单项选择练习题1._you like ice cream? A. Are B.Am C.Does D.Do2._

6、play table tennis. A. Let B.Lets C.Lets D.Its3.-_does your father have_lunch?-Chicken and tomatoes.A.What;for B.What;/ C.How;for D.How;/4.Oranges are a kind of_.A.vegetables B.vegetable C.fruits D.fruit5.What_Tom like_for breakfast?A.does;eat B.is;eat C.does;to eat D.is;to eat6.Does your friend like

7、 salad? -_.A.Yes,she like. B.No,she does. C.Yes,she doesnt D.No,she doesnt.7.Does your English teacher sing very_?-Yes,She does.A.good B.nice C.great D.well8.Lets_baseball.-OK.Lets_.A.play;go B.plays;go C.play;to go D.play;goes9Tom likes eggs,oranges and bananas_breakfast.A.in B.of C.for D.on 10.For

8、_lunch,she has some hamburgers.A.a B.an C.the D./11.Bill likes bananas,he likes_,too.A.strawberry B.strawberries C.strawberrys D.strawberres12.This is my sister,_name is lily.A.she B.she is C.Her D.her13.He is_student_Class 4. A.the,in B.a,of C.a,in D.an,on14.That is_room.A.Lily and Lucy B.Lily and

9、Lucys C.Lilys and Lucys D.Lilys and Lucy15.-Do you know the girl in the hat? -_.A.Yes,I am. B.Yes,she is. C.Yes,I know. D.Yes,I do.16.Does your sister_ice cream?A.has B.have C.is there D.there are17.Lets_.A.go home B.to go to home C.go to home D.to go home18.The boy_hamburgers very much.So he eats a

10、 lot.A.like B.likes C.dont like D.doesnt like19Lets have oranges. _.AThats sound good BThat sound good CThats sounds good DThat sounds good20Do you like apples?_.AYes,I am B.Yes,I do CNo,Im not DNo,I not21Does your son like carrots?_.A.Yes,she does B.Yes,he is C.No,he doesnt D.No,she doesnt22He has_

11、egg and_hamburger.Aan,an Ba,a Can,a Da,an23What_she have_dinner?Ado,in Bdoes,for Cis,at Dcan,to24.We need lots of_every dayAhealthy food Bsalads Cmilks DVegetable25_your mother_carrots?ADo;eat BIs;eat CDoes;eat DAre;eat26Our friend_like salad. Adont Bdoesnt Cisnt Darent27.-Do they like hamburgers? -

12、Yes,they like_very much.Ait Bthem C.their Dits28Her parents_lunch at home.Adoesnt have Bhavent Chasnt Ddont have29We have lots of food_dinner. Ain Bat Cfor DOn30-_does Lucy like? -Tomatoes.AHow BWhat CWhere DWhy31Aunt Li likes_bananas. Aeat Beating Ceats Deatting32The green shorts are_sale for$25. A

13、.forB.on C.at D. of33.The socks_all colors for just 2 yuan. A.inB.forC.on D. at34._colour do you like? White and red.A.Who B.What C.How much D. which35._is that hat? $15.A.How much B.Which C.What color D. Whats the price36.Can I help you? _.A.No,please dont B.Yes,pleaseC.Youre welcome D. Yes,yoy can

14、.37.How much_those pants? Theyre 25 yuan.A.is B.areC.am D. /38.His clothes_over there,in that room. A.is B.are C.am D.be 39.The boy_the black bike is Li Wei. A.in B.at C.on D.of40.What_in the bags?Apples.A.is B.areC.haveD.color41.-What color is it? -Its_orange. Its_orange sweater.A.a;an B.an;an C./;

15、an D.an;/42. That bag is black.Its_A.black bag B.the black bagC.a black bag D.a black43.How much_these things?A.is B.areC.has D.have44.I want to buy a shirt_my father. A.toB.onC.forD.in45.Lets go and have_his new CD.A.look atB.a look at C.a look D.the look at46.Jims_is red. A.shoesB.bag C.socks D.pa

