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1、浅议现代暖通空调设备安装的施工问题与解决方案On modern HVAC equipment installation construction problems and solutions学 院: 建筑工程学院 专业班级: 建筑环境与设备工程1102级 学生姓名: 赵雪 指导教师: 兰信颖 2015年 3 月 27 日浅议现代暖通空调设备安装的施工问题与解决方案摘 要:暖通空调的应用越来越广泛,但其安装施工过程却较为复杂,施工的不确定性大,安装中经常会出现各种质量问题。只有找到问题所在,对症下药,才能减少甚至避免问题的出现。 关键词:暖通空调 施工 问题 解决方案 1 暖通空调安装概述 现在


3、个小范围,所以暖通空调安装工程的质量直接影响到建筑物的使用性能,要严格控制施工过程,保证安装质量。 2 暖通空调工作原理 暖通空调工作原理就是制冷剂在制冷机组的蒸发器中与冷冻水进行热量的交换而汽化,从而使冷冻水的温度降低,然后,被汽化的制冷剂在压缩机作用下,变成高温高压气体,流经制冷机组的冷凝器时被来自冷却塔的冷却水冷却,又从气体变成了低温低压的液体,同时被降温的冷冻水经冷冻水水泵送到空气处理单元的热交换器中,与混风进行冷热交换形成冷风源,通过送风管道送入被调房间。如此循环,在夏季,房间的热量就被冷却水所带走,在流经冷却塔时释放到空气中。在此主要研究控制暖通空调系统的空气处理部分,主要涉及供水


5、广泛的应用。在暖通空调空气处理单元中,首先是新风与部分回风混合,形成混风,混风经过热交换器与冷冻水进行热交换形成送风,在冬天,混风吸收能量温度提高,在夏天。混风温度降低,送风在风机的作用下经过送风管道进入房间,与房间内的空气进行热量的传递,最终调节房间的温度到达所需要的设定点。房间内的气体在排风机的作用下被排出,形成回风。部分的回风排出室外,部分回风与新风混合重复上述过程。混风和冷冻水的热交换是在空气处理单元的热交换器中进行的,热交换器是暖通空调系统空气处理单元中的重要部分,热交换器的工况处于部分负荷下时,并非与设计工况相同,而实际使用过程中,热交换器绝大多数时间是在非设计工况。3 施工中的问

6、题 通风与空调工程是大型建筑物的重要工程,也是安装工程的施工难点之一。结合暖通空调安装的经验,目前暖通空调中存在以下一些问题。 3.1管线标高、定位交叉严重 暖通空调设备安装是一个庞大的工程,其所涉及的管道非常复杂,用途也各不相同,例如一个完整的暖通空调设计中就要涵盖对空调末端设备、送风管、排风管、冷冻水管、电气桥架、冷凝水管、喷淋管、消防管等各种设备、管道的设计。如果对某些功能和尺寸的管道布局、规划不合理,就会出现管线标高、定位交叉严重的现象,给工程施工和管理带来极大的困难。通常,在图纸表意不明的情况下,贸然施工会造成先安装的施工管道容易安装,后安装的施工困难等问题,这样,有些管道就被迫安装

7、在不合理的位置或标高上,严重影响工程质量和进度。 3.2 暖通空调系统设备噪声超标 通常,设备噪音主要来源于空调末端设备碰撞,其也是暖通空调设备安装中的一个重要问题。经过几十年的发展,我国的风机盘管技术相对成熟,大多数风机盘管厂商所生产的产品都能符合噪音标准。但是,实际情况却不容乐观,厂家所提供的参数值明显高于现场测试值和噪音标准值。所以,布局设计是对设备噪音控制的重点,必要时应采取适当的隔音措施。设计中必须标出设备噪音参数要求。空调设备安装之前需做仔细的检查甚至是通电试运行,若发现噪音超过国家标准需立即更换或完善消声措施,以避免问题扩大。 3.3 空调水循环故障 空调若水系统出现故障,就无法

8、完成供暖通风的任务,所以,保证水系统循环通畅是暖通空调设备安装考虑的重点问题,其施工的质量直接影响着整个系统的运行状况。在水系统循环中,冷冻水系统循环管道不通畅是其最常见的问题。造成这一故障主要有两方面原因,管道交叉是一方面原因,水系统管道不清洁又是另一方面原因,而这两方面的问题都可以通过采取相应的措施而改善。例如可以通过合理安排管线坡度和标高、安装排气阀、排污阀以及设法进行管道除锈工作而改善水循环故障,这些方法可以很大程度的减轻这一故障,所以在实际中有很强的操作意义。 3.4 结露滴水问题 空调系统在调试和运行中会出现结露滴水的现象,出现这一问题的原因是多方多面的。例如,管道安装和保温不良、

