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1、XX考研英语冲刺完型填空模拟试题(七) 以下由出guo考研英语模拟题栏目为您提供,以供广大考友考前冲刺复习。 Cheques have largely replaced money as a mean s of exchange, for they are widely aepted everywhere . Though this is very 1 for both buyer and seller, it should not be forgotten that cheuqes are not real money: they are quite 2 in themselves. A s

2、hop-keeper always runs a certain 3 when he aepts a cheque and he is quite 4 his rights if, 5 ,he refuses to do so. People do not always know this and are shocked if their good faith is called 6 . An old and very wealth friend of mine told me he had an extremely unpleasant 7 . He went to a famous jew

3、ellery shop which keeps a large 8 of precious stones and asked to be shown some pearl necklaces. After examining several trays, he 9 to buy a particularly fine string of pearls and asked if he could pay 10 cheque. The assistant said that this was quite 11 , but the moment my friend signed his name,

4、he was invited into the managers office. The manager was very polite, but he explained that someone with 12 the same name had presented them with a 13 cheque not long age. He told my friend that the police would arrive 14 any moment and he had better stay 15 he wanted to get into serious trouble. 16

5、 , the police arrived soon afterwards They apologized to my friend for the 17 and asked him to 18 a note which had been used by the thief in a number of shop .The note 19 :“I have a gun in my pocket. Ask no questions and give me all the money in the safe.” 20 , my friends handwriting was quite unlik

6、e the thiefs. 1. A. plicated B. trivialC. bearableD. convenient 2. A. valuelessB. invaluableC. valuableD. indefinite 3. A. dangerB. changeC. riskD. opportunity 4. A. withinB. beyondC. withoutD. out of 5. A. in generalB. at the leastC. on oasionD. in short 6. A. in difficultyB. in doubtC. in earnestD

7、. in question 7. A. aidentB. experienceC. eventD. incident 8. A. amountB. stockC. numberD. store 9. A. consideredB. thoughtC. conceived D. decided 10. A. byB. inC. withD. through 11. A. in orderB. in needC. in use D. in mon 12. A. largelyB. mostlyC. exactlyD. extremely 13. A. worthB. worthyC. worthw

8、hileD. worthless 14. A. forB. atC. untilD. during 15. A. whetherB. ifC. otherwiseD. unless 16. A. ReallyB. Sure enough C. CertainlyD. However 17. A. treatmentB. mannerC. inconvenienceD. behavior 18. A. write offB. write outC. copy outD. make out 19. A. readB. toldC. wroteD. informed 20. A. Especiall

9、yB. FortunatelyC. NaturallyD. Basically Text 7答案 1. 【答案】D. convenient 【解析】本题测试逻辑型词义搭配.从逻辑意思上看,此处是讲“支票对买者和卖者均很方便”。故正确答案为 D. convenient. plicated 复杂的;trivial 琐碎的,无足轻重的;bearable可忍受的。 2. 【答案】A. valueless 【解析】本题测试词义搭配.valueless 无价值的。从上下文来看,支票不是真正的钱,因为支票本身是无价值的。invaluable 无法估价的,非常宝贵的。 3. 【答案】C. risk 【解析】本

10、题测试词惯用搭配. run a risk 是习语,意为“冒风险”,例如:You are running a risk in trusting him. (你相信他是一种冒险的行为。) 4. 【答案】A. within 【解析】本题测试惯用搭配.within ones right 有权,在某人的权限内:You would be quite within your right to refuse to work on Sunday. 5. 【答案】C. on oasion 【解析】本题测试词义型逻辑搭配.in general 一般来说;at the least 至少;on oasion 偶尔;in

11、 short 总之。从上下文意思来看,应选C. on oasion 本句译文:当店主接受支票时,他总是要冒一点的风险的。因此,如果他偶尔拒绝受支票,它也是完全有权这样做的。 6. 【答案】D. in question 【解析】本题测试惯用搭配. call sth. in question (=raise doubts about sth.) 对表示怀疑: His honesty was called in question. (他的诚实受到怀疑。) 不能选 in doubt,因为没有call sth. in doubt 这个习语。in earnest 认真的。 7. 【答案】B. experi

12、ence 【解析】本题测试词义搭配. have an extremely unpleasant experience 意为“ 有一次非常不愉快的经历”。aident 事故;event 重大事件;incident 事件,事变,附带的事: border incident (边界事件)。相比之下,experience 是最佳选择。 8. 【答案】B. stock 【解析】本题测试词义搭配. keep a large stock of 备有大量.的现货供应,故stock指商店供销售的现货。例如:1) This store has a large stock of shirts. (这商店有大量衬衫出售

