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1、牛津小学英语6B Unit5 The seasons第一教时一、 教学内容:牛津小学英语6B Unit5第一教时二、 教材简析:本单元主要围绕“季节及气候”这个话题展开各项活动,所涉及的日常交际项目有介绍、询问、建议等。其中以“询问天气”及应答为重点内容。同时学习常用的与气象相关的一些词汇,在设计教学活动时,应用“任务型”教学方法,以活动来支撑课堂。学生在一、二单元已学习过形容词和副词的比较级,因此能理解文中天气的比较.本节课重点是培养学生整体理解语篇的能力。三、 教学目标:(一)知识目标1. 掌握单词、词组season, weather, summer, autumn, best, spri

2、ng, winter, cool, windy, countryside, snowman 2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Whats the weather like? Its Does it often rain there in spring? Yes, it does. Which season do you like best? I like best? I like best. Why? Because its I can (二)技能目标 1. 理解并初步朗读课文,提高学生整体理解语篇的能力。 2. 能初步运用所学句型谈论天气情况。 3. 了解纽约的气候,拓展学生的文化视野。(

3、三) 情感态度目标 (1)引导学生关注自己生活的地方的天气情况,进而加深对家乡的了解。 (2)采用“任务型”教学途径,激发学生的学习兴趣。四、重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:Which season do you like best? I likeWhy? Because its I canWhats the weather like ?Its.五、设计理念: 基于新课标提出的“加强学习内容和学生生活的联系,关注学生学习兴趣和经验”,本节课我将采用“对话式”教学法和“任务型”教学法,激发学生的学习兴趣。引导学生自主的用英语完成活动,以培养学生的英语思维习惯。六、设计思路:本单元主要围绕“季节及气候

4、”这个话题展开各项活动,所涉及的日常交际项目有介绍、询问、建议等。其中以“询问天气”及应答为重点内容。在设计教学目标时,我遵循课标的三维目标要求分别设立了知识目标、技能目标、情感态度目标。在设计教学活动时,以应用多媒体等现代教育技术为手段,应用“任务型”教学方法,以活动来支撑课堂,把每一项教学目标看成本课时的主要任务,精心设计,巧妙铺垫,做到新旧知识滚动训练。在教师示范的前提下,多让学生自主完成活动,自主的用英语完成活动,以培养学生的英语思维习惯。七、教学过程:Step1 Warm up. (用时:5分钟)1. Greeting.2. Sing a song.(播放flash)“How is

5、the weather?”【设计意图:节奏欢快的歌曲营造了良好的学习氛围,歌曲的内容让学生初步感知了本节课的四会单词weather及如何回答天气情况。】3. T: (PPT呈现四季的图片) Boys and girls, look at these pictures. Which word do you think? 由看四季的图片引出并学习单词season。T: Yes. Today well learn Unit 5 The seasons.带读课题(PPT呈现课题)。4. Free talk: T: Boys and girls. How many seasons are there i

6、n a year?Do you know?【设计意图:以美丽的四季图片自然导入本课,使学生愉快地进入学习状态。同时用 How many seasons are there in a year?这个问题激活学生的思维,调动了学生表达的欲望,又为后面的教学做了有效铺垫。】4. T: Well. There are four seasons in a year. Look at the pictures. Are they beautiful? Yes. Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter. (出示PPT,初步认读这四个单词). 5. T: Now, l

7、ets play a guessing game. Guess What season is it? (出示PPT).(1) T: Its warm. Its not cold. We can see many beautiful flowers. (学习warm。)What season is it? (出示连云港春天的图片,引导学生理解。)S: Its spring.T: Whats the weather like in spring?春天的天气是什么样的呢?(带读句型,学习weather,问答练习。)S: Its warm. 春天天气温暖。(2) T: It is hot. The s

8、un shines and shines. We can swim in the sea. What season is it?(出示连云港夏天的图片,引导学生理解。) S: Its summer. T: Whats the weather like in summer?夏天的天气是什么样的呢?(带读问句。) S: Its hot. 夏天天气热。(问答句操练)(3) T: Its cool and usually sunny. Sometimes its windy. People like to go to farms in the countryside and pick apples.(

9、学习cool, sunny, windy, countryside。) What season is it? (出示连云港秋天的图片,引导学生理解。)S: Its autumn.T: Whats the weather like in autumn?秋天的天气是什么样的呢?(带读问句。) S: Its cool. 秋天天气凉爽。(问答句操练)(4) T: Its cold. We can make a snowman. (学习cold,make a snowman.) What season is it? (出示连云港冬天的图片,引导学生理解。) S: Its winter. T: Whats

10、 the weather like in winter?冬天的天气是什么样的呢?(带读问句。) S: Its cold. 冬天天气冷。(问答句操练)【设计意图:这个环节通过听教师的描述和观察图片猜测是什么季节,帮助学生理解单词的含义,在真实的交际活动中帮助学生理解新的语言知识。渗透本课新知识,减轻后面学习课文的难度。】6. Say a chantWarm, warm, spring is warm. Hot, hot, summer is hot.Cool, cool, autumn is cool. Cold, cold, winter is cold.Step2 Learn the tex