9、管道与管件、管道与设备之间接触不严密、管道安装违法操作规程等都可能造成这一问题。管道、关键材料的优劣直接影响着安装的质量,所以在管材安装之前进行系统认真的检查是有必要的。水压测试可以帮助检查管道的滴漏等问题,所以对系统进行严格的水压测试也是非常有意义的。在设计管道时,管道的长度和坡度都应适宜,否则会出现滴水现象。管道的安装和布置要适合冷凝水的尽快排出,必要时可以设置水封装置。4 安装问题解决方案 暖通空调设备安装的施工问题通常为以上所提到的四个方面,当然在安装过程中经常还会出现各种复杂问题。下面就常见问题提出几点解决方案: 4.1 严格控制材料质量 材料的采购受多方面的限制,比如工程造价、材料

10、属性、施工难度等各个方面的影响,在选择的过程中需各方面权衡,达到质量和效益的最优。根据我国暖通空调方面材料采购的现状,现在市场上的材料质量参差不齐,以假乱真、以次充好的现象非常普遍,所以在材料设备的选购中应严格筛选,并且不能偷工减料,否则将会造成工程返工而不能如期完工或者质量水平严重下降。 4.2 严格控制施工过程 施工过程中管道支架的位置、标高、坡度都必须符合设计要求。在施工过程中,要保证坡度在准确的范围内,可以调整供暖干管或者填补管道漏洞空隙,此外应减小位置、标高和设计值的偏差。在施工中应尽量考虑各方面影响因素,严格按照章程和规范执行,并采用相关的工艺,遵循一定的原则,避免管道交叉严重、阻

11、塞、结露漏水等问题。做好施工中的控制监督工作,减少错误出现的几率。 4.3 加强各专业间的配合 建筑施工是众多专业之间相互配合完成的,暖通空调设备施工也是如此。工艺对土建就有很强的要求,例如,在土建中需预留通风管道的孔洞;在风道竖井砌砖时应该采用水泥砂抹面;为排水方便应设排水沟或集水坑和排水泵等装置。诸如这些问题需在设计初期就尽量相互沟通,在施工前和施工图纸会审阶段就提出相应的预防措施。 总结 暖通空调设备安装的施工是一项复杂而且细致的工作,本文从其概念出发,简单的阐述了目前施工中的不足之处,并提出了几项行之有效的措施,为工程施工工作的顺利进行提供了有效的依据。 参考文献1戴磊磊.浅谈中央空调

12、系统安装工程中噪声的控制措施J.中国科技信息,2005. 2罗高山,高子惠.空调系统结露滴水原因分析及解决办法J.安装,2002. 3孟华强.中央空调安装施工中存在的问题及处理J.广东科技,2007(6) 4刘西平.谈建筑物的管线综合设计J.山西建筑,2005(3)程,2009(5). 5杨荣宗.暖通空调安装施工过程中的问题分析J.建筑与装饰,2009(9).On modern HVAC equipment installation construction problems and solutionsAbstract: HVAC is widely applied, but the inst

13、allation and construction process is more complex, the construction of the large uncertainty, the installation of various quality problems often occur. Only to find the problem and prescribe a solution to reduce or even avoid the problem appear.Keywords: HVAC Construction Solutions To Problems1 HVAC

14、 Installation Overview Now, the HVAC people are using the most commonly used air-conditioning, HVAC its unique advantage and monopolize the market. It will be heating, ventilation and air conditioning combination of three functions, and to be able to create a more comfortable than the average air-co

15、nditioned indoor environment is known. With the development of technology, home air conditioner does not end after several generations of development to meet the growing needs of the people, whether split or window air conditioner home air conditioner can only be resolved heating and cooling problem

16、s of the air-handling process helpless, and HVAC, but to a comfortable, healthy characteristics gradually widespread pro-gaze. HVAC construction is the construction of a major breakdown, its installation and construction is an extremely complex project, the construction issues directly affecting the

17、 entire project quality and progress. HVAC design known as the main heating system design, including refrigeration, air system design, ventilation system design, its scope not only This is a small range of heating, so the quality of HVAC installation work directly affects the buildings performance,

18、we must strictly control the construction process to ensure the quality of the installation. 3 Construction Of The ProblemVentilation and air conditioning project is an important large-scale building projects is the construction of installation of one of the difficulties. Experience with HVAC instal

19、lation, HVAC currently exist the following problems. 3.1 Pipeline Elevation, Location Cross-SeriousHVAC equipment installation is a huge project, as they relate to pipelines is very complex, use is also different, such as a complete HVAC design should cover the end of the air-conditioning equipment,

20、 air supply pipe, exhaust pipe, frozen water pipes, electrical bridge, condensate pipe, sprinkler pipe, fire control and other equipment, piping design, if certain features and size of piping layout, poor planning, there will be pipeline elevation, cross-orientation serious phenomenon, construction

21、and management to create great difficulties, usually in the ideographic drawings of unknown circumstances, the rush of construction will result in the construction of pipelines to install easy to install, after installation of the construction difficulties and other issues, so that some channels for