16、nts.47.How much are the pants? _twenty dollars.A.It hasB.It is C.They haveD.They are48.Are these your shoes? Yes,_.A.theyre B.they areC.these are D.therere49.The T-shirt is only ten dollars. Ill_it.A.buysB.take C.sale D.sell50.I like red but my brother_.A.likes red,too B.doesntC.does D.doesnt like51

17、.What color is it? _A.Its a green car B.Its a greenC.Its green D.Its green car52.We have_students.A.fourtyfour B.fourfourty C.fortyfour D.fourforty53.How much_do you want?A.tomatoesB.bananas C.hamburgersD.chicken54.They have T-shirts_ green and black for only$13_ the shop.A.at;at B.in;in C.with;with

18、 D.at;in55The red shoes_25 dollarsAis Bdoes C.are D.do56-What do you want? -I want a_.Asocks B.pants C.apple D.hat57.-How much_the T-shirt and bag? -_46 dollars.Ais;Its B.is;They is C.are;They are D.are;They do58.These socks are only 3 dollarsDo you want_?A.it Bthem C.that D.those59.-Thank you very

19、much -_.A.Here you are BYoure welcome C.Thank you too D.Not thanks60.We have T-shirts_red. Afor B.at C.in D.of61We have all pants_all colors_$18.A.for;for Bat;for C.in;at D.at;at62Mary_a bag_school.A.need;at B.need;for C.needs;at D.needs;for63The yellow shirt is_sale_24A.at;at B.on,for C.at;for D.on

20、;of64.When_your mothers birthday? A.amB.is C.are D.does65.Our school trip is_May. A.in B.on C.at D. of66._is your Art Festival? A.What B.When C.Which D.How 67.-Lets go swimming. -Good idea!It sounds_.A.interesting B.boring C.difficult D. bad68.This shop_all kinds of clothes.A.sellB.sells C.buys D. b

21、uy69.I dont_chicken for supper. A.likes B.sell C.have D. has70.My ID card is_my schoolbag. A.at B.inC.for D. of71.Beijing Opera is really_.My father likes it.A.funnyB.boringC.sad D. difficult72.I often go to the shops_weekends.A.forB.onC.in D./73.Everyone in our class_A.like singing B.likes play foo

22、tball C.like watchTV D.likes playing games74.They often play basketball_Wednesday afternoon.A.at B.inC.on D.with75.Jack_like baseball_volleyball.A.dont;or B.doesnt;orC.dont;and D.doesnt;and76.My father_go to a movie with my mother.A.want B.wantsC.want to D.wants to77.Can Lucy_Chinese?A.say B.talkC.s

23、peak D.speaks78What do you_do?A.wantB.wantsC.want to D.wants to79September is_month of the year.Anineth Bninth Cthe nineth Dthe ninth 80Do you often go to_football games_your friends?Asee,and Blook at,with Cwatch,and Dwatch,with81Mr Brown is very old,_he is still healthy.Abut Band Cso DFor82_weekday

24、s,what time do you get up?AOn BFor CAt DBy83.They want_buy some tomatoes. A.andB.orC.to D. but84.What do you have_lunch? A.atB.onC.for D.in85._? Yes,I want some fruit.A.Can I help you B.What do you want C.What do you want to buy D. Can you help me?86.I usually watch TV_Sunday evening. A.in B.onC.at

25、D. from87.-_do you want to join the chess club?-Because I like chess very much.A.Who B.How C.Why D.What88.What is the first day of the week?_.A.Monday B.Friday C.Saturday D.Sunday89.Let_go and give this apple to_.A.me;me B.me;his C.I;him D.me;him90.Can he play_ping-pong?A./ B.aC.an D.the91.Can I_som

26、e books? Sorry,I dont have one.A.takeB.getC.have D. read92.The students often play games_their teacher.A.andB.forC.with D. between93.My grandfather always watches the early news_TV.A.at B.onC.from D. in94.Thanks_your letter. Youre welcome.A.toB.forC.with D.of95._weekends we go to school_7 oclock.A.I

27、n;at B.On;at C.On;in D.In;on96.We have_breakfast_morning.A.the;inB./;in theC.the;in the D./;in97.She has a ruler,but she_an eraser.A.doesnt have B.haventC.dont have D.has98._do you have supper?At 7:00.A.WhenB.WhereC.With whomD.How99.He likes_the radio(收音机)。A.listens B.to listen to C.listens to D.to