13、。) 2) The green grocery keeps a large stock of vegetables and fruits. (这家蔬菜水果店有大量的蔬菜水果供应。) a large store of sth. 指“ 大量储藏某物”,根据题意,此次是指商店。商店不是仓库,商店的现货是供出售的,故此处选store 不合题意。a number of 接可数名词复数,只指有若干某物,无供出售的含义。可见,如填number 虽不算错,但不是最佳答案。至于an amount of 后接单数形式的不可数名词,所以无论在逻辑意思上或语法结构上均不和题意。 本句译文:他去一家备有大量宝石的商店,

14、要了一些珍珠项链来挑选。 9. 【答案】 D. decided 【解析】本题测试机构型词义搭配.decide 后可接不定式,但consider后接动名词:consider changing ones plan. consider 后接不定式,则必须有连接代词或连接副词:consider how to change the plan, consider what to do next.至于think, 不能说think to do sth.。conceive 后不接不定式。可见consider, think 和conceive在语法结构上均不符合题意。 10. 【答案】A. by 【解析】本题测

15、试惯用搭配.pay by cheque 用支票支付;pay in cash或pay cash付现金。 11. 【答案】A. in order 【解析】本题测试惯用搭配. be in order 在此句中的意思是合适,适当,符合规定,如:Is your passport in order? (你的护照符合规定吗?)in need 在逆境中:A friend in need is a friend indeed. (患难之交才是真正的朋友) in use 在使用:This word is still in use. 其翻译结构是out of use(现在)不使用:This railway stat

16、ion used to be in use. It is now out of use. in mon 共同的:We have much in mon. 12. 【答案】C. exactly 【解析】本题测试词义搭配. exactly(=correctly, quite)正确的,完全地 :Your answer is exactly right. (你的答案完全正确。) extremely 极度地,极端地;在本句中有言过其实的含义;largely 主要的;mostly 主要地,基本上,均不符合题意。 13. 【答案】D. worthless 【解析】本题测试词义型逻辑搭配.worthless

17、毫无价值的。根据语篇意思其他三个选择均不切题。 14. 【答案】B. at 【解析】本题测试结构搭配. at any moment 即刻,随时。 15. 【答案】D. unless 【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配.unless 除非,如果不。unless用来连接反意条件句:I shall go there unless it rains. 本句译文:当他起身要走的时候经理告诉他,警察随时会来。如果他不像招惹麻烦的话,最好在这儿呆一会儿。 16. 【答案】B. Sure enough 【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配.sure enough 果然,果然不出所料:1) I said it would happe

18、n, and sure enough it did happen. (我说这件事会发生的,果然就发生了。) 2) I told him to e, and sure enough he arrived the next morning. ( 我叫他来,果然第二天早晨他来了。) really 真正地,实在;certainly 当然,肯定,确实 。虽然从意义上看,这两个词填入空内似乎也说得过去,但really放在句首,做插入语并用逗号隔开时,意为“确实,实际上”,如:Really, that was a terrible mistake. (确实,那是一个严重的错误。) certainly 放在句

19、首,并用逗号分开,做插入语时,一般用于问答句中,意为“当然”,如:“Can I use the telephone?” “Certainly, you can.” however 然而,用来表示语气的转折,故不合题意。 在选择承上启下的过度词时,考生必须纵观上下文,切勿断章取义。要注意所选的词或短语在具体的上下文中所填补的确切含义。特别要留心近义词与易混淆词,并注意句与句之间的逻辑关系。 17. 【答案】C. inconvenience 【解析】本题测试词义搭配. convenience不便,麻烦 ;treatment 对待,处理;manner(做事情的)方法,方式;behavior 举止,品

20、行,行为。根据题意只能选inconvenience. 本句译文:由于给我的朋友带来麻烦,她们向他表示歉意,并请他抄写那个诈骗犯在几家商店里曾用过的条子。 18. 【答案】C. copy out 【解析】本题测试惯用型词义搭配.copy out 抄写;write off报废;购销(债务);write out 开出(药方,支票等);make out 弄懂;辨认,开出(支票,药方) 19. 【答案】A. read 【解析】本题测试惯用搭配.read 此处意为“上面写道”:The ticket reads “From New York to Boston”. (票上写着“从纽约到波士顿”。) 可见,其它选项均为错误的。 注意:可用say来表达同样的意思:1) Her passport says she is nieen. (她的护照上写道她19岁。) 2) The papers say the export is down. (据报载,出口额下降了。) 20. 【答案】B. Fortunately 【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配. 本句译文:很幸运,我朋友的笔迹与诈骗犯的笔迹完全不同。根据上下文的意思,只有填入Fortunately 才合题意。 内容仅供参考

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