22、ced to install in an unreasonable position or elevation, and seriously affect the project quality and progress. 3.2 HVAC System Equipment Exceeded NoiseTypically, air-conditioning equipment, terminal equipment, the noise comes mainly from the collision, which is installed in the HVAC equipment is an

23、 important issue. After decades of development, Chinas fan coil technology is relatively mature, and most of the fan coil products manufacturers could meet the noise standards, but the actual situation is not optimistic, the parameter values provided by manufacturers were significantly higher than o

24、n-site test values and noise values, so the layout design is the focus of noise control equipment, as necessary, take appropriate sound insulation measures designed equipment must be marked on the noise parameters. air conditioning equipment installation to be done carefully checked before and even

25、power test run, if the noise is found to exceed the national standards need to be replaced immediately or the perfect muffler measures to avoid problems to expand. 3.3 Water Cycle Air-Conditioning FailureAir Flow system failure, you can not complete the task of heating, ventilation, so the circulati

26、ng water system to ensure smooth installation of HVAC equipment is to consider key issues, which directly affects the quality of the construction of the operational status of the entire system in the water circulation system , the chilled water loop piping system is not clear is the most common prob

27、lem, resulting in the failure there are two main reasons, the pipeline crossing is one reason, dirty water system piping is the other reason, while these two areas problems can take the appropriate measures to improve such reasonable arrangements for the pipeline through the slope and elevation, ins

28、tallation of exhaust valve, drain valve and try to make pipes rust work to improve water circulation failure, these methods can reduce the large degree of failure, so in practice has a strong operational meaning. 3.4 Condensation Dripping ProblemAir-conditioning system commissioning and operation wi

29、ll be condensation drippingphenomenon occurs because the problem is multi-multi-faceted. For example, pipeline installation and poor insulation, pipe and pipe fittings, pipes and equipment between the contacts do not close, pipe installation procedures so may result in the illegal problem. Pipes, ke

30、y materials will directly affect the quality of installation, so before installing the pipe system is necessary to carefully check the water pressure test can help detect problems such as leaking pipes, so rigorously on the system pressure test is very meaningful in the design pipeline, pipeline len

31、gth and slope should be suitable, there would be dripping phenomenon. piping installation and layout should be suitable for discharge of condensed water as soon as possible, when necessary, set the seal device. 4 Installation Solutions To ProblemsHVAC equipment installation works for the above menti

32、oned problems are usually four, of course, during the installation process there will be a variety of often complex problems. Heres a few solutions for common issues: 4.1 Strict Quality Control MaterialsProcurement of materials by various constraints, such as project cost, material properties, the d

33、ifficulty of construction and other aspects of the impact of the selection process need to weigh all aspects, to achieve optimal quality and efficiency, according to material procurement in Chinas HVAC the status quo, the material on the market of varying quality, real ones, shoddy is widespread, so

34、 the purchase of materials and equipment should be carefully screened, and can not cut corners, otherwise it will result in project rework and can not be completed on schedule or a serious decline in the level of quality. 4.2 Strictly Control The Construction ProcessPipeline construction process, th

35、e stent position, elevation, slope must meet the design requirements in the construction process, to ensure the accuracy of the slope range, you can adjust the heating to fill the pipe trunk or vulnerability gap, should also be reduced position, elevation and design values of the deviation in the co

36、nstruction should take into account various factors, in strict accordance with regulations and standards implementation, and use the relevant technology, to follow certain principles, to avoid a serious pipeline crossing, blocking, condensation leaks and other problems. do supervision of constructio

37、n work in the control, reduce errors likely to occur. 4.3 To Strengthen The Cooperation Between The Various ProfessionalConstruction is one of many professionals with the completion of each other, HVAC equipment construction as well. Process there is a strong demand for construction, for example, be

38、 set aside in the construction of the ventilation pipe holes in the duct when the brick shaft cement sand plaster should be used, should be set to facilitate drainage and drain drains or sump pumps and other devices. as early in the design of these issues need to communicate with each other as much

39、as possible in the pre-construction and construction drawings Mixed stages of the corresponding preventive measures. Summary HVAC equipment installation construction is a complex and painstaking work, the paper from its concept, simple exposition of the current inadequacies of construction, and made

40、 a number of effective measures for construction work smoothly to provide an effective basis. References:1 Dai Leilei. On installation of central air conditioning system of noise control measures J. China Science and Technology Information, 2005. 2 Luo mountains, high child benefit. Condensation dri

41、pping air-conditioning systems cause analysis and solutions J. Installation, 2002. 3 Meng Huaqiang the central air conditioning installation and construction problems and treatment J. Guangdong Science and Technology, 2007 (6 4 Liu Xiping. Talk about building pipelines integrated design J. Shanxi Architecture, 2005 (3-way, 2009 (5. 5 Rong-Tszong Yang. HVAC installation and construction process of problem analysis J. Building & Decoration, 2009 (9

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