28、listen100. I_at seven.A.go to the school B.go to a school C.go to school D.go school101.Jie Min usually gets up(起床)_.A.at six thirty B.at thirty six C.on six thirty D.on thirty six102.Rick often does_homework at 6:00.A.her B.his C.my D.your103.Ken and Lindas favourite subject_P.E.A.areB.isC.am D. be

29、104.What_you do after supper?A.does B.doC.is D. are105.I like my music teacher. Hes_.A.funny B.relaxingC.boring D. interesting106.He likes science_its very interesting.A.andB.soC.because D.but107.All my classes finish_4:00 p.m. A.in B.onC.at D. of108.Whats_favourite subject? A.Ken B.Ken is C.Kens D.

30、 he109.When do you have your P.E.lesson?-On_.A.the morning B.the Friday morningC.Friday morningD.the morning Friday110We have math_Friday.Its difficult_interesting.Aon,or Bon,and Cin,or Din,and111Whats_favourite movie? Ahe Bshe Ches DGinas112The game_at 4:00 P.m. Afinish Bfinishes Cfinishs Dto finis

31、h113_do you like biology?Its fun.AWhat BWhen CWhy DHow much114I think math is_.A.real difficult B.really difficult C.real busy D.eally tired115.What_does he like best? -Football.Afood Bsubject Ccolor Dsport116Mr.Cheng teaches_math.We all like_very much.Aus,his Bour,his Cus,him Dour,him117Do you have

32、 history_the afternoon of Monday.Ain Bat Con Dfor句型转换1.Tim usually goes to bed at 10:00.(提问)_ _Tim usually_to bed?2.I do homework at seven.(否定句)I_ _homework at seven.3.He often has lunch at school._ _he often_lunch?4.where,play,you,usually,do,friends,with,your,chess(连词成句)_?5.She doesnt have lunch.(变

33、肯定句)She_lunch.6.We play volleyball.(变成由Let开头的祈使句)_ _volleyball.7Does Tom like eggs for breakfast?(否定回答)_,_ _.8She doesnt have lunch.(变为肯定句)She _lunch.9.Im fourteen years old.(就划线部分提问)_ _ are you? 10.We have an Art Festival each year.(变成一般疑问句)_ you _ an Art Festival each year?11.She likes basketball

34、game.(变成否定句)She _ _ basketball game. 12.Is TeachersDay in October?(作出回答)_, _ _.13.Beijing is in China.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Beijing? 14.Are you their friend?(做肯定回答) _, _ _.15.Kate has a new English dictionary.(改为一般疑问句) _ Kate _ a new English dictionary? 16.I have a nice ball.(改为否定句) I _ have a nice ball.17.

35、Lucy likes bananas and oranges very much.(变一般疑问句) _ Lucy _ bananas and oranges very much18.Ann likes rice and noodles.(变否定句)Ann _ _ rice and noodles. 19.Kate has a nice cat.(变否定句)Kate _ _ a nice cat.20.Lily wants to have a cup of tea.(变否定句)Lily _ _ to have a cup of tea. 21.Bob likes comedies.(就划线部分提

36、问) _ _ Bob _?22.These socks are too short.(变成反义句) These socks are too _. 23.I want those black shoes.(变成否定句) I _ _ those black shoes. 25.Zheng Zhuos father goes to work by car.(改为一般疑问句)_26.My math teacher is Miss Yu.(就划线部分提问)_ 27.I have lunch at twelve oclock.(就划线部分提问)_28.I have English on Wednesday

37、.(变成否定句)_ 29.Lily likes history very much.(变成一般疑问句)_30.Emma and Paul like salad.(改一般疑问句) _ 31.My uncle has hamburgers for lunch.(改一般疑问句)_32.My good friend likes apples and oranges.(对划线部分提问) _ 33My father doesnt like playing tennis.(变为肯定句)_34I think tennis is very interesting.(变为否定句) 35Tim has a watch.(变为一般疑问句)_36I play sports every morning.(变为否定句) _ 37.I have some baseball bats?(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_38.We have a big TV in our house?(改为一般疑问句)_ 39.He likes his new room.(改为一般疑问

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