11、t.(用时:25分钟)1. T: We are talking about the seasons. OK. Look at the two students, they are talking about the seasons, too. What are they talking about? Lets watch the cartoon.(看卡通片,整体感知课文。)2. 请同学们把书翻到38页,读前言,找到What are they talking about?的答案,同时画出不明白的短语或句子。3. 交流,同时学习is going to 和 next week。4. 现在我们知道了S

12、u Yangs dad is going to New York, so shes asking Ben some questions about the weather there. This time, lets listen and try to fill in the blankets.我们来听录音,完成前言。(听录音,完成前言、跟读前言。)Read and fill in the blanks. 读第38页课文前言,完成句子。Su Yangs dad is going to_ _ next week. He is going to _there for one year. Su Ya

13、ng wants to know about the _there. She is _.【设计意图:通过师生的关于季节的谈论,很快进入了新课的学习,直截了当。课文的学习强调整体性,一个问题What are they talking about?不仅梳理了课文的引言部分,还帮助学生整体感知课文大意,了解课文的主要信息。在此过程中,一方面抓住is going to 和 next week等词汇进行有效学习,另一方面训练学生用英语思维与表达的习惯。】5. (1) T: What questions does Su Yang ask? Please watch the cartoon.请看动画,看看苏

14、阳问了哪几个问题?(2) 请学生说一说,然后让学生按照课文中问题出现的顺序给这它们排序。(出示PPT)Read and number.( ) What about autumn there?( ) Does it often rain there in spring?( ) Whats the weather like there in summer?( ) Which season in New York do you like best?(3) 请学生分组细读课文,分别找出这几个问题的答案。(4) 全班交流。并学习句型Which season do you like best? I lik

15、e Why? Because its I can及词汇the best season, rain, most of the time, why, because等。【设计意图:依照“循序渐进、由浅入深”的学习原则,在课文学习的第一层面,让学生通过看动画,说出苏阳提出的几个问题,然后通过自读课文,给这几个问题排序;在课文学习的第二层面让学生小组合作进行课文的阅读、对话,找出这些问题的答案;教师在检查反馈的过程中初步学习句型Which season do you like best? I like Why? Because its I can及the best season, rain, most

16、 of the time, why, because等词汇,活动的认知难度呈梯度上升,重难点突出。】(5) T: Whats the weather like in different seasons in New York? Please watch the cartoon again.请再看动画,看看纽约的天气究竟如何? 完成表格。SEASONWEATHERSpring It often rains.Its warm most of the time.SummerAutumnWinter (6) Talk about the weather in New York.请同学们根据表格内容谈论

17、一下纽约的气候。【设计意图:课文经过第一、二层面的学习,学生对对话内容有了清晰的认识。在课文学习的第三层面让学生先听录音完成表格,训练了学生分析和处理所听信息的能力。】6. T: Good! Now lets watch cartoon,listen and repeat the dialogue,try your best to imitate. (播放课文动画,学生跟读 每句间停顿,指导学生模仿语音语调,并对长句和难句作适当指导。)7 T: Please read and practice in pairs. 请你也来自己读一读课文吧!注意本课的生词和词组。Step3 Consolidat

18、ion. (用时:6分钟)1. (1)T: OK. Su yang knows a lot about the weather in New York. And now she is telling her dad about the weather in New York. Complete the sentences with the correct words.根据课文对话内容,把苏阳要说的话填写完整。Read and complete. In New York, theres a lot of rain in _. The weather in summer is as _ as in

19、 Nanjing. Autumn is the best _ in New York. Its _ and _. In winter its _ than in Nanjing. Dad, you need to buy some _ clothes. (2)T: Now you may check your answers in your group. 现在你可以在小组内核对检查你的答案啦! (3)T: OK. Lets check out the answer. 请你来核对核对你的答案吧!(PPT点出答案)2. 小组交流“我们的家乡连云港市一年四季的天气”。【设计意图:学习语言的最终目的是

20、运用语言,在学习完课文之后,教师设计了一个语言交际活动:谈论“我们的家乡连云港市一年四季的天气”,让学生将所学语言融入生活,提升语言表达能力。】Step4 Summary1. 总结本节课所学词汇、句型、日常用语。2. 尝试复述Part A对话。Step5 Homework1. Read the dialogue three times.2. Use what you learned today to write a short passage about the weather in Lianyungang.教学反思:在本节课的开头,我借助图片及Guessing game游戏,通过与学生间的真实对话交际活动中帮助学生理解新的语言知识,并引入教授新句型。在整体感知课文的基础上,让学生自己寻找Su Yang 的问题,并以Su Yang 的问题为主线,不断地引导学生以看动画、小组自读课文、听课文录音等形式,帮助学生理解对话情景,并通过表格抓住对话的主要内容,总结和概括。在本节课中,教师和学生大部分时间围绕课本提供的语言材料进行听、说、读、写的训练,学生在阅读与表达的能力上得到了很大的发展。本节课的学习分层次展开,这样可以降低学生学习的难度,更好地掌握课文。在学生能较好地掌握课文的基础上,让学生运用所学的内容描述一下我们的家乡连云港市一年四季的天气情况,培养了学生的综合语言运用能力